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Posts posted by bybybelly

  1. It happens to all of us. Even if your insurance doesn't require anything, it's still a process.

    Last year during the summer I started the process. I went to all appointments (doctor, nut, psych.. everything) I dropped close to 50lbs on my new diet they put me on and everything. Just before I got my date they denied me because I had been a smoker and they thought I would go back to smoking after.

    Can you believe it?!?! Why not tell me first instead of having me go through all of that just to let me down. Since then I have gained all the weight back but I still don't smoke!!!!!!!

    I decided I wasn't going to give up so I went to a different place and had a few appointments and have a couple more but I'm also having surgery November 14! I finally got a date and it's been a year.

    Everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what it is at the time. I just lost my mother and nephew a few months ago and I possibly would have stretched my stomach by emotional eating.. there was my reason. The world works in mysterious ways. What's meant to be will be. It will be worth the wait. If you really want something bad enough you will make it happen.

    Good luck! Don't give up.

    Sorry for such a long response lol

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  2. I have zero regrets. I went from a size 18 to a size 12. I have so much energy!! The chance of you having the complications that I have are very slim. Most people do just fine and I'm sure you will. I only told my story in hopes that anyone else having the same issues would be able to reach out to me for support. I'm so sorry I scared you.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    No don't be sorry! Truthfully it's good know that it really does happen and that no I'm not untouchable when it comes to complications like that. The part that is the best though is like I said even though you went through all of that you still do not regret it! Which has made up my mind to go through with it so thank you. ????❤

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  3. At my puréed stage,I began to have issues with the food going down. I had an endoscopy, and they found that some of my surgical staples had migrated and caused an ulcer, ultimately causing a structure. I was only 6 weeks out, so they weren't able to dilate me. The GI doc told me to come back in a month and he would attempt to dilate me when I was more healed. I contacted my bariatric surgeon who told me to just deal with the GI doc. The GI doc told me to come back in a month. I guess no one seemed to care that I was NOT eating ANYTHING. Water was the only thing that could go down. 4 weeks later, I had another endoscopy. The ulcer was unchanged and deep so they were not able to dilate me. Now I'm 10 weeks post op and still not eating. Drinking only Water and again, no doctors seemed concerned. Month 3 post op, at work I began to have chest pain and palpitations. I ended up in the emergency department later that night. My potassium was critically low, my heart rate was in the 30's, my pre albumin (determines malnutrition) was dangerously low, as were all of my Vitamins. Also abnormal was my troponin, which shows damage done to the heart). (Critically low were thiamine and b12). I had been using the Vitamin Patches bought through the bariatric site and my NUT told me that I, essentially was without any victim and for 3 months!! He says that there is no way that Vitamins absorb through the skin!) I was in the telemetry department for 8 days. They did yet another endoscopy which showed no changes to the ulcer, so -yup-you guessed it--they could not dilate me. So I finally asked them what their plan B was since if I couldn't be dilated, then I couldn't eat and it would be a continuous cycle. They decided to place a PICC line into my arm (a semi-permanent IV line that can stay in my arm for up to a year) and to give me TPN which is nutrition that is given through the PICC line. The first time they gave me the TPN, I had an anaphylactic reaction to it, so they had to modify it. The following day, I got TPN successfully. I was to be discharged on day 8 and would be getting TPN at home. On day 9 (my first day home) I developed severe pain in the arm where my picc line was. I went to the doctor who sent me for an ultrasound of that arm. I was diagnosed with 2 DVTs (blood clots in the vessel) in my upper arm. So out came the PICC line-and therefore no TPN. Week 14, I went for yet another endoscopy. Since I had been receiving the Protein my body needed to heal, my ulcer had healed! I was able to be dilated! I was on liquids for 3 days and on day 4, I ate soft food!!! It went down!!! No pain! No vomiting! I was fixed.....or so I thought. Two days ago, I began to have pain when I ate. Then vomiting. And the nausea is severe. So now I'm faced with my 5th endoscopy next week with placement of a stent to hold the opening open for 3 weeks and then I pray that this is the end of my complications. I know they tell you complications you can have. I just didn't expect to have ALL of them at the same time. And believe it or not, throughout this whole ordeal, I still do not regret my decision to have this surgery.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I'm scheduled for surgery in November and even though I am excited I have been Sooo scared to thinking of the things that could happen to me after. This just made me even more scared and I started second guessing myself as I read it. My heart was racing and almost wanted to cry thinking I'm so not getting this done now.. until I got to the end where you said even through all of that you still do not regret having it done. Thank you! That Confirmed it for me. I'm having it done! If even through all of that you don't regret it then I need to.

    Would you do over again if you had to make the choice?

    Thank you for sharing your story and I'm so sorry you have been going through all of this. Hope you get better soon!

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hello everyone! I don't have my surgery date yet but I am highly anticipating a date in November, which also happens to be my bday month! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time. This consumes my life daily as I am either researching on the Internet or on this forum trying to make sure I am aware of everything- the good, bad and ugly!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Congrats on making the choice to be healthier! I understand I'm always looking up stuff... Sometimes it's good and then other times I do question things.. sometimes reading isn't the best idea. Just because something went a certain way or didn't for another person doesn't mean it will or won't for you. Everyone's body is different so they react to things differently.

    I'm trying hard to not digging to deep anymore. I can't compare myself to anyone else. I can however ask for support and ideas on some meal plans ext..

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  5. That's amazing! I'm signing up for a gym tomorrow and gonna start going at least 3 times a week. Just start with cardio and build up. I'm 338 and never really saw myself as being that big...until I see pictures of course lol so I'm excited to get this weight off and be able to do normal things without fear of being too big to do them!

    How was your psych consult? I'm a little nervous, and I don't know why! Lol I'm afraid they're gonna tell me I'm too crazy to have surgery lol I really don't have any depression or anxiety or anything, I think I'm just making it worse than it is.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

    That's great! Yeah I've always been happy with myself for the most part. I mean I think I'm pretty and the only health issue I have is asthma but I've had that since birth so it has nothing to do with my weight. That's it! Like yourself though.. when I see myself on pictures next to other people or just sitting in pretty disgusted in myself. Once again I'd like to also be able to run after my kids at the park... Now of days that is hard to do

    1. I have asthma

    2. Being this big makes it even harder to breath

    3. Things look different on me when I run (which is like never)

    4. I fear that everyone is looking at me and judging me.

    5. I fear sitting down in random places thinking I might break a chair. (It has happened before)

    6.I fear that just because I'm so healthy right now that doesn't mean I won't have a heart attack in my sleep.

    So many more these are Just some..

    This is going to be hard.. my whole life is going to change but it will be well worth it I believe.

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  6. Yay! This excites me lol.. have you started anything yet?

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

    I did my initial consultation in june and had my 1st appointment with the nutritionist the beginning of July. I was approved by my insurance, and now I just have to do the psych eval and complete 2 more months of a physician supervised diet. I can't wait to get sleeved!! How about you? Where are you at with everything?

    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

    That's awesome! I've done most of everything I need to.. I've met psych, nutritionist, doctor, and surgeon.. I have to do two classes that prepare me I guess for now and after.. and start my liquid diet thing lol then I meet with the surgeon again for last weigh in and to go over what to do day of and everything... I'm very nervous but excited too..

    I never work out but I've been busting my butt lately.. I did a 12mile walk two days ago and that's huge for me .. I'm 374lbs.. ???? I'm excited to know I'm going to be healthier and be able to run after my kids.

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

  7. Hi, my name is crystal.. I'm actually not new here but I was posting in the sleeve before. I was supposed to have surgery in September of last year but then randomly got denied. I didn't give up and went to another doctor/hospital and I finally have a date. November 14Th!

    This stuff can be hard.. physically and emotionally. I'm wondering if there are any other people having surgery in November.. and where your from. I'm in the Boston/south shore MA area.

    I want a surgery buddy. Someone (or more) that understands what I am going througg and can go on this journey with me.

    Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
