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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sarajeano

  1. Thanks everyone for your responses. They were very helpful. Now thinking about the standing for long periods of time..I know that happened to me once while waiting for a concert to start (it sounds like I go all of the time lol), and actually walked out early because I started to feel nauseous and hot. I didn't have alcohol then since I was 2 months post-op, but I think of how I was then - combined with alcohol and a bit of salad for dinner..it must've been too much, causing me to pass out.

    I think the best thing for me to do is stay away from alcohol for a bit anyway, but I'll be more cautious when I know I'm going to be in similar situations. Thanks again for everyone's input. And I believe someone asked which concert.. it was Marian Hill :)

  2. Hey All,

    So as the subject title says, I fainted at a concert last night. I've never fainted in my life, so I'm pretty shaken up. I'm 8 months post-op, and I know I shouldn't really be drinking yet, but I did have about a quarter of a drink over the period of an hour (during the opening band). I had dinner before (salad with chicken) and had been drinking plenty of Water all day. As the first band ended, I started to feel a little dizzy, so I told my friend I needed to lean up against the railing. As I started to walk over there, the dizziness increased tremendously, and very quickly. I just remember holding on to the railing, and telling my friend "this is not good", and then all of a sudden it went completely silent and I could hear ringing. Next thing I know I'm on the floor and someone is helping me because my legs got tangled in the spaces of the railing, but I couldn't get up. My friend and security helped me out of the crowd but I could NOT walk. The security guard was just pulling me and I was trying to tell him to stop or let me sit down but he wanted me out of the way (understandably). Everyone assumed I was drunk, but I could hear my friend yelling that I hadn't even finished half of my drink. They brought me to some employee area, tied my hair up, gave me a wet cloth and some water and tried to give me juice. I kind of gagged from nausea and then that's when everything started to calm down and go back to normal. I explained to the 8 people I had surgery and they agreed not to call 911, which I was glad about. Everything just kind of went back to normal and I was brought upstairs to sit down and watch the show from the balcony.

    Thankfully the "passing out" was super quick, and my friend said I was moving extremely slow (even though I felt like I was moving really, really fast). I feel fine today other than being a bit sore on my side from falling. My body also feels sore like I must have tensed up. Has anyone experienced something like this? I know it must be from the alcohol, but I can't imagine this would happen every time I drink?

  3. Hey All,

    This morning at around 4AM I woke up and felt pain in my stomach..the feeling of it twisting is the only way to describe it. I feel like I get a twist, then it goes away.. It's now 12PM and the pain has become less frequent, but I'm afraid to eat anything. I have had 1/4 cup of Decaf and a few bites of a mighty muffin that went down okay, but I just had a few sips of Water and that brought on the twisting as soon as I drank it.

    I know no one is a doctor here (or maybe they are!), but anyone had any experience like this? I'm hoping it's just gas still making it's way down from dinner last night? Last night I had a hamburger patty with cheese and some grilled onions on top. I had it the night before and it went down fine.

    I'm almost 2 months post op.

    Thanks all.

  4. I've taken Trader Joe's High Potency chewable Multi's for 3+ years since surgery. They are small and have a very mild taste. For the first six months or so I took 2 per day (1 in the morning, 1 at night). Since then, 1 per day. My labs have always been terrific, and I do get them drawn and tested regularly. They are also:

    --cheaper (BY A LOT) than specialty bariatric Vitamins

    --lower calorie than specialty bariatric vitamins

    --lower carb than specialty bariatric vitamins

    No way, no how, not ever am I going to throw my money away on specialty bariatric vitamins. IMO they are a scam and a racket.

    That's really helpful. I'm going to have to give them a try. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Many people have had success with the Patches. And, for those of us who have had WLS, they are much easier than trying to swallow or chew large pills. Have you looked at the Patches we offer in our store?


    The best way to determine if they are effective for you is by having blood work.

    I had asked my nutritionist at my appointment last week, but she said there was a debate amongst the staff in my program over whether these were truly effective. I would much rather have the patch, believe me.

  6. I had surgery about two weeks ago, and I reallyyyy hate these chewable vitamins from Bariatric Advantage. They are enormous, they stink, and I have to take two of them every morning. Even just thinking of them makes me want to gag.

    I spoke to my nutritionist about it last week, and asked about the Patches, but she said she's not a fan. I'm going to talk to her about other options because I know I need to be taking them, but I just can't. Anyone feel the same way? Tips for getting them down?

  7. Hey all. Had my surgery 9/12 and some of the glue on my incisions has come off. Last night I wore a white t shirt to bed and I have stains where the incisions are. Also a few fresh ones this morning. Is this normal? Had my first follow up with the surgeon Friday but she said everything looked great, just maybe a bit of a reaction to the glue. post-298691-14748130713327_thumb.jpg

    Sleeved 9/12/16

  8. Hey! Glad to hear you're doing so well. I couldn't imagine having a cold right after the surgery.

    I had my surgery on Monday and so far so good. I'm struggling to get through Protein shakes, but I do it if I just sip for a very long time. I've also had a lot of milk, and am mixing ricotta cheese with Tomato sauce and heating it up (suggestion from my nutritionist). I do have a scale and am down 14lbs. Kind of concerned this is too much too fast..

    Sleeved 9/12/16

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
