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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by theladylovely

  1. Well, since you know you can do it without the surgery already tell her she's right, that you CAN do it without the surgery, then point out that even though you CAN do it on your own that you haven't gotten the results you want, or the longevity of the results you want and that this surgery is a tool you truly believe will help you get where you want to be and stay there so that you can have a long and happy life, because it sounds like your mom loves you and all that good moms really want for their kids is for them to be happy and healthy, hopefully that will help remind her of that then for good measure thank her for being so incredibly supportive, after all they do say that honey works better then vinegar!

  2. I'm pre-op myself, I do Water aerobics. I've been doing it for years after basically breaking both my legs a few years back. All the gravity plus my weight made it extremely difficult to walk on the weakened joints. I stay accountable because I actually teach them now! Lol. I aways feel better after work. The heated pool is great on the joint pain plus the moving without gravity makes it far less painful and working in the Water adds more resistance. It's my favorite thing to do now though 5 years ago I would've never imagined it.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I got my consultation with Dr. Snow next week! Super excited. I live in Illinois but wasn't impressed by the doctors over here, Snow looks like a great choice so I can't wait.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I'm also in Illinois near Scott AFB, but going to St. Louis for surgery. :-)

    Sent from my XT1585 using the BariatricPal App

    try this again, using the iPad is different lol. Awesome! I am near Jacksonville myself

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

  4. I am like you. At the very beginning. I have a consultation scheduled for one week from today. And I am excited. Like you I am ready, to to not be out of breath doing simple things, ready to not squeeze myself into seats or booths, ready to not be forced to sit on the sidelines watching my family do things without me because my body simply CANT. I too worry I will be that minimal statistic that doesn't make it it of the operating room. But I realize that I am just as likely to be the statistic that doesn't wake up one morning cause my heart gave out, or to be hit by a car crossing the street. At this point in my life it's well worth the risk. Because if I don't I feel like the fat will kill me, and sooner then I'd like. It's a gamble, but one I am ready to take! Congrats on your decision to take back your life! I'm as excited for you as I am for myself!! Every night I write letters to my slimmer self, and I put them in a tin to read a year from the date I write them. In them I write about the things I can't do, the pains...both physical and emotional, so that a year from now I don't forget completely what it was like living this way, to encourage myself to push through the trials. And because it also offers me hope, that in a year I will be around to read them.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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