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Posts posted by flstfgirl

  1. I'm in too....I read this thread the other day and have been thinking about it since. I didn't do too bad over the holidays - even tho' I didn't deny myself anything I did not gain any weight (yay!). I've been feeling I should be down alot more than I am...banded in April and only 40 lbs down so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for that 40 lbs being gone, but would be happier with a little more. I'm scheduled for a fill on the 8th, so maybe I will start my 5 day pouch diet then. I think 2009 will be great for us all!!

  2. yeah...it's scary...and to think we are going to be giving up what has always comforted us the most is very emotional. I spent the month prior mourning food, having "last meals" and just plain feeling sorry for myself. But afterwards...after the incisions start healing and post op diet is done all those thoughts I had were not reality at all. I still eat foods I've always enjoyed, just not the huge quantities. Believe me...the feeling will pass.

  3. I use the adult liquid Tylenol...it doesn't taste too bad, I usually find it at walgreen's. I do take a chewable Multi-Vitamin and my Rx's I used to crush and take w/applesauce, then found that I didn't have any trouble when splitting them, but now I just take them whole, but they are small tablets anyway, about a half or third the size of an aspirin. However, I'm not a place where I have restriction either. I'm hoping to get there with my next fill next week. Hopefully when that happens I can still take my meds whole or split them since crushing is sort of a hassle...but the liquid Tylenol is not bad at all.

  4. I absolutely enjoy my weed, however.....and I really, really hate to say this, but I have found when I run out, my weight loss seems much greater and easier to accomplish. I also wonder if that "sweet spot" seems so elusive because of my smoking. I've only been banded about 4 mos. with 3 fills, but my weight loss is much slower than a couple of friends that don't partake and were banded about the same time. I don't want to quit smoking, but I'm considering not keeping it on hand and seeing what happens.

  5. me too! I was banded 4/21, have had 2 fills and while I do make better food choices I can eat alot. I've been going up and down with the same 3 lbs for more than a month and I just really want it gone! lol!! I'm sure this will all eventually be worth it. I get my 3rd fill this Thursday and have been praying for it to hit my sweet spot.

  6. OK--I had fill #2 and do feel restriction. BUT, I went out to dinner and had a grilled chicken salad. I ate 4-5 bites and whoa! painful lump in my chest! I waited a few minutes, the pain went away and then, I was able to finish the entire salad.

    What's up with that?

    that's exactly how I'm doing...my second fill was just the other day 7/10 and last nite and dinner and today at Breakfast, but after waiting I was able to eat ok...I'm thinking I hadn't chewed a bite well enough and had to wait for it to move down...weird, but still I can eat more that I thought I'd be able to. :confused2:

  7. I had one and I hated it! I took mine out earlier than they recommended. I did contact the dr before doing so. The first time I took a shower a little Water got beneath the tape and settled near the incision and I was too afraid of infection to leave it in, plus having it was an annoying hassle to me. Taking it out was no big deal, yes sort of weird, pulling the little tubing out of your belly, but it didn't hurt or anything.

  8. I had my first fill last week and at first I thought there was no difference, then a few days later I dropped like 4 lbs! Then I became constipated for a few days and it was right back on. Finally after I was able to go to the bathroom a couple times regularly, I get on the scale and I'm back down the 4 lbs....I thought it was odd too

  9. Thank you Jacqui!!! Before coming back to write this post, I went in the kitchen to cook some eggs for breakfast!!! (instead of my ol' standby yogurt. lol) Just had my first fill last week and sometimes I feel restriction, and other times I don't....thanks for your definition. It helps in chaning the mindset I've kept about food for so long.

  10. I'm soooo glad this thread was created! I've thought about it several times because smoking weed is something I do enjoy. I've been banded since April, have been smoking up to and since my surgery with no problems. It does give you the munchies, but I'm still eating much less than I used to and I am losing weight. I feel I'm responsible with it...don't let it interfere with work, family etc. And I have no intention of letting it interfere with my weight loss either. I smoked pot (and did alot of other mind altering drugs) as a teenager, then in my twenties I did the clean and sober thing for 11 years. I decided to start smoking again (only smoking) about 15 years ago. I truely enjoy it. I've had weight problems all my life including the 11 yrs I wasn't smoking, so I don't think pot contributed a whole lot to that. I'm glad to know I'm not alone tho' - thanks for all who shared on this thread!

  11. I work in a call center too....I took 2 weeks off and during the second week I was feeling really pretty good. I was starting to feel sort of guilty about being off and feeling so good as well as a little (and JUST a little, mind you) bored. Well, a couple days after I went back to work I woke up feeling very nauseated and super tired so I called off. I was really glad I took the full two weeks and looking back I think 1/2 days my first week back would not have been a bad idea. Not that my work is physically hard, but sitting at that desk, like you...tied to a headset for the workday, it can get very draining. I say milk it for as long as you can LOL!!!

  12. I'm 6 wks out and I haven't had anything stuck, there's been a couple times I was uncomfortable, but I had eaten more than I should have. Just one time I was eating grits for the first time after surgery and I started to slime a little, but I can eat grits now with no problem....I can pretty much eat anything, it also seems I can eat large amounts of food with no problem. I go see my Dr. 6/5 and hope to get a fill then because I don't have any restriction and still have no control over portions. I am able to choose healthier foods without feeling deprived of anything (except occaisonally I miss that Diet Coke) I keep reading that restriction eventually will happen and that I'll hit a sweet spot and experience the band being the tool it's meant to be. I pray that's true...I don't want this to be another thing that didn't work for me.

  13. I take a generic form of chewable Centrum and while it's not my favorite thing, it's not that bad. I do use liquid Tylenol and I've been crushing my Zoloft and allergy med in a pill crusher and eating it w/a couple spoonfuls of applesauce...if I don't do it just right I get that bitter taste and just have a little more applesauce to make it go away.

    The thing I'm wondering is....I've been really pissy lately and at times I see the bad attitude I had before I started taking anti depressents. I'm not sure if I'm getting my full doses of Zoloft like I should by crushing it. I'm considering asking my Dr if there is a liquid form of that or maybe just uping my dose a little bit. It did cross my mind that I may be missing the caffiene from the Diet Cokes I no longer drink and it's turning me into a bitch, lol!

  14. Yes, it does get better and better. I'm 5 wks out and I was starting to wonder if there would be a day without pain at the incisions, not that it's been unbearable, but noticable...plus it seemed I had to take things slower on my walks than last summer....but here in the past week to 10 days I've seen a big improvement. I have worked in the yard almost all weekend and the need for a break is less frequent than last summer. Heck, last summer I didn't feel like going out in the yard let alone work in it! lol....It does get better every day and I'm looking forward to slimmer days!

  15. It has been 5 wks today since I was banded. I was off work 2 wks...then a couple days after I went back I woke up feeling sick and hurting and had to call off. I sort of think 1/2 days back the first week would have been good for me. However, while I was off as long as I took it easy I felt pretty good...only when I pushed myself a little too much did I feel bad. I made sure I used my pain & nausea meds if I needed them even the least little bit, after all that's what they're for. I too used a heating pad, but it helped me more at nite for shoulder pain. But all in all I felt much better than I expected to. There were a few times in the past weeks where I felt some pain near my incisions while walking the dog and wondered if they would ever go away and I think they're finally gone. But here at 5 wks I'm doing good, working in the yard, mowing, walking...etc. I am finding I have a little more energy and am hoping as the weight comes off it will increase.

    The thing is, we just had abdominal surgery! Sometimes it's hard to remember that. We've done the best thing we could do for ourselves...taking a step in the right direction to a healthier life. Just take it easy, use your pain meds and follow dr's orders on how to eat...you'll do great.

  16. Oh thank you all!!!! I've been feeling exactly like the rest of you, and hoping that after a few fills this will be what I thought it would be like. I can eat just about anything altho I'm trying to stay away from junk, but at times the good food is so good to me I just want to keep eating and that's a behavior I've always had a problem with! I was banded 4/21 and have lost about 20 pre and post op, but nothing at all for a couple weeks, like some of you. I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm still sure we've done the right thing....it just seems like all the anxiety from waiting and waiting for the surgery to be done is returning for this waiting and waiting for a fill and restriction to be done!

  17. I was banded 4/21 and my surgery was scheduled at 2:15 in the afternoon. They want you there 3 hrs ahead of time and of course you don't have anything to eat or drink from midnite the nite before. So needless to say I was hungry and thirsty. I kept thinking, I hope my surgeon is having a good day...lol.....they started the iv and all that....I kept waiting, 2:15 came and went, they said the person before me had taken longer than expected and it shouldn't be too long.....then at 5:00 I'm on my way. I was put off at the time, but it really wasn't that bad. Dr said he just had to take his time w/the previous patient and that I would be just fine...as he went to get ready for me, the anithesiologist and the assisting members of the team were snapping at each other I assumed the long day was getting to them (I'm thinking, oh shit this is great) but before too long I was given that oxygen mask and don't remember much until I found myself in my private room afterwards. I heard my son's voice, but I was still very out of it. When I finally started to wake up it was midnite or so and as much as I want to bitch about it, it was really nice, I took a little walk in the hall without all the hustle and bustle of the day and my nurses were able to give me more personal attention since most everyone else was asleep. I took full advantage of the demerol for pain...I didn't let myself hurt much at all before asking for it. I was released the next afternoon, and things have not been too bad since. I'm just starting mushies and do find myself hungry, but I understand at this point I'm healing and should feel more "restriction" after my first fill. I probably could have gone back to work last week, but decided to take the full two weeks and take it as easy as possible. I'm sure this is the best thing I've done for myself and look forward to being able to live a thinner healthier life.

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