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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vluckey

  1. vluckey

    Im a chicken

    I had a c-section 2 years ago. Compared to that this was about 1/3 the pain, and I did really well with the C-section. I didn't even want to take my prescription meds, but they really discouraged me from taking Advil until I was 48 hours out. I felt my pain was better managed with Advil than Oxycot. Had surgery Friday, was in the Mall by Wednesday. Not bad.
  2. vluckey

    Buying Protein Drinks in Bulk

    I use a product called Advocare Meal Replacement shakes. They come in berry, chocolate and vanilla. Their retail price is about $2 per pack, but you can get a 20-40% discount depending on how much you order. It is a direct marketing company, but I just use the "distributorship" for my 40% discount. I love the taste, but I also doctor them up by adding fruit, Peanut Butter, instant coffee, etc. to change up the flavor because it can get a little boring. You can add a little Nestle quick to any shake to make it taste better too. I've been known to do that. BTW, 26 grams of "predigested' Protein. Supposedly, it's more absorbant into your system. I have also used ANY whey Protein Powder that I buy from my doctors office. Two scoops of that added to 8 oz of orange juice. Add banana and/or frozen strawberries. Very tasty, 34 grams of protein. They sell it at cost for $13 for a large can. Not sure how many servings, but that's very cheap.
  3. vluckey

    Star Jones

    I understand not telling anyone. I told few people prior to surgery. But, my girlfriend had RNY 5 years ago, and so many people kept asking her what kind of diet she was on or how did she lose weight she finally just told everyone. People are nosy. I really struggled with telling people, though, because part of me was ashamed for having to do this. I felt like a failure.
  4. vluckey

    Complusive Overeater!

    I get what you're saying. I feel so bad for every little "cheat" and wonder if I am really going to be able to do this. For instance, today I had my first fill, I was told to have Clear liquids until tomorrow. So of course, having only had a Protein shake and a little cottage cheese before going I was freakin' hungry tonight. So, I had a sugar free yogurt smoothie. Now I am fighting feelings like I am going to fail, I screwed up, etc. Over a freakin' sugar free smoothie! Here's what I tell myself, if it don't hurt then I'm okay. I had a neice live with me for several years. She was the tiniest thing. I would make these great home made meals (something she'd never had at home) and she would take a little of this, a spoon full of that. She would have sooooo much plate exposed it would make me uncomfortable. EAT! I would tell her, fill up your plate! She would say to me, this is all I need. I was 300 pounds, she was about 135. My band is helping me to make my plate look like hers. PERIOD. Try not to get anxious. That will make you eat more. You know it. I know it. We have many many many months before we can deem this a failure or success. Let it do what it's supposed to. If you are needing counceling, GET IT! Whatever it takes to help you. You're worth it! Do what you can to help you get your success.
  5. vluckey

    Need Info on fills

    Got mine today at 4 weeks. It felt like when you get your blood drawn by a really crappy phlebotomist. Not the end of the world but I wasn't exactly dancing. It might have had a little to do with the fact that I still have a large rather icky scab from surgery. I'm having a hard time getting that to heal.
  6. vluckey

    Star Jones

    Is it me or did she look better fat?
  7. vluckey

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Penni, I don't know if they will allow me to post this, but I will for now. If you want to try something that will truly help you with that crazy feeling of uncontrol, you should try some supplements by a company called Advocare. I used them several years ago and lost 50 pounds and got pregnant (which I hadn't been able to do in 10 years of marriage). I gained my weight back because I had lost my job and couldn't afford to continue the program I was on. Plus, I had a post partum battle and the stress of a new baby was more than I expected. Hard on me, hard on the marriage. I eat when I'm stressed. But we're all better now. Their website is www.advocare.com and yes they are multi level marketing. (But you don't have to sell it or tell friends if you don't want to. I'm a distributor, but only for the discount) If you are interested I think there is a way on the web sight to get the name of a person in your area who can get you a sample or info. They are 100% guaranteed unconditionally. You can take it for 6 months and if you decide they are crap you can ask for your money back. (I don't know why someone would do that but stranger things have happend.) I am taking some of their products right now with my band. It has really helped with my energy level, food cravings, and vitamins. I also use their protein shakes and amino acid supplements. Feel free to im me if you have any questions. They really are great products and may help you to get control and feel better.
  8. vluckey

    Hair Loss Horror!!!!!!

    Stress on top of everything else can really help along the hair loss. I agree, vitamins, protein shakes, biotin and you might want to add and extra b12. When your body has been thru so much it can deplete really fast.
  9. I had mine done December 9th. I've done very well. Almost too well. I have not looked at the scale since my one week visit. I hate scales in all forms. I don't look at them until I see serious weight loss. At that time I had lost 12 lbs but I wouldn't be surprized if I have either stayed the same or gained. I really can't wait for my fill. I have seen a definite reduction in my appetite, but I can eat anything. And believe me, although I did try to be good at Christmas, I also wasn't being rediculously restrictive either. The good news is I hope to get pregnant within the next 2-3 years and knowing I can eat a "regular" amount (regular for normal people) is very comforting. My 2 biggest problems right now are getting exersize in and planning what I eat so I can plan to do better. Exersize is a real problem because I have a 2 year old who HATES to go the the YMCA and not get to swim every time we're there. He has also been slightly under the weather so when you are fighting your own inner battle to get to the gym and then have to fight my strong willed 2 year old, it gets very frustrating and overwhelming. I know I must do it. I just have to get my stuff in order. Any suggestions on a good diet plan????? Anyone ever tried E-diets? I'm not looking for anything crazy, just a good food plan. PLMK. God bless us, every one!
  10. The reason I got this band is because I don't want to obsess with food for the rest of my life. I realize that I have to be careful and make good choices. But I also realize, skinny people eat desert too. They don't eat 14 Cookies in one sitting or 3 pieces of cake. They can have 2 pieces of pizza and be satisfied. They also often have to excersize and say no to this or that if they want to maintain their weight. They also eat salad and drink splenda in their tea. If you go to they gym, you don't see only fat people there. There's usually way more skinny people there. It's so hard, I know. Especially the exercize part. I don't hate it, I just have a hard time getting there. Here's some advice, start every day with a good load of Protein. Either a good shake (which I do). I find it helps me to eat better all day long.
  11. vluckey

    surgery and flight booked

    I'm two weeks out, and other than a strange gas experience this weekend (which resolved itself) I'm doing great and loving it. No PB's, no barfing, none of the nightmares we've read about. So far, the only weird foods for me have been pb&j and grits. Neither of which I should have been eating, so bad on me. I love my band!!! You will too!
  12. I LOVE MY BAND! I know this forum tends to have a lot of problems discussed, and that's good because we need to know. But I wanted to put a message on here to Celebrate my band!!! BECAUSE I LOVE IT!!! Ok. Here's my info....had surgery on the 9th, liquids for a week, mushies for a few days (ok, I couldn't handle it anymore after the 10 days full liquids before surgery, so I started early). I have had.....NO BURPING, NO PB'S, NO SLIMING, NO HEARTBURN, NO BARFING, NO food REACTIONS. And trust me, I've eaten small amount of stuff I probably shouldn't have. My biggest concern is that I will get to a place of eating too much, stretching, etc. But I'm trying to be good, letting the band do it's job, listening to my body, making better choices, taking my supplement and exercizing. I'm going to let the band do what it's supposed to do and not worry. And I've lost 12 pounds! Woo hoo. I refuse to look at the scale until my next Doctor appoint on Jan 6. And I wont be too crazy if it's not a ton of weight lost because of Christmas. I'm just taking it slow and enjoying the ride!
  13. vluckey

    Envious of friend that has had GB

    I understand where you are coming from but.....there is no amount of money, no amount of thinness, no amount of envy, NOT ONE THING that would make me have a GBP. 80 pounds since September, there's no way that is healthy in anybody's book. Everyone I know who has had GBP has had severe health problems. Weight loss does not always equal health. I'd rather be heavier and healthy....
  14. vluckey

    Someone tell me to quit whining!

    I understand what a head game this whole weight thing is. Now listen, I'm only 3 days into my surgery so I'm no expert. I'm struggling with my own thoughts. What I do know is this, in some way or another, we're all head cases. Many of us have experienced the same pain and rejection that you feel. Here's my take, take it or leave it. I really believe that there is an enemy, (yes, I believe in the devil) who tries his best to get us off track whenever we are trying to get ourselves together. I believe God is concerned about our health and getting us in to a place where we can be better people, better spouces, better parents, better employees, better friends etc. Our weight issues definitely affect all of those areas. I believe that we've all tried and failed to lose weight the "traditional" way and for one reason or another it didn't work (like 95% of the rest of the world). Rejection is a powerful word. Fear of rejection is paralizing you. But I promise you this, God wouldn't take anything away from without giving you something much better. I can tell you from my own life that this is true. Try to believe that if someone turns their back on you when you are succeeding at something, then they may never have been your friend. Misery loves company. The bible says - Romans 12:15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. It's easy to weep with someone. It can be very hard to rejoice when someone is achieving something that we very much want. That's why the bible has to tell us to do it (we don't do it naturally). My husband and I have lost almost every "friend" we thought we had because we wanted better in life. But after a season of being alone, God has blessed us with better friends then we ever had before. But we are still very picky as to who we let in. You've made a huge decision to get your health back and you're utilizing a tool that is available to you. You're having great success!!!! But we have not only win the weight game, but the mind game. It does take a positive attitude to succeed in anything. You can do it!!! You've got every good thing on YOUR side! 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth Make a decision to believe it and go go go! You've come too far to turn back now!!! Sorry, I'm not normally this preachy. It just seemed like a good time to be preachy.
  15. vluckey

    please pray!

    Jehova Rapha! God is a healing God! Keep praying, keep believing, even if you don't "feel" it. He can and He will! Believing in faith for your healing!!! Vanessa
  16. vluckey

    Someone tell me to quit whining!

    Quit Whining! Okay, now that we got that over, I understand how you feel. I have 2 suggestions. 1. You must focus on the blessing you have. I once went on a business trip to Chicago and had to room with this strange girl. The first 2 nights we went out to dinner and had fun. The last 2 nights she was not speaking to me. I asked her if I offended her and she said no. I walked around the mall starting to feel really bad, it was Christmas and I was lonely. Then I realized I was being a fool. I get to go home to my husband that loves me and she will always be miserable. I had to chose at that moment where my focus was. Always focus on your blessings. 2. The bible says if you want to have friends you must first show yourself friendly. One thing I realized a long time ago is people say "let's get together" but unless you say, "okay, let's pick a date" and nail them to it, it wont happen. If you want to hook up with people, try really hard to be the catalyst to get that going. You'll find that either they will respond or they aren't interested. Then you can focus on real friends. My mother always told me you'd be truly blessed if you have 1 true friend. I agree.
  17. I don't think that I'm in too much trouble here, but I wanted some input. My surgery is scheduled for Friday. I'm on my 10 day pre-surgery liquid(ish) diet. But today I had to cheat. I sing with a Ministry group and we had to sing out of town today. After church we were asked to go to lunch. There were 6 of us, so I couldn't tell them that they had to leave cuz I was on a liquid diet. At the restaurant we went to there were no choices that would qualify as "liquid". So I had chicken and green Beans. I ate very little and have nothing but liquid for the rest of the day. I'm 5 days away from surgery.... 1 cheat......should I be concerned???? I'm not going to be awake all night about this, but I wanted to see what you all thought.. Thanks!
  18. I feel a whole lot better, except that Hell thing. Perhaps I'll escape eternal damnation if I only do Clear liquids until Friday..........(is Hell really THAT bad?) Wow......it is so very interesting that all these Doctors have so many different requirements. My BMI is only 42, and I'm actually extemely healthy. No diabetes, no hi blood pressure, I even have good cholesteral (which I find quite hysterical considering I have this skinny arogant uncle who has looked his nose down on me since I was 9 and who uses his Nordic track every day for an hour and HE has high cholesteral. I felt quite bad for being gleeful at that news. There goes that darn Hell thing again). Once again.....thanks for all the great input. I'm so glad I found this sight!
  19. Thanks for the info. I think I'll be just fine. One question I do have for those who had a less strenuous pre surgery diet.......I asssume you had the surger laproscopically, not open......correct?
  20. We're not big medicine people here, so I need some input. I've heard liquid Gas-ex, but is there anything else you'd recommend I must purchase before this Friday (my surgery). Thanks!
  21. As someone taking the plunge this Friday, I would have to agree with everyone here. I wrote a message just like this last week. But once I got the wonderful responses, did more research, talked to the nurse at my Dr.'s office, I decided it would be ok. Just like Spydr said, those who are having no problems have better things to do that sit on their computer and lament. Suggestion- if you want happy postings, post a happy posting. We can all use a cheerleader! When I saw the wonderful things that were said to me, I knew that all this stuff was just squeeky wheels. God bless!
  22. vluckey

    ? about first few days after band

    But did Carnie Wilson have her surgery laproscopically? I don't know if they did that back then. My girlfriend had RNY done around then and hers was done openly.
  23. vluckey

    In the liqued phase, please help!!!

    Try adding Peanut butter to your shakes. Adds great flavor and a few grams of protein. I think 8 per tablespoon.
  24. But I just found your sight. Please indulge me with as much support and love and you can afford, cuz I'm scared.... My surgery is scheduled for December 9th. I started my full liquids diet today. (That has been surprisingly easy, at least today). I know these sights are for the experienced bander with all of the great info flying around. I am not one of you (yet). I am the first person I know personally who is having this. My best friend had RNY several years ago, but she is currently eating thru it and not having the eating issues, I didn't know her when she had it done. It just really hit me tonight in reading all of this information that this is not a cake walk. I knew it rationally, but not emotionally. I don't want to feel sick all of the time. Please tell me that when this is over, I will be able to eat less, feel better, and help my self to make better food choices. Please tell me that food will not rule my life. Please tell me that this is going to put a big dent in my genetic code which tells my body to make me constantly hungry and weigh 300 lbs like my dad, grampa, aunts, uncles, cousins, (but not my brother, the big jerk). Please tell me that I will eventually be able to roll around on the floor with my 2 year old son and then, be able to get up. In serious need of encouragement from those whose foot steps I'm following, Vanessa
  25. You all have nearly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you thank you thank you! I am printing out these responses and will read them if I feel anxious about this. I am so glad that I found this sight and that you all are so helpful and encouraging. I know that I will find much help and strength here. Anyone else who has more to add please please do so. This decision has been in the works for over 5 years, when I first looked into RNY (BFN, big fat NO). But now that I am down to the last 9 days I'm more nervous than I anticipated. Your help is so greatly appreciated... And I'm so glad that you registered to reply TommyO, it's great to know that we're in this together! Vanessa

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