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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jkhaik_42

  1. jkhaik_42


    I'm nervous about the holidays as well, and also the cruise we're going on the day after Thanksgiving. My plan is to get a small spoonful of dressing (because it's my favorite part and I don't want to skip it), but focus more on the turkey and veggies. I'm not a big sweets eater, so skipping dessert won't be hard. It's the carbs that get me. It's definitely going to take some willpower, but I do not want to feel the after effects of overeating or eating too many carbs, so I'm bound and determined to stick to my plan! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. jkhaik_42

    Weightloss Roll Call!

    3 weeks post-op, 13 lbs down (20 lbs down since starting pre-op diet) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. jkhaik_42

    Pain with soft food

    I'm three weeks p/o, and I have the same feeling. I'm guessing it's because there isn't the room at the opening that here once was because so much of the the stomach is removed. I also thinks it's from either taking too big of a bite or not taking enough time between bites or not thinning out the foods by mushing and chewing. I also get it when I think my stomach is full and just can't hold any more (and I'm just not recognizing I'm full for some reason). It's a process to retrain my mind to eat slowly and mush my food well in my mouth before swallowing. And then making sure I'm listening to my body and stopping when I need to. So much to think about when eating!!! I've read that it will subside. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Absolutely! We have two children, and as they have gotten older (they're 7 and 8), I began to realize I just couldn't keep up. I had no energy and didn't want to do anything active with them because I was just too big. I left the active activities for my husband to do with them. And I was missing out! So for me, I had it done as much for them as I did for myself. I am 3 weeks post op (tomorrow), and we are taking nightly family walks together in the evening. I want to set good examples of health and wellness for them to carry with them throughout their lifetime. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. jkhaik_42

    Carbonated beverages

    I was a Diet Coke addict before my sleeve and I drank hem up until the day before my surgery. Since having my sleeve done, I have not even wanted a DC. I have actually craved Water, and I HATE water. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. jkhaik_42

    Help with stall

    I had my surgery on 8/15, and the first week dropped 10lbs. I haven't lost anything since, and in fact, I gained 2lbs somehow, which I still can't figure out how that happened because I've had nothing "off" the full liquids plan. I haven't been cleared for anything but walking, though. I'm trying not to get frustrated too, but it's hard not to! Good luck! Just wanted you to know you're not alone!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. I need to vent! I had surgery on 8/15. I now have red bumps that itch like crazy around every incision site, even the one where the drain was and didn't have the glue. And I have thrush. I called my surgeon this morning at 8:30, and the nurse told me to take pics and email them. By 2:45 I still hadn't heard anything so I emailed her asking if my dr had seen the pic. At 3:15 she told me my doctor was in a seminar all day, but they had sent the pic and she should hear from him "soon". Well, I never got a call. I'm kind of pissed off! I have been so uncomfortable with all the itching, and the thrush has gotten worse. I finally broke down and put a topical Benedryl cream on the bumps, but it's not helping. I still have the glue covering the incisions, so they are protected. But the thrush has me worried! If my ph is thrown off, I don't want the yeast infection to spread. I'm going to call my surgeon again in the morning, but I'm tempted to go to my PCP. But will they treat me knowing that I have had surgery so recently? Any at-home treatments for thrush that y'all know of? Has anyone had the rash around the incisions before? What did your doctor tell you to do? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. jkhaik_42

    Rash around incisions and thrush

    Thank y'all! I was wondering if the rash was related to the thrush. I will call my PCP to get an appt. I'm just so mad at my surgeon. Can't wait to see him on Friday for my 1st post op appt to give him a piece of my mind! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. jkhaik_42


  10. jkhaik_42


    From the album: jkhaik_42

  11. OMG! I was so surprised when I looked yesterday and saw my tongue full of thrush! I couldn't figure out where it was coming from! I didn't have any nausea, but did have some gas pains, which is normal. I was up walking the day of surgery. Walking helps work those gas pains out, so walk as much as you're able. I stayed two nights due to some pain while eating. But that has subsided (had surgery on 8/15). Good luck!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. jkhaik_42

    I'm engaged!

    Congratulations!! Wishing you much happiness!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. jkhaik_42

    Post Op w/surgery 8/17.

    I had my surgery on 8/15 and had a hiatal hernia repair as well. I had the exact same gurgly feeling every time I drank something. I didn't have nausea, but I did have the discomfort, almost like I could feel the liquid going down my esophagus and into my stomach, and it would be a few seconds of discomfort, like a cramp or spasm, and then it would subside. But it was with every swallow of liquid. I was worried something was wrong, but now, a week post surgery, it has mostly subsided. Every now and then I get the discomfort, but for the most part it's gone away. My guess it is was just because my stomach was healing. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
