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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vluckey

  1. vluckey

    Confessions of a Pre - Bander

    Will I heal? yes Will I become infected? no Will I get pneumonia? no Will it be freaky because there is a freaking device wrapped around my stomach? yes perhaps for a while then you'll get used to it then no. Will I become dehydrated? no Most of us can drink plenty of Water whenever we want. I love water and drink tons! And farther out: Will I pass out from PBing? Depends, I hardly ever PB Will I have terrible pain in my chest like some people? Perhaps, but pay close attention and you'll learn how not to do that and then no. Will I erode? extremely unlikely so no Will complications from erosion in my stomach kill me? I've never heard of that happening. Emotional: Will I enjoy life without my food? You'll learn to love the fact you can have what you want and stop eating before you're gorged. Will I ever be able to enjoy food again? Yes. I eat almost anything I want. You really can eat almost anything if you eat it slow enough. I choose to eat healthy most of the time because I didn't do this to eat cheeseburgers. What will life be like without being able to just drink and eat whenever and however like before? Thinner and healthier. You'll be able to drink anytime except right before and after eating. What will I do with my time without it being centered on eating and cooking? Center on cooking healthy meals that you enjoy. Center on making the foods you enjoy in a more healthful way. Made chicken chili tonight for the first time. YUM! What will I do with my thoughts and emotions that can't be comforted with food anymore?? That's a good one. I'm still working on that. I am finding myself struggling with frustration and slight depression and that's not me. Can't figure out if it's winter blues, PMS, the band thing or all three. I get over pretty quickly (usually when my hubby apologizes whether it's his fault or not.) :puke: I will learn to deal with stress in a different way. I'll have too. But you'll be amazed at how you will be able to deal with losing weight without being afraid of gaining it back. That's a pretty cool one. Good luck to you!!! Hope this helps!
  2. Hi Stina! Welcome to LBT. I too found this place right before my surgery (like 4 days). I have found it very helpful. I also found it to be downright scary! Keep in mind, this is a place for help and support and you might hear of every worse case scenario. But there are 1000's of happy happy happy bandsters out here and I'm one of them. Congratulations on your new life! Vanessa
  3. vluckey

    Delarla was right!!!

    When I was pregnant and told I had g-diabetes several years ago I did a lot of research on sweeteners. This was before Splenda and I was VERY much against aspertame and saccharin. I was turned on to another product you can only buy at the health food store called STEVIA. I liked it pretty well except it did have a weird taste in some food. It is very prevelant in many other countries. They used to make diet coke with it in Japan. Anyone else have any experience with this stuff? I can't remember why it was supposed to be better.
  4. I can not eat raw broccoli in any amounts. One thing you might want to try with the tuna. Make a really good tuna salad with mayo and whatever else.....stick it in the food processor. Makes a tuna pate and doesn't taste bad at all. Works for chicken too.
  5. vluckey

    Is this realistic?

    I think so. You would need to have a good excersize plan, a good eating plan, and approach this like a diet with a little help from your band. I would highly recommend that you start your day with a good Protein shake that has at least 25 grams of protein. It will jump start your weight loss. If you plan on joining a gym, have a few sessions with a personal trainer. It will really give you an edge with your exercise. That is what I did when I lost 60 pounds in 6 months a few years ago. Thank God you have the band to help keep it off.
  6. vluckey

    Hardest behavior for you to change?

    It's called crave check. You can find it on www.advocare.com . It's definitely helping. Also helps with keeping things a goin' if ya know what I mean.
  7. vluckey

    Hardest behavior for you to change?

    Late night sucks!!!! :heh: I'm trying a Fiber suppliment that's supposed to help you feel full and help food cravings. The other day I took it at 6pm. Worked great until about 12:15 am. Then I had a bowl of Cereal. Wish I had just gone to bed!
  8. vluckey

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    I believe you too Christina. Thanks for sharing that wonderful story! What a priviledge to have our God meet you in such a powerful way! And Jacilyn! What a wonderful way to hear from God and obey! He certainly kept you from some great harm.
  9. vluckey

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    I agree God helps those who help themselves, however, that is not stated in that way in the bible. It is a concept we people have come up with. Truthfully, God helps those who help themselves, and sometimes, because He is sovereign and can do whatever He wants to, He helps those who don't/can't help themselves. This walk is a personal walk. I agree that He would want us to do positive things for our bodies and health, however, we all know that this band is not a 100% guaranteed solution for everybody. The band or RNY is only as effective as the person who had the surgery allows it to be. For example, If someone has terrible emotional problems that they medicate with food and chose only the surgery and chose not to deal with the emotional problems, I could see God directing them in a different path. There are many reasons why God has specific instructions for our individual lives. That is why we must seek Him for ourselves.
  10. vluckey

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    For me, when I get an answer from God regarding any situation it is a feeling in my spirit. It's hard to explain, and it has taken me many years to understand it. It comes with a relationship with Him through prayer, knowing (not just reading) your bible and worship. I don't always listen (because I'm not perfect. Jesus was the only one who always listened), and I've made mistakes, but I have learned to really listen and make fewer and fewer mistakes and misjudgements as the years go by. Sometimes we can know God's will simply by knowing His Word (the bible). Other times we can know His will by knowing Him. He promised to lead and guide us if we acknowledge Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
  11. vluckey

    WLS....a spiritual issue?

    I love this question. My having surgery was such a dilema for me. I felt that it was obvious that God would want me to lose this weight the old fashioned way, because that would mean that I would develope a ton of discipline and get victory over an area of my life that was out of control. We have a guy at our church who lost over 200 lbs the old fashioned way, wrote a book on it and has been on Good morning America this month with some weight loss thing. I almost felt like my having surgery was cheating when you have a guy like that around. I didn't tell anyone at my church except 1 friend. I didn't tell my Pastors (although God did, which is a great story for another day). I now realize that it was out of shame that I kept it to myself. But, I prayed at the beginning of this journey and asked God to guide me. I told Him that if He told me to not do it that I would obey. I know His voice and would have listened. I never felt that He wasn't displeased with this decision. Now, I am very pleased with this decision and confident that God will use this tool to help me. I still have to make good choices every day and I can glorify Him in that. The scripture in my signature really tells us what God wants for His children. We live in a day with many medical advances available to us and we are blessed to live in countries that have great medical care.
  12. vluckey

    Crock Pot is my friend

    anyone know of a good source for crock pot recipes? Books? Web sites???????
  13. vluckey

    Low fat chili recipe anyone?

    Friendly reminder......while you're at the store picking up the ingredience for your chili, don't forget the BEAN-O, if you're anything like me since the surgery.
  14. vluckey

    Protein.. Suggestions needed

    Jachut, where do you score the tandoori chicken burgers? Sounds delightful! As for me and my Protein, when you can do meat, 1 can of tuna has 32 grams of protein. Mix with a little mayo and it goes down way easier. Also, if you like cottage cheese but get kinda sick of it, try mixing some taco seasoning and making a taco salad with lettuce, tomato, cheese, avacado, etc. YUM! We're big on the Protein shakes here too.
  15. vluckey


    Sounds to me like you can have a similar experience eating Cincinnati Chili. Anyone who ain't from here can't stand it. But if you're from here, it's sacrilige to not eat it. Most people can't imagine nutmeg, cocoa and cinnemon in their chili. It's good eatin'! And, easy on the band (although it is very high in fat).
  16. I am SICK AND TIRED of reading magazine articles, watching news shows, etc. and hearing all of these stories of these el-fabulouso people who have managed to lose 100's of pounds "without drugs or surgery"? Why don't you write the follow up stories next year when they gain 30-50% back and in three years when they are back to full weight plus 20 pounds?????? Yeah I know this is cynical, but just because I'm cynical doesn't mean I'm not 95% true! How many people on this board lost 50+ pounds only to gain it back? Perhaps I shouldn't take it personal, but I do.:huytsao
  17. At our WLS support group meeting last Thursday they had a plastic surgeon come in and tell us all about the wonders of plastic surgery. He made it sound as if it is inevitable result of WLS. I don't expect to have that problem because of how my weight sits on me. I don't care about tight abs (yet). My question is, I've heard many people say that lap banders may not have as much problem because of the slowness of our weight loss. Is that true or will we have as much skin as RNYers? Does exercise make a difference? Does anything?
  18. vluckey

    I got to ask this !

    Hey Cindy, Educate us on the benefits of colonics. My brother had one. He said what came out of him scared him so bad he never went back. He's an idiot. I've heard things here and there, but sounds like you're an expert and should make for an interesting post. Thanks!
  19. vluckey

    The Great Skin Debate

    I was there at the Butterfly meeting. I got there late. I hadn't even thought about port placement. Of course, he didn't mention it either. I didn't even think about that being yet another thing to consider. I had never even thought about these things before WLS. I suppose, one surgical intervention leads to another. Such is the world of modern medicine.
  20. vluckey

    just for the hell of it.....

    I love my band. I love my band. I love my band. I Love my band. I love my band!!!!!
  21. vluckey

    I got to ask this !

    I would recommend going to a really good local nutrition store (not a GNC, but something local). Ask to speak with a manager or the owner. Ask them about cleansing products, digestive enzymes and Probiotics. I would guarantee if you do a good cleanse, and find some really good digestive enzymes it will clear up. I've been going #2, but I have noticed a difference in my normal habits. I plan on ordering a cleanse when we place our next order for our nutritional supplements. If you would like a suggestion as to which products I use, feel free to PM me. If you get your bowel issues cleared up, you'll lose even more weight.
  22. vluckey

    Has Oprah had WLS?

    Well, I still say Star looked better fat. Not just physically, but in her eyes. Every time I see her on TV I feel so bad for her. I don't know what it is. It freaks me out. She looks dead in her eyes, even when she's on Dr. Phil telling us how together she is and how we need to buy her book and be just like her. I think the fact that she's hiding something just makes it that much more obvious.
  23. vluckey

    Has Oprah had WLS?

    I don't think she had surgery, but Oprah was a big influence on me having mine. I know she's not an advocate, but the things she says about how she has to live her life to keep her weight down doesn't sound appealing to me AT ALL. For instance, she has said that she allows herself 4 deserts and 4 glasses of champaign a year. Now, I'm not a drinker, so the champaign doesn't bother me. But to say I will only allow 4 deserts a year says to me that she has to think every single day about her weight and decide years in advance what she will and will not eat. I personally don't want to be afraid for the rest of my life that I will lose my weight and not be able to keep it off. That is the biggest reason that I had WLS. I don't mind changing my eating, I don't mind exercise (although I have a hard time getting it done). I do mind fear. I hate fear.
  24. vluckey

    A good diet plan.

    Okay, I know that we all have generally not succeeded in the old "diet" arena, however, now that I have my new best friend I think I would like to look at some good eating plans. I think the old addage, "if you fail to plan then your plan with fail" really means something. I'd like to have a plan to work with. Any suggestions on diets/plans that you guys either like or don't mind? Weight watchers??? e-diets? books? No way in heck I'm doin' South Beach. Too much work.
  25. vluckey

    A good diet plan.

    My step mom and dad did South beach and it just seems like sooooo much prep work.

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