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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by FingersCrossed18

  1. Maybe I'm the only one here. I find my sleeve recovery time wise is worse, but I think the c-section pain was worse the first week. I'm almost 3 weeks post op and I'm still in a good deal of pain depending on the time of day or what I'm doing. BUT I am 14 years older, not as distracted by a newborn and a toddler and back then I weighed 40 pounds less and could eat MANY more calories and could drink 8+ oz Water at a sitting as opposed to now where it takes me hours. I don't remember needing many painkillers with my c-section, I am usually a rockstar when it comes to pain. That lower right incision is kicking my butt

    Now I'm nervous lol

  2. Never been to one of their sites, but maybe check their terms and conditions -- if they're smart, they'll say that people who have had bariatric surgery can't participate. If they don't, well... that's their own fault, I guess.

    It was kind of hard to find the FAQs but it says you have to have had bariatric surgery a year or more prior to starting lol. That settles that!

  3. Is it unethical to do those after surgery lmao.

    I mean, it's almost certain if you follow the diet regime and workout you'll lose weight, almost 100%, but most, but is is bad karma to do that?

    I didn't do it yet, obviously and I probably won't, but 100 dollars a month at losing 60 lbs over 12 months is a winning total of 3000, haha. Seems like cheating and if they'll even let you do it, it seems unethical and like karma will get you. Kinda interested to see if anybody has done it after surgery.

  4. Good luck on your surgery.
    Since you are at the beginning of this process, I would recommend three things.
    1. Take a good before photograph of yourself, so that you have something to compare to after surgery. Many times we are blind to our obesity. We do not see ourselves. Therefore when the weight begins to drop off rather dramatically, we question if this is really happening. Photographs are a good visualization of our success. Many people carry a before and after photo with them, just to remind themselves of their success.
    2. Walk 30 minutes each day, every day until surgery (or equivalent exercise). Walking helps the recovery process go smoothly and minimized the pain levels from surgery.
    3. Wean yourself from caffeine and carbonated beverages now. After I gave up my 6 diet coke a day habit, I suffered from a week of severe withdrawal syndrome consisting of severe headaches and body aches. I was miserable. You don't want to combine the effects of caffeine withdrawal with the effects of surgery.

    Thanks for your advise!!
    2. Oh I'm not blind to how big I am, though, my doctor did say that when they did a weird scale thing test that my actual fast to muscle ratio makes me not qualify at all for the surgery, they won't I put that to my insurance so I can get it covered anyway. Not that I'm proud or anything, I a want to get rid of my PCOS and Insulin resistance.
    2. Oh I know as well! I bounced back from my c-section 6 months ago like a champ! I'm hoping to do the same! I run for an hour now, so I know it will take a while to get back to it!
    3. I really only drink Water and crystal light, even when going out, because water is is so great for skin and overall health! But I didn't even think about carbonated water! Good idea!!
    Thank you so much for the advise!! :) I love hearing from people who've we there!

  5. congratulations, It’s a big step in making the decision. It won’t be easy. It was a 6 month process from seminar to surgery.
    Good Luck, and please thank your husband for his service and for both of your sacrifices.

    Firstly, thank you for your kind words, I miss him so much it helps to hear his leaving is appreciated :) but thank you! I've very excited! I like to think it shouldn't be that difficult for me sinse I've been eating under 40 carbs a day no sugar, so basically what makes others lose helps me maintain lol. I'll keep in mind that it will be hard post, because it seems like a hard lifestyle, somewhat, to get used to? Thanks anyway :)

  6. congrats on your new journey... it took me three years to get my sleeve but because my doctors kept dropping my inaurance...im currently 5 days post surgery and after the initial gas pangs from the co2, I'm so happy with my decision to stick with it... don't let your mind be your worse enemy because for me, the anxiety is what almost made me give up a few times... so no matter what obstacles are coming , stick with it! you will be proud of all the hard work your about to contribute to your self being.

    Congrats! It's funny, I can be a jealous person, but hearing about everyone getting the surgery done is actually really exciting because I know how relieved everyone is, so the jealousy isn't there haha. But Thanks! I've been doing extensive research for three years now and took the step last month to actually start. My daughter is 6 months old and we dont want another for a year so timing Is great. It's all happening so fast, like my journey to have my daughter with medication was fast one good news after the other. For example, I got lucky and the day I saw my primary for a referral, I got into the initial class my surgeon puts on, and if I didn't get that class that day, it would would have been a two month wait! I'm getting lots of tests done this month as well. So, it just seems meant to be :) it's all happening. Sorry I wrote a novel sized comment back haha.

  7. I don't think it's fair to say i if you're not scared you're not taking this seriously, I've been thinking about getting the sleeve for a few years now and only just recently the past month I've taken steps toward it. I'm not scared whatsoever. I have faith in my beliefs, and also, it's good to know your surgeon statistics. You should look at satistics of Surgeons around you too.

  8. It went awesome, the office is so so great. It's so new to be talking with doctors, people in general, who know that I don't eat too much or think I'm lazy but know that my body isn't functioning as it's supposed to. It's really refreshing and I'm really optimistic about the future. She did say that my estimated surgery date would be the beginning of October, my husband gets home from deployment the end of October during our daughter's first birthday, so fingers crossed!

  9. But even if (for them) it is the easy way out, what have they gained if they put it all back on because they didn't commit to the permanent change? All or most of us know the humiliation of having lost and then regained + 10.

    That's exactly what I mean.

  10. OMG! I have the same exact thing--except having babies--which never was able to happen.
    I have been "mostly" low carb Protein per day and So yeah...the easy way...ROFLMFAO!!!! Everyone in my fam knows better than to even look like they will say that--but they won't. They witnessed me living on 400-600 cals for months last year only to lose 4lbs in a month. They witnessed my struggles pre-op in losing weight. And witnessed me eating 1/4cup of food in the early days. They witness how carefully I select which foods to eat and how healthy they are and how lean the protein is and low carb the veg is and how little fat I eat. And they see how much exercise I'm doing despite 24/7/365 pain. So um, yeah...talk to me about this "easy" of which you refer. *snic*

    I think, honestly, and people will hate me for it, but I know/have known people like this- unfortunately-but I feel if a person over eats or just makes terrible decisions and doesn't try to stop eating badly and doesn't try to better their health, then for that person, whom hasn't tried every ave. (like us!) to get healthy, this surgery is the easy way out. The people I've seen do that and have that mentality, gain the weight back because they haven't changed anything. But I also know the majority of bariatric patients have actually tried and actually have lasting success with the surgery, hense the phrase "quick fix" for those that gain it back and don't change like I mentioned above, in the process giving the rest of us a bad rep. Those like us who've made a life long commitment to this, it's a struggle and the bariatric surgery is a magical (in the sense that we feel like freakin' finally something is freakin' working!) TOOL for lifelong success, but not without change, like I said. And yeeesss girl, I feel you, like you mentioned, very similar stories! My family is also very supportive and having read other posts, we're very blessed and lucky to have that kind of support. I'm beyond excited to have this done, to not have the "insulin resistance and pcos for dummies this is why I'm fat" speech I have on hand to tell people lol.... "so I have this thing called insulin resistance, basically the hormones in my body think I have anorexia thus turning all the carbs and sugar I eat straight to fat instead of energy like most people, and this other thing I have, pcos, just makes it harder to lose weight, I eat healthy, low carb, no sugar and work out. I've had this sinse I was 8." lmao, the looks I get are either pity, interest, or doubt because I'm fat so I must be lying and I over eat... I'm excited for that to go away, though I literally can't imagine a life like it, like I hope lol. Good luck to you girl, but you sound like a bad ass, so you probably don't need it [emoji3]

  11. I have a friend who's body is very very sensitive to BC, and even after her sleeve it hasn't changed. She just uses condoms with her husband and is very careful! It's been something like 6 years and no unplanned pregnancy! However, if you know yourself and that's cutting it too close, go ahead with the pill, obviously lol. Good luck :)

  12. I had a C-section 6 months ago, and I was wondering if anybody can describe if/how the pain is similar or different?

    After my delivery, I got up and walked asap because I know you recover faster, and the most painful part to me was the feeling that everything in my stomach area was going to spill out, (I know some people get this with vaginal delivery too) but other than that, the actual incision wasn't too painful and I've been curiously wondering how the two "pains" compare!

  13. My son should be back in two or so months. Having served during desert storm (husband deployed, I did not) and living near Fort Hood, I wish all this could end. I really didn’t want my son to join, but ultimately supported his decision by encouraging him to be an officer. Long family history of enlistment. He is the first officer. Super proud Mom.

    Wow! Strong mama! That must be exciting his homecoming fast approaching!! :)

  14. Hey sweetie you are a good kid and he's going to be so proud of you when he sees you again. He'll probably grab you, hug you and give you a big kiss, wish we all could be there to see it![emoji304]

    He probably will [emoji16] I'm counting down the days, thank you!!

  15. @fingers crossed18 thank you also for your service, yes, family members of an overseasperson also play a very important role. They are able to be all they can be with your love and support. I salute you also. I think all of us here in the US should pray for their safety and a swift return back,of the the people who love,them. Bless you as well.
    Never give up either in weight loss and life, for love sustains you when nothing else can. Smiles and a Hug[emoji304][emoji13]

    My husband left three weeks ago, six more months to go! Thank you for those kind and encouraging words [emoji171][emoji4] it means a lot.

  16. I have to admit, though I've had a weight problem starting at 8 year old due to insulin resistance and pcos, I've always thought that surgery was the easier route. Then I got pregnant after multiple miscarriages and with the help of clomid, and my opinion has mostly changed. The doctors were all telling me I was 100000% going to develop gestational diabetes, so I ate zero sugar and lower carbs than normal, and only gained 10lbs (baby girl was 7 lbs 1 Oz and 3 lbs for the liquids and placenta... Didn't gain any fat) and didn't develop GD. Though I kicked ass and proved every single person wrong, I absolutely donnot want to have the same struggles I had last year, all the appointments, all the judgment (my OB is amazing though, she's a Rockstar and was very proud of me) and I have to say, though I workout 3 days a week on average, I've been eating less than 45 carbs a day for 6 years and before that it was 60 for 4 years before that, low to no sugar the weight never ever comes off, I stay in the same 15lbs for months and month! Sure!! I can workout more and lower my carbs but that's absolutely not sustainable, so to me to surgery may make losing weight easier, it's very true, it does, your cutting your stomach dude, but it's so much a tool to stay healthy the rest of my life, for my husband and daughter, future kids and family! Now I don't or ever did have am addiction to food or anything I can imagine the change in lifestyle for somebody who did, it would be extremely hard! But if you're making the change why would anybody be negative looking in.... I'm lucky enough to have an extremely supportive family, and especially my husband and mom, they've been through everything with me, my mom was the one whom found out I even have pcos and insulin resistance. My big brother was a Marine, husband is AF and deployed right now and they're are like, super duper oh work out and eat healthy! It's simple (I am too, to an extent!) , but my brother especially is understanding to my IR and pcos. If you read this whole thing, you're amazing lol. I guess I just needed to vent :)

  17. At my first visit, I got a bunch of paperwork on what I should avoid, what I should be eating and sample meals for the week. How often to chew, what to drink and how often. The types of Vitamins I’ll be able to tolorate after surgery (that was the first visit) she then asked me what are my downfalls and what I have been doing to avoid those downfalls. Exercise and often.. By my third visit she tested my eye measuring and see if I can spot different portions and what I should really be eating.

    ive learned a lot

    Oh wow! Sounds super informative and pretty interesting :)

  18. The fact that you are young leads me to believe that your surgeon may suggest the sleeve. The younger you are when you have surgery, the more possibility there is to have issues down the road from malabsorption.
    Not all surgeons will help you decide which is best unless one is safer than the other for any reason. My surgeon gave me facts but would not help me decide. That was up to me.
    I chose the sleeve for two main reasons. 1. I did not want to deal with malabsorption of Vitamins and nutrients when i get older. 2. I don't like the idea that the part of the stomach is left in there with RNY. If there were ever issues such as stomach cancer, etc that part of the stomach is not accessible.
    Those were my personal reasons for choosing the sleeve over RNY

    My surgeon told me that the stomach is left in there because the food still needs the enzymes and things to help break down the food. But I totally agree with your second reason!

  19. I did my weight plan and goal setting with my doctor and PA, and talked about dietary stuff with my nutritionist.
    Doc and PA set a calorie recommendation and Nutritionist listened to my ideas for my diet, made suggestions, and talked about Vitamins.
    Lots of good ideas exchanged.

    That doesn't sound bad! Do you have to start taking Vitamins this early? I just had my daughter 6 months ago and I'm still using prenatals, I won't if that's okay, hm...

  20. I have my first out of four meetings with her May 7th; (so excited!) has anybody already had theirs?

    What kind of information did you get? A meal plan? Weight plan? Anything planned? What did you talk about?

    Just curious as to what could happen during mine because, I know I could just wait and see, haha but I love to be prepared! And like I said, just overs curious!

    And if you've have more what happened at the other ones too?

    Thanks! :)

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