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Charlene K

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Charlene K

  1. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    I'm back. My mother kept me hopping. I had to get her another wheelchair, organize her clothes into outfits. Then I took her up to her apartment and cleaned out her refrigerator. After that the therapist came up and showed me the furniture that needed to be removed for her safety. I have two weeks to get the place ready for her. I don't know which is harder ......chasing grandkids all day or taking care of my mother........yep, my mother. She very grateful. She just thinks that I am twenty and not sixty. She thinks she is fifty and not almost ninety. My grandkids at least know I am older. lol I went so long without eating I was getting sick. I just ate a chicken thigh. I have to get out and walk today. Tomorrow is Water aerobics. Linda, so sorry about your SD. Maybe this time? Do you have your DGD? Eva, I think it is so cool you are taking Spanish. Wow Valley Fever. My pup gets allergies every April. I always have to take him to the vet for ear drops. Laura, take care of that reflux. I have had it before the band......it can really burn your throat. HUGS! Meredith, you are doing so good on your eating. That dessert looks yummy. My SIL made WW Chicken Gumbo. It is awesome. I am going to try one of their Soups this weekend. I love their recipes. LauraK.....? keep scooping us on your new prospects. You know we want to throw in our 2 cents....lol.
  2. Charlene K

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    Good Morning! I did not lose this week, but I am not discouraged. I haven't done my walking which is a big help. I hope to get one in today. I am off to do my mother's laundry and whatever she needs. She will be in rehab for at least another 10 days. She is doing much better, but still stubborn about ideas such as getting rid of a lot of her clothes and furniture. GRRRRRR!!! Focus.......One day at a time. Later peeps! Welcome Kimmie!
  3. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning Gang! I am sure missing our Sheriff Janet. What up???? Apples, glad to see the green......sounds like you and Eva are having an awesome time.....wish I was there. Melissa, wow! No excuse not to post. Laura.....like the new avatar pic.......you are a pretty lady. I am off to take DGD to Mommy's Day Out then weigh in at WW. I know I did not lose, but I did not gain. I am trying to listen to my body before I eat. I was hungry last night, but I talked to myself about what I had eaten for dinner......that I did not need to eat again. So, I took my Ipad to bed with me and read my daily Bible reading. It is helping me. One day at a time! I hope you all have a great day!
  4. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Gang! I finally went back to Water aerobics today. I am pooped.....the good kind of tired. I was sad to hear my aerobics instructor is quitting . She is moving. So, they don't know how many classes will be offered because they are short an instructor. Boo! She was the best. Janet, I wish I could go to the desert. The weather here is in the fifties and dreary. It is going to be freezing by Friday. I know Phyl, Jodi, and you will have a great time. Take some pictures! Phyl, you are one busy lady. I had to go up to my mother's apartment to find a sweater that would go around her cast. I found a purple shawl with a red hat pin on it. She was big into the Red Hats. I wish you were her size. I found several blouses embroidered with Red Hats. She is a size 8. Great, I don't know about the seasonal depression, but so glad to hear you had a great day. Be safe on your day trip to Grandma's. Eva, what kind of fever to dogs get in the desert? Linda, Prayers for a good outcome on your ultrasound. Sndy.....Yum! Sounds like a great recipe. Jodi, have a safe trip to the desert! Tx.....prayers for your Dad. Hang in there! I am still on pts. I don't think I lost this week. My hunger is back, but I still have some restriction when I eat. I just don't stay full for several hours. I am still going to wait for a fill. Later!
  5. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Birthday Melissa!!! I hope you have a great day!!!
  6. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning! .....just a check in. Lori, I googled freezing chicken salad. You can freeze it for up to four months. They said to use less Mayo and add it after in thaws in the refrigerator. I am going to try it. Joyce, so sorry you are having acid reflux. I think changing doctors would be a good idea. All these doctors have their set rules. It is hard to get them to see you as an individual with a unique problem. A second set of eyes is a good thing. HUGS! Sndy....so glad your dad is better. I talked to my mother this morning and the fog has lifted today. I just hate that she has to rehab in the nursing home, but she insists on doing so. Janet.......miss ya! I guess you are gone for the weekend. Phyl, where are you? Okay, off to church. Today is our 10 year anniversary of the church. We are having a dinner to Celebrate. I hope they have chicken and veggies. It makes it so much easier for me. Have a great day!!!
  7. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang! I went to my mother's today and took her the new clothes I bought. I have to take back most of them because they won't fit over her cast. She was confused this morning. She is on Cipro again and it makes her foggy in the head. Poor thing, she told a new aid she couldn't see her call button because she is blind and she said"Yes you can.....you wear glasses." B___h!!! Wait till I tell management on Monday. So, after that stressful visit Dh and I went to see Dilemma with Vince Vaughn. It's funny and yet the subject matter is not funny. Then we went to a steak house where I ate a salad and sirloin steak. Well, I brought half of it home and just finished it. Meredith, don't feel guilty about a treat. It is not like you ate a pan of brownies. You are doing great! Lori, freeze chicken salad. I don't know. I would be afraid the celery would be soggy when it thawed. If you do try to freeze it let me know if it works out. I would like to do that too. Jessica, I had heard that meds can cause facial changes. I hope coming off of them won't make you slide into depression again. HUGS! Eva, so Glimmer and Tanker had a play date? Apples , you must be in heaven with that warm weather. Julie, I wish they could find an answer for your pain. I still think it may be your adhesions from all of your surgeries. The only way they would know is to go look. I put the movie on pause so I could post. I better finish it. How many of your are old enough to remember "The Way We Were" with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. It is on OWN. I loved that movie ....gotta finish it.
  8. Charlene K

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    Great, you can tell she doesn't hostess anything, but she wants to call the shots on everything. Your friend is very kind to put up with her bull......it will make it easier on DD. I hope you and DD have a great time in spite of MIL. Eva, too funny about your kitty. If my Ipad, Iphone, or tv remote is in my lap pup paws at them so I will remove them.... and he can sit in my lap. If I don't have a throw on me he paws my shoulder till I put one over me so he can crawl under it. Now tell me......who calls the shots in my house? lol Linda, so sorry about the kidney damage. I had heard that e coli can really damage vital organs. I hope you get a good report on the test. I was hoping to take a break from going to the nursing home tomorrow, but my mother called. She had a meltdown when they forgot to come get her for Breakfast. I need to go over there and take her up to her apartment for a little bit just to get her out of that room. She tends to get a little confused and negative when she is in the nursing home rehabing. Like I said before.......One day at a time! I am at my limit of pts today. I am still hungry. GRRRRRR!!!!
  9. Charlene K

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    I just went out and bought my mother three pair of PJs and five blouses that will go over her cast. I was looking for a bed jacket with a bell sleeve. I may go check Kohl's and JCPenney. She gets so cold at night. Lori......looks like my "me" month will be February or March. The weather is warm enough to walk. I still will have to wear a coat......but not complaining......I could live up there will all of you snowbirds. Eva, sounds like you are getting into the "semi retired" groove. Sorry about your MIL. It is tough being so far away when they are sick. Doesn't she live in Arkansas? I got Subway on the way home shopping. I ordered DH a 6 in sandwich and me a kid's sandwich. I took the bread away and ate the veggies and meat. Now, for my daily large ice tea.
  10. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Linda.......so sorry your SD is so self destructive. Thank goodness Aylah has you for love and comfort. Hugs and Prayers for you! Good going on all the exercise. I am anxious to get back into an exercise routine. My biggest problem is getting sidetracked. I plan on walking today and I will go to the gym tonight. I set up my mom with all her needs for a few days. We talked last night and she has decided to stay in the nursing home for two or three more weeks. Then she is going to hire a lady to help her in the mornings. Cheri.....WTG on the loss! The fajitas sure were good, but the sodium in them has me back up a lb today. Well, Miss tea toter here found a wine I like. It is a sparkling sweet white wine from Australia. I drank 6oz the last couple of nights. I am sure that doesn't help either. Gotta go babysit for a couple of hours. DD needs to get some warranty work done on her suv. Later!
  11. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Great, you post away! I think it is awesome you get to travel so much......I was just teasing you! I think that Cherry Blossom is what I have .....I like it! I don't care what my pup thinks about it. How is DD and the shower situation? We went out and I had fajitas. That is my beef for the week. I eat so much chicken I should be clucking by now. Brrr! Props to all of you in the North. I know I couldn't live in the cold weather. Sndy, call your dad's doctor and tell him to get your dad some home health and Pt when he gets that cast off.
  12. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Gang! My internet service went down last night......then I have been at the nursing home taking care of my mom. I hope to get preferred living set up for her by Monday, but if she needs to stay in the nursing home my mother is prepared to pay for it. Those falls and the wrist fracture has scared her into accepting assistance. I had to get out her size 8 clothes to fit over the cast. Therapy is really helping her to clear her mind. Sandy, does you dad have Meals on Wheels available to him? They are inexpensive. I have volunteered to deliver them in our city. He may have to get on a waiting list, but it would take some stress off of you. Also if he does not drive he should qualify for home health and therapy for his arm. I can't believe his doctor did not order it. Medicare pays for those benefits. Sorry your parents were not loving. My mother had enough love for her and my dad. My dad loved us, but being an alcoholic he wasn't there for us. Eva and Apples......wish I was there to chime in on the conversation. Sounds like a lot of fun. Lori.....BooHoo!!! ......no Hawaii for the 4th time this year.......you go ahead and whine. I am sure you will go sometime this year. Sounds like a cool support group. Bath and Body.....Woohoo! What was the fragrance? I am hooked on Japanese Cherry Blossom. My pup hates it. He sniffs at me like I bathed in Skunk....lol. Joyce, I haven't been to the Grand Cayman, but I would love to go one day. How long will you be gone? I know what you mean about our bodies crapping out. This cold weather has made me so stiff. Oh, I would do the same thing on the snow thing. If we had snow hell would freeze over before my kids would offer to help. Well, my sons don't live close enough to help, but that is not their thing. If it is computer related they are all over it. I am not on the train today.....just points. Later!
  13. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Well, I just got my little torture over for the year. Actually, the mammogram is not near as bad as it used to be. I called my mother and she is back with us. She has started remembering the events of last week. She started physical therapy today and will start memory therapy tomorrow. Meanwhile she has put in a call for assistance when she returns to her apartment. Thanks to all of you for support and prayers. I went to Walmart and bought some Biotin for my nails. I was so excited to find my Protein drink there......Athlete's Honey Milk 20g protein. I like the coffee and DH likes the chocolate. Meredith, if your neighbor has so much time on his hands ask him to do your driveway. You know.....get some of the "free stuff". lol Laura.....good to hear from you. I know when I go without posting one day these peeps junk up the thread and I can't catch up. Then if they don't post I start to wonder what is going on.....lol.
  14. Charlene K

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    Thanks Apples. I don't like butter Beans...may put extra of another kind. My mother has been on Cipro. That could have clouded her memory, but I think it was the stress of the fracture and getting it set. When she gets anxious she gets confused. I expect her to be better tomorrow. Let's see who wakes up tomorrow.....lol. Janet, the WW leader said it is not uncommon to stay the same or even gain when starting the WW program. I am believing I have started my way down again. My goal is 1lb a week. Thanks for the links! Speaking of links....lol....I just ate a chicken sausage link with mozarella in it. 3pts. I off to get my annual mammogram. Later!
  15. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Just checking in. I talked to my mom this morning. She wanted to know what day it was and the date. She said she guessed we had celebrated Christmas. What??? She said she had been in a bad dream and wanted to know what had happened to her. What????? She said she will do whatever we think is best for her. I told her to stay in the nursing home till next week when she sees the doctor again. That will give me time to make arrangements for assisted living or assistance in her apt. She doesn't want to come over to my house because she needs physical therapy and wants to take it there. When the nursing home becomes long term I will move her. Sndy, I know what you are going through. My FIL prided himself on paying for any help until he got older and sick. Then when my MIL got sick too he wanted to know about the FREE help from the church. I never saw him give free help. We had to pay out of our own pockets for nursing care for my MIL till he was gone a month later. My DM was fighting paying for her nursing care until today. This is not my first rodeo dealing with old age dementia, but it doesn't make it easier. Apples,.......so happy you are warmer. I know you will enjoy AZ. Love seeing that green again. Eva, I know you and Apples will have a great time. I wish I could come out there for a weekend. I could use some drier climate although we are having a beautiful day. Linda, Brrrrrrr.....warm Hugs for you! Okay, I need a low calorie recipe for White Chili. I don't remember who gave me the last one I made and my DH requested it today. Was it one of you?
  16. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Linda, my DM's wrist is set in hot pink. It should heal in about 3-4 weeks. She is in the nursing home, but I am going to see if she will come stay with me for a week while I arrange for her to get help with bathing and maybe one meal a day in her apartment. She eats in the dining room everyday, but not all three meals. A lady cleans her apartment once a week. I think preferred living which is personal help everyday is in order before she makes the move to assisted living. Sndy, Hugs! on you dealing with your dad. My in-laws would not move or get help. It was tough for about six months. I can relate......very stressful. Lori, what kind of shoes did you get? I love DSW. The Weight Watcher point system has all changed. Most carbs have gone up a point......green veggies and fruit is 0 if eaten in moderation. Melissa, glad you are enjoying the snow. The kids loved it when it snowed. I think it only snowed twice when they were growing up. Julie, Thanks for checking in......miss your posts. HUGS! on your pain issues. Janet.......thanks for the HUGS! Apples......waiting for the green!!!
  17. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Checking in...fly by........My mother has an appt this afternoon to have her wrist set or whatever. She does have a fracture. I did go to WW......lost 1lb. I am babysitting right now for a few minutes. Am I in the sandwich generation or what? Janet, I will take care. I took care of my aunt for five years and my inlaws for the last few months of their lives. With my mother I am not getting freaked out.....maybe it is the Lexapro or just experience. One day at a time! The weather is so cold I will have to do my wii for the next few days......kinda excited about something new. Later! Baby is crying.......diaper change.....NOW!
  18. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    UGH! My mother just called .........she fell and sprained her wrist. She forgot to use her walker. I told her if she had been in her apt she would have laid there till tomorrow. She agreed. They took a x-ray of her wrist. I guess we will go to the bone dr tomorrow if it is broken. Now she realized why we wanted her in the nursing home for a few days. Her mind is foggy not to mention her balance problem. Eva, no my mother is in the same place just down in the nursing home. She lives on the sixth floor and it is a little too far for her to walk to therapy. If she ever goes to a nursing home for long term I will move her about a mile from my house. I have already picked out a new place. Hey, I am still have a few bags of that good tea you gave me. I will have to drink it this week during this freeze. YUM! I am glad Apples made it. Lori, MIL is having a hard time letting go of baby boy. Yeah, I think that would be a nice to tell her she will be missed. Be safe tomorrow! Going to bed. I need my rest. Looks like my 87 year old mother will keep me hopping for a while. When I was helping her pull up her underwear she said that paybacks were "hell". No disagreement here. lol
  19. Charlene K

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    Sndy......WOOHOO ON THE 4LBS!!!!
  20. Charlene K

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    I am back from putting my mother in the nursing home for rehab. I think she will only stay a few days and then home health will make visits. We have the front moving in tomorrow so I am not going back until Friday. My FM is kicking big time. She is in good hands. Lori, you know my MIL was like your DD's MIL. She was a butt at all of our wedding functions because she did not want me marrying her son. Reason.....I was Catholic. Then she was a butt whenever I had a baby. We ended up being very close......it took years. Your right, she is spoiled. I doubt she will change. Your DD should have the shower whenever she wants it. MIL can take a personal day off. Linda, I know about those cold pools. I think before I go back to Water aerobics I am calling that morning to check on the temp of the pool. Thanks for the prayers for my mom. Apples........please check in! We want to know if you made it safe to AZ. Julie.......are you okay? I am going to go take a hot bubble bath and soak my aching back. Later!
  21. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Just checking in.......I am putting my mom in the nursing home tomorrow morning for rehab. I know this is selfish, but I was hoping January would have been my month for ME. I miss my Water aerobics. Whining all done! Joyce......yep staying on program.....journaled and counted pts. Lori, It takes DH all day to eat a muffin. He slices it up. He does get sick if he eats a whole piece especially if he hasn't had Protein with his carbs. Phyl, you and your stories have me laughing big time. I know about being married so long. I just look at DH sometimes and think "you old man" ......then I remember I'm not a spring chicken either. I think you will make it to 50......it is a badge of honor. Jessica, Sorry about the tendonitis.....take care! Kelly, CONGRATS on the 50lbs!!! Linda, is the tortilla soup low carb? I want it. I make one that my son created, but it has too much cheese . Melissa......glad the fill is helping.......no sweets! Okay gang, I am turning in for the night......no snow here, but it feels like it. We are supposed to have 50's for the highs and 30's for the lows all week. I'll check in after I get home tomorrow . Oh, Apples........safe travels!
  22. Charlene K

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    Tx, we live in Pearland. Come see us when you can.
  23. Charlene K

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    Janet, your right! I went off the rails in October when I started following too many plans at one time. I am going to continue to do pts/calories. I have been through so many plans over my life I need to do what is best for me. TX, Awesome about the NSV! I know what you are talking about. If I get up your way I would like to meet you and your DW. My DH has had gastric bypass so he can relate to weight struggles. He lost 100lb and has remained the same weight for almost a year. Even the weight training has not changed his weight, but he is getting muscles back. He really feels great. I am glad you dad is doing well.....keep us posted. Lori, Thanks for affirming Janet's suggestion. No matter what, I will weigh on Tuesday. I am going to try to get my mother into the nursing home tomorrow. She told me this morning that she thinks she will be ready for assisted living. Staying in the hospital this time has been her A-ha moment. I haven't even talked to her about the oncologist. We will deal with that when she is stronger. Eva.....Prayers and Hugs for you today. Everyone in your city is connected in one way or another, and we are connected to you. This tragedy brought back memories of JFK (I was 11 then), Bobby Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. We come together in these times as a nation and look to God for healing. I am not going to church this morning. The front is blowing in with thunderstorms. Today we are honoring our state champion 5A football team. The coach goes to our church. There will be about 200 extra people there so I know I won't be missed. When the rain clears I am going to the hospital. Julie......where are you????
  24. Charlene K

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    Eva, I am in shock too. I have been glued to the News this evening. I hope they find the other guy. I will be praying for your city and the families of the victims. Janet, I know my pups hairdresser earns her money. On another note, I fell off the wagon. I had a couple of 100 Snacks today. I still did not go over my pts or calories. My mother felt a lot better this evening. She should be going to the nursing home for rehab on Monday. I plan on sitting with her tomorrow unless we have a lot of rain. It floods around that hospital. Phyl, your stories about the trips you take on the scooter crack me up. To heck with the chicken as long as you get the wine right! right? I buy those Steamer veggies or fresh. Oh, about the wine......I finally found a wine I like. It is Sparkling Moscato. I know it is carbonated, but I only drink about 6oz or less. I am going to check out Angry Birds. My DD is addicted to it. Apples, so glad you made it to your destination for the night. Sweet dreams and Happy Trails tomorrow! Julie, I am worried about your. You haven't checked in. Are you okay?
  25. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    I went out with some of my friends this morning and had breakfast....scrambled eggs and a sausage link. I brought the muffin home to DH. My mother won't be released till Monday then she will go to the nursing home for rehab. I think staying in the room 24/7 is giving her sundowner's. She seems to be confused. My DS is sitting today and I will go tomorrow. Phyl, Prayers for you and mom. I know it must be tough to be so far away especially being a nurse. How old is she? Loris, yep, those lbs are always easy to find. UGH! Thursday I was down 4....today I back up two. I am thawing out some Angus burgers for dinner. I will eat a patty and a green salad. My weight really fluxuates with our weather. Warm....it's up.....front moves in....I lose about 2 in Water weight. I will weight on Tuesday at WW. It is what it is......now for lack of trying. Chew! Chew! Linda, I am so glad you are talking to someone about your family issues. Substance abuse is in all families. It can turn people into monsters......and the children are the ones who suffer the most. You are your DGD's saving grace. I can tell from the pictures you have posted that she feels very safe and secure with you. HUGS!!! and Prayers!!! Joyce, the spa sounds wonderful. If you get together in Tucson I want to here all about it. I could use a good massage right now. Have one for me! Janet, my fur baby went to the clip joint today. I told her he was shedding and she put a slicone pack on him. I think it is suppose to help with it. He looks so cute in his neckerchief. I haven't taken Vitamins since all my mama drama. I gotta start back today. I don't want to break that resolution. Tx......sorry you are having some struggles. Don't let them sidetrack you off of your weight loss journey. The first thing you will turn to is food in times of trouble. Hang in there! Apples......Happy Trails!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
