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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by acm21_

  1. Hell Everyone,

    I had my surgery in October 2016. I have lost over 100 pounds. My starting weight was 349 pounds. I currently weight around 246 pounds, so I still have a lot to go. These last two years have been tough. I got through college during my surgery. Everything was going great. As college got challenging I started to eat like before my surgery. I ate fried foods, dessert and drank soda. All the habits that they told us to kick, I started them again. I’ve been eating normally again, and bigger portions, but I’ve managed to stay active and keep my weight down. I graduated college and transferred to another school with an all you can eat buffet style dining. I ate weirdly. Some days I’ll have salad and Water, other days I’ll have chicken wings and cake. I just picked and choose, but always felt bad about my eating. But still would remain active. The semester has come to an end and I’m back at home.
    I have officially promised myself that I would give up all those foods and bad habits. I will be starting to go to the gym on a schedule, and I have made an appointment to see my surgeon, and will be starting my Vitamins again.
    This has been a last tough few years and caused me to lose track. Now I’m ready to get my journey back on track! I am starting LPN school next month and I’m super excited. So I want to get my life in order AGAIN.
    FYI- I’m 24 Now.

    What are your favorite healthy Snacks? drinks?
    What exercise do you do? My target areas are my stomach, thighs, back and arms.

  2. Hello, how exactly do we know if we were approved for the surgery? Do we receive a phone call or a letter in the mail? I recently had my endoscopy and I have a follow up appointment coming in the next few days. I am very excited to start this journey. I'm becoming very anxious waiting. What is the next step? I also go back to college tomorrow! I'm beyond ready to start this... I'm going to start going the gym to lose pre surgery weight.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Well I am a college student returning for my last year of college August 18th. My college is 45 minutes away from my home town. And I was worried how this would work out considering I would have to commute back and forth from my home town to my doctors appointments and back to my college town. I have a job as a peer mentor and I'll be out for 2 weeks.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I began having these on my groin area after my last child. A year ago I went gluten free (my child has pretty bad gluten intolerance)....thought I would try it. I did not have a aingle breakout until I started eating gluten again (gained my weight back as well. Maybe the absence of carbohydrates, especially those loaded with gluten is the reason wls seems to help. Just a thought. Good luck with your journey!

    Sent from my SM-G900P using the BariatricPal App

    Interesting, I never thought of trying that. I'll give it a try! Thank you for that information

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Oh my god I am so happy to see this thread. I have had this for a while and I didn't realize it was something other people got. I have it quite bad under my arms. I apologize if this is graphic but how do you guys deal with it? I have to put pads on my shirts and I'm always self conscious that there is a smell. I have been to a dermatologists i have been on some antibiotics and has not resolved. I am currently trying some treatment I read about where they suggested using common acne treatments. I am 10 months post op and it has not improved.

    I have been dealing with this for some years now, and I have found somethings that have worked for me... I use medicated powder, gold bonds... And I use medicated chap stick- yes, you read that correctly. The medicine in the powder and chap stick closed abscess faster then anything I've tried before. I keep the space faulty dry as well... And recently I have discovered Aquaphor as well. For the smell, that usually gave me the most trouble. I would gauze it and tape it and spray perfume on my shirt in the spot of the smell.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    do you use any kind of deoderant? I am so self conscious about the smell. Ive been using panty liners on the inside of my shirts
    I have used many different deodorants to try to mask the smell. I usually use Cucumber Melon Deodorant by Dove, or I use Suave Deodorant in tropical paradise.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I am a year post op. My HS was fairly active in the beginning post op but in the last couple of months things have died down tremendously. I may have had one or two nodes that popped up but nothing has opened up and drained in months. Like I said, if something does pop up, it seems to just go away on its own. Fingers crossed it stays like this for me. I had it bad under my arms.

    Congrats! I know how embarrassing and self conscious this can make you feel.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Oh my god I am so happy to see this thread. I have had this for a while and I didn't realize it was something other people got. I have it quite bad under my arms. I apologize if this is graphic but how do you guys deal with it? I have to put pads on my shirts and I'm always self conscious that there is a smell. I have been to a dermatologists i have been on some antibiotics and has not resolved. I am currently trying some treatment I read about where they suggested using common acne treatments. I am 10 months post op and it has not improved.

    I have been dealing with this for some years now, and I have found somethings that have worked for me... I use medicated powder, gold bonds... And I use medicated chap stick- yes, you read that correctly. The medicine in the powder and chap stick closed abscess faster then anything I've tried before. I keep the space faulty dry as well... And recently I have discovered Aquaphor as well. For the smell, that usually gave me the most trouble. I would gauze it and tape it and spray perfume on my shirt in the spot of the smell.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Yes got rid of a friend who was also going to have gastric bypass. She was very negative all the time and I think bc I got my date first she became jealous. And tried to start stuff like I'm jealous bc I don't have a man, or tell her other friends what I said but deleted her comments back to me. But my days without her are sooooo much better by far!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I'm glad that you are doing good without negative people in your space!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I haven't really ditched anyone post-op, but people have distanced themselves from me, and that is cool. Like my lifestyle is really different now than it was a year ago. Everyone isn't active and into the things I am. I don't mind, people grow apart.

    That's very true. I've informed my friends on what will be going on & they are taking a healthy journey with me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I haven't ditched anyone on purpose but lost all my friends in my current divorce process

    I'm sorry that you've lost all of your friends, I've heard divorce is a long stressful process!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I have milder issues with HS (typically in the underarm area). I had a fairly active one on my side (bra line) at the time of surgery. It has cleared to completely and no other issues since *knock wood*.

    Congrats DaisyAmy.. I have a serious case of it. Anywhere you can think of getting it, I've had or have it. I've also had the surgery to remove it. Somehow it keeps coming back.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. @@Valentina I have been looking for remedies EVERYWHERE! I've done the PT, both aquatic and ground. Didn't work, I tore my ACL back over 6 years ago, and doctors convinced me it was nothing, but I knew I tore my ACL. few years later that same knee gave out, and they gave me a knee brace, but told me not to become dependent on it, as well as the usual the anti-inflammatory meds, that didn't help. And a few months ago I walked into a door- which damaged the knee all over again. This time I seen a new doctor in a new area where I went to college. I had an MRI, which showed wear and tear and damaged from a ACL tear. I was just confused, it was something that I already knew. The doctor told me "You have arthritis and you'll need your knee replaced before your 30" I asked why couldn't they just fix it while I was still young..and she told me my age was a problem, then she proceeded to tell me I NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT- which i was already aware of. She then wrote me a referral to PT again. I went to another doctor in my home town to get another opinion... He told me I needed to lose weight, which I was sick of hearing, but I knew it was true. Then he tried something knew and gave me a injection shot in my knee, which worked, and its worn off. I use marijuana when the pain is unbearable, which is usually when it rains.. They just wont take my knee seriously...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
