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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kc13

  1. Our surgeons at Kaiser told us NEVER to drink alcohol again because of the risk for ulcers as well as the HIGH risk of changing your addiction from food to alcohol. Of course people still will from time to time. Something I've learned through this process is that not many things affect me the way that it does to the majority of people who have been sleeved. The only thing that I am similar to the majority on is alcohol after sleeve hurts. I've drank(not a lot) on two occasions since being sleeved 12/19. First vodka drink with club soda was okay but gave me mild heart burn. The second drink was vodka based but no carbonated drink and my esophagus and stomach BURNED after the tiniest sip. You may be different from my experience so I guess you'll have to try, just be cautious.

  2. Gallbladder is on the right side. This is on the left. Way over on the left, almost on my side.

    That doesn't matter, pain can radiate to anywhere in your body. I used to have sometimes sharp, but mainly dull crampy left side pain and it turned out I had a lazy gallbladder and had it removed (this was before surgery) so I if you have pain after eating AND the statistics stacked against bariatric patients are high for gallstones. So it more than likely is something within your biliary system.

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  3. Well of course I didn't get to the 100s this morning... thems the breaks. Should be there tomorrow though ugh! Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Today I am also 6 months free of nicotine as well as 6 months since I started this lifestyle change so I'm definitely going to do one of these awesome things suggested

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  4. I had my gallbladder taken out almost 2 years before I had my VSG on 12/19/16. Waking up from both of those were a nightmare. The gas with my gb was horrendous and I was sent straight home like 2 hours after surgery. For my VSG it was a require 1 night stay but I stayed 2 nights and almost a third for terrible nausea and pain. It was interesting because I didn't need any pain medicine besides twice when I got home from my VSG. I needed it one time when I was a week out and one time when I was 3 weeks out, but I needed loads of it after my GB removal. Anyways I hope you are feeling better!!!!

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  5. Oh my god I'm not a freak! Lol I was sleeved 12/19/16. I had this EVERY day and multiple times a day when I was on the liquid and puree food stage. I haven't had it in about a week. Nothing I did made it better besides trying not to get up and my doctor was okay with me not walking much because of it he told me to be cautious. Once I got into normal food like chicken and steak it got better also drinking tons more amounts of Water. I never tested my blood pressure during it but that could be it too

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  6. I know around the 3 month mark we start losing hair after surgery, but has anyone noticed they have gotten hairier on their body or their hair on their head has grown much longer?? The baby hairs around my face that were only a few centimeters when I had surgery 12/19/16 are now longer than my eyebrows- it looks like I have bangs LOL! I just woke up shocked!!!! Also the peach fuzz on my stomach has started to grow and I'm a little self conscious about it.


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  7. I'm with Kaiser in Richmond, California. We don't measure by micronutrients or how many grams of Protein we get in a day. When back to normal they expect 3oz of protein plus vegetable or fruit. Coming together to be 1 Cup per meal with 75% being protein . So far the only protein I get now is from my yogurt and the other meals provide a little but not much. I tried pureeing chicken with broth and it is freaking gross lol I'm gonna have to stick with yogurt, cream of chicken, and a ricotta bake I made. Otherwise everything else has become disgusting to me :(

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  8. My surgeon tells everyone to walk 5-10 minutes a few times a day but today I'm itching to go on a really long walk, about two miles. I was sleeved 12/19 and I wanted to see if others think this is safe? My mom and grandma keep pushing me to go but I told them I don't think I'm supposed to yet... anyone have any info on this?

    ALSO I'm in the puree food stage and I get out of it on 1/6 when I see my surgeon. I do not feel full whatsoever after I eat my 1/4 cup of puree food 3x/day. Will this change when I'm onto soft foods? I really hope so!

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