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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by laGata15

  1. I have pcos and had a full coarse beard..I mean it was terrible. I use to wax until I got a boyfriend and he would show up sometimes unannounced so I would have to shave real quick. Shaving lead to a horrible 5 o'clock shadow Make up did not even help. Just made me super depressed. I shaved in the AM before work and at 12pm I was in the bathroom shaving again it grew back at a fast rate I just wanted to tear my face off lol.

    After some online digging I came across Ideal image " changing lives foundation" I submitted my story and won 1year free laser treatment! Man it changed my life. I still have hair growth because of the hormonal issues with Pcos but it grows back so light and thin you can't even tell, and you have like a month with no hair on your face ,just a smooth baby face lol. It's not prickly anymore either. I have my last free appointment in 2weeks. After that I have to pay.

    I will pay w.e laser treatments saved my face. They only ask for like a testimony from you. But no one has ever reached out to me this whole year. I say check them out. They don't advertise this program much since its free but it really did change my life.

  2. So you're willing to forego your health for vanity?

    Nobody ever died from loose skin. They do from obesity related issues. I'd rather have some loose skin than all that flab that was putting constant pressure on my organs and joints. Besides, that's what plastics or Spanx is for.

    It's not vanity, I'm not vain at all. It took me a lot to learn how to love myself. It's more like fear. Fear of change. Like I'm scared that I learned to love myself being plus size and I'm so use to it now that idk how I would react to skinny but with loose skin? ... Idk if I'm making any sense to you lol but I know I will do this for a more healthy life. These are just some thoughts that I have been having. Sorry if I sounded vain or anything that was really not my intention here. Just wondering how some post ops have dealt with it so far.
    I get it. It's really more about the fear of the unknown. But I promise if you go into this with the correct mindset, you won't regret it. Skin and all. You'll be too busy feeling healthy and fantastic and living your new life to worry about a little loose skin.

    I'm kind of old, and I have managed to to lessen the skin a bit by resinstance and strength training. My arms are decent, legs are okay (a bit of inner thigh stuff) but my tummy is a mess. Although I've had a consultation for a panniculectomy and a tuck, I've decided against it at this time. I'm happy, healthy, and just don't want to put myself through another surgery and somewhat lengthy recovery. This skin just isn't that important to me anymore. I may change my mind down the road, but who knows. I'm happy just living life again.

    You look great! Congrats on the success. Yeah I guess I need to get over the fear and just focus on the positive outcomes. Thanks for the responses everyone. I will continue on this journey to good health ☺

    Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App

  3. Everyone is different and being over 45 the sagging skin and hair loss was a huge concern for me as well.With that being said, I was sleeved on 2/29/16, started at 274.6 and I am currently 175.3. Would like to lose another 15-20 more.My skin is actually a lot better then what I thought it would be, I was a DDD cup and I am now a D cup and my underarms, belly and inner thighs are a lil loose but no where near as bad as I imagined. Hair loss was another issue, I started losing hair around 3 months and it scared the crap out of me, it finally subsided around 6 months but I would take the hair loss any day over the excess weight!!!Good luck to youhttp://pic-collage.com/_brDuKISYHere's a link to pics of my skin... Hopefully this helps youSent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    You look AMAZING!! Congrats to you thanks for sharing those pictures. I think I'm at that point where I'm just overthinking everything lol. But that helped. Thanks.

  4. So you're willing to forego your health for vanity?

    Nobody ever died from loose skin. They do from obesity related issues. I'd rather have some loose skin than all that flab that was putting constant pressure on my organs and joints. Besides, that's what plastics or Spanx is for.

    It's not vanity, I'm not vain at all. It took me a lot to learn how to love myself. It's more like fear. Fear of change. Like I'm scared that I learned to love myself being plus size and I'm so use to it now that idk how I would react to skinny but with loose skin? ... Idk if I'm making any sense to you lol but I know I will do this for a more healthy life. These are just some thoughts that I have been having. Sorry if I sounded vain or anything that was really not my intention here. Just wondering how some post ops have dealt with it so far.

  5. @@OutsideMatchInside, yes!! Lmao I'm like I know I can wear all the cute clothes but the loose skin has had me a bit worry. And although I find myself re thinking this because I'm getting closer to actually having it done and I'm getting cold feet but in the back of my mind I just keep reminding myself about the great improvement in health this will give. It's the only thing keeping me going..

    My whole family is against this. My aunt had the bypass and said she will NEVER get the surgery again if she had the option to re do it. But also told me its my life and I do what I want, just because she had a terrible experience does not mean mines will be the same. Just the no support sucks.

  6. Well I had my doctor consultation in June and I am still doing medical clearances for the sleeve. I am a pretty confident plus size woman, I am doing this surgery for Health reasons. I have PCOS, diabetes type 2, and thyroid issues. I love how beautiful I am now but I am scared once I get the surgery and my tits start to be empty and sag and the extra skin in the stomach,saggy thighs and arms ???? Let's not forget the hair loss.

    I'm questioning the on set of depression and low self confidence this will bring. Like is it worth it? I have watch dozen of videos and mostly everyone's response is "you will learn to live with it, I got my life back a little loose skin does not matter". But is that really the case? I'm sure it gets hard at some point. How do you cope? Really just makes me want to say never mind but I'm like almost done my clearances. Frustrated is not the word ????

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