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Posts posted by genn

  1. Sausage? Did your surgeon explain the risks of extending your stomach one week after major abdominal surgery?

    If he/ she is out of town call his off to speak ever is covering from him. If he has no coverage he should be reported to the state medical board.

    DEFINATELY!!!! He has to either be on call or provide back up!!! I did extensive research on my surgeon before going to them. Something doesn't add up !!!

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  2. I can't have any ground meats until like week 8, and trust me.. I'm dying to throw some ground turkey into some of the stuff I'm making.

    I could have eggs starting week 3, so technically 2 weeks after my surgery date. I tried to get them to push me up to purees after only a week b/c I was also feeling fine and tolerating everything. My NUT explained to me that it's not about what you're tolerating. They set up the diet so your stomach can heal inside. I grudgingly did the week of full liquids, lol. I have followed their instructions to a T and have not had any issues or vomiting. I know it sucks but if you can't get a hold of your surgeon I would stick to liquids until you can. As far as sausage, I wouldn't go anywhere near it for a while.

    I'm also shocked you didn't get a post op plan.

    very well said !!! Some people just don't realize you are given a plan for a reason they think bc they can tolerate well let's try it bodybjustbwent through a lot and as a nurse I'm just amazed that people don't sit back and think about everything they're stomach has just gone through. And honestly if my doctors or NUT did not go over the post op plans I would NOT have had my surgery through them my doctors office explained everything a few times and also told me no matter what questions I have to not hesitate in calling them!!! I would not have gone through with a plan that I was so unsure of the stages afterwards let alone wasn't given instructional information on. Did you have any type of nutrition classes? Or booklets given to you I was given packets several of them two books and a folder of papers all which explains step by step and not only was I given them but we went over them one on one page by page for 6 months!!! I'm just baffled by this. I would definitely not touch anything but liquids tho till you get in contact with someone and maybe look for a different surgeon for after care that can explain more if they didn't go over any of that info

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  3. I talked myself out of it five years ago I'm finally getting ready to have my surgery on 22 November and wish I would've talked myself out of it then and now there's not one thing that could talk me out of it within five years I put on over 50 pounds health got worse and that all could have been avoided. As was already said think of how far you have come and why you wanted this.

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  4. And nobody can judge anybody else's depression because you never know what that person has been through and you're not walking in their shoes so to say that you don't have the depression that I have should not be said you don't know if he has PTSD I do from stuff that I suffered as a kid with I've been through hell and back but I would never sit there and say your depression isn't like mine. he could've been kidnapped as a kid and held hostage he could've been in the US Army and saw that or watched his friends get blown to pieces or smithereens you don't know what it is that caused his depression that's wrong I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude but that is something that you don't say to anybody especially if you suffer from depression you should know not to judge anybody else's depression because you don't know what they feel every day only you know what you feel. Gl on ur journey n best wishes to all.

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    No war here just speaking my mind LOL did you ever notice that every time you talk in a forum at starting a war that's what you post and a form right is to get people's opinion on subjects at least that's what I thought it was about.

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    Forum *

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  5. If genetics plays a role in how is it that my brother and I come from the same family same genetics he chose to eat healthy I chose not to you chose the exercise I chose not to make time for exercise I ended up fat he ended up healthy and skinny because he chose his destination and I chose mine I am making changes now to correct the changes that I want to make but is my choice to take ownership in my part of where I went wrong and to make those changes genetics can play a role you're correct it is up to you to change those genetics. I suffer from depression anxiety and numerous health problems not related to the depression and anxiety it may not be my fault that I got depressed or that I have anxiety but it is my fault for using food to cope with that so as I see were part or you were coming from I agree with everything else you have to take ownership. That's like people saying we're all human we all make mistakes you're right we're all human but a mistake is something that you on intentionally do choosing the wrong food and shoving it in your mouth is not a mistake it's a bad choice that needs to be corrected bad choices once again you can say it's human but it's not there are people out there that choose to make the right choices because they're human as well. I have not had my surgery yet I have it on 22 November but I have realized that it's my choices in life that made me the way IM I've used excuses long enough I am no longer allowing those excuses to take over my life I am no longer going to allow food to take over my life excuses are like assholes everybody has one and I'm not saying this to be meani'm being honest we have to take ownership and are part of what made us fat it's not just all one big excuse or genetics good luck to everyone.

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  6. I guess what I'm trying to understand is why there's so much anger and vitriol instead of compassion and more understanding. None of us get to a place where we need surgery because we've made good choices or had 100% transparency or honesty with ourselves or with others. Sometimes there are issues that run a lot deeper with some folks than others. You just never know a person's background or story.

    I also know from my own past (I'm almost nine years out) and many of my friends in the WLS community we all had experiences where when we first had surgery and were doing remarkably well, we felt invincible and full of conviction and top of the world with our choices and actions. It's easy to get to a place of high-ground when you feel that way, which is why I think it's important to remember that it doesn't always stay that way. There are always going to be times when you question others actions, and that's normal and fine. But remember, there are probably others doing the same to you. Extend the same kindness you'd want for yourself.

    Being judgemental with each other NEVER helps. Support is not judgemental. Support is support. You're there through the good times and the bad listening, lending an ear, giving the best advice you can through a supportive and encouraging lens that won't further damage someone(s) already struggling.

    Helping someone justify potato chips at five weeks out, Swedish fish at five days out, alcohol at three days out, etc. is not **MY** idea of compassion or kindness. It doesn't help them and it especially doesn't help others reading, researching, absorbing.

    People choose to be be offended or read comments as judgmental around these parts when their bad choices are not coddled, high fived and justified. From me, judgement is not at all intended 99% of the time (true story!) but clearly I am NEVER going to be a warm and fuzzy person so some choose to read it that way.

    Everyone has a different interpretation of support and we will never all agree in that RIGHT definition. Some like it soft and coddling, others like it straight forward and to the point. It's the internet. Take what you need and ignore the rest.

    well said!!!

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