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Posts posted by linah

  1. I did try someone and their reaction was not the best
    I hope I will find myself able to tell friends abt this in the future
    thank you for your encouragement [emoji4]

    That's sad, on the other hand, it showed you that they weren't worth your time. If you're comfortable to tell, go ahead, if not, it's no one else's business anyway. Good luck and best wishes :-)

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. It really is a strange world, obese people are basically invisible as far as society is concerned. Strangers are so much nicer when you are thinner and work opportunities to advance suddenly pop up. It's the only form of descrimination whose victims are not even allowed to speak up as people feel entitled to mistreat you as it's "all your fault no one takes you seriously" and "if you don't like it, show a little will power and change!". Even doctors, when you visit them, no matter the ailment it's ALWAYS because of your weight and you're even told that if you need surgery, they won't touch you until you lose weight....The amount of self righteousness that gives complete strangers the ability to tell you to your face that you are not worth their time till you lose weight.... people can be nasty.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Sorry to hear it, good luck with everything, hope you find a good job soon. Throw away any snack food in the house, leave only healthy Snacks. Keep a sandwich bag with dried fruit and raw nuts in your handbag so if you are outside and feeling peckish you can snack on them. You know your triggers best and can figure out how to counter them, you know the empty snacking won't take away the panic or fill up the emptiness inside. Good luck and I wish you all the best.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I am on week 3 post op and I feel like I made the biggest mistake in my life. I'm reading how my favorite foods is a no go and I'll never eat it in my life again. Here I am struggling to meet my goal of Protein and Water. I can't enjoy life with my friends. I'm over this sleeve people who wants to get it I tell them don't. I'm trying to find the beauty in all this but right now I feel like I ruined my life.

    Hi dear, the first 6 weeks or so are very difficult, we've all been there, just hang in there it will get better I promise. Isn't a few weeks of suffering worth improving the rest of your life? Regarding having your favourite food again, eventually you will be able to, but instead of eating large quatities of it, you will be perfectly happy with a small bowl. It's worth it to be able to enjoy your food again (even though it's in smaller quantities) than the constant guilt you feel now everytime you eat something you know you shouldn't. The health benefits alone from the weight loss are so worth the early suffering. Within 1 month I no longer had sleep apnea, didn't have to wake up multiple times at night to go to the bathroom, no longer needed heatburn medication and was able to walk without pain. It's so worth it, but like any operation , it takes time for your body to recover.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Thanks, Suaniya. All-in-all, a 10 lb a month weight loss is good. I just see so many people who can't eat anything and they lose 30 lbs in a month. It's really discouraging.

    Take your measurements dear every month so you can see your progression. Slow loser or not I bet you've never lost weight this quickly before, you cannot compare your journey to someone else's. That being said the measurements help because even if your weight hasn't changed you will have lost inches. I went through 3 months from month 6 post op to month 9 with no change in weight but I was down 2 inches all over. Finally, make sure you hit your Protein and Water goals and eat less carbs in comparison, it makes a huge difference. Good luck :-)

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. Shortly after I wrote this, I ended up in the E.R! That was no fun. I just got home tonight from my little fiasco. Apparently I had a stomach ulcer. And my blood level was dangerously low, plus dehydration.
    Small set-back, but back on full liquid diet and new meds. Ugh!

    Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Sorry to hear this, hopefully you will feel better soon. Good luck and all the best.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. I know how it feels to have negative people in your way. Mine is not my health care professionals...it's my husband! He is so against me having my surgery ( bypass scheduled for June 16, 2017), that he has threatened to divorce me if I go through with it. He repeatedly tells me I will fail, and gain all my weight back. That it's a waste of money. That it's taking the lazy way out, and cheating to lose weight after being a glutton for 8 years. I have gained over 150 pounds since my mom passed away in 2008. So I guess that makes me a glutton.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

    This makes my blood boil, it is your health and life that is at stake, that is your priority and if he doesn't understand that it's on him, not you. We should start a new thread showing how many of us have verbally abusive partners when it come to our weight. Good luck and may you have the clarity to decide on the best path for you.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Not sure about intermittent fasting, however I am fasting now for Ramadan and am on day 27. Had been going through a stall for the last 3 months before Ramadan, since the fasting started I am down 3 kg. No food or Water from 3:30 am till 6:30 pm. I have 2 small meals between 6:30 and 11 pm. I am not stopping myself from eating anything I want but I try to focus on Protein first and getting enough water in during those hours. I used to exercise in the hour before breaking my fast in previous years but have not had the energy to do so this year. Not sure if that helps but good luck and all the best :-)

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. For fasting, you really need to listen to your body, God is merciful and grants us mercy if we physically cannot do what we are supposed to. Your body is not in a regular state and you need to listen to what it needs. I had the VSG op around 10 months ago and there's no way I could have fasted during the liquid stage. Alhamdulillah I am fasting now, it is difficult but doable and I try my best to get my Protein and Water in. Allah ghafooron ra7eem and fasting is supposed to help us and not starve us. Listen to your body and if you cannot fast, there's no shame in it.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hey everyone,
    I'm new here and this is my first post. And I'm so glad to see people in my same situation. Anyway, here's a little background info about me. I'm 28, diabetic, have severe sleep apnea, thyroid issues, asthma, anemia, and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. I'm 5'2" and weigh 432lbs (I don't look quite that heavy--I've always been way heavier than I look for some reason). I was told that puts my BMI at 79. I was about 230 two years ago when my endocrinologist took me off of Metformin and put me on insulin instead (I'm now on two different kinds of insulin). And all of a sudden I gained a TON of weight, really fast. I also have kind of high cholesterol, and my doctor also initially decided to put me on cholesterol medication. The number one side effect of this medication was muscle pain and weakness, and that exaggerated my back issues to the point where it was agony to walk from my apartment to my car. He took me off the medication when I told him about that, but my back has never been the same since. I've had a bilateral lumbar ablation (I literally had the nerve endings burned off of my lower spine) and several hormone injections into my spine, not to mention MONTHS of physical therapy, to try to get my back better, but it's done almost nothing. I live in constant pain so bad that I don't even want to get out of bed most days. I'm only saying this to help you understand that it's not that I don't want to exercise; for me it's literally near impossible. My back pain is so bad that I basically have no life at all.
    Anyway, I've tried dieting and doing Weight Watchers and My Fitness Pal. But doing that literally makes me starve myself and frankly I've already severely cut back on my portions. I know I NEED to lose weight because it will help with my health issues and my back pain, but I'm having a hard time doing it on my own. I talked to my PCP and requested a referral to the bariatric surgery department in my health care system. I did the online seminar and requested a consultation, but they called me back and told me that they wouldn't even consider seeing me until I lost 90 pounds. Because of my back issues making it near impossible to exercise, I know I can't lose that kind of weight without help, likely surgical help. At this point, I'm so frustrated and I don't know what to do. I'm not rich by any means. Honestly, even with my employer-provided insurance, which covers my medications under a prescription plan, most of my paycheck still goes to paying for my medicine and CPAP machine. My insurance covers weight loss surgery, but that won't do a darn thing for me if I can't find a doctor who will do the surgery. Any help or advice is welcome at this point. Thanks.

    Sorry to hear about your troubles, is it possible to change the medicines you are on? (as your weight gain over the last 2 yrs could be a reaction to the medication ) to see if that will help you lose the initial weight? You might also want to consider contacting a Dr in Mexico to discuss your case (a lot of people on the forum have had their op in Mexico and have named their Drs if you would like to check it out). Their requirements might be different and you may be able to do your op there. Good luck and wish you all the best.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. I'm pretty open about my surgery, don't feel a need to hide as most people don't understand hiding things that are private and just take it as you being embarrassed or trying to pretend that you lost all the weight "naturally". Cannot be bothered to try to figure out what they think so I'm usually honest and matter of fact about it. Most people are then accepting, and if they aren't, don't particularly care anyway. That being said, I'll order whatever I feel like and if its a regular sized dish then I'll have the leftovers for 2 meals [emoji39]

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Hi dear, believe me, we are all in the same boat. I'm 8 months out of surgery and only half way to goal. I've been stuck at the same weight for 2 months and feeling depressed about it. I remind myself how much healthier I am and how much happier and more energetic compared to before. I remind myself that everyone goes through periods where the weight doesn't shift and that can last for months, but as long as you are getting your Protein and exercise in, you will start losing again. Finally, I remind myself that without this operation, I could never gave seen the same results in the same time period. You aren't alone, you will be fine :-) if you have specific questions regarding the operation and it's aftereffects, people here are really helpful

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. My daughter was 7 at the time of my surgery, she knew I was going to the hospital for an operation but I did not give her details, only told her sometimes things go wrong and the Dr decides you need an operation to put things right. I had so many issues growing up due to people (family friends and complete strangers) commenting on my body. I wasn't overweight as a child but I developed early and needed a bra by 9 yrs old. Grownups and other children began commenting on my body constantly, it got worse when I started to put on weight. I decided not to share specifics with my daughter because I am paranoid about making her conscious in a negative way about her body at such a young age. When we discuss food choices etc and lifestyle it's always in terms of health, not looks. It might be just my paranoia due to my own past and she could be perfectly fine with knowing exactly what happened, but I just wasn't comfortable sharing that I had bariatric surgery with her while she's still so small. I was worried that she would make a connection in her mind that if she doesn't like something about her body, she could just have an operation. When she's older I will tell her the truth.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Thank u for this post! I'm at month 5, down 47 lbs since surgery and notice I can eat chips and half a cupcake without getting sick. It scares me. I have some emotional eating issues and I'm struggling to stay the course get to goal (25-30lbs more to go) and remain successful. I could cry right now. It's been a rough few days and I'm emotionally weak. Gonna go drink some Water too because I'm slightly dehydrated. Maybe that's what's causing my moodiness and depression?

    Don't forget with the weight loss comes the mood swings as the hormones that were in the fat get dumped back into your body. Think the emotional roller coaster is typical, certainly was for me. Also dehydration does really affect you and after the surgery it's so easy to forget about drinking water.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. What is orange blossom Water? Sounds lovely!

    Sent from my SM-G930P using BariatricPal mobile app

    Hi dear, they pick orange tree blossoms and distill them till they get a concentrated liquid (consistency of water) it's delicious in lemonade, water, made as a "tea" with hot water and slices of lemon zest, we also make most of our sweets with it in the Middle East it's also known to aid in digestion.

    Sent from my SM-G900FD using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Hi dear, no personal experience with what you are going through, but it sounds horrible. You seem to have given this decision a lot of thought and discussed it with more than one doctor before deciding that this is the right step for you. It is a very difficult decision and you are very brave to have decided on it. I wish you good health and a speedy recovery.

  17. Wasn't an issue for me as I consider the surgery saved my life emotionally (depression, self hatred etc) and physically (no more sleep apnea, blood sugar now normal, cholesterol much better, no longer in pain physically ). In my case, I'm looking forward to meeting the person that's been buried under all the baggage for the last 11 yrs.

    Hi dear, expect mood swings, I understand it's very normal, although I wouldn't really call them mood swings, more like severe PMS. It's due to the hormone dump as the fat melts the hormones stored in the fat get dumped suddenly into your body and will affect you. I can go from a regular calm mood to rage or depression in seconds, after 6 months it's a lot better but I remember the first few months were pretty bad. Good luck and hang in there, it does get better.

  18. Wasn't an issue for me as I consider the surgery saved my life emotionally (depression, self hatred etc) and physically (no more sleep apnea, blood sugar now normal, cholesterol much better, no longer in pain physically ). In my case, I'm looking forward to meeting the person that's been buried under all the baggage for the last 11 yrs.

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