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Posts posted by tapshoes

  1. She just posted some pics of her progress. She is in her underpants - I am not sure how I feel about that!

    Ummm, I can't imagine how you feel! And yes I KNOW that in underpants is not naked, but still posting pics where my mother would see them....ICK!!!!

  2. Tap, preparing the garden for winter is kind of sad, but my DH gets perverse pleasure out of finding wierd things to mix in the soil over the non growing season! He brings home metal shavings, Iron, and sprinkles around, and then dusts the snow with stuff that melts in as it does. He never leaves it alone.

    Now in his defense, our gardens, and pots look amazing, and people are shocked by them, and he swears it is that......so maybe you should do his thing and spend the winter spoiling the soil!!!

    Well, I always add my compost, and dryer lint and cat fur...but metal shavings? I suppose though it adds iron to the soil...but man oh man, I'd be sure to always wear gloves when planting/weeding just in case!!! Who'd have thunk it?!?!:thumbup::blink:

  3. I miss Slim too!

    Yep, a REAL bear! LOL! Ya gotta remember that I live in the mountains! We have all kinds of critters here. '

    Saw my doc yesterday. He gave me back .5. Thought about doing the whole 1 but since I keep having to go back for unfills and I was in a good spot BEFORE the last one, we'll put the other .5 back next month.

    Hey Heart...you're pulling double posting duty - here and on the thread for the thread homeless....glad to see you here!

    As for critters, although I'd expect bears if I live where you do, I wouldn't want to see them...unless they and I are separated by a thick steel door or something.:thumbup::scared2:

    Approach those fills slow but steady....

  4. PJTP...

    Absolutely rotten sort of a day...I am SO ready for this day to be over...I can't even explain it...be glad to go home, curl up in front of the fireplace and forget all about this day...

    At least until the inevitable "performance" meeting gets scheduled at which time they will either give me another unpaid vacation or fire me.

    Still no word on the other job I had the informational meeting about last week, but yesterday was a holiday for them, so they were closed.

    Bright spot - tried on a wrap dress that I wore last year, and it wrapped WAY around me...still works, but it's kinda funny that it wraps so far I have no worries about a gust of wind blowing my dress open too far :yikes:

    Awww Ebony - I'm feeling for you! Something better just HAS to come up for you!:biggrin:

    BUT, a great NSV!:thumbup::w00t:

  5. Good morning everyone! It's been mighty quiet here for the last few days...is everyone doing ok?

    I managed to eat better this last few days - not great, but better. I had the family over for dinner on the weekend and managed to curtail the feeding frenzy and totally ignored all the Desserts. I made a big batch of Soup yesterday, so I will be having that for lunches - soup is one of the foods I find best for me. It curbs the appetite without loading the calories in.

    I managed to spend a few hours out in the garden on the weekend doing some cleanup - finally, some exercise after more than a few weeks doing nothing. More garden work is left to do, but I've made a dent in the outstanding chores. Perhaps if the rain goes away, I could get a bit more done this week (although it is getting dark by the time I get home.)

    OK everybody - spill it! How are you doing - weight, exercise, food, life???

  6. HI everyone! Missing my morning chats with Slim, sigh...

    To my Canadian friends and family, Happy Thanksgiving!

    Fanny - your house will look beautiful! Just from the exterior shot I see a light airy sunny home. I'm with you though, how people can live is such garbage, crap, filth and weeds is beyond me! I'll want to see lots of after shots..

    Heart - yes indeed, it was dead in here yesterday. Your day sounds less fun than Fanny's - cleaning up bear peed garbage and scat! Hope you're feeling better.

    As for me, another rainy Monday. Frost last night...still lingering at 8am. overnight was 28 degrees....

  7. Wore a purple knit mini-dress that I bought weeks ago at a size LARGE and had never worn. I've lost enough and reshaped my body enough that with the right shaper (I have a tummy fold with the loss of volume LOL) it looked really cute. Pair that with a pair of high heels (which I love) and I was ready to go!

    My DD is in the preliminary process of getting a band - she's now on LBT as arianad09 - I think she's ready to do this...and even if she's not, I'll be there to help her with information-gathering, etc and with making the right decision.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend - no news yet on the job front, but I'm hopeful that I'll hear something next week.

    Congrats on the NSV - that's wonderful! And of course all the best wishes/positive vibes I can send are on your way.

    Ariana is lucky to have you to help her make decisions, hear the good and the bad and guide her through the decision making process,

    Have you been able to get Tug asleep long enough to measure him? Maybe YOU have the biggest doggie!!! Post pics of him, 'kay. Please!!!!!

    I am thanking GOD that I didn't do what I normally do and throw the door open to go see what was up. The light never came on b/c he came in on all fours so was too "short" to trip the light on. I would have WALKED RIGHT IN TO HIM had I done that tonight!!!!

    On another note, I'm still sick. I hate being sick!!!!

    Yes, pics of Tug please.

    WOW - a close encounter of the bear kind - God was indeed looking out for you.:thumbup::scared2:

    Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly. DH is home this weekend, right?

    Happy Saturday everyone!!

  8. HI VVs! It's Saturday - the weekend, yahoo!!! No snow here (yet) but it is brisk. The sun though has finally broken through; if it wasn't for the fact that I am driving to the city where my mother lives to bring her for a visit, I would be outside playing in the dirt. There's lots of stuff that needs to be done: putting away hoses, cutting down plants, etc. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping today I can eat sensibly. HAHAHAHA

    Ezma - I hope you get a lot done this weekend.

    Shiny, Jul, RSG, Marathinner,Lori, St. Louis, Mum,LilMIss, CKK, TSK...what's happening?

  9. Hey tap -- If you try that and it works let me know. Sounds better than all this *&%^ interviewing and being 2nd choice!!

    Life would be so much easier, wouldn't it!:thumbup::w00t:

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  10. I also had an amazing surprise today----a bit early, but DH had my rings sized, and I can again wear my wedding rings! They had been a size 9----now they are a 6!!! YAY!!! They have been cleaned and shine so much, they take my breath away, I love them as much today as I did all those years ago!!!

    What a wonderful surprise, Kat! What a sweetie your DH is!

    I know you will handle the visitation with class and grace; I'm sure it will be awkward with the ex friend though. Remember though this is a time of great grief, and so emotions will be raw. Keep your distance from her.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  11. My 'warning' signal is that my nose starts to run. When I was first banded and didn't realize that this was a possible signal, I kept thinking I must be getting a cold or have something 'wrong' with me. After a while it clicked in. The first sensation of my nose running means 'stop or else you'll be sorry'.

  12. Hi Shiny!! Glad to see you back to posting, I was getting worried! Now if I could just get some of the others back.

    Your eating is good and your exercise routines stellar - that's fabulous! I've done neither....my eating continues to be bad (not as bad as when I was on holiday though) and exercise - haven't done one shred. What is THAT all about? Maybe this weekend???

    Snow??? Oh please, not yet. Keep it in Kansas. Not here....:thumbup::scared2::sad::scared2:

    OK everyone - what's going on in your lives?

    Happy Friday!:w00t::w00t:

  13. It's FRIDAY!!!

    Whoo hoo and yabba dabba and so on...even day 3 of cool temps and rain will not dampen my spirit!

    I hope you hear something positive from your interview Ebony!

    Have a good day all!

  14. Because it seems to me that this situation calls for either compromise, or.....something more drastic and unilateral?

    The only thing I am 'sold' on, is leaving this job - another city for a different job, that's good,; same city different job - I'd do it, but definitely not first choice. Compromise has been the way in our relationship - which is why a first time of 'no' is difficult to accept.

    oh well, no quick decisions for me on anything - besides, someone has to offer me a job first - I can't just show up at an organization, waltz in, sit down, arrange a salary and start working without being an employee....or can i?

    My Newf Tug may not be as tall (at the shoulder), but he is clearly heavier, and I'll wager nearly as long (snout to tail). I'll try to measure him snout-to-tail tomorrow while he's sleeping.....because when he's not asleep, he keeps rolling over to get his belly scratched at my approach.


  15. Sorry I haven't posted for a couple days, been running around like a maniac since we moved up the closing date on the house. Tomorrow is the big day and today is paper signing, money wiring and final walk though.

    That part of the process is time-consuming, isn't it?

    Then I have to run my kid back to the orthodontist. He got braces yesterday and managed to pop off 3 of the clips in less than an hour.

    He's talented!!

    Tap - I wish I were as strong willed as you are. Most of the stuff that you think is bad, I think is a good day for me. cheese = good, nuts = good (but I do remember your addiction with them) cereal, raisin bran? = good. Only apple cake = bad and that's better than the dreaded 300+ calorie Peanut Butter Cookies. You've done great already, cut yourself some slack. You know what to do, you did it already for the last year and a half. :)

    Well cheese a nd nuts are good - but only in moderation. And moderation ain't in my psychology!!!!! I ate almost an entire brick of cheese! And 1/2 bags of nuts....lotsa calories! So although there are worse things to have, I certainly can't just go whole hog on those things!

    Yes, I KNOW what to do - I just can't seem to DO them. Lazy food addict comes to mind!! I need a good swift kick in the rear!

  16. I have to admit that it's something I've thought of too. I watch the bypass people just drop the weight without a care and think how nice it would be to add it to what I've learned with the LAP-BAND®. Big thing for me though is that I'm terrified of it. .

    I agree Ezma, the RNY do seem to lose the weight a lot faster; I too though was and still am scared of the surgery, and hence why I eliminated it as a potential WLS at the very beginnning.

  17. WOW Lil Miss...that's a biggie indeed!

    I know there must be some disappointement that you have had to get to this stage and that the band wasn't the right tool for you. BUT regardless of having the band removed, you have: learned about your food triggers; learned about eating smaller portions and chewing carefully; leaned about the importance of water; and made lots of new cyber-friends!!!

    You are right - the band is NOT for everyone; sadly there doesn't seem to be a way to sort out the people into their best WLS BEFORE anyone has surgery. Oh well, I know you are making your decision based on experience, thoughtful investigation and analysis - you just didn't wake up two weeks into the experience and say 'out, get out'.

    I know you will be successful; keep us involved in the process - don't you dare drop out of the VV's!!!

  18. Morning everyone! I hope to see some more people posting today...I'm missing all the news!!!

    Another breezy, cool morning - and they are forecasting frost by the weeks end...brrrrrrrrr.

    I've been back 3 full days since my holidays, and each day I have TRIED to get back to being a good bandster...bah!! Monday it was applecake, Tuesday it was cheese ( a lot, and full fat real cheese), and last night I had a bowl of raisin Cereal AFTER supper, and then when I was roaming around at 230am, I had 1/2 bag of peanuts.................ARGHHHHH!!:redface::mad2:

    I guess I am going to have to give in and get a small fill because obviously I have no self control! I won't be able to arrange that though for a few weeks, so until then I wonder - can I staple my mouth????:wink2:

    How is everyone else doing????

  19. Morning everyone!

    Slim - Wish I could chat with you each morning. It just doesn't seem the same without a morning wave across the ethernet!

    Checking in...the interview went well (I think)... They said over and over that they can train someone on tech stuff (and I have a lot of tech experience anyway) but that people skills cannot be taught.

    they said I would hear from them hopefully by the end of the week to schedule a panel interview. There are two positions open - one more senior than the other - and I would take either one right about now.

    I really hope this one works out Ebony. And their attititude that you can teach the technical stuff is spot on!! It is the personality stuff that is the real challenge in any job.

    Would it be possible for you to generate new friendships and a happier social life in your current location, and let THAT fill the space that the relatively unfulfilling job has left?

    I do not want to suggest that you settle - it sounds like maybe you've done that for a while - and please feel free to tell me I'm way off-base on this if I am. I also don't want to offend you - I consider you a friend, and it's hard to get my feelings across in this two-dimensional medium...:wink2:

    If you are truly wanting to move on, with or without your DH, then there is something more going on here than just the job dissatisfaction, and perhaps the possibility of a new job has just given you the push you needed to make a more permanent change.

    YOu posed some very good questions Ebony, and by no means would I take offense! I appreciate your insights/comments.

    Tap I was kind of wondering the same things Ebony ask....have you looked into a similar position in the area DH would like to stay in?

    I understand not making the decision solely on the fact that the kids are there right now, but at the same time, I totally "get" the wanting to be there.

    It is a hard call Tap, and the hard thing is, there is no right or wrong for either of you. What you feel cannot be wrong. Might be hard for others to understand, but it is YOUR emotion, it cannot be wrong.

    It was a great game tho, well matched, and good attitudes all around. Lots of fun!

    Glad your game was fun Kat...that should be the point of any game - to have fun!

    Appreciate your thoughts Kat. And yes, I am looking everywhere for a job including the city close to both of our families. But, the challenge for me (apart from employment in trying times) is that I NEVER want to do a job I've done before. The job must be new, something I've never experienced, and with the years of working I have, it becomes more challenging finding that job each time. As I will never make a lot of money in my field, the work must bring personal satisfaction and therein lies part of the problem.

    She had a cold last month, then we both had that 24hr flu bug a couple of weeks ago and now another cold. We're in trouble!! LOL!!!

    She's feeling A LOT better today. She got a really great night of sleep last night and I think that helped a bunch. Me? Not so good tonight. Hopefully it doesn't hit me too hard. She's only been down for a few days so I'm hoping to do the same.

    Heard from DH tonight. They were getting de-mob'd then heading to a hotel for some much needed sleep tonight. They'll be up and out at 6AM to then head HOME!!!

    I also had to explain that he doesn't actually get to "come home to the house" come home but he'll be back at the station tomorrow afternoon and we'll be able to go by and see him later.

    I sure don't understand how a 3 year old thinks but it keeps me on my toes!!!

    Heart - yes indeed, kids think in different ways! Glad to hear that DH is coming home!

    Thanks for your insights ladies. By no means am I making a fast decision, and I know DH and I will chat more; the best scenario would be a great new job within 100 miles of both of our families. But that just doesn't happen by wishing for it!

    I hope you don't mind if I continue to bounce thoughts and/or vent with you as we work through this....

    Have a great day everyone!

  20. OK - personal note....

    so, where I work is not a great place - neither the city nor the job. But it does pay the bills etc. although I am not challenged, or experiencing new things or developing new friendships etc. In fact, we have NO social life even after 2 years here. So, all of this discontent has me actively searching for a new job and location isn't a problem (I've moved MANY times in my life, what's another one)....anyway, a job opportunity has arisen in a place that is pretty far away while technically still in continental north america. I have lived there before and still have friends there but no family. With the birth of the grandson, DH has made it somewhat obvious he doesn't want to move there...he really is now starting to want to be located within a couple of hundred miles of where both my and his family are. I don't believe that I should be looking for a place to live based on family - anything could happen; they could pack up and move some day, etc. I don't want to be 'guilted' into restricting my options. I think we are headed to a crisis...I want to consider this job opportunity, and if offered the job, would likely go. DH is for the first time ever saying nope, keep looking around here or around the city where his kids, grandson and my mother live. I forsee some tough times ahead.


  21. Ebony, oh Ebony - how did the interview go???

    We are going down to Albuquerque on Friday night, to be there for the balloon Fiesta. Hundreds of hot air balloons----all shapes and sizes, amazing thing to see, and you can walk among them. ...The 4 year old went with us last year, during a small balloon rally, so she knows what the balloons are and how big they are, she just has no idea of the amount she will see. The grandson, has birthday party balloons in his head! He will be such fun.


    That sounds like such a fun time, Kat! Some day I will take a balloon ride - it's on my bucket list!

    Tap, as long as the weather is sunny and warm, you'll love it! LOL!! :wink2: (Couldn't resist!!)

    DD slept in til about 9 this AM. She seems a little better but she'll stay home from school again tomorrow.

    SOLD!!! I can pack my suitcase and be there in a flash!!!!

    Hope DD is experiencing her one and only cold/flu/illness for the year!

    It is uncomfortably tight though :redface:. I'm going to be very VERY careful today - liquids only! - and hope that things settle down again soon.

    Fanny - I hope it isn't so tight that you are going to be causing yourself problems down the line...be careful!!!!

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