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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by DaphneZ

  1. I am glad you are feeling better. When that happens you do feel like you are having a heart attack. I sweat get dizzy and feel like I am going to throw up. I'm over 4 years out and you would think I would learn my lesson!! LOL Also, I never know what will do it sometimes. LOL Have a great one!!

    Well this really scared the crap out of me [emoji23]. First time in a year so yeah, I've been eating more then I would like since Christmas and New year, good thing is that this scared me enough to get back on track [emoji23]

  2. Dumping does feel like that and it isn't just from sugar. It also can be from fat. If you are really worried call your Dr. Just to be safe. Sorry this is happening. Take care

    Yeah and I had some normal cheese which I normally won't eat so, my heartbeat has gone a bit down, but I'm still not feeling well. I think I was panicking what made it feel even worse. I really felt like I was having a heart attack, the more I focused on it the worse I felt. I'm just lying flat on the couch now and it's helping a bit, I don't think I will ever eat normal cheese again. I'll tell my gp next time I have to see her just so she also knows and I'll see what she says. Thanks for answering.

  3. I had gastric bypass a year agro, all went well and I didn't have any complications. I rarely dump, only when I overeat or eat to much sugar, but that would only be like once a month at most.

    I just ate some cheese (no light version) and after that I started having heart palpitations with a heart rate around 135 bpm. I read that you can get that as a dumping syndrome but this is new to me, I always watch what I eat and rarely dump and when I do it's only some light discomfort.

    I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now, I'm kinda scared especially seeing I have such high heart rate and my chest hurts. But that's normal right, no need to see a Dr?

  4. Sorry. I think I either mis-read your stats, or you updated them after I'd answered. Great job on the losses. Congrats!
    I'd say to you and to myself, "Keep workin' it girlie, until YOU feel good in your body. If that's 170lbs, so be it. If it's more then go for it--regardless of what the surgeon/RD says."
    Don't get scared! Just work it every dayum day long. [emoji3]

    You didn't misread, I hadn't updated my stats in a long time and noticed because of your response [emoji23] .
    My personal goal was actually a size 42 (I have this picture were i always found myself looking good at that size) or 170 lbs, my surgeon said the op would get me to 207, so I already went past that. But the thing is that I'm already at size 42 atm and I don't feel like I look anything like that picture, so I wanne push till 170 now...

  5. Surgeons say that cause u won't be losing weight anymore due to the surgery the next weight will come off from dieting and exercise. Remember to be gentle with your body it has been through a lot and it needs healthy food and lotsa Water and it eventually Will let go of excess weight. It's a journey and sometimes the last few pounds don't come off as quickly as we want them but if you make a healthy lifestyle with a couple of cheat meals and good daily exercise - nothing crazy your body does change. Try not to be hung up on a weight just live healthy and see where u end up. You might end up weighing more but being a smaller size cause of muscle. Remember to take your Vitamins and Protein Shakes .

    Thank you so much for this, this was just what i needed to hear. I don't mind if those last 30 lbs take a long time, even if they would take me more then 6 months or so I don't mind, as long as I eventually get to my goal I'm happy.

    I try not to fixate on the number my scale shows me. The last 3 months I only did a monthly weigh in because I was panicking when I gained (which was quite often if you weigh daily) and would not eat at all. I also started exercising more intensely around the same time and even though I have only lost around 20lbs in the past 3 months I dropped multiple sizes. I have a lot more muscle especially in my legs and because of that I have less hanging skin. My body fat % has dropped immensely, so those are the things I try looking at now. But I had a weigh in at my surgeons office and knew I was 30 away from my personal goal because of that, so when he told me most people go into maintenance after 1 year and often gain a little bit back before maintaining it kinda made me panic.

  6. I'm over 2 years post op and I can still lose weight if i watch what I'm eating. I can also gain weight too so I watch my weight and if i gain I eat clean and the weight comes off. So having said that if you want to lose more eat clean and exercise.

    Thanks that very reassuring, I still watch what I'm eating, drink my Water and exercise so. I do sometimes "slip up", like when we have a family dinner I will eat healty and allow myself 1 thing I really want, but I don't overdo like I used to. I'm still trying and working on losing those 30 lbs, but the way my surgeon told me I sounded like it's nearly impossible to loose after 1 year, kinda freaked me out at that moment [emoji23]

  7. Congrats on losing 51.8 lbs! Just curious, why would you be content to stop losing where you're are, at 270.7lbs when you're goal is 100lbs away still??? As I read on here, the one's who are truly focusing on losing every single day, exceed their surgeon's expectations and lose to goal or pretty close to goal.
    My surgeon termed my honeymoon period as: 6 months in "the sweet spot" and an additional year in the active weight loss spot. Beyond that, weight loss isn't impossible, but merely more difficult than in the beginning phases.
    If it were me, I would not be thinking of the regain. I would still be in high-gear to lose as much of that additional 100lbs as humanly possible within the next 10months! I'd do that by meeting my Vitamin, Water and daily Protein goals and keeping 20g net carbs daily. I would also strictly limit any shenanigans that include carby, fattening foods and alcohol.
    Not meaning to be inflexible, I would just know I have more work to do and be very diligent about living "cleanly."

    Actually I'm at 203 lb, I lost 117 already and like I said I would still like to lose another 30 to reach my personal goal.
    I still watch what I'm eating, I don't track my food anymore unless I haven't lost in a while. Then I'll log my food for a week to see if I'm not going wrong somewhere, I drink a lot of water and exercise daily. I do a lot of cycling, did almost 1300km (I think that's 777 miles, correct me if I'm wrong) in the last 2 and a half months even when it's almost freezing and raining I will still go. The days I'm not cycling I will go for at least a 30 minute walk.
    I don't want to stop loosing untill I'm at 170, but since my surgeon told me I was below his goal weight and that most people tend to go into maintenance after 1 year (which is only 2 more month for me) I got scared.

  8. So I had a consult with my surgeon today and he told me that most patients tend to go into a maintenance phase after 1 year (I'm 10 months post op and lost a bit over the weight that they expected). So I lost 70% of my excess weight, but I would like to loose a few more kg, I would actually like to loose at least 4 more kg (which is definitely possible before my 1 year mark) and my personal goal weight is actually still 14kg. What experience do you guys have with losing after 1 year?

    He also told me that most people tend to regain a few kg before going into maintenance (he told me that regaining 5kg would be normal for me). Also would like the hear some experiences on this one, I panic at the idea of gaining those 5kg again...

  9. Thank you so much for the answers. I think if I read this that I'm eating way to less. I rarely go over 800 kcal, even on days when I walk over 10km and have to work (I'm a nurse so my job I pretty active). I'm just so scared of gaining. But reading these is very reassuring. I'm gonna set my Protein 40% (100g) and the rest at 30% just get an idea of what I'm eating

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  10. So I had my RNY 6 months ago, lost 47kg so far and I feel great. I still want to loose 20 more kg, but it's starting to get harder to loose the weight. I was adviced to not count calories, just eat healthy and stop when I feel full and that has worked so far. But I have been around the same weight for the last month. So I wanne start tracking my food, just to see if I'm eating enough Protein, not to much carbs and so on. I logged in to MFP and want to update the food goals (calories, protein, fat, carbs) and would like to get some advice. I found some guidelines on the internet but they aren't specific for people with weight loss surgery so...

    So what macros are you guys using?

  11. Thanks for all the awnsers, I wasnt going to add the Pasta or rice now since it would fill me up way to fast. Made pumpkin/bellpeper/carrot Soup and added some shredded chicken. For now it fills me up really well and it's the first time I don't feel unwell after eating a hot meal. Not that I get really sick or something after eating. But every bite makes my stomach upset so

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  12. I'm 2 months post op and everything is going very well, today's weighting showed -20kg and I'm really happy. Now I was wondering, before surgery I loved a Soup with some Pasta or rice and some meat. I was wondering if I could still do this instead of a meal from time to time? Like some chunky soup and then add some shredded chicken. It will still have the Protein I need, but it will have liquid and solids at the same time so I'm not sure...

  13. That's not a good idea. Does your Dr. Know about your binging?

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Yes they know, i have been working really hard on it, going from 2-3 binges a day to 2-3 a month so... last one was 11/12 (the buffet) and that's the only one this month. Already lost 15 lbs in the last 6 weeks. I'm seeing a psych about it every 2 weeks and she's teaching me how to deal with my binging.

    The pre op diet is going to be a real test for me, but I'm determined to do everything right. This is my chance to turn my life around. 1 more week untill the 2 weeks pre op diet starts

  14. Been doing really well the past week, eating normal ( no overeating, binging,...) and getting 10.000 steps every day. I'm proud, the surgery is giving me so much hope. Cant wait till 18/01.

    Today I'm going out for dinner with my family, its a 3 hours all you can eat buffet. I'm gonne allow myself to eat everything that I want, kind of like a last time binge :) a goodbye to this lifestyle...

  15. So i have an update, i changed dr after being turned down over and over by the psych. I wanted to start in a complete new place because it didn't feel good anymore. Had to wait a a bit more than a month for all the pre op consults and they went really good. I trust these people and regret not going there in the first place...

    So last week I had my last appointment with Dr Ceuleman and got my date! 18/01, I'm so excited, scared but happy ????. I have to do shakes 2 weeks pre op, 600kcal a day, I hope it won't be to hard while working (I'm a full time nurse)...

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  16. Pfff, had a bad day today, I ate everything I could find... Now I feel like I should give up and that I'm not strong enough to work on my binging. I hope i get some new motivation tomorrow

    Don't give up!

    Take it one day, one hour, one minute, or even one second at a time.

    Have you considered attending some OA meetings? You may find it helpful. There is information and meeting lists online at OA.org.

    I never know there were meetings in my country. At this moment I'm talking to my psych about my eating habbits (every 2-3 weeks), I just recently opend up to her about it. I will keep the meetings in mind for the future, but at this point I'm just to ashamed to talk to others ( face-to-face) about my binging. I just need to get used to talking about it first.

    Oh and the clinic also has a psych talking to me every month and my Other psych (doctor) also knows about my BED, and I talk to him every month.... So enough talking for now ;)

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