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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vluckey

  1. vluckey

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a recovering Corporate Travel Administrator, and have been a stay at home mom for 2 1/2 years (since my son was 5 months old). I hope to go to bible college and go to work in ministry when I return to the "working" world. For the record, staying at home with a child is way harder than any "work" I've ever done. :confused:
  2. I do very well with dark chicken meat. Also, I can do white meat if I cut it really small. (like for stir fry). What I can't eat is scrambled eggs of all things. I can do hard boiled and over easy, but not scrambled. Bizarre.
  3. I just had my 1st one about 3 weeks ago. I've been having one a week ever since. I'm going for an unfill this week (I think). I wouldn't worry too much about. As you can see, it happens a lot around here.
  4. vluckey

    5 months out and venting

    I'm only 2 months out, so I'm not expert. What I know about food and dieting is if you don't eat enough, your body will hold on to its pounds for dear life. I agree, get your unfill. Eat more FOOD. Try to exercise. Have a Protein shake every morning. (Only in the mornings). If you must have mashed potatoes add Protein powder (and lots of garlic salt cuz it tastes funny). I really think you need food badly. Sounds to me like lapband induced anorexia. YOU MUST EAT!
  5. vluckey

    Having difficutly with finality.....

    Please don't interperate this as whining. I realize that it may come across as wanting my cake and eating it too (literally). (Actually, cake goes down just fine). Okay, there seems to be a concesus that I might need a slight unfill. I actually got an email from my doctor saying the same thing. But, I'm losing like 4 pounds a week! I'm not completely miserable (I think). But I must be to some point or I wouldn't have posted this message in the first place. SO, I need your opinions.....please be kind....forfeit 4lbs a week for food enjoyment :hungry: (and deal with the mental consequences of that) OR stay where I am, suck it up and enjoy the weight loss. :cry Just so you know, I've only had 3 bad PB's since my last fill which was almost 4 weeks ago. I don't think I'm harming myself physically or nutritionally. (Actually, I'm totally fine nutritionally). But any input regarding physical consequences are welcome. I really need help making a decision. I've been mulling this over since my last fill and cannot make a decision. Thanks guys!!!!!
  6. Ok. I'm a very happy bandster. That being said I've noticed lately that I'm struggling with something that is really bothering me. The finality of bandster life. Let me explain.... When we have done the traditional diets, we knew there would be a day when we would enjoy the good stuff again. That is the reason why we gain back, because we don't maintain the diet that helped us to lose the weight. There is no going back with the band, unless we go for an unfill which is almost like deliberately having a medical procedure which would end up causing weight gain. I long for the days when I can eat without the fear of food sticking in my band and barfing. I'm tired of eating chili (which is a staple food for me). Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my decision at all, but I want to get my head around this finality thing. Any suggestions?
  7. vluckey

    Skin changes...HELP!

    That's weird! I have a rash on my right hand and my fingers are very dry (unusually so). I also had a rash on my face but it went away. I thought it was my moisturizer, although I've used the same one for over a year. I had bought a new bottle and thought it was a forumula change.
  8. vluckey

    My first question.....

    Oh honey.....you don't have to practice not eating bread. The band will make that decision for you when it's time. Trust me on that! I miss my carbs!!!!! (Bread, Pasta,rice) Other than that, no regrets.
  9. vluckey

    Need Some Advice?

    Littleone, I'm sending you a private message.
  10. Big Paul, If there is no other reason to stick around this board, we should stick around to see what you'll say. You are FUNNY! And you have a very unique way of boiling everything down to...uh....well you know.
  11. vluckey

    I want to end the shame...

    Shame is the perfect word to describe it. But we've be ashamed for a long time before we had this surgery, haven't we????? I know I was whether I admitted it or not. I felt like a down right failure. I didn't tell hardly anyone. I didn't tell my Pastors so they could pray for me to have a safe surgery. Now I realize a few things. This is NOT a cakewalk. We still having to work at it. BUT I LOOOOOOOOOVE MY BAND and I am so glad I got it.
  12. vluckey

    Whey Protein Powders

    I like ANY WHEY. But I get the flavorless one and make shakes with orange juice, frozen strawberries and bananas.
  13. Hey, the way I see it most of us have had our share of emotional issues, problems and whatever. Truthfully, many seriously over weight people (like my future former self) suffer from the emotional effects of being over weight along with whatever is going on which got us there. You don't become morbidly obese without your share of brain damage. It doesn't surprise me that this board reflects that. We are all damaged people. If you pay attention you can tell who is here for help, who is here to help, who is here for fun, who is here because their personalities are so crappy they don't have a life, friends or anything else so they come here to beat up on the rest of us, so on and so on. Take this all with a grain of salt. It's like chicken, eat the meat and spit out the bones. Don't take this too seriously. Most people here will never meet in person so what difference does it make? Try to be a ray of light every time you post and you can make a difference. IF ALL THE NICE PEOPLE LEAVE, THEN THIS BOARD COULD TURN TO CRAPOLA.
  14. vluckey


    The Passion of the Christ (I know, I know, don't shoot me for being religious) Amadeus Steel Magnolias (Can watch it 1000 times. The only girlie movie I like) Star Wars A Beautiful Mind (With a beautiful Aussie) The Color Purple (Go Oprah!) Forest Gump
  15. vluckey

    Trip To The ER

    You really might want to try calling a local Nutrition store and talk to a manager or owner and ask them about a colon cleansing product. I am hyper picky about keeping things moving because as a wise person once told me," If it ain't coming out, it ain't coming off". I also would ask about pro-biotics. The product I use is called Herbal Cleanse and Probiotic Restore from www.advocare.com. It has a 100% unconditional satisfaction guarantee. It really does work. This product has to be ordered either thru the website or a distributor.
  16. I had a fill on Feb. 5th. I scheduled the fill because I thought I was eating too much. Little did I know I was still losing weight and had lost 4lbs that week. (I only weigh myself at the gym and the Dr's office. I hadn't been to the gym cuz I was sick). I told the Dr to go easy. I don't know how much he filled. So, I'm really struggling with eating. I can eat, but not much and have had 2 very bad PB's resulting in vomiting after 45 minutes. I am finding one food after another that doesn't go well and was wondering if I should unfill or just wait. I am eating enough that I'm not worried about not eating. I'm losing weight too, another 4lbs this week. I'm just not sure if I should give it a few more days or unfill a little. I realize that this is a pretty good result considering that I've had the band for 2 months and am only now having these issues. Another question....do those bad PB sessions cause swelling? It seems to but I'm not sure. Thanks for your help!
  17. vluckey

    I want your opinion

    I agree with RESEARCH! I looked at Gastric Bypass 5 years ago. After that research I came to a resounding NO! No flippin' way! And decided weight loss surgery wasn't for me. Then I lost 60 lbs using a supplement product. Worked great except when I couldn't afford it anymore, gained it all back. Then I heard about Lap band. Less invasive, reversable, doesn't change your anatomy (as far as permanent cutting). It took 5 months from the time I went to my first seminar until surgery. I love my band. Hope that helps!
  18. vluckey

    Star Jones

    Now THAT I believe!
  19. vluckey

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    I don't know about everyone else, but I had a cheeseburger not too long after WLS. The experience made me swear off cheeseburgers. Not a bad result IMHO.
  20. vluckey

    Update!!! NOT THE BAND!!!

    Congratulations on your lung absess!!!!! (wait.......that doesn't sound right) Thank God for your diagnosis and getting on your journey to complete health. What a blessing!
  21. vluckey

    Need Some Advice?

    I agree with Zoe and I'm not a geezer. I do however have a relationship with my mother that is very similar to yours. In my humble opinion, I would not take money from them under any circumstance. You can rebuild your credit in a couple of years and get it taken care of. OR you might co sign for a loan with them, that way it's not their money. Your mother will hound you for every decision you make for years (eating and financial and otherwise). I have a mother like your mom and a Dad who would have handed me the money without any strings attached. It is obvious that I get along with my Dad better but it has nothing to do with his money. It has always been that way, even when there was no money. He loves me and gives freely to me as I have asked in need. I do the same for my family now (obviously in much smaller doses). I deal with my mom the best way I know how, with lots and lots of boundries. One boundry for me is I would go on food stamps and welfare before asking her for money. As far as the wedding and the rest of it, I would get married in Hawaii if I had it to do over again. Much cheaper and none of the brain damage as a wedding. Weddings are over rated to me.
  22. Congratulations to me! I guess I'm a true bandster finally. I suppose it's not so bad because I barfed and slimed for the first time today and I have had the band for nearly 2 months. I had my second fill Friday. The funny thing is what made me react was food that I ate with no problem Saturday night. I had left over stir fry. I don't know if it was the white chicken meat or the rice or both. I can eat dark chicken in my chicken chili, but I have been struggling with white meat. I fought for 45 minutes with this food until my body won the battle. I also had a mini-episode tonight with a small bite of bread so I guess that's out too. (no barfing) Oh well. I need to go and get on the scale at the YMCA so I can remember why I'm doing this.... Roughing it, Vanessa
  23. vluckey

    Update!!! NOT THE BAND!!!

    God's grace and love be with you. We're praying! Vanessa
  24. vluckey

    This Is A Wake Up Call!

    Boy I'm getting a little tired of how personal people are taking things around here....haven't we got better things to spend our time and energy on?
  25. vluckey

    Friend says it's a magic pill

    What's your friend weigh? If she's thin then she can never understand. If she's heavy then trust me, she's jealous.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
