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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Scoble

  1. Well here I am on the other side of surgery. It has been 31 days. I came home the 23rd and weighed 370. Today I am 348 after 31 days post op. I feel fantastic!!

    I went to my primary yesterday. I have lost 84 pounds since I started this process this year. He is saying that when I come back in a month he is going to see if we can't take diabetes off my medical history. He is also thinking about cutting out my gout medication and reducing my blood pressure meds. This is awesome news.

    I already am running out of clothes to wear. For the first time in my life, I ordered a pair of jeans from Woman Within. I even used my current measurements to pick what size I should get. Well, when they came, I put them on, buttoned them and zipped them only to find I could pull them off without doing anything. Needless to say, I returned them. Then on a whim I went to Walmart and bought the largest pair of Just My Size sweats and they fit me! I have NEVER been able to shop at Walmart for clothes...never!

    Folks, let me tell you, I would highly recommend this procedure if you are thinking about it. It is amazing and I feel amazing, I definitely would do it again.

    Also, look at my before and after pictures I posted in my profile. You can see my progress so far.

  2. My name is Sue. I am 56 years old. Been married to the same wonderful guy for 27 years now. He married me when I was 365 pounds and he was a bean pole. Talk about love! He has seen me go up to 432 pounds since we have been married. But, he has been my champion through all of this.

    My journey is "long" because I have been on it since I had my tonsils out at 5 and for some unknown reason I just ballooned up. I was underweight before that. I can even remember my parents having to practically force me to eat. Then as I grew up I just got bigger. I remember my first diet at 8 years old. My grandpa told me that he would give me a dime for every pound I lost. So with dollar signs in my eyes, I went on my first diet. I do not remember what mom had me doing, but I do know I lost close to 40 pounds before my grandpa suddenly passed away at the age of 59. As you guessed, the weight started creeping back. After I graduated high school I got close I was probably over 400 pounds. I never knew for sure because I did not have a scale to weigh myself. Then I went on a diet and got down to 270. But, life happened and I get back up again. So, yeah, it has been a yo-yo thing for most of my life. So, it have been a long journey.

    Then on May of 2015 I was sent almost 125 miles away by ambulance to a hospital with a doctor that would accept my case because of my size. I have a small bowl obstruction and a hernia. My surgeon there was a WONDERFUL man. He was the first one to prod me toward weight loss surgery. (I had diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, arthritis and pulmonary hypertension). He said I would benefit greatly if I would get it done. And, said if I did get it, he would be happy to remove the loose skin when that time came.

    Well, I was not real keen on having surgery again. But, I did dwell on it when I got home. In December, reflecting over my life and having to get around in a wheel chair because I just could not walk any more for the pain and being out of breath (COPD), I decided I was going to take the step. I called the bariatric clinic at Aspirus in Wausua, Wisconsin. I had my first appointments in February. I have done all the mandatory protocols. My last appointments were in July. They submitted all my paperwork to insurance on the 22nd and I was approved on the 25th. Amazing!! Now, I am 21 days away from my surgery. Excited, nervous and hopeful all in one.

    I hope to be sharing more and more as this journey progresses........

  3. I am new here. Just registered today. I am going to have sleeve done on the 21st of September. I am not really nervous about the actual surgery as much as I am about pain afterwards. I would like to think I have a high threshold as far as pain is concerned. I mean I went through three surgeries last year (at 55 years old they were the first major surgeries I had ever had since my tonsils at 5) that left me with a 13 in horizontal incision that had to heal with a wound vac. So, I tend to think I have a high threshold. However, I have been reading post where half the people talk about the pain being horrible and the other half are like , "not bad I was back working in a week". I guess I am just getting nervous. Do not want to have pain like I did last year. I got through it, but, was not fun at all. Thanks for any input.

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