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Posts posted by xxlaneyxx

  1. Thankyou for all the replys-must get round to trying the receipe as it sounds delicious! Just come back from holiday and pleased to report weight still dropping! Not so hooked on icecream,but still like the odd one or two now and then (not the whole container tho now lol)

  2. I have decided that icecream is evil! lol I was never really that fussed with it before I had my band-but now I crave it daily! I know when I have had a bad day,and feel good when I have managed to stick to one a day. My weight loss is fine at the mo,but I wish I could stop thinking about the stuff. Im sure I will get over it in time,but its just so yummy!

    Anyone else had any cravings after being banded?

  3. Hi guys and gals,just thought I would post a nice happy thread to let everyone know I finally love my band! lol I was banded on 1st March 08 and have been having a few hiccups along the way..mostly with no restriction,weight gain and feeling generally like I was a failure.But......after my 3rd fill on 11th June 08,I have been having better results and feeling much more positive. I was at a low point thinking that I want going to have any success with my band,and my weight kept going up. I am finding things much more easy now.I can eat a fair amount still,I dont feel too deprived.I am much more satisfied for longer and dont think about food 24/7 like I used to!

    To anyone who is feeling like the band isnt helping-hang in there! It will happen!! I was helped by all the words of encouragement on here,and it takes the right adjustment and it will work!I love my band now.

    Good luck to everyone on their banding journey. x x

  4. Hi fellow lap banders! Just a quick update.Since my post I am really pleased to report I am finally feeling restriction! yippeeeeeeee!!!! lol I still can eat a reasonable amount,but I really do know when I have had enough now.I am watching what I am eating,and go for the healthy options instead of eating whatever I can lay my hands on. I could still eat the usual amounts of junk food ie icecream,chocolate,biccys,cake etc so I steer well clear and have a yummy weight watchers desert at the ready so I still feel like I have had something naughty! Thankyou for keeping me on the straight and narrow and helping when I felt like it wasnt going to work for me. I will keep you updated on any progress. xxx

  5. Thankyou to everyone and all the positive words of encouragement. The only way I can describe what the doc has said is that my oesophagus has irregular muscles that are not moving in a smooth motion,and that I am not getting the signals of being full-even if I have overeaten,so I can be stretching my pouch and not realising it.

    I put everything I had into this,but never thought it wouldnt work for me or help me. I am going to try to watch what I eat more-maybe a weight watchers diet or something(I can follow that Im sure) I was banded on 1st March 2008 and I have not lost anything apart from my confidence! lol I need to get on track again,I think I was hoping for better results,maybe its still early days and I am worrying too soon,but the doctor that did my 3rd fill really made out that its not working for me,and that I need to diet! Tell me something I didnt already know,-if just dieting worked for me I wouldnt have needed to spend £8000 would I ? I just hoped I would feel fuller sooner,but so far no luck,and I can still eat far too much.

    I will not give up,I was just feeling very down.

    Thankyou all again xxx

  6. I went for my 3rd fill,and was told I had put on weight (again!) I have not lost any weight since my pre-op diet,I have got a 10 ml band with 6.5 ml in as of 2 days ago. I have not got restriction that I know of,I can still eat far too much before feeling full.My doc who filled me said I have an irregular swallow,and it means I am not feeling full,even if I have eaten more than I am supposed to. I ended up in tears feeling like I wasted my money,that its not going to work for me now. I had a problem with overeating all my life and that is why I chose the surgery.I feel like I am a failure and nothing is going to help me now.They tell me to diet and watch what I eat-but lests face it if I was any good at that I wouldnt be overweight in the first place. I am feeling really low,am eating more again as comfort,thats what got me here in the 1st place feeling like I am worth nothing. Please give me some hints and support,I am really at a very low point.

  7. Dirty hospitals named and shamed on health service hygiene 'sick list'

    By Celia Hall, Medical Editor


    Happy reading maincat. You seem to have a pedantic mission regarding NHS hospitals.

    Most people want to have an enjoyable time on this lap band forum.You just come across as someone who is more interested in goading others with your condescending attitude. No-one has to justify themselves,their views or their spelling to you.

    Good luck on your band journey-even though you give the impression of being a right pompous git!

  8. I think the original post was to determine how many people self-paid for banding vs NHS funding. Im sure majority of people would be happy with having band done in an NHS hospital in the UK,if the NHS funded it. If you have to pay for op yourself,(which I did) I definately would want to have a say in the hospital I was paying for.

    Im sure Sanks51 did not have the NHS funding(I may be wrong?) and therefore made an individual choice to pay to have band fitted in which hospital they were happy with,in the UK or not.

    We have all heard reports of 'lurgies' and 'superbugs', MRSA etc and it is worrying. click link-NHS hospitals likely to miss hospital deep clean deadline

    I personally was happy in my BUPA uk hospital, (£8,000 self paid) to have my op. If I had chosen to go out of the UK,it would have been my choice.

    Even I found the way maincat chose to reply quite offensive, turning it into a personal attack,trying to make someone feel inferior because they made a simple spelling mistake! Crass-or class? There are ways of putting your point across without being offensive.We are all on this forum to learn from others experiences and choices.

  9. I gave up the night before my op. I was so worried I would be stressing without being able to smoke...but here I am 6 weeks down the line and still not smoking! I was 20+ a day and if I can do it-anyone can. Your body can heal quicker and you will feel so much more healthy.My advice to anyone is just dont smoke anymore! Well done to everyone on their weight loss journey.

  10. Congrats to all the other ex-addicts! I cant stand the smell of smoke now..or smokers lol To think I must have smelled that bad to all the non-smokers when I was 20+ a day! Not on Patches now,but I still find my food cravings harder to beat. Feel so much better for it-and I find if I tell myself its not that hard to give up,it somehow makes it easier. I do not want to smoke again ever!

  11. I had mine done on the NHS. Excellent!

    I don't understand why so many people take the private route. My hospital was great, very, very clean, top staff, caring, supportive and understanding.

    Go on, tell me why you don't use the NHS.

    I didnt get YES as an answer from the NHS. Had to fund op myself or wait untill my BMI got above 50. I would love to have gone with the NHS and spent my £8000 on something else!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
