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Posts posted by melissa1227

  1. In my case this being a BPD-DS I had my last endoscopy and he was really surprised at how bad my esophagus was. He said I had acid reflux all the way to my neck. I am now on 80mg of Omeprazol and 1g of Sucralfate at bedtime. He said I had ulcers in my esophagus. Trying to get them healed.
    For me a revision involves changing where the digestive juices come into my small intestine I have a 75cm common channel I think it is called it can be changed to have more like a 150cm common channel. so there would be more intestine to absorb nutrition.

    I’m on panotonix for gerd as well but with my endoscopy i had no ulcers etc

  2. Good luck. Wish I could have that done but it's too late for anything, but it can't really be done. I am not in good enough condition for any doc to want to perform surgery on me. I scared them when I even went in for an endoscopy and they put me out with propafol. I was only out for 15 min but my BP which was only at 130/38 when they started went down so low they weren't really amused by that. Scared the heck out of them but that is due to my heart. Will be thinking of you. I'm sure everything will work out fine.
    It really sucks when you can't stop losing and can't gain, thats where I am at now.

    Thanks! It does suck but it is what it is 🤪

  3. I just wanted all of you to know what can happen with bad info about aftercare with this surgery. I am lucky to be alive and I am still having problems which I will get into. One thing tho my labs are all pretty good now. At the time of this happening the doc that took care of me and nursed me back to health said it was the worst case of malnutrition he had ever seen. He still uses my case as an example of what can happen with this surgery if you don't follow what the docs tell you. Dr.Heap didn't inform us of these things and we both have suffered because of it. I am still having problems with things that are undoubtedly connected with letting myself get so far gone. I'm hoping I can make it another year or two but only one knows that for sure.

    I’m in hospital now getting TPN then surgery to go to bypass because I have a diverticulum in my sleeve and we have to reverse the malabsorption because I can’t stop loosing

  4. Well. I made an unwise food decision today. Sigh. And dumped. Like badly. An hour on the toilet and then having it come out both ends at once (more embarrassing still I'm at a relatives house not at home so they all know!) but what I want to know is what's normal after dumping. Now that I've dumped. I feel exhausted. I don't want clothes on. I feel hot all over my body. I just want to lay naked with ice on me. Is this normal ? Those of you who have dumped what feelings physical sensations did you have after the dumping ended?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Abdominal cramps and pain
    Facial flushing
    Stomach growling or rumbling
    An urge to lie down after the meal
    Heart palpitations and fast heartbeat
    Dizziness or fainting

  5. Well. I made an unwise food decision today. Sigh. And dumped. Like badly. An hour on the toilet and then having it come out both ends at once (more embarrassing still I'm at a relatives house not at home so they all know!) but what I want to know is what's normal after dumping. Now that I've dumped. I feel exhausted. I don't want clothes on. I feel hot all over my body. I just want to lay naked with ice on me. Is this normal ? Those of you who have dumped what feelings physical sensations did you have after the dumping ended?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    All of those symptoms took about an hour to feel better.

  6. Thank you for sharing, I for one will be following your story. What you said about nursing homes is only so true. I admit this having been formerly a STNA for 25 years. 3 1/2 years ago I had my right knee replaced,.insurance insisted I go to a LTCF which is the abbreviation for long term care facility. Having worked most of the ones in my town,we have 6, I chose the one I had worked the longest for, over 11 years. Things had changed there. They met me at the front door and crammed me into small sized wheelchair. I am sorry to say even in 2014 my rump was big enough to have his own zip code. It took 3 people to transfer me out, one under each arm and one to hold the chair steady. They then took me to be weighed on the whirlpool chair because of course I couldn't stand on a regular scale. Came back to the room and my friend Becky who was working there marked the clothes I had brought in. They did bring in my supper tray and remove it that night. But by the next morning I must have had a miraculous recovery because although they might bring my food tray in They never returned to pick them up. You are supposed make notations on how well each patient is eating, part of the job. Well I could have been flushing it down the toilet for as much they cared. I never attended any activities, why? Because I was never invited and I wasn't sure whether my doctor had okayed it. I did get therapy twice a day, but with the assistance of a walker I was taking myself to the bathroom and back, bathing myself in the washbasin, carrying my own food trays etc. The nurses came in and dispensed medicine, gave me a breathing treatment now and then, finally when the house doctor came in I demanded to be released to home.I told him I'm performing all my ADL myself,that's medicalese for activities of daily living, so I saw no reason to remain. Let me tell you how I greeted my patients:" Hi my name is ***** and I will be your aide today.Welcome to our facility. We have many fun activities here. The Doo Woop Trio will be presenting music from the 50s tonight, tomorrow Mrs Jones our activity director will be teaching us how to make small floral arrangements for our rooms. If you would like to go either time,please turn on your light. We will be happy to either walk you down or take you in a wheelchair. If you have any other requests please turn you light on and myself or one of my co-workers will be happy to help you. We all hope you'll enjoy your stay with us". Was I the last person who cared like that? After staying there for 3 days I wonder? True tale: Little gentleman was in pain and/or suffering from demetia catercornered across the hall from me. Had tried time after time to climb out of his bed. Should have had a mobility alarm on if they weren't going to watch him closely. Well lo and behold he clumb out of the bed crawled to the hall and collapsed. I tried my light,no answer, I called out verbally for an aide, no answer. What did I do next? Well with a freshly repaired leg I surely could not pick him up. I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Nurse to Room 203 STAT! "That did get results. She came running then tried to bawl me out. She said "That is very unprofessional to act in THAT MANNER!" I looked her right in her beady little eyes. I said "Ah but I am not an employee, least of all Your employee ,I am now a patient and we can do whatever we ***-**** please. I have worked in Long Term Care and,know legally thats the way the mop flops in this state and I have been on both sides now!" She slunk from the room, knowing she was in the wrong, I could have reported her to management for neglect of duty as my poor neglected neighbor's room was in direct line of vision from her duty desk, and LOL I was right, she was wrong and she never darkened my door the rest of the shift. Sure I felt some vindication but I still felt so sorry for my neighbor, he deserved a better standard of care than he received. I'm sorry for going off on a rant but I cared about and for those entrusted to my care & it hurts to feel I was the last of a dying breed.[emoji40][emoji34]
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow that’s freaking horrible

  7. OK let me start with a warning. My experience is not the norm for this surgery and it is a long story so I will do it in sections. Also some background. It actually started in the late 80's or early 90's don't really remember. Bariatric surgery was really in its infancy. I was in my late 40's early 50's.
    Part 1: The first surgery I had was to have my stomach stapled. That worked to a point, I lost about 80lbs. I was getting so depressed at never being able to eat over about 2 shot glasses of food, After about 10 years of this I just wanted to be able to eat. I knew that this surgery was completely reversible so in about 98 or so I had it reversed. I was able to eat again and loved it but started gaining weight. I was around 190 then. My weight just kept going up. At about 275 I heard about a surgery at that time called a BPD-DS which very few doctors did but there was one about 150 miles from us. My wife was also quite overweight. We thought about it for around a year or so. In 99 we decided we would both get this if insurance would cover it. To our surprise they would so we joined the wait. The doctor Adrian Heap had been doing this for quite some time and felt comfortable with him.
    Dr. Heap told us that all we would have to do post surgery was take a multiple Vitamin and we could eat anything we wanted that didn't bother us and we would lose weight. Sounded like a miracle. The internet was really new and there was very little info on this procedure. It just sounded too good to be true. Our turn came up in around 2000, mine was first. At the time this guy was doing about 3 of these a week. I was a little leary when it came to the night before and the only clean out we had to do was to drink 2 bottles of MOM and stay at a hotel that he had previously made arrangement with for all his patients. So early the next morning I went in and by that afternoon it had been done. I spent about a month recuperating and was able to return to work on the railroad. My wife was 6 months after mine.
    Everything went along just fine the first couple of years, or at least I thought it was. I was eating everything I wanted to and take my multiple vitamin. The weight was just melting off. People at work started noticing I was looking really bad, pale getting thin and I just shrugged it off. I continued to lose weight. I started not feeling very well at around the 6 year point but not so bad that I was worried. I hadn't seen Dr.Heap in a few years, he was still doing the surgery but had come up with and unapproved version of the operation by then he called the mini BPD-DS. I read some horror stories about it. I started getting worried in early 07. I was down to about 150 and thought I was fine but by then my PCP didn't like the way I was looking and did a big battery of labs. He found I was dangerously low on albumin and several other things but the albumin was the worst, it was at 1.8. In the summer of 07 he had me admitted to the hospital for an infusion of albumin. It was supposed to be just overnite. They started the infusion and part way into the first bag of it I had a reaction, anaphylaxis. I came out of it and they continued the infusion, first mistake. The second reaction was worse, they couldn't get me to start breathing again normally. They rushed me to ICU. They put the tube in and all I remember is that first breath of air. The put me in a medically induced coma and on the respirator. I'll stop here for now. It starts getting pretty dicey after this.

    My albumin on 1/11 was 1.9 I’ve had an infusion or a banana bag they call it.

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