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Posts posted by dancielady

  1. I'm having surgery on Monday and nervous about the same things. I have 4 kids, the youngest being 2 & 4. I've been very aware of how many times I pick up my 2yr old because he is running a direction he shouldn't, getting into something he shouldn't etc. My husband took a week off work and my mom lives with us so she will help where she can but she is going in for hip replacement surgery later this month and can't do much herself either. Hoping for a speedy recovery!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Aside from valid medical conditions, I'm pretty sure every person who is obese has an eating disorder. Or they wouldn't be obese right?! Also isn't the reason we are doing this to have some long term success?? I mean, if there is no restriction a year or so out I might as well just go on another fad diet to loose the weight like I have so many times before. I understand you are able to consume more, but the idea is it should never be like before. I choose the surgery for the long term success rates personally. And yes, I'm seeing a bariatric counselor to help with the eating disorder portion which I think is definitely in order for OP too. Personally I would never risk the complications if I was already at a healthy weight, but I do understand your battle. Best of luck to you!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I decided I'm using the hernia lie. I've only even told a handful of people that I was having surgery (because I had to coordinate no lifting for 6 weeks for a volunteer position). I feel like if I say I'm having surgery then all this weight loss they will easily put it together. Only one person asked what my surgery was for and I felt so awkward lying, but I did it! I'm a SAHM in a smaller town and I just don't really want to be a gossip subject with all the other SAHM's.

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  4. I've gained, but not more than I was at my original weigh in. I was told that's the weight that matters, and you can't go over that. And then once you're on your pre op diet it's important to be strict and loose the amount they require. I'm just counting on being super strict pre op and loosing what I need. Its not an option at that point!!

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  5. My pre-op is tomorrow!!! I'm so excited. Can't believe I made it this far. I've done a ton of research and lurked on this forum for months, so I feel prepared. But of course I have a list of questions to ask tomorrow. Want to know if I'm forgetting anything?! I'll list mine if you list yours!

    -What Bougie size will you use?

    -What do you do to protect from leaks?

    -Do you have any concerns about my birth control?

    -If your wife was my weight, would you be confident enough in this procedure and your ability to preform on her? (They have 3 very young children, as do I have young ones. Of course his wife is darling though!)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I'm stockpiling broth and puréed Soups too. I've got some stock simmering in the crockpot now! I made chicken and veggie Soup already. Next I'm doing split pea. I just like the idea of my new stomach not touching anything artificial. We'll see how long I can hold out on that one ;) I'm worried they are going to force SF Jello down me in the hospital!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Love everyone's thoughts! I really hate to lie too, and feel like I should be brave and stand up for this option against this horrible beast that is obesity. But I'm just not there quite yet. Right now, I feel like people look at me and just see my weight. I can't get past the thought that if I loose weight with this method people will just look at me and see the surgery. I really shouldn't give a crap what others think. Obviously this is my life and I'm doing this to give me and my family a better quality of life. But that judgement is still in the back of my head. I admire you all!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. I told my first surgery lie today. I'm having surgery Oct 10th and starting to prepare things/people for after. So far nobody has asked what the surgery is for, but today someone did! I'm not telling people who are not all that close to me or I think wouldn't be supportive. So I told her I was having a hernia repaired. Unlike a lot of people here, I'm actually not, so it was just a flat out lie. I hate lying!! I felt so awkward. She apologized right away and said "oh I'm sorry, that's personal" probably because I looked so awkward answering her, lol. Anyone else lying? Hope I get more secure with answering. I'm dreading the moment someone says oh I had that done too and want to talk more technical details with me. I better brush up on hernia logistics just in case, lol!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I have the same feelings every other day. I go from being very confident and excited about the decision to panicking and thinking "maybe if I tried just one more time to loose weight on my own" or "I'm not THAT heavy." I stay home with my 4 young kids so I'm not sure what I would do if I had complications which just amplifies my concern. However, the thing I keep coming back to is my feelings around the 2 scenarios. What do I feel like when I think of canceling the surgery and going this on my own again? I feel completely hopeless and defeated. When I think about my surgery and what life will be like after? Excited for my future, can't wait to see what is in store, like I have a chance at succeeding!! That right there has pulled me out of my tailspin into negativity and worry and helped me continue to come back to the decision that WLS is the best tool for me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I have 4 young kids and a handsome husband as well ;) My husband has of course been saying he will support me whatever I need, but I've felt he is not fully grasping what that will mean, lol! He agreed to come to a support group meeting with me next week which I think will go a long way. Maybe you're hubby will be up for attending one or two with you? When is your surgery? I'm scheduled for Oct 10th! Also just nervous about coming home to 4 crazy kids and a ver busy house! My husband can keep them alive, but the house not so much.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    LMAO at "keeping them alive".

    My wife came with me to a support group meeting and I went back for two more by myself. I vowed to never....ever go back. Each of them were two hour spans of my life that I can never get back. Each of the meetings were dominated by 1-2 people who were complaining and griping the whole time. Every single time a person spoke up with a positive experience the outspoken jerks would rain down on them. I'll never sit through that crap again. I actually stood up halfway through that last meeting and told the loudmouth what I though of their bullcrap whining and bid them a good life and got the heck outa there.

    I trust that other places have better programs.....but the one's I attended were horrid. Some patients just want to stay mired down in their sorrows and drag other's down with them.

    Oh no!! I haven't been to ours yet, but I hope it's not like that! I could definitely see how they could go that direction though. My surgeon has a Facebook group for all his patients and within that everyone has been awesome so far!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. I have 4 young kids and a handsome husband as well ;) My husband has of course been saying he will support me whatever I need, but I've felt he is not fully grasping what that will mean, lol! He agreed to come to a support group meeting with me next week which I think will go a long way. Maybe you're hubby will be up for attending one or two with you? When is your surgery? I'm scheduled for Oct 10th! Also just nervous about coming home to 4 crazy kids and a ver busy house! My husband can keep them alive, but the house not so much.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. My surgeons office has been amazing with providing information and walking me through this process. They are a nationally accredited center of excellence and I think they are wonderful. I've scoured the Internet and forums for real life experience. Based on all the research I've done I think I have mentally prepared for and could handle a certain amount of food disagreement, some possible throwing up/dry heaves/diarrhea forever. Never being able to eat quickly, without thinking, or while drinking liquids. I'm prepared for my hair to fall out, stalls here and there, emotional ups and down, not being able to turn to food for comfort, not eating the same as everyone else in social situations. No carbonation, drinking with straws, or coffee and alcohol for a while at least. I think I might even be able to handle a leak.

    What I don't think I could handle is more extreme complications that I have read about on the boards. Not being able to hold anything but liquids for years, having the wear adult diapers because of the uncontrollable diarrhea, not being able to tolerate any foods, having my esophagus destroyed from reflux and needing to convert to bypass, frequent hospitalization from complications, being too weak to take care of my 4 children.

    I am 34yrs old 235lbs and 5'6", so definitely obese, but I'm healthy otherwise and don't have a problem being fairly active with my children right now.

    Did you go into this process thinking whatever the outcome it would be worth it? Because there are very real outcomes that could destroy my life and the life of my family that I'm petrified of happening. I've read quite a few horror stories on hear and gone back to the persons original posting and they start like the rest of us. So excited for this process, they have done all the research, can't wait for their lives to change....and then one horrible complication after another and they wish they could go back in time.

    I know these complications are rare, but they happen to someone....someone's mother, father, sister, brother, etc. And I've been working myself into a tail spin lately. My husband told me to stop "Web MDing that sh$t and trust I've done the research and have a great Dr and those things are rare." He also said if there was a surgery for quitting smoking or drinking or any other addiction people would be doing that left and right, which I thought was a great point too. I just can't imagine doing anything that would hurt my family since I so desperately want this to be even better for them.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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