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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MissJDVSG

  1. I was also sleeved on 1/18/17 and originally got the chalky chewable kind and it made me nauseous and I even threw up from it. For a Multivitamin, I really like the Bariatric Fusion soft chews (it's like a starburst consistency). And for Iron I take the bariatric fusion iron soft chew (he multivitamin doesn't have iron). For calcium citrate, I take Celebrate soft chews. Sorry it's not a 2 in 1 or 3 in 1.

  2. I live with and care for my 81yo father. He is about the least supportive person I know. All my life he has "fat shamed" me, thinking that would motivate me to lose weight. He says he supports my decision to have wls but he expects me to continue to cook for him in the way he is accustomed and he also likes to have sweet treats in the house. I am totally addicted to sugar and if it's sitting around I cannot resist it. Not sure what I'm going to do about it.

    *Praise God, from whom all Blessings flow*

    I'm so sorry about your situation. I don't have a solution, but if you ever need to talk, send me a message.

    I'm sending prayers your way.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Hey guys! I was sleeved on 1/18. I have had an easy recovery so far, Thank God. I had minimal pain the first day (it felt like I had done a million crunches the night before). The second day the pain was even less, I was up walking around and feeling fine. Today is day 3 post-op and I'm feeling pretty close to normal.

    But I've noticed that I am somewhat more easily winded (walking up stairs, walking longer distances) after the surgery. I did not get this winded before. Is this normal?

    Thanks in advance for any information.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hey there! I'm 27, 5'4 and 345 and I am also having surgery tomorrow. I'm not nervous, although this is my first surgery. At this point, I just want to do it and start losing!

    My advise is to rely on what you know. You know that surgical risks are minimal, even compared to other minimally invasive surgeries. You know that it works for most people and that most people do well. Good luck tomorrow!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. I'm having my surgery via Medicaid in Illinois. There is a lot of stuff to do but eventually they will pay for it. I had to do a 6 month supervised diet, have an endoscopy, see a pulmonologist, see a cardiologist, and have a psych eval. I imagine you might have to go through similar requirements. But it'll be worth it. Call the number on the back to see if they cover bariatric surgery. Some states don't, some do.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Probably the most important question that you might want to internally reflect on is what made you do that to yourself? If your cravings are over powering you this early out from surgery you might want to get therapy for your food/sugar addiction because this surgery is just a tool, it won't cure those long term issues for you. Eating crap is what got us into a position of needing WLS to begin with, so this is your time to create good food habits.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I'm following this thread to get the same info. I'm 27 and at 350 right now. I'm scheduled for January 18th, which means that I would start my liquid diet on January 4th.

    However, I work during the week so I think that I may actually start the liquid diet on New Years Eve. I've heard that the first 4 days are rough, so I want to start over a period where I have a 4 day weekend off from work, so that if I'm exhausted/cranky I can just be at home and go to bed. That way, when the 4th rolls around, I am passed the more difficult part. Plus, I would like to lose some extra weight prior to surgery!

    Let me know if you want to be accountability buddies, since we have a similar surgery date and starting weight! Also, I love that top in your picture.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Hey there! Did you ever hear back from insurance? My stuff was submitted last week and I've been tentatively scheduled for surgery on January 18th.

    They told me that the insurance takes about 3 weeks to approve and usually don't deny people who did all of the requirements.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I personally think that when you're in a position where you are doing better for yourself and becoming more successful (or are about to become more successful) at anything, people around you who know about it will try to bring you down, especially if they don't see success in their present or future.

    People get jealous fairly easily because you're reminding them that they aren't successful. Basically, haters gonna hate. You do you so you can be happy, healthy, and successful!!

    Good luck with everything!


    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I am 110% the same way. I also live and die by my planner! I use it for law school, work, and for to do lists and everything else. I've had an Erin Condrin before too and I agree, it's too damn big! Especially if I want to have it with me, I can't lug it alright with all my other crap (books for school, my laptop for work, or even just meals and shakes for the day!).

    I've been pretty dedicated to the Sugar Paper line of planners for the last 3 years or so. They're an independent store but they frequently sell at Target and target online. They're big because it's like the size of a piece of paper, but it's slim. Here's some pictures from my 2017 planner of the front, month view, half of the week, and a width comparison to my MacBook Air. Hope this helps in your decision making!

    I've also heard that the Kate Spade planners are pretty good. Lots of girls in my classes use them.

    post-296948-14820672232569_thumb.jpg post-296948-1482067246169_thumb.jpg post-296948-14820672797595_thumb.jpg post-296948-14820673234577_thumb.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. I think one of the things that convinced me to have surgery (aside from the very real health risks of obesity) is that overweight people tend to earn less money at work.

    I don't have the stats off the top of my head but it's frustrating. People look at you and assume that because you can't control your weight you must be lazy.

    This makes the investment even more worth while for me. I know this doesn't answer your initial question of how to get the money for surgery, but it is another reason to have the surgery.

    Good luck with everything!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. Headdesk is correct!

    It's clear that your dad loves you and is coming from a place of love.

    Maybe he knew someone who had the surgery and had some crazy complication? That's usually what I have heard about from people (who then act like experts) about WLS.

    If your surgery is tomorrow, at least you are toward the end of his pleading. Unless of course, he decides to continue to talk about how you shouldn't have done this after surgery?

    That might be one thing to address with him, that you know his opinion but now hat you've had the surgery, you need him to be 110% supportive and not bring up his personal opinions about doubts.

    You're not a lemming. Your an adult making an informed decision with which your dad disagrees. You're allowed to put yourself and your health first.

    Good luck with your surgery! All will be well!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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