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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LoisinStA

  1. I am 64 years old and had to have my lap band removed 6 months ago. Needless to say I put on almost all the weight I had lost with the band and can't stand it. I am planning to go back to Mexico in the next month or so for the sleeve. I have just started to hear of issues with older patients like myself running into situations where they need their appendixies removed sometime after the sleeve surgery and then needing hernia surgery. It is. supposed to be a more current problem. Anyone out there experience this or even heard of this happening?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  2. Thanks for your response,,,you are telling me what i was hoping to hear. As well as I did with the band I expect to do that well with the sleeve. I had the band removed here in St augustine and couldn't afford to have the sleeve done here. I don't have any health insurance. It is much cheaper in Mexico and the care I got was wonderful. It sounds like you had no adverse affects which is very encouraging to me...I appreciate your taking the time to respond. Good luck!!

  3. I developed aspiration pneumonia from the lap band...I was very successful with it...lost almost 80 pounds and kept it off for 6 years, I was put into the hospital and as a side to the pneumonia I was told I had to have my band removed, That was April 20 and I have gained upwards of 40 pounds with no end in sight, I am very seriously considering having the surgery for the gastric sleeve. I have sent many folks to Mexico where I had my surgery and they all got the sleeve and are doing very well. One person I know is not doing well....,after she got home she had appendicitis, after that surgery she had to have a hernia removed and is not losing weight. She is trying to talk me out of it saying that it is different if it is revision as opposed to being the first bariatric surgery one has, She also has terrible GERD but had that prior to the sleeve surgery,

    I am hoping I can find someone(s) who have had the sleeve as a revision and find out how it went so that I can be an informed patient. I am 5 months out from the removal of the band,,,do not have gerd, never had it, I am 64 years old and finally in good health...a few minor issues but nothing to prevent my having the surgery.

    Thanks in advance to your help.


  4. I had my band removed 5 months ago due to aspiration pneumonia and lots of bacteria in my lungs from throwing up. I had the band put in April 2008 and did very well until the last 6 months when i started throwing up. I want to have the sleeve surgery but I have heard that is it very common to develop GERD and someone I know also developed a hernia and she is not losing weight. She had both surgeries done at the same time? Can that create the issues she had post-surgery? Thanks in advance for any advice, or experiences that you have had

    Forgot to mention that I now weigh 162 pounds and going up each week, I feel I need to have a surgical procedure to get me back to optimal weight and keep me there,

  5. I was banded in Mexico in April of 2008 and have lost a total of 75 pounds. I have not had a fill in a long time and I think I am at a good spot with the band...Sometimes I don't chew enough or eat something that I shouldn't and throw up but it is tolerable. My biggest problem is drinking after I eat...I get thirsty and there is just no where for the liquid to go so it comes back up. I had lost about 60 pounds and wasn't excercising...then I got a job at a retail store and within 6 weeks had lost an additional 15 pounds and my weight has stayed within 1 pound up or down for the past 11 months...I am walking about 1100 steps a day.

    I have no regrets about having the surgery..I am off of blood pressure medicine and my diabetes drugs have dropped my blood sugar to a very good range. I have loose skin primarily because of my age...I am 61 and my skin does not have the elasictitiy that it had when I was younger...oh well...not that big a deal. If I win the lottery I might consider surgery..

    Just thought I would throw my two cents in...good luck all...and hang in there...it does get easier.

  6. I never had heartburn before my band...after a too tight fill I developed it and have been stuck with it ever since even though I have had the band loosened...I have had it tightened again and it is back in force...will probably have another little unfill. I cough and gag all night long and at some point late into the night or early in the morning I throw up...not sure if it is acid or bile. I tired taking prilosec and I guess it helped but then I stopped taking the pills and it has started up again...I am going to try to remember to take at least one a day to see if it will stop it....

    It is so strange for me to have heartburn...I have had to stop coffee, spicy foods..things that I never had a problem with before my surgery...but I would not trade in my band for anything....BTW...I had my surgery with Dr. Zapata also....

  7. I had an upper GI today. Thank God the radiologist said band looks ilike it s where it is suppose to be. He did not reveal to me a specific reason for my acid reflex, which has gotten worse since my first band adjustment on Jan 7'11. I had a hiatal hernia repair at the same times as the lap band placement. I am wondering if anyone has had this problem. I did not have heartburn prior to lapband surgery and I am taking prescription acid reflux pills but still have heartburn. I follow up with surgeon tomorrow. But is it possible my first band adjustment is too tight? Anyone have this problem occur after hernia repair/lap band?

  8. Since my band, I have developed indigestion problems which has made me quit drinking coffee. I have a hard time feeling awake and almost drove off the road the other day going to work..starting investigating energy drinks when a nurse friend of mine talked me out of them. He suggested I try the energy drink put out by Mona Vie. I ordered them and they arrived today.,.in looking at the can it said it was "lightly carbonated" which I didn't know when I ordered it. Has anyone used this beverage and will the light carbonation be a problem for me...I have given up all carbonation...recovered from my Diet Coke addiction..don't want to stretch the band. If anyone has used these drinks...please let me know if it will be an OK solution for me.

  9. Thank you so much for your response. I will call the doctor's office on Monday. I will not mess around with this...I did buy some generic prilosec which I will take but will definitely go for an unfill. It's amazing to me that I can eat as much as I do and still be too tight. However,,your story was most compelling. I have to travel 1 1/2 hours for a fill but it will be worth it to get rid of this problem.

    Thanks again for your help....

  10. I have a similar problem...started to notice I was putting on a few pounds so I got a little fill. Since then I have acid reflux...never had it in my life before. I am not too tight because I can still eat - probably more than I should. Starting taking Zantac but it doesn't seem to help. Read somewhere that I need to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime and drink Fluid to clear out the pouch before bed. I am going to try that.

  11. It was one of the finest medical experiences I have ever had. The doctor is wonderful and the people associated with him are great. From the time they picked me up at the airport til the time they took me back to the airport I was treated very well, well cared for and felt like they really cared about me. The hospital was cleaner that any i have been to here lately, the nurses didn't speak much english, but they anticipated all of my needs. Alma is a doll and very helpful. The best part was after i got home and was have some stomach trouble, I called Dr. Zapata on his cell phone and he called me back within 5 minutes and told me what to do...when was the last time that happened to you here in the US. Can't say enough good things about my experience.

  12. Congrats on your decision to go to Dr. Zapata. He is fabulous as is everyone involved in the process. I went by myself and met my sister there...she had the surgery the same time I did. It was fine to be alone...Things to bring with you...suckers...I brought sugar free and don't know how I would have lived without them. Wear loose clothes and pack very light. When it was time for me to leave, my flight was cancelled and I had to go through atlanta with a layover there for a little while. I took the pain pills as directed...I never needed a wheelchair, I was fine. I even drove myself home from the airport. As long as you take the pain pills you should be ok.

    If you would like more info, please feel free to email me privately. I would also be happy to talk with you. It was a wonderful experience for me...considering it was surgery. They took excellent care of me and everything went smoothly. I had my surgery in April and reached my goal weight (50 off) in 5 months. I have no regrets although it has changed my life and how I look at food. best thing I ever did...my sister feels the same way.

    Good luck and if you need anything, feel free to contact me. Say hi to alma for me::Lois from Jacksonville.

  13. I know what you are saying...I have gone from an 18 to 10 (sometimes 8) and was trying on some 70% off shorts yesterday. They had very limited sizes..I thought I put on XL and they fit just a tad snug. When I got home and tried the stuff on again...much to my surprise I saw that the shorts were a small!!! I would never have tried them on in the first place had I seen the size. Who knew??? Now I know why they were a little snug...I thought the XL were cut small. What a trip to know that I fit into a SMALL.

  14. I get my fills in Altamonte Springs, which is just outside of Orlando. I live in St. Aug and it takes me 1 1/2 hours to get there. The doctor is fabulous..I have sent 3 others to him and they love him. His name is Dr. Beltre. If you need his number or more information, let me know.

  15. Hello Jax Bandster,

    I have been away for a while - or at least away from this forum. Good news is that in that time period I hit my goal. Bad news is that my type 2 diabetes hasn't been helped by my weight loss YET! Anyone out there in Jax who is diabetic and gotten to goal and is in the same boat I'm in? I am now on liquid metformin which is much easier for me to take since my band is a little tight right now so hopefully with my taking it more regularly I will start to see a difference.

    If I recall there are a bunch of us in or near Mandarin. I work in Mandarin on Old st. Aug road and phillips hwy in the Woody's shopping center. If anyone wants to get together to share, count me in.

  16. I am type 2, uncontrolled and headed for insulin. Had the surgery in April. Put my head in the sand and didn't take meds and figured that after I reached my goal - loss of 50 pounds, my diabetes would be in remission.

    Well, that did NOT happen. I've lost 53 pounds and when I saw my doctor last week my finger prick was 300 and my A1C was very high. I am back on metformin - had to get the liquid version cuz my band is a little tight and had trouble swallowing the pills and also back on my glipizide. Need to see doc again in 3 months.

    I thought for sure that the weight loss would make a big difference...now I only hope that in the next few months at my new goal weight (145 pounds, 5'5 1/2", size 10) and my meds I will see my sugars stabilize and maybe even become normal.

    I have not been exercising like I should so that is my next project.

  17. My sticks out like an egg also...I am still wearing tops that are too big because I am self conscious of the "lump". I will need a revision after I lose the rest of my weight. I am down almost 40 with about 10 more to go. I am self pay...anyone know what it will cost to fix?

  18. I was banded by Dr. Zapata in April. It was a fabulous experience from the time they picked me up at the airport to the time they delivered me back to the airport 3 days later. Alma is fabulous, the doctors are terrific, the hospital is extremely clean and hotel is nice. Everyone treated me very well and I would go back there in a minute. Say hi to everyone for me...Lois from St. Augustine, FL

  19. I have lost almost 40 of the 50 pounds I needed to lose. I have a lump the size of an egg where my port is. I talked to my doctor about it and it seems that the way my fat was and is not now, the port is visible. I can have it switched out to a new "low profile" port or just have it buried deeper - both of which I shouldn't do until I lose all the weight I want to lose. If I wear a top that fits, the lump is visible so I find myself wearing pants that fit well (size 12) and tops that fit big (XL). I guess I will be facing another procedure to move the port so that I won't be self conscious about wearing tops that fit. I guess it is a small price to pay (on top of self pay for surgery) to feel good and look good.

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