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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thin4Anisha

  1. At the end of 2007, to save money, I chose to not re-enroll in my employers insurance (UHC) but to use my last year on my parents insurance, before turning 26 next year and getting booted off, to save some money by not double insuring myself. Then I decided I wanted to get banded and found out that my parents insurance, Altius, does not cover banding but my employers insurance, UHC, does. So I spoke with my HR department today and they said that if my coverage was terminated with my parents plan I could enroll with them and not have to wait for the end of the year annual enrollment. So here is the question - they work on the honor system. If I tell them that the coverage has been terminated they take my word for it, I enroll with UHC and get banded sometime this summer. Otherwise I have to wait for January and hope my company keeps UHC next year. Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated, I am on the fence on this one. Thanks guys, love this forum!!!
  2. Thin4Anisha

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    I am going to have my parents drop me from their insurance the last day of April. I will call my HR department May 1st and enroll back into the companies insurance. Then on May 5th I will go to my doctor and start the process. I am glad I consulted everyone on here first, you all have talked some sense into me :smile2:
  3. Thin4Anisha

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    Wow. Ok, more than a little offended at this. I am on my parents insurance, and have been since I was 16, because my step mother works for the state and insures everyone in the family who is under 26 years old and not married because SHE ONLY PAYS $50 A MONTH, REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON THE PLAN and it pays 100% of all the medical bills. It is just good common sense. For your information - I am a 24 year old single mother of a little girl, I live on my own - I pay my own rent, car payment, bills, grocery bill, daughters insurance, ect and am also putting me self through college full time while working 45 hours a week. I have my daughter in the best private school in my area and she is a thriving happy, little girl. I am more than self sufficient and do not use my daddy's money as you suggest. I am offended you would make such assumptions as this. I thought it silly to pay to be double insured and thought that for this last year I would put the $130 monthly insurance premium I had been paying aside to begin a college fund for my daughter. So you tell me, what exactly about this scenario in not "correct" or "moral"?! I thought this forum was about people who had something in common coming together to offer advice, past experiences and support. Not to judge – if I wanted judgment I would go shop at Vanity and ask for my size 26 and see what the skinny little girl behind the counter would do.
  4. Has anyone ever experienced a bad wake up from it? I had a camera put down my throat 11 years ago to look at an ulcer (at the age of 13) and when I woke up from it I freaked out. Sobbing crying, trying despretely to get away from the doctor and nurses.. I was really confused and disoriented and very upset. I don't think most people react this way. The doctor told me I had some very deeply buried emotional issues which I could kind of see. I grew up in foster care for most of my life and to make a long story short it was traumatic and awfull. I feel I have gotten a handle on most of the emotions from everything I experienced and am a very successful person and mother but part of me is still worried it is there and if they put me out I will wake up the same way...
  5. Thin4Anisha


    I was on phentermine five years ago. I dropped 65 pds in 6 months, got down to 165 but my doctor wanted me to get to 150. My doctor kept me on it for almost TWO YEARS and my body became immune to the appetite suppressing and began to gain back the weight while still on it. The unhappy ending of my story is that now I weigh 275. But I think that phentermine would be very usefull right after banding to help control hunger while you are getting proper restriction. No doctors in my area prescribe it anymore but if yours does I would go for it. Ask if it is ok to crush it though or if you get the name brand Fastin, to open the capsule.
  6. Thin4Anisha

    Dreams--is it just me?

    I dream about lap band almost every night. Either preparing for the surgery, going to the surgery or of loosing the weight after the surgery. My mind has never taken me into the actual surgery, thank goodness. That would freak me out. Last night I dreamed that I went into the surgery and when I woke up they had not put the band on me.
  7. I have, after communicating with the wonderful people on this site, finally put myself at ease as far as recovery from the surgery. Now I am haunted at the idea of being that 1 of every 10,000 that dies during the surgery and that I will leave my 5 year old daughter all alone in the world (I am a single mom, no dad or family in the picture). That terrifies me and leaves me with a cold pit in my stomache. But I remind myself of the surgeon I think I will use and his expertise in these surgeries. And that I have no health problems yet and am young (will be 25 in 13 days) so the chances of me being that one are slim - or this is at least what I tell myself.
  8. Here is a link that will let you know your BMI and what classification of obese you are. The rule of thumb is if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 40 you are morbidly obese. BMI Calculator You should call the insurance company, you don't have to give them your specific policy number, just the group number for the insurance your employer has with them and ask if Gastric Banding is covered, this is your first step. If they say yes, ask what are the qualifications one will have to meet to be approved. Some have to do 6 months of a diet with a doctor, have a BMI over 40 or a BMI over 35 with comorbities (like diabetes, high blood pressure..). Also, ask if there is any waiting period from the start date of the insurance to being able to be approved for the insurance. My insurance does not have a waiting period because I was insured before switching to them so there is no break in coverage. Sorry so long. Browse through the forums, they are wonderful and will teach you everything you ever wanted to know. There is one particulair forum you can find from the main page specifically dealing with insurance questions. Everyone on here is so very wonderful and supportive. Good Luck!!
  9. I presented your problem to a close friend of mine who has been banded for 3 years and greatly successfull, lost 135 pds in 10 months. His surgeon has him come to the seminars to talk to people and they send patients who are having problems loosing the weight to him. His recomendation is to cut the Protein drink before bed and to not eat anything 2 hours before bed. Also, he said you are getting an excess of protein and could stand to cut that back, best done by cutting the drink.
  10. Thin4Anisha

    Excessive Burping after surgery?

    It is funny how the band affects some people so differently than others. My bf father was banded 3 years ago (lost 130 pds in 10 months and is who inspired me to start looking into this) and he was unable to belch for the first two years. At all! He said that the gas will come out one way or another, literally, and that he wishes he would have had a belching problem instead of what he got :sneaky:
  11. Thin4Anisha

    Pre-banding Feed Frenzy....

    I am in the same boat. Now that I have decided lap band is the way to go I have thrown the diet restrictions I have had in place for 2 years out the window. I had given up french fries, Whoppers (my fav. burger), spaghetti, manicotti, lasagna... I went on a cooking frenzy (love to cook and am REALLY good at it) this last week and every night made my favorite meals. I am going to have to find a new hobby instead of cooking once I am banded.
  12. Thin4Anisha

    I am on my way

    Hooray for you!! That is wonderful, it has to be so overwhelming to begin a whole new way of life. I am excited for you - check in as soon as you are able
  13. I am wondering if I have to visit my PCP or if I can just go to the seminar and start the insurance hoops through them. What did you do? My PCP for the last 2 years quit and moved away, the facility he was in is still there but I have no relationship with the new doctor I have been hooked up with and wonder if she will agree to do a letter or referral? I have one iffy condition on my insurance policy, proving my morbid obesity for 5 years when it has only been morbid for 2 and sever for 2 before that.... Any input is greatly appreciated. And I just want to give my shout out to this forum - I LOVE IT AND EVERYONE ON IT. It is a shame there isn't support like this everywhere.
  14. Thin4Anisha

    UHC Requirements - What do you think??

    That is exactly what I wanted to hear!!!! Can I just mention here how incredibly excited I am, a little scared as I have never had surgery, but super excited!! Being able to reclaim my body has been something I have been wishing and trying to achieve for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Thin4Anisha

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    010308 - You are exactly the person I needed to hear from. Thank you for the information you have given me, it is priceless. And you have convinced me to not play with fire, you are right it is not worth it. One question. I now plan on having my parents drop me from their plan and the next day enroll with UHC through my employer. Because I will have been covered by insurance in the 90 days prior to signing up with UHC they state they waive the waiting period to cover treatment, do you believe this would include a waiting period on getting the surgery? Does this make sense?
  16. Thin4Anisha

    10% co-pay for Hospital charges---how much??

    Is it 10% of the hospital bill or is that 10% up until you meet your deductible? If it is until you hit your deductibe limit you could at least plan on the total cost not being more than that - say $1500 (which is what mine is)
  17. I did not have a sudden onset of memories, as you had, but have very vivid memories of my childhood. It is tramatizing in both instances and yes these issues are tied to weight gain even when we do not know it. I experienced molestation, rape (twice in one month), physical, emotional and verbal abuse starting at the age of 4 until the age of 15. Ironic that my weight problems began at 15.. something to ponder. You are not alone. You are not to blame and you will be ok. I too have eaten and pushed down all emotions. I am not yet banded and do not know what I will do when there is nothing to stop them from surfacing. Keep us posted on how you are doing. As you are here for support, others will find support in following your journey.
  18. Yes, I have a pretty consistent history with weight records. Five years ago I went in (in the obese category) and started Fastin (other half of phen phen) and had to go in to see my doctor every 3 months to check in. I lost weight but put it back on, which is also documented. So I can prove the obesity and the gradual gain that put me into morbidly obese (what a term!)
  19. Thin4Anisha

    Is it wrong to tell a white lie???

    Good point, well looks like I need to cancel some insurance and sign up for the other on the same day. No reason to get greedy. I need to stay focused on how lucky I am to have this problem
  20. Thin4Anisha

    Ready to begin the rest of my life..

    I just wanted to post the update in my progress to being banded. I spoke with my employers insurance company and they told me if the insurance on my parents end is terminated or if I tell them it has been terminated (I didn't say that, is it really wrong to fib if its for a really good reason?) that I can enroll in the company insurance! This is great news for me, I could enroll this spring and possibly have the band done this summer while I take a break from school:thumbup:!! Also, my company only needs you to be 21+ yrs old (check), have a BMI over 40 (check), and have documented history of being morbidly obese for 5+ years (maybe a check, I have been obese but not morbidly until the last two years). So no 6 month diet, psych eval. or any of that red tape. :biggrin:
  21. I have been reading and educating myself on this site for the last few weeks and just now decided to register. Here is a bit about me (this is long, sorry).. 24 years old, single mother to a beautiful 5 year old daughter, work in the legal field full time, full time student and am ready to start the process to getting my band!!! My problem, I chose at the end of last year to not sign up for my employers (Farmers Ins.) health insurance (UHC) and chose to just use the plan I am still under from my parents. To save money. Now that I have made the decision to get the band I learn their insurance does not cover the band but my employers did! Do I really have to wait until January 09 to get this when I can enroll again!? If I have to I figure I can start the 6 month doctor diet in April and be done with that so on January 1, 2009 I can submit paperwork for the surgery. Does this sound like a plausible plan to anyone. I am obsessed with getting a band. I dream about it ever night. I feel that for ONCE IN MY LIFE there is something that will honestly make a difference. I currently am 5'6 at 270 pds (BMI 44). I have been moderatly overweight since I was 15 and that problem exploded when I became pregnant at 18, and have only lost a significant amount of weight once, on Fastin (the other, legal, half of phen phen) where I lost 65 pds and got down to 165. I regained the weight while still on the d*#^ pill and have failed at every other diet i've tried. Slim fast, keeping calories at 1200, exercise, no carb, low carb, and even at one point only ate a salad for every meal for 4 weeks and gained 10 pounds. Sigh... I eat a lot of good, healthy food - rarely any fast food, rarely ever red meat, I quit baking 4 years ago (to my daughters dismay), rarely eat any sweets - I just eat A LOT of the food I do eat and I think the control of the band is EXACTLY what I need. Anyone else experience anything like this? My BF of 5 years cant understand why I don't just cut back my food intake to 1/2-1 cup of food a few times a day, as it will probably be one the band, now and loose the weight. For a man that can eat a half a pan of lasagna in one sitting you would think he would understand hunger a little better. He may have to be one of the "changes" made to my lifestyle when this whole thing goes into effect... Any support or knowledge and words of encouragement anyone has would be so very much appreciated. I have no one I can talk to about this who is not judgmental and thinks I should "do it on my own", that obviously hasn't worked in the past. I have so many questions about the before's and the after's. Anyone?....
  22. Thin4Anisha

    Waiting for sex...

    I haven't been banded yet but wanted to drop my congrats to you - my bf of 4 yrs wouldn't and hasn't touched me since as I hit 190, a 30 pound gain from when I met him (5'6, current 270), so I am happy for you that you have someone undetered by your struggle.
  23. Thin4Anisha

    Second Thoughts/Reservations

    Yes, please let us know how you are doing. I have said a prayer for you to be safe and well and to accomplish what you have set out to do.
  24. Thin4Anisha

    I'm looking forward to.....

    Great thread! Here are some of my own - --fitting into the desks at my college and not having to arrive 20 minutes early in an attempt to get the one desk made for larger people --feeling comfortable in the movie theater seats and not having the concession counter girls just add butter to my small popcorn because they figure I am fat and of course I want butter (I hate butter on my popcorn) --Shopping in normal stores and not having to dress like I am 45 (no offense, but I am 24 and want to dress accordingly) -- not wondering if the table at the booth has been pushed farther onto my side, because it seems like a tight fit, and then realize that no it has not, I am just to big! --To not have the nurse at my doctor's office say "uh oh, here is the worst part" when I am about to step onto the scale -- to never hear my boyfriend (or any other man) make a comment about my weight again, to ask me if I really should be eating that or suggest abandoning me in the forest for a few months so I would be forced to starve myself skinny. --Shopping at normal stores and lingerie to be a fun possibility. And to be comfortable wearing it in front of someone.. which will also lead to having great sex again --not being the fat mommy and to be able to play with my daughter the way she wants me to --getting flirted with by men -- not having to use the handicap bathroom stall because the others are such a tight fit --never getting stuck in my lawn chair again I could go on for forever. Mostly, to be treated like a normal human being and not seen as disgusting or freakish because I am bigger!!
  25. I will be doing the same thing. I (for various reasons) did not sign up with my companies health insurance during open enrollment. Now that I have decided to have the band I find out my other insurance, through my parents, does not cover the procedure but the insurance my company offered does. I will sign up with the company during this years open enrollment and on 1/1/09 I will submit the paperwork. Good luck to you and please keep us posted on the companies response!

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