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Posts posted by Thin4Anisha

  1. Surgeons office just called, UHC denied me. :smile: My policy states you must have a 5 year history with a BMI of 40 or above. 4 years ago I went on phentermine and lost 65 pds. Because of the I was denied. Never thought I would be punished for trying to get healthy.

    Any suggestions on what to do? Is it worth appealing?:tongue2:

  2. I lost 60 pounds once on phentermine and went from a size 22 to a size 14/15 in 6 month period. I would kill to be in a 15 again... Soon hopefully, waiting to hear from surgeons office today on a yay or nay from insurance.

  3. My surgeons office submitted my preapproval request two days ago. I keep getting on the uhc website, myuhc.com, to see if it will show me they are looking at it or have even received it and am not able to find anything. I am not very familiar with that site and want to know what section I should be looking in. Maybe I am missing it?

  4. I have not been banded either but experience these symptoms already. salad always gives me these symptoms as well as anything spicy (red sauce on a burrito, hot sauce.. you get the idea). The minute I am done eating the food I begin getting horrible cramps. On a few occassions I honestly believed I had gone into labor (not pregnant but only thing I could relate the well timed cramping too) and was reduced to crying in the bathroom until the pain passed. It may be that my stomache cannot tolerate such things anymore but I have secret suspicions (usually dreamed up while in pain after a meal) that my body is sick of salad (ate it for every single meal for a month trying to loose weight, then this started and I stopped) and is trying to "dump" calories to try and stop gaining weight. Who knows.

  5. I have UHC Choice Plus and didn't have the five years of a BMI over 40. I think it was three of the five though. I was approved in 4 days.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for that, it gives me hope. I checked online and it does not show anything yet. Did you submit medical records or a personal journal of weights and loss attempts? I did the journal and my surgeons office thought it was very good so I am hopefull.

  6. I work for Farmers Insurance and had my surgeons office submit the preapproval request yesterday to UHC Choice. The surgery IS covered on the policy and I have previously spoken with the reps and they gave me the specifics about the policy.

    That you must be over 21, a BMI over 40, you must have it done in a hospital and "you have documentation from a Physician of a diagnosis of morbid obesity for a minimum of five years"

    I am 25, my BMI is 44.9, I am more than happy to go to a hospital but I have had fluctuations in my weight. Five years ago I was about 218, then went on phenteramine and got to 165 by December. Than slowly began the process of gaining it all back and now I am at an all time high of 278. I wasn't even this big when I was nine months pregnant:sad:.

    I am terrified they will deny me because I have not had a BMI of 40 the whole five years. Cross your fingers and I will keep you posted. I am carrying my phone everywhere with me, even into the restroom!!

  7. it still bothers me that he totally cut me off from all affection when I was big. I'm still the same person inside. Our relationship is better, but what has transpired still concerns me. He basically told me that for men, sex is truly a visual thing. At the time, the visual just wasn't doing it for him. So..... what happens when I start to wrinkle? I don't know..... It just bothers me.

    Wow, I am glad to see I am not the only one who has been outcasted by their partner for gaining weight. My long time bf cut me off after the first 10 pds were gained. That was 4 years ago and we have had sex a grand total of 10 times in those four years. Sad because we use to be pretty crazy :rolleyes2:.

    Now at 100 pds more than I was then, I weekly get the treat of hearing how unattractive I am and if I just lost weight he would want to treat me better. And how he is embarressed to introduce me to his friends or how I am "the fat girl at the grocery store". What a load of crap! My plan is to get the surgery, hopefully this July, and move on to find someone who will love me and treat me right no matter if I am big, wrinkly, sick or premenstral. There is a lot more to me than my waist size and if someone is that shallow they don't deserve to get the skinny me! He keeps saying that if I was skinny our relationship would go back to the way it was but there has been to much damage done, I can never feel the same towards him now that I know he is so shallow.

    Also, it does make him feel secure that I am fat and he is convinced that no one would be attracted to me. I know that me returning to the body I had when I met him would twist his world.

  8. My insurance is also UHC Choice and they to require in my plan to have a 5 year weight history with a diagnosis from a physician of morbid obesity. I went from being overweight, to being very morbidly obese while pregnant, to being obese after the pregnancy, to overweight again and back to morbid obesity. I called the coordinator and they said they understand there are ups and downs and that is part of the disease. I have not yet been asked to provide medical records but did submit a weight history for the last six years with diet and exercise attempts. I may have... um, added a few pounds here and there but heck, I am goind off my memory :thumbup:

    I say, give it a try. What can it hurt? I will let you know what my insurance company decides

  9. Had another moment last night that concreted my determination for the band, which was already rock steady but not I will die trying to get it.... (Forgive me if to graphic) I had a hard time reaching my rear end in the bathroom!! Seriously, 25 years old and can't reach my A**!? Drastic change is needed here...

  10. You are the male version of me! I turned 25 yesterday, am 268 pds and have not support from anyone I have told about this. I have a 5 year old little girl and am scared that if I do not do this that I will not get to see her graduate high school and college, get married or have babies. My work also offers insurance that covers the surgery.

    Stay strong. Only you live inside your skin every single day and feel the effects obesity has on you. And only you know if it is going to work. Having insurance to cover most of the cost is a blessing that you should take advantage of. Do this for you, as I am going to do mine just for me. Why do we have to live with obesity for another 20 years before people will support us? I would rather live those next 20 years healthy and to the fullest!!

  11. I too fear going under. One because I worry about not waking up but also because I had a bad experience previously where when I woke up I woke up very upset and emotional. Crying hysterically and trying to fight the doctor and nurses back. I had it explained to me by someone that going under like that is as close to death as the body gets and underlying emotional issues can surface when you awake because all of your defenses are down. Maybe I need therapy :). My hope is that I was 13 when I went through that and now that it has been 12 years I think I have worked through most of my issues, we'll see!!

  12. My ah ha moment, there were a few that happened in the same two week period:

    1. My daughter is my mini me, same hair, face ect. And everyone is always telling she and I how much we look alike. One day she said to me "Mommy, I look just like you huh?". I agreed and she replied "Am I fat like you are too?" I almost broke into tears as I got on my knees and explained to my beautiful 5 year old that she was healthy and perfect.

    2. Went out to eat with a girl I work with. As we slid into the booth I got agitated thinking the booth table ahd been over onto my side more as I could barely fit. Then I realized, no it hadn't been slid over, I was just to fat to fit anymore.

    3. I got onto the scale and saw that not only had I exceeded the 250 mark but had surpassed it by 18 pounds. I realized at that moment that if drastic action was not taken I would be that woman in the grocery store using the carts because she cannot walk anymore. At 25 years old the thought of that left me cold and sick.

  13. I am still in the process of getting approved and a date but have already started this list in my head. My doc said he makes you do a two week diet before surgery of two slim fast shakes and a "sensible meal for dinner". So my unsensible meals for only the week before I start that will be as follows:

    Breakfast: doughnuts. 1 every morning, chocolate kind, cream filled and powdered filled with blueberry or raspberry.


    Double Whopper, no onions, fries, diet coke and a crispy chicken sandwich from Burger King.

    Double cheeseburger, no onions, fries, fry sauce and a diet coke at Crown Burger.

    12" Turkey Avacodo sandwich, with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, olives, mayo, peppercorn ranch dressing and mustard with a Diet Dr. Pepper at Blimpie and followed by a Maverick macadamia nut cookie.

    Fire Grilled Steak Burritto, hot, enchiladea style, avacodo on the side at Cafe Rio with a Diet Dr. Pepper.

    Barbacoa Beef Burritto at Barbecoa, black Beans, two types of salsa, guacamole (these burritoes weigh about 3 pds each)


    Big plate of spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread, wine and cheesecake for dessert.

    Hawaiian Barbecue chicken Pizze, a cheese pull apart and a bucket of ranch dressing, and a liter of diet pepsi.

    Sushi from Jasmine's in Salt Lake City (yum) and plum wine.

    Ribeye steak, fried potatoes with ketchup, cheesy broccoli, baked potatoe loaded with cheese and sour cream. Drink: a good stiff (or a few) rum and diet pepsi

    Chicken Fettichinni Alfredo from Olive Garden, all you can eat breadsticks (pass on the salad, can have that after) and a nice wine.

    Ok, now I am really hungry. Each of these meals will be a farewell to what I love so much and hate for having such a hold on me. I will not be eating them after being banded due to them being just really unhealthy, hard to chew and not worth the effort or to bready, carby for the band.

  14. I like that people share the good, the bad and the ugly. Helps me feel prepared for the what if's. My feeling - keep on posting!!!

    But I totally respect your feelings. Everyone should be allowed to share their feelings and experiences here, even if I don't agree :)

  15. This board is a wonderful place to go for support. It has given me a lot of hope and comfort to be able to get advise from people who understand.

    We will support you. You are doing the right thing, for yourself and your future. Only you know what it is like to live in your skin day in and day out. And only you know when it is the right time to take the next step to getting banded. People may seem disinterested or outright negative about your decision, but at the end of the day you are the one who has to live with being overweight and not them so blast them all to hell!

  16. Thoughts of what I would do infiltrate my mind everyday. My biggest one -

    1. Never having to realize I am the FAT girl in the room,

    2. Great sex were I am confident my partner finds me attractive physically as well as mentally,

    3. To not have my work associates always offer me the front seat when we travel by car, and thinking they are just polite until I realize it is because I am the fat one and two other people won't fit in the back seat with me.

    4.Regular clothes,

    5. Not having people look at you like you are a freak at a restaraunt (fat people get hungry too, why do they act like we should just quit eating?)

    6. Walking through a crowd and knowing I turned at least a few heads :wink:

  17. I am going to have my parents drop me from their insurance the last day of April. I will call my HR department May 1st and enroll back into the companies insurance. Then on May 5th I will go to my doctor and start the process. I am glad I consulted everyone on here first, you all have talked some sense into me :smile2:

  18. The correct and moral thing to do here is to become self supporting.

    At age 25 the only thing you should be taking from your parents is a small birthday present and a reasonable christmas present and thats it.

    In fact you should be giving them birthday and christmas presents.

    So do a self review and if dad is paying for your cell phone or car insurance or car payment or student loans or health insurance go and have all that stoped. Decide to be an adult then walk in to your jobs hr department and sign up for your very own health insurance and if any one says anything to you then say

    "I am 25 and I need to stand on my own two feet"

    Not only will you be doing the right thing but people will respect you for it. Mom and Dad will respect you as well.

    Wow. Ok, more than a little offended at this. I am on my parents insurance, and have been since I was 16, because my step mother works for the state and insures everyone in the family who is under 26 years old and not married because SHE ONLY PAYS $50 A MONTH, REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON THE PLAN and it pays 100% of all the medical bills. It is just good common sense.

    For your information - I am a 24 year old single mother of a little girl, I live on my own - I pay my own rent, car payment, bills, grocery bill, daughters insurance, ect and am also putting me self through college full time while working 45 hours a week. I have my daughter in the best private school in my area and she is a thriving happy, little girl. I am more than self sufficient and do not use my daddy's money as you suggest.

    I am offended you would make such assumptions as this. I thought it silly to pay to be double insured and thought that for this last year I would put the $130 monthly insurance premium I had been paying aside to begin a college fund for my daughter. So you tell me, what exactly about this scenario in not "correct" or "moral"?!

    I thought this forum was about people who had something in common coming together to offer advice, past experiences and support. Not to judge – if I wanted judgment I would go shop at Vanity and ask for my size 26 and see what the skinny little girl behind the counter would do.

  19. Has anyone ever experienced a bad wake up from it? I had a camera put down my throat 11 years ago to look at an ulcer (at the age of 13) and when I woke up from it I freaked out. Sobbing crying, trying despretely to get away from the doctor and nurses.. I was really confused and disoriented and very upset. I don't think most people react this way. The doctor told me I had some very deeply buried emotional issues which I could kind of see. I grew up in foster care for most of my life and to make a long story short it was traumatic and awfull. I feel I have gotten a handle on most of the emotions from everything I experienced and am a very successful person and mother but part of me is still worried it is there and if they put me out I will wake up the same way...

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