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Everything posted by MTWilliams

  1. My birthday is on the 15th of December and I'm 1 month out of surgery. My only restrictions are carbs and beef. MY family wants to take me out to dinner. Any suggestions as to where I can go? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  2. I must wait till Friday in order to be advanced to chicken,fruits and veggies. I miss veggies so much! Gosh, fighting with feelings or wanting to cheat again. Zucchini my friend....I miss you. Lol. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  3. MTWilliams

    Must wait?!?!?

    Thanks guys. I have baby spoons, it's just I was driving and was starved. I just ate with my fingers and it was much too fast. I think that's really what happened.... Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  4. Yes, I've been able to eat Eggs for a while now.but I don't wanna eat them. Lol. I did a paleo diet a year ago and I ate so many Eggs I just can't stomach them anymore. Lol Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  5. So as well.all know today was thanksgiving and boy was it a challenge. I had my proceedure on the 18th (6 days ago) and was advised to be on Clear liquids till the 29th. I tried my best but could not shake the feeling of hunger. My husband gave me a chocolate pudding cup and that helped. But as people with food addictions know all too well, that opened a big wide door. I infused my chicken broth with salsa, allowed myself to eat very small bits of chicken, then ate about 1.5tbs of coleslaw, 2 tbs of stuffing, 2 tbs of garlic bread, 1tbs applesauce and 2tbs of pumpkin pie-no crust. Now, this was not all in one sitting but throughout the day. I feel like scum. So discouraged and disappointed in myself. Physically I feel stuffed. I can breathe and expand my diaphragm fully but I'm uncomfortable for sure. Still trying to get my liquids in though. I don't really know what I'm asking for but perhaps that I'm going to be okay and that this happens? Maybe a scolding? I don't really know but I'd love to hear from anyone.......... Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  6. So I'm getting this odd rash I've never had before in different areas all over my body. It's a bunch of little itchy red dots on my neck behind my right ear, on my chest, and lower back. Does this have anything to do with the sleeve? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  7. I will be 3 weeks out Friday and I'm experiencing the same thing. Does yours itch? Mine does on and off all day! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yes it does Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App Oh great! !!! So looking forward to it Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  8. It's cute and heart warming that your dad cares so much for you that he would go through all of this to convince you not to have it. I can see my dad doing this but surprisingly he was fine with my choice. My mom cried about it and begged me not to. It's hard for them too, probably because they in part feel like they're to blame since they're the ones who taught you how to eat and what to eat. Stay strong and make the best choice for your comfort and body. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  9. @Malin....you're hilarious girl. Yeah, I like how he added that all up in the end like that's how stats work. Oh fathers, we'll intended but so funny. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  10. MTWilliams

    Help! I ate real food!

    You probably haven't heard back because he's probably saying......"another one of these calls....ughhhhh" lol. People swear like surgeons are dumb and haven't thought to include human error on the list of risk factors for these types of surgeries. Lol.... Sent from my SM-G530T using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. MTWilliams

    Help! I ate real food!

    And sometimes people are just being a horses rear end... just sayin. I posted and asked for help because I was desperate. You have a great night. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App Yes, unfortunately people can be real jerks. I learned this the hard way when I posted my mistake, bad choice, whatever the F/#^ you wanna call it-like it matters. You should go on my page and see what was written. Everyone will come out of the woodwork pointing fingers. What some people seem to have forgotten is that we obviously all have issues with food (food addictions) or else we wouldn't be on this forum. Yes, I understand you're scared because yes, what u did was risky and dangerous but u know this already. It's not like you posted saying....."I ate solid food and I don't give a flying &^/#!" So it's obvious that u know what u did was dangerous and you don't need an extra critic in you're life ...you need a good support system. That's what we SHOULD be doing for you. Some of us do....I would say that the vast majority dont. Those people that dont, should really take a damn hike. When I did it I understood that it was a huge mistake, I understood the danger I put myself in (after the fact). I told my surgeon at my two week post op and he said I was fine. He said... If you aren't feeling pain, your BM is normal, you don't have a fever,not throwing up....you're fine. Don't let them send you through the ringer. You know your body best. If you feel fine....then you're probably fine. I was terrified to tell my surgeon but I'm glad I did because he said it was no big deal and I knew that I would 100% be okay.....but If I hadn't told him..... I'd still be okay. The choice is yours to make and yours alone. Go to my page and look at some of the things people wrote.....you'll be so suprised-or.maybe not since it looks like you've attracted some real rude ones here lol. Also, those who supported and encouraged me wrote some things that might help you get through this. Sent from my SM-G530T using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Yes, thank you for checking in on me. I'm doing well. I'll be advanced to chicken and veggies and fruit this Friday and I'm so so so excited. I'm not eating very much though. I don't wanna eat actually. It doesn't fill good to be full anymore. It's just uncomfortable. I'm not over eating either since im stuggling to eat these 2oz. Is that normal? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App I'm hoping I'll have more success with desiring to eat if I can have veggies and fruit. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  13. MTWilliams

    Must wait?!?!?

    Thanks so much for the encouragement Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  14. Do u know how long it lasts? Will it go away and is there anything I can do to make them more bearable? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App ^^^^these are questions my mom asked me to ask. Lol....I'm not too worried about it. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  15. Thanks @@gustavio Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  16. MTWilliams

    Blood in stool?

    I agree with the nice lady above. Everything she said was right on point Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  17. MTWilliams

    Must wait?!?!?

    Guys.....I ate fish tonight which I have been cleared for and I think I might have ate it too fast because I ended up throwing it up. Have u experienced this before? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  18. MTWilliams

    Help! I ate real food!

    You're going to be okay. I know what you're going through. People are going to be very hard on you...might even make u feel bad but do not listen to them. We're human and make mistakes. Pm me if u need support. I ate thanksgiving solids 6 days after surgery and I was fine buddy. Please pm me if u feel like you're up against the wall and have no one to turn to. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  19. MTWilliams

    Feel like I need to burp A LOT

    So there's no body to comfort us and tell us it's normal and that it will go away. I'm almost 4 weeks out and still going through the burps. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App It's almost like whatever I ate or drank won't settle till air comes up. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  20. Oh wow girl!!!!you look so good. What what ur weight before and what's your weight now? Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  21. MTWilliams

    Stomach Sleeper

    I was able to about 4 days out Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  22. So I had my first weigh in since my surgery on the 18th of November and I'm 10 lbs down. I feel good about it. If it had been less I would be discouranged. If it had been more I would be worried. What do u think? Pre-op: 274 2 wk post-op: 264 Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  23. MTWilliams

    Feeling pretty good.

    That's really good advice. I'm going to try my best. I've always been my worst critic. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  24. MTWilliams

    Feeling pretty good.

    I will most definitely keep plugging away at my water intake. He doesn't want me to weigh my food, just measure so that's what I'm doing for now. I do have a scale if ever I want to change from measuring to weighing. Eventually I will try that flavorless protein powder. Thanks for the helpful suggestions. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App
  25. MTWilliams

    Feeling pretty good.

    Thank you @@My4Brownies Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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