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Everything posted by KM16

  1. I've struggled with my weight for most if my life. I always kinda thought having something like weight loss surgery would mean taking the easy way out. It also scares me when I see people who have had the surgery and they seem to completely change; I don't want to be that person. Ive also seen people who have the surgery end up looking like the walking dead after, not only through their appearance, but they literally are sick all the time and have numerous complications. I've tried to diet, though honesltly, probably not as seriously as I could, for years. I have an under active thyroid, as well as PCOS, both of which make it extremely difficult for me to lose weight. I know im not the most active that I could be, but I'm not lazy by any means. Likewise with my eating habits, I don't eat as well as I could, but I definitely don't have the worst eating habits. I am certainly an emotional eater at times.. My question is how do you even know this is right for you? As I sit here staring down the face of my 30th birthday next month, I can't help but wonder if this is something I need to do. I don't want to sit here another decade and kid myself into thinking I can do this on my own, worrying that the older I get, knowing the damage I've done to my body will most definitely catch up to me eventually...but at the same time I feel like I should try harder to do it on my own, even though in the back of my mind I am fairly certain I won't be able to. I'm just very conflicted and overwhelmed with where I would even begin, should I decide this is something I may want to do. Thank you for taking the time to read this. KM-
  2. Anyone here from Oklahoma that would be willing to be a buddy of mine? I'm very new to this, I'm still deciding what and if this is right for me.
  3. KM16

    Anyone from Oklahoma?

    How exciting that things are falling in place for you...in wish you the best. I would love to PM you to ask some questions if you don't mind! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  4. KM16

    Anyone from Oklahoma?

    I'm very curious about what insurance you have and how that's been working for you. I work for the State, so I've been trying to figure out if my insurance covers this or what I've got to do to get approved. Yay fellow Okie! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  5. KM16

    Happy birthday to me!

    Happy birthday!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  6. KM16

    Private messages

    Thank you!
  7. KM16

    Private messages

    Is anyone else having issues with their messages not working? I'm new, so forgive me if this is just something everyone knows!
  8. Wow..your blog and video are so so inspiring. I feel like you spoke words that I've either been too afraid or at a loss to say. Thank you for having the courage to share your journey so that those of us feeling that way, who are scared and feeling hopeless let us know were not alone and that there is light out there somewhere. I'm gaining so much knowledge and perspective. Thanks again and good luck to you.
  9. Totally agree with this advice. Some more questions you should ask yourself: - How long have you been struggling with the weight? - How many times have you tried to lose it? - Have you previously had success with a diet/exercise/lifestyle change that you think will give you the results you want if you put your mind to it? - What is keeping you from making lifestyle changes to getting healthier (no judgment! this is just a point worth being honest with yourself about) Personally, I never thought I'd have WLS. I don't know anyone who's had it and always thought it was for 'other people'. I spent 10 years going on and off diets and exercise programs while the result was my actually getting heavier every single year. WLS sounded really drastic and at 34 years old and 244lbs, I thought I was just the right diet away from losing the weight and keeping it off. Finally earlier this year, I decided to stop kidding myself and take the step. I'm only 2+ weeks out but truly feel it's the best thing I could have ever done for myself. (Apologies if this sounds like I'm advocating for WLS (well, I am, but only based on my own personal experience). Ultimately it's about you being honest with yourself and exploring other options before you decide to go down this road. I appreciate your response! These are all very good questions that im currently asking myself. I've got a little journal going and everything. Its been difficult for me to be completely honest with myself. I'm my own worst critic. I have tried to diet and lose weight so many times but I have no discipline. I get obsessed with it for no longer than a week or two, then i end up binge eating and feel like my progress has been sabotaged. I also get frustrated because I know I have medical conditions that aren't on my side when it comes to weight loss. Its a lifestyle change that I just can't seem to grasp. For 30 years food has been a major part of my life; when I'm happy, sad, bored, anxious...I've always eaten. I know this weight didn't creep up over night and I know I won't be able to lose it overnight, so I worry that in my mind I think that's what surgery will do, be my fix all...I'm just scared to take the leap of faith I guess. Everyone has been so kind and insightful. Congrats on your progress; I hope your journey continues pleasantly for you! Thanks again.
  10. I have a tendency to go on a diet and become obsessed with it. I'm good with yo-yo diets and become extreme with it and I know that's not healthy. The fact of the matter is I need a lifestyle change and I know that, its just difficult. I don't really over eat, but I do snack a lot and my downfall is carbs...I love Pasta and bread. My emotional eating is another big problem for me, I eat when im happy, sad, bored...you name it. I definitely have my share of self esteem issues, but I'm not an unhappy fat person, I just want to lose weight and be more healthy and confidant. I want to live long and prosperous, but the thought of giving up cupcakes is a lot for me to take in right now. Just kidding! I need to do this for myself. Thanks you! I hope your journey continues to go well.
  11. Oh my goodness, just reading all the different responses and walks of life people are on, yet being able to connect on this one scary, yet undeniably life changing decision is powerful. I see so many peoples posts who are post op and so happy with the decision and progress, it just seems so far out of reach and scary. I hope you're able to make the right decision for yourself and should you find yourself on this path that it goes well. You certainly need to be happy and healthy for those little ones. Good luck!
  12. I'm glad I'm not alone in these thoughts! I struggle with thinking I'm kidding myself in thinking this is going to be a quick fix and not completely understanding this is quite the opposite. I hope you find answers and are able to figure out for yourself if this is right for you!
  13. A fellow Leo, well happy early birthday. The 7th is lurking over me like a ton of bricks! Thanks for your response, you're right, I need to do this, I really do, its just super scary and overwhelming. You're blessed to have children; I haven't been able to conceive and the mixture if my weight and the fact that in not getting any younger make this decision that much more important.
  14. Thank you, I'm doing research now..there are so many different procedures..its all very confusing and scary if I'm being honest, not to mention seems like its just as hard as just dieting and trying to lose it myself! Thanks again!

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