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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by xxlaneyxx

  1. Well,lets all just try remember why we are all here in the first place..to lose weight and regain our health and self-esteem. We should by now all know what it is like to try and fail at dieting,to give up smoking etc. Life is tough!! Im sure we have all felt like we are no good and worthless if we cant even stick to a simple task of eating less.

    I doubt anyone sets of on this banding journey to self-sabotage so they can feel even more worthless about themselves.

    As the band journey progresses,there will be times when you eat something that you wish you hadnt-its not cheating for crying out loud-its hard to forget all the eating habits you have had for so many years and its a learning experience .

    I come on this site to get encouragement and find out if otheres are going through the same problems I have experienced-and then also help others who feel like they are failing.

    Please dont patronise others for struggling and admitting they are,we all need reasurance and advise at some point. I still find it hard to NOT eat icecream..or chocolate(I love it!) even though I know I shouldnt. I have great aftercare and a great support group,I know what I should be eating and also what I shouldnt(dont we all) its still so hard at times,no one is with you 24-7 when your will power may slip.

    Good luck to everyone.I hope we all get the results we are after.Some may find it easier than others,but we are all in it for the same reason.

  2. Well. I didnt intend to sabotage myself,I was self pay and the whole op to date has cost me £8750 of my hard earned money.

    The fact is Im sure no-one sets out to fail.

    If I had perfect self control I would not have been fat in the first place and would have spent my money on something else. I was a big emmotional eater,loved food(still do!)

    I have 'cheated' slipped and fallen off the band during the past year and 6 months,and I put it down to being human!

    I have struggled during my time with the band,I did read up all the pros and cons before I went ahead with surgery,and thought I would never 'cheat' as I was making a huge step and a big finacial outlay.

    I am glad to say,Ive stll managed some pretty good lbs off, and back on track whole heartedly.

    Mind you,Im sure I will have a few hiccups along the rest of my lap band journey.

    I hope you will find it as easy to stay on track,as you obviously think its only the weak willed and stupid people who find it hard resist temptation. Good luck. Will be watching your posts to see how easy you find it!!!

    Happy banding people,keep up the good work.

  3. for about the past 4-5 months,I too have been struggling.up and down with the same 10lbs. I am now back on track and intend to stay yhat way!

    I would recommend the 5 day pouch test if you can stick to it-it really does help. The added weight loss that you will get from that will be an incentive to get back on track.

    I hope you find things easier,and well done for all the weight you have lost so far!

    Happy banding and good luck in the journey.

  4. stop using money as an excuse - if you get a fill you will save so much more money on food!!! stop making excuses.
    Hi spudgirl

    I understand how this post was a bit blunt and could be taken as offensive,but Im sure they meant well. There is truth to what they have written to

    tho :tongue_smilie:

    I am assuming you were self pay for your band hence paying for fills? I pay for my fills too, £250 in UK,and it is a bit costly,but by choosing the band you commited yourself to the possibility may take one fill or several to get a decent restriction,and thus a financial commitment. I could eat almost as much as I could before being banded until after my 3rd fill.

    Good luck with the banding,Im sure it will get easier.

  5. There are other reasons people get banded or other bypass procedures...there are other causes of obesity...genetics (my situation), emotional and physical issues, gender...and so on...in any type of surgery your recovery is what you make it...hopefully the band will help me deal with an inherited (against my will) issue as it will help those who have other struggles. :)

    Well, we all get the band for the same reason in the end-to lose weight. Im sure we have all had enough of negative comments along the way when we have tried and failed to lose weight before.

    I hope you will be one of the people who will have no problems after banding and find it easy,but for the majority of people who have had the band,we are only human and still find the weight loss an ongoing struggle. We certainly dont set out on this band journey to fail,but some may still find it difficult. Good luck with your band.:)

    Happy banding and to everyone keep up the good work! x

  6. Well,....the band is what you make it and by reading the last couple of posts,they were from people not yet banded. Im sure when THEY finally get their band they too will discover that having a band is NOT a clear cut solution.It takes a long time to adjust to they new way of life,and old habits die hard.If we were all so full of will power then we wouldnt need the band in the 1st place. It can be one hell of a struggle,and until you get the right restriction,you are still fighting the old cravings.

    Lets try to help people out with positive words of encouragement,not its your own fault blah blah blah...

  7. Hiya! Im in the same boat as you Im afraid,I dont think its the bands fault I think its mine! I have been choosing all the wrong foods,and lots of it. Do lots of walking still,but Im yo-yoing the same 2-3 lbs for the past few weeks. I think I have become a bit too lapse lately,and I have felt soooo good about my weight loss so far(people are starting to notice,and I have looked back on old pics and I can see a huge difference)

    Well,if we have a bit of faith in ourselves,Im sure we can get right back on track. I hope you will find it easier to do the right things,and there is so much support on here. We didnt come this far to fail-but realisticly we are winning!

    Happy banding keep strong.:sad:

  8. Hang in there! It will start to work when you have the right restriction,I was in the same boat as you(and I was also gaining weight as well!) I thought I would be the person that the band wasnt going to work for-I felt like a failure. Check back if you can for my older posts as I was feeling really low.

    Good news is,after my 4th fill I began to feel a difference,and now I am losing slowly but surely,usually 1lb per week. I eat most things now-just a lot less of it!

    Hope you start to feel restriction soon,and have positive results. :wink2:

  9. Well done on your weight loss so far hope you are finding it a bit easier now.

    I am having the same problem,Christmas,New Years parties, and my Birthday all in the space of a few weeks! Too much celebration food choccys etc.I havent lost any weight in weeks and find it so hard tokeep on track.I am doing more exercise but have come to a halt in the weight loss.I know its my own fault and I am going to do my upmost to get back on track. Keep up the good work,at least I know I am not alone in this hiccup! Happy banding everyone. x

  10. I think it would be the same worrying about ANY sort of surgery where you have risks and anesthetic etc. Doubts crept into my mind a few days before I had my band done wondering what I was going to put myself through and I even wrote letters to my family and made videos for them just in case anything went wrong...but here I am 10 months later and 56lbs lighter and I wouldnt change it for anything-I would do it again in an instant. I think there are more risks of death from being obese than through lap band surgery.Good luck aand positive thinking.:smile:

  11. Well done on your loss-keep up the good work,the exercise will soon follow as the lbs drop off!

    The thing I love most about my band,is somedays when my willpower is low-and the easiest thing in the world to do is eat and eat.....my bands willpower is always there and reminds me I cant! Best friend in the world that. lol

    Happy banding.

  12. :thumbup:Hi there,after reading your post I know it may sound silly-but I think you are washing much TOO much! The private parts of your body have certain natural acidities and you washing so much(especially if you are using soap all the time)is probably making it worse! I would say if you need to wash just use plain water(no soap) The perfume and additives in soap can send your body into chaos. Im sure this will clear up if you lay off the washing. Hope this helps somewhat.

    Happy banding.

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