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Everything posted by pixystix0116

  1. pixystix0116

    Healthy lunch ideas

    The P3 packs that @Vinasu mentioned are life savers for me. I also bring apple slices, almonds, and sometimes Oikinos zero yogurt. I keep lunches cold so they are fast quick and easy.
  2. pixystix0116

    Favorite foods?

    I loved my vanilla yogurt, and egg salad...i went crazy for egg salad for about 2 weeks straight. @Poppybelle12 if i am remembering right, with my plan soft foods was 2 weeks post op. Your plan may be a wee bit different though. Good luck!
  3. pixystix0116

    Clothes post op

    The minute i could get up and move about I put on some yoga pants under the gown.
  4. pixystix0116

    Liquid diet

    I did a 2 week pre op liquid diet and lost 15 lbs.
  5. It sounds to me like you are pretty much on track. I have weeks where i lose one, then none, then suddenly 5 drop off. Just keep working on your Protein and liquids and it will all turn out. Every loss is a win, and anytime you stall and don't gain it's still a win. Hang in there!
  6. pixystix0116

    Scared of the pain!!

    I was really nervous about pain afterwards too. This was my first surgery. But trust me pain is minimal. I only took the pain meds for a full day after surgery. It's more discomfort than pain really. Best of luck to you!!!
  7. pixystix0116

    Pre Op Binge

    I did a similar thing before surgery. I didn't binge really but I had a list of my favorite places to eat and had a meal at these places. Some healthy, some not so healthy. Don't go to crazy otherwise your body will really hate you when you go through the pre op liquid diet phase, but enjoy some of your favorite meals that you know you won't be able to enjoy for a while. I see nothing wrong with that.
  8. pixystix0116

    Outpatient sleeve anyone?

    I had outpatient surgery. I was in an out within 9 hours. I was in recovery for about 45 minutes, wheeled back to my room and immediately asked for assistance to get up and go to the restroom. They filled me with 4 bags of IV fluid! I wasn't super steady so I went right back to the bed then to sit down for a moment, got my bearings and walked up and down the hall. I was released about 30 minutes after that. It was my first ever surgery so I was super nervous but it all went off without a hitch. My pain levels were really low. I only took the pain meds for about 24 hours after surgery. I went back to my docs office the next morning to remove the draining port thingy and back home for a nap. All was well. Best of luck to you!
  9. pixystix0116

    Post op shopping list !

    For the Clear liquids post op my list was basically, sugar free flavoring for Water, chicken, beef, and veggie broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello. Once I was on full liquids I added premier Protein shakes, okinos zero vanilla yogurt, sugar free pudding, and light or low sodium cream of chicken and cream of mushroom Soup (strained so no chunks passed my lips) diet Splash juice and isopure unflavored Protein Powder. I tried to put some in almost everything i put in my mouth.
  10. pixystix0116

    Time off work ?

    @Ivfavy not at all. I went in about 8 that morning and was home by 3:30ish that afternoon. I was up and walking about 45 minutes after surgery....mostly out of the need to use the restroom thanks to all the fluids lol.
  11. pixystix0116

    I miss fooood

    I have become a big fan of the leftover. I was raised to finish my plate before leaving the table, so it is super hard now to have a massive plate of food in front of me and after only a few bites pushing it away. I almost always ask for a to go box when I'm eating out now, right when I order my food.
  12. I'm an emotional eater and a boredom eater. I'm over 5 months post op and wouldn't change my experience for anything. The sleeve forces you to make better choices about food. Your bodies priorities come into a much sharper focus than the mental needs because the body will shut you down with a physical purge. Sorry to be graphic but I hate puking more than just about anything, so if I know it's gonna make me sick to eat that fried chicken, or have just one more bite of something, I just simply don't do it. It's on you to make better healthier eating choices but the sleeve does its work, it warns you when enough is enough and you move on. I am learning that the not so healthy foods I love aren't 100% off limits. It's ok to have a bite but don't over indulge, and make sure you are getting your Protein and liquids in each day and you won't want for much else. The only regret I have about this surgery is that I didn't do it 10 years ago. Lots of luck to you!
  13. It took me about 2 months post op to steadily get my required Protein and liquids in. You just keep working at it. Stop when you're full and start again when your body makes room. Your stomach is still swollen and healing so it isn't gonna be easy in the very beginning. Just do your best and it will steadily get easier to take in what is required.
  14. pixystix0116

    Time off work ?

    I also do an office job that requires me to sit at my desk most of the day, no heavy lifting. I did out patient surgery on a Thursday. Took the following Friday off work and was back at work that Monday. I was really tired because the post op liquid diet didn't provide any food fuel for energy, but I was feeling good as new on all fronts by the end of that week. I got through work just fine each day and went to bed early each night lol.
  15. pixystix0116

    Help! Headache in preop diet!

    I had a 3 day headache going through the pre op dieting process and I had already gotten myself off the caffeine. My pre op diet required I not take any sort of pain meds like tylenol or advil so I had to rely on home remedies like peppermint oil. It actually did give me temporary relief so maybe that's an option for you. Just dab a little on your temples and your wrists. Best of luck!
  16. pixystix0116

    Protein shots

    What @@rolosmom7 said. It's not the good sort of Protein and besides your body can only process about 30 g of protein at a time so the 42 though it sounds awesome really isn't benefiting your body as much as you would think it is. I say stick with the Protein shakes ( i personally love Premier Protein) and get some good flavorless Protein powder and add it to everything you can. Good luck!!
  17. pixystix0116

    Flavorless Protein powder

    If i want to go non flavored i use Isopure unflavored. Just don't add it to hot t hings as it can curdle.
  18. I do sometimes worry that I am pushing the limits of my sleeve too. I'm just a wee bit over 3 months out and losing steadily though so I just try to take my time (I have always been a fast eater so that's an adjustment) and listen to what my body is telling me. I don't generally throw up though so I don't think I have really gone over my bodies limits when it comes to eating. Good luck to all!!
  19. pixystix0116

    Dating (ugh)

    I'm not currently doing the online thing (have in the past with mixed results) but I have wondered about this too. How do you open that convo up about WLS? How do you make a total stranger understand the metamorphosis that is taking place? Im still just getting started with a long road ahead of me. Part of me would really like to find someone to walk with me through all this someone who could like me big or small, and another part of me would rather wait and seek out a partner after the weight loss process is done and its just about maintaining. I don't know what's right lol. I don't really have anything helpful to add to the original posters question, just that I'm rowing along in a similar boat and wish you the best. Good luck to all us singles!
  20. pixystix0116

    New liquid ideas ! Please

    I'm a big fan of the Trader Joe's carton soups, if you have one around you check it out. They usually have a pretty good assortment and some seasonal options to keep it interesting. Beyond that sugar free ice pops were my best friend. Good luck!
  21. I only regretted it in the very beginning when i was on broth and my family was having steak..and it was more of a pout than a true regret...I missed chewing...but now nearly 3 months out and down 52 pounds I honestly wonder why on earth I didn't do this sooner.
  22. Im taking the 500mg calcium citrate (strawberry) and that combined with my new chewable multi Vitamin cause a really bad reaction for me. I am having to take my mulit in the morning and my calcium in the evening from now on.
  23. pixystix0116

    Having Trouble Being Positive

    I did out patient surgery as well. Was in and out within about 7 or 8 hours. I didn't see my surgeon the day of or on my post op visit the next morning to have my draining tube removed. I had very lite dressings over my stitches. The staff with my doc office was very open with me though, I knew it wasn't likely I would see my doc until i go back for my 3 month follow up. The nurse who assisted my doc was the one who removed my tubing and answered all my questions. I guess the difference here is I knew ahead of time that my doctor would be out of pocket.
  24. pixystix0116

    Time off

    I did outpatient surgery. Did it on a Thursday, and was back at work Monday. I also do a desk job where the heavy lifting is just my arm to the keyboard.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
