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Posts posted by Nikki88

  1. It's almost six months since surgery and I feel great! No complications or major issues. I burp a lot and almost everything gives me mild heart burn but that's it. It's the best feeling in the world is to be able to run up and down stairs without getting shortness or breath or without feeling my thighs burning! I was 257 on July 19th now I am 205! 52lbs gone and only 20lbs away from my target goal! I went from a 2xl to a Large and from a 20 pants to a 14! I no longer need the plus size section!! IMG_0538.JPG https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/14955979_10100503703875750_2728280965912580307_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=d31538baff7c58751ddd428b21096c3b&oe=58F6509B

  2. I'm four weeks out and I still can't drink anymore than 20-30 oz a day. I sip all day on one cup! Some days I only pee twice a day should I be worried about that?? Today was really bad I was only able to drink 20 oz I have been super hungry (first time since surgery) and I have barely been to the bathroom all day.

  3. Thanks for the reply! My doctor guidelines seemed to be too much food for me to tolerate so I wasn't sure if someone else doctor said something differently. Also I had no idea that the rumbles in my stomach could possibly be from dehydration. That's for that insight. I measure the amounts of Fluid intake daily today I only took in half of what was required. Tomorrow I'm determined to get the entire 64!

  4. So I'm new to this but I had a hernia repair and a lap band revision to gastric sleeve on July 19th! I'm pretty excited with this new choice of life but confused at the same time. I never know if I'm eating enough I always have a rumble in my stomach. I'm not able to drink anymore than one bottle of Water a day. I sip on it all day but never exceeded one bottle. I know that's not good and I'm probably dehydrated but I feel stuffed after a few swallows but my stomach sounds like it needs food. I eat sf Jello, broth, Greek yogurt, and strained Soups but I'm not sure how much it too much. After two spoons of something I'm done. Is this normal?? My doctor has now allowed mushy foods. What should I eat and how much is normal?

    On the bright side I've lost a total of 19lbs but it sounds so unhealthy.

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