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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mohairbears

  1. mohairbears

    Day 16

    Call your doctor today ... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. mohairbears

    Pain with every swallow

    You won't be feeling like drinking or eating. You can survive without food but you cannot survive without Water. You have got to be regimented. Get a drink and watch your clock every thirty minutes through out the day sip on it slowly. Do not gulp or rush and take tiny sips. The more you do it the better your stomach will heal and you will be hydrated. Try different temperatures warm and ice cold, tepid can sometimes cause nausea. You should be aiming for 2 litres- 1.750 quarts . Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. I didn't pass gas until my body was ready. Don't worry about it get yourself some mints and suck them . I burped a lot . Then finally when my body was ready started passing wind . Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. mohairbears

    Light headed / dizzy

    It's happens to me occasionally I've been told it's because we are eating so little food. It playing around with your blood sugar. Your body is trying to adjust. Not to eat diet foods eat normal whole foods don't worry they contain fats sugar and salt. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. mohairbears

    5 month anniversay

    Well done Tony Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Check with your doctor. This happened to me I was told to start taking one tablet three times a day instead of two. Also to use Gaviscon as well . The tablets coat your stomach and the Gaviscon sits on top of your stomach contents . Soothing when you regurgitate. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. mohairbears

    Really Regretting it.

    So sorry you are feeling so down, but it's pretty normal at this stage. You have just had major surgery. You should have a support team available to ring when you are feeling like this. Do ring them, they will reassure you. You should only be drinking for the first three to four days . Then after that very liquid Soups for a week. Then on to very puréed food. Everyone is different so don't worry if you can't manage the food make sure you take very slow small regular sips of Fluid. You will not be able to pick up a glass or cup of tea and just down it. Drink it slowly over 30mins. At this stage you may only be able to drink 1/4 - 1/2 a cup of fluid at any one time . Ask your surgeon for sickness tablets and get some mints and suck the odd one, this all helps with the terrible wind you will be suffering with this and it makes you feel sick . If you can move around more it helps shift it. If you drink/ eat to quickly and too much in one go you will feel pain and it will make you sick. Hope you feel betta soon xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. mohairbears

    Yogurt 1 week post op

    Yep it's too soon for you try again next week. There are no rules everyone is different. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. mohairbears

    Post op regrets topics - not popular

    I'm 3 week post op. I can sympathise with you, and have had a few days where I've cried this is so hard, I wish I could eat more, gulp my food down, drink more, not feel occasionally sick, not suffer loose bowels, not have to plan, and not be in pain. But to be realistic I beat these negative thoughts back thinking of why I started this journey. Comparing it to all the years I've been overweight and miserably hot in summer . Not being able to wear or fit into clothes I like. I want a good self image. I want to be in control of my eating habits. I want to be healthy. This is not going to be an easy journey for anyone, we are all on the same path, but then we will all face our own individual demons physical and emotional. I know I want to succeed, I want to reach my goal. I know it will become easier with time and patience. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. mohairbears

    Shoulder pain - ice or heat?

    Shoulder pain is due to trapped wind. Try sucking mints and moving around as much as possible. It's common after this type of surgery . It can be very painful. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. mohairbears


    I had it done on the 27th July. Same age as you don't worry. Try and eat nourishing Soups or four ready made slim fast shakes for at least a week prior to your op it shrinks your liver. Making the op easier as they have to lift it out of the way during surgery. It also prepares you mentally for being post op. The weight will come off naturally, believe me it works. xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. mohairbears

    Alcohol and mixer suggestions please

    J20 and vodka Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. mohairbears

    Frequent Nausea?

    It's wind suck mints... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. mohairbears

    Taking pills right after surgery

    Ive been taking small codeine, acid reducers, soluble paracetamol and Vitamins. Anything too big break into small bits Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. mohairbears

    Day 5 without food...

    The nurse is right . Also try to eat incredibly slowly don't gulp it down . Try not to let yourself get really hungry by having lots of small meals throughout the day ... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. You look truly amazing I'm just starting out on this journey same size you were. I so want to do all the exercise but I am finding I'm so lacking in energy . Can you give an example of your typical days diet... Early days and now ... Big hugs xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. mohairbears


    The advice I've been given is do not count calories or eat any diet products. Consume full fat good nutritious foods You are exercising and burning more fuel so you should be concentrating on eating more. If you can eat it eat... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. mohairbears

    Hair loss

    The only way to combat is is eat as much Protein as you can. You should be aiming for at least 50g or 1/4 cup. And take good Multivitamins and b12 supplement . This will stop it happening. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. They bought my liquids to me in hospital with a straw from day one... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. mohairbears

    I'm engaged!

    Congratulations you make a beautiful couple xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. mohairbears


    It's is exactly the same for me. I'm post week 3 and that deep burning pain you describe is only just starting to lessen. And yes it did get worse. Pressure on it and stretching bending or moving to quick and I was in agony. I've been prescribed codeine and soluble acetaminophen. Both every four hours. I personally was told don't take anti-inflammatories because they can seriously irritate your new stomach which is still trying to heal. Hope you feel better soon xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. mohairbears

    Anti Inflammatories

    Im post week 3 have had a lot of after pain and have been regularly taking Codeine and also soluble acetaminophen each every four hours during the day with no problems at all... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. I had my sleeve 27th July. Fully understand how you feel. Try to think positive why did you want the procedure to lose weight and back gain control. I have to remind myself everyday. The reality is that It's so hard to adjust and so dammed frustrating. Dealing with hunger wind and nausea. Suck mints for the wind and nausea. Don't eat diet foods you are eating so little your body needs the extra nourishment. Diet foods have added chemicals which can upset your stomach. Don't wait for mealtimes, try snacking regularly. This will help keep your stomach busy and stop it filling with salvia and wind. And eat very very slowly. Eat high Protein foods. Don't forget your Protein drinks like slim fast. Things to try one weetabix made milky, Porridge made milky, Fage total 2% Greek yoghurt is very high in protein. Mashed banana Cream cheese. Pate Try a crisp-bread. I managed it. Chew till mush. You can try these but be careful blend and eat slowly... Very soft scrambled egg Cottage cheese Tuna Salmon Soft Vegetables Don't forget to try to build up to 1.700 quarts of Water a day . Dehydration causes sickness and hunger. Hope this helps xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. mohairbears

    Feeling alone

    I had my sleeve on the 27th July. It's one of the hardest decisions and adjustments I've ever had to deal with. You are not lazy you are positive and proactive. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Obesity is a life destroyer and killer., anyone who puts you down for making the decision to take back control of your life and health is simply a fool. You are not alone many folks I have spoke to say they have lost old friends but found new ones along the way. You will be feeling very vulnerable at the moment. Don't let it get you down. Ask your doctors if there are any bariatric surgery support groups near you. But if not there is always heaps of support here online... Big hugs xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. mohairbears

    Nausea 30 days post-op

    I had my sleeve on the 27th July. I'm supposed to be on soft puréed food but I'm much the same as you . Heavier foods like meats and veg have made me vomit. I also get a very uncomfortable feeling and nausea. Eating very slowly helps but this is difficult wen we are liturally starving . The nausea is caused by a very empty stomach full of salvia and wind. I've now found out by trial and error its best not to wait for mealtimes. Long periods without food make it nearly impossible to be able to eat enough because your stomach is full of salvia and wind. I Snack constantly throughout the day on things like almonds, half a very small banana, tiny pots of favoured fromage frais. You might be surprised but I also find one ryvita crisp-bread with soft cheese or pate on is ok too. And keep sipping on Water all day you may also be dehydrated. We should be aiming at 1.700 quarts a day , I still can't manage this yet but I keep trying... One more thing sucking on mints helps with the wind and nausea... Hope you start to feel betta soon xox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
