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Posts posted by reeniemay

  1. So Yay! I just got my surgery date for Sept 21st today :)

    But Boooo! After having not smoked for 2 months I smoked an entire pack yesterday... My pre-op testing is on September 12th... Does anyone know what kind of test they will do (blood, saliva, urine?) and if I will be able to pass it? If it matters I am having my surgery at University Hospital in NE Ohio...

    I quit on July 4 and had surgery on the 17th. I passed both tests. The one a week before my surgery and the one the day of my surgery. Unfortunately a week after my surgery I was very depressed I started again, I am sooo stupid. So I am now working on quitting AGAIN. Let me be a lesson to you!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I am on The same boat!! I'm 15 days post op today. I'm on my soft food stage and the only reason I eat is because I have to. I don't really feel hungry so I can't ever tell when I'm satisfied. I called my nut and asked him if I should be measuring and all he said was just eat till your satisfied. I freak myself out reading how people get so full after a couple of tablespoons or half a Protein shake. I can drink my 11oz Protein Shake without a problem. I'm eating the 3oz portion of tuna with no problem. Yikes!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    My NUT said well, maybe you're doing everything right. But there was a definite pause like this was the first she ever heard of it. As long as I'm losing I'm happy!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I completely understand what you are saying! I am almost a month out (on the 20th) and it is just such a different feeling to not have any feeling. Before surgery, when I ate something I could feel the difference in my stomach. Now, I feel nothing. I stick to my measured portions, but it's weird because I never feel hungry, satisfied, full, or anything. It will take some getting used to if this is the new norm.

    I knew I wasn't the only one lol!! But I keep hearing from people I know that they couldn't eat more than a bite or two and were "completely stuffed"

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. @@reeniemay

    There is a huge difference between feeling satiated and feel stuffed. You never want to stuff yourself, afterall that is how we got here for the most part.

    The goal of this surgery is to eat enough that you are not hungry or in the beginning, eat enough so that you are nourished.

    Hunger came back for me around 4 months post op and I had RNY. It is a different hunger than before and these are all sensations that you will get used to.

    For now, you don't need to stuff yourself to feel satisfied? Do you? If you do, I would recommend seeing your dietician and therapist right away so they can work with you to get past the feeling that you need to do that.

    The whole goal is to eat enough to not be hungry. And I don't dump nor have I every dumped. In the beginning sticking to the plan of 1/4 of a cup of good quality Proteins and veggies is all you really need to do. Anything beyond that actually is not necessary. Once more of the swelling goes down around the 3 to 4 month mark, your dietician will likely have you increase your intake to as much as 1/2 cup of food and by a year as much as 1cup of food.< /p>

    I am 2 years post op and still eat 1 cup to maybe 1 1/4 cup. I no longer measure because I know what that amount looks like. I pay close attention to what my stomach is telling me and I know not to ever exceed even by a spoonful because it can make you sick. Not dumping sick but belly ache need to vomit sick.

    I have experienced it a few times when not paying attention to what I am eating.

    The key is mindful eating.

    Best of luck.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Feeling full comes from overeating. It is not a matter of semantics or tomato-tomahto.

    The ideal, whether as a result of surgery or the nature-or-nurture question rooted in childhood, is to feel satisfied. When I think of having another bite or two, then realize I'm satisfied with what I've eaten, I know I'm in the right place emotionally and bodily.

    Another thing. When the quality of the food is high, I'm satisfied with less. If I'm eating something I like to begin with and it comes from the hands of a great cook using the highest-quality ingredients, I sooner reach satiety than I do if I'm not happy with the dish. I suspect that emotional junk comes into play some of the times..

    I don't feel anything is what I'm trying to explain, not hungry, not full, not satisfied. I stop because I know my pouch is only so big, that is the only thing that stops me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I'm a month out and allowed all solid foods as long as it agrees with me. I have had no problems at all eating anything I've incorporated. Last night I had Boston Market. Quarter white chicken with steamed veggies and garlic dill new potatoes. I concentrated on the chicken but I did eat a bite or two of the sides. I didn't eat it all, obviously. But the only thing stopping me is the knowledge that my pouch is small.

    I don't think I'm asking the correct question, I just would like to know from the people who didn't feel full or hungry if the feeling in their stomach ever came back.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Thank you for responding,

    here's the thing I have never "dumped" before and I don't get any other type of sign that I'm done. I know on at least two occasions that I probably over did it and nothing. I could have kept eating and probably would've eaten my whole meal but I know my stomach is only so big so I did stop but is was way more food than I have eaten in the past few weeks, if that makes any sense.

    I hear over and over again how people can only eat a few bites and they are stuffed, I'm just wondering if I will ever feel that again? Does sensation come back in the ol' gut or am I doomed to measure my food for eternity?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Hello Everybody,

    I have a question I hope you can help with.

    I had RNY one month ago and I never fell full. I am measuring my food so I don't overeat. On the flip side I'm not really hungry.

    I have read about nerves being severed and such, seems plausible. Also, when discussing my concerns with my surgeon he explained that some people have more scar tissue/swelling so not to be concerned.

    So here is my question...when I do start feeling hungry again will I also start to feel full? I'm not looking for that "I need to unbutton my pants" type of full, just satisfied. Will that feeling come back?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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