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Posts posted by tapshoes

  1. My trip was great, and many things that we did, I would never have attempted at my former weight. It was really neat to be able to climb on rocks and walk along the beach without huffing and puffing.

    A wonderful feeling, isn't it??? It's a whole new life!

    Tap - Snow? Eeek! I'll wish the snow away for a bit longer for you so you can play in the dirt more.

    The house is really coming along nicely. And the bank account is emptying at a proportionate rate. Arrrgg! I think I'm having fun though. LOL

    Yes Ezma, snow!! And tghe garden work isn't done yet, either!

    Sounds like you are having fun with the house-buying/ renovations...enjoy!

    Heya VV’s!

    My Surgeon did tell me my insurance would not cover a revision surgery. However he did take note of the issues I’d been having and will set up an Upper GI for me.

    He really gave me a pep talk too because he could see I had just wanted to give up on the band. He told me he really believes I can do it with the lap-band®®. I’m being sent to his dietician next week and he told me to keep a food journal until then. He also wants me to keep some kind of monthly schedule with her. He was very concerned with my emotional well being, so he was very kind, but he also reminded me that the reason I got surgery was because I can’t do it alone. That is what they are there for, so I need to start coming to see them more for awhile until I can kick my bad habits.

    He did also remove 1cc from my band and I felt great eating dinner.< /span>

    I haven’t been having any pain with eating at all!! I slept all night with no waking up with coughing fits or heartburn, my chest doesn’t feel so constricted, and I get that full sensation super fast. Not a bad full like pain, but like an actual full feeling. My meals have been lasting 4-5 hours too! I’m so happy!!

    I’m so excited… and I’m beginning to wonder, could that have been my problem all along? Being too tight?


    LlMiss - Your doc sounds wonderful - he really does seem to have your best interest and health at heart. I'm glad he is taking the time to work with you and arrange tests and appointments. I'm also delighted to removed some fill - I too wonder if that has been your issue all along...hate to think it, but glad he is going to make sure.

    Keep us posted on your journey!

    AS for me - a horrible weekend food-wise and exercise-wise. I ate everything - nothing in moderation, and was a blob....what is wrong with me?? It's almost like since I've reached within 10 pounds of goal, my mind has decided to sabotage me...and I can't resist....


  2. Stand your ground, Slim - don't let her manipulate you and politely tell DH he is off his rocker if he thinks you are going to rearrange your life for HER.

    Gumdrop cake? That sounds really good right now...had a busy weekend - after I ran my first-ever 5k, I was whooped! Came in second-to-last, but I finished it!

    I'm proud of myself for finishing! :thumbup:

    That was quite the multi-quote Ebony!!

    CONGRATULATIONS are your first 5K...:blink::w00t::w00t: You should be proud of yourself. I can't imagine doing it, but YAY you!!!

    Gumdrop cake is an old-fashioned cake (my mother remembers it from her childhood). It is associated with Christmas for me, and I am starting my christmas baking now. I don't eat it, just bake it.

    Hi all just stopped by to say hey! Went for a great hike in the mountians with DH and doggie Truffles it was just what i needed to reconnect. The air was brisk and the colors beautiful. Been reading the posts and just glad you are all here to support each other. This site has been my support since getting the band and I have learned a great deal from every one here. Well hoping you had a great day. Suzanne

    Hi Suzanne! What a nice post - positive and friendly. Come join us and post here regularly!


    Just wanted to check in. Been in a funk the last couple of days and haven't felt like doing anything, even posting. Can't tell if it's b/c I'm coming down with something or just b/c. Strange.

    Heartfire - sorry to hear you are feeling the 'blahs'..seems to be a lot of that going around. Hugs to you.

    Monday morning...I'm not feeling up to par myself...sore throat, upset stomach...should I stay or should I go (to work)? (Are you singing it now?)

  3. I am very unhappy in my job---was hoping to like it, and all in all I truly like the work, especially the labs---but the interaction between the office manager and myself is horrible! I am finding common ground more and more with Ebony. It seems like this week she wants things this way, and next week, she looks at me like I lost my mind, she NEVER said that....and she will only confront me with the issues, when we have patients waiting, and hearing, it is her way of showing all of them she is my boss, like I give a rats a$$!

    have you noticed the young girls in the stores who bare their bellies, and they have big bellies? Freaks me out!

    Slim, heck if we had known all it took was not having a car to deter Mommy Dearest, I woulda come and "stole" it!!!

    I think we are sharing a 'work sucks' phenomenon - sorta like mass hysteria only without the yelling and fun!!

    AS for the youngsters exposing their bellies...once the snow flies, that ends! But yes, I don't know whether I am pleased that these 'less than media perfect' girls feel comfortable in their skin, and therefore should be admired, or think they need to look in the mirror before they leave home!

    Now when you bundle up to keep from freezing in all that snow you look like a cute snow bunny.:confused:

    Thanks crzy...nice thought, but cute is not the word I would use...more like nanook of the north!!:)

    (Not the LBT Nanook....)

    Sorry about the bad stuff Tap. I love the size 8 though! Hang in there. Winter will be over eventually. (I hope)

    I seem to have spoken too soon about MIL. Seems she "loves" me now. She has called me just to "talk" twice now. Then she mentions that she needs DH to take her to the store tomorrow. Of course, she KNOWS he doesn't have a car to take her in. She was hoping (I'm sure) that I would jump in there and volunteer. I have to work tomorrow. DH is still trying to hook me into it. I am not doing it.

    HOld fast in your resolve, Slim. I'd use call display if you have it, and screen her calls. Let DH take her if he thinks it is that important she goes to the store - and for what?

    Hey just wanted to stop in and let you know I spoke with g4e this morning.

    All in all the news is good, they have not found and evidence that the cancer has spread, they think it is contained within the thyroid this time.

    Originally they were talking radiation, now the discussion is more along the lines of chemo. The cancer center she is going to is run by Dr.s who are brothers, and one runs the radiation treatment teams, and the other the chemo treatment teams---and they communicate very well, so hoping they come up with a good plan for her. She sees the chemo side of things on Monday and I told her I would call Monday evening.

    Thanks for the update, Kat. I appreciate it!

    Have a great evening all...I'm just waiting for my gumdrop cake to finish then I'm headed to bed...an exhausting day with mother!

  4. Let's see...

    It snowed last night.:angry::cursing:

    My mother is visiting for an undetermined length of time.:ohmy:

    Found out that a job I really really want pays LESS than I am making now, and would require me to move - at my expense.:sad::smile:

    It snowed last night.:frown:

    DH was just informed that their company is having a 2 month (or more) shutdown beginning the week before Christmas.:thumbdown:

    It snowed last night.

    My organization laid off 2 employees in the summer; I have 'absorbed' the work of one of them, plus my own work. No extra money or glory.

    Did I mention I hate winter....well, actually I wouldn't mind it if the temperatures were warm/hot. This below freezing, and snow stuff sucks....

    HOWEVER, I am maintaining a size 8 (although just barely after my vacation, but still doing it).

  5. The clothes I have been wearing are getting baggy (YAY) but the smaller size seems tight----

    Game last night was rescheduled, neither of our teams had enough players to show up.

    Will be calling g4e this weekend and will update what is happening.

    YAY on the clothes.

    Wish I could get excited about any game...

    Please wish G4E my/our sincere best wishes...thanks.

    "Jillian" and I are still feuding - dinner last night was an exercise in patience, praying and PB'ing...on liquids today...

    It's cold, windy and RAW outside...my office buildings' heat isn't working to capacity, and I'm freezing. :w00t:

    At least tonight will be fun - my local NAACP branch is having their Freedom Fund dinner tonight at Foxwoods Casino - should be fun to see everyone.

    if they ask, I'll tell 'em. It might help someone who feels as I once did that they can't find any other way to lose the weight. Maybe I can give someone hope...

    One side benefit of Jillian and I not playing well together is that I've lost 3 pounds this week...not exactly the way I wanted to lose it, but I'll take it! Closing in on leaving the 190's behind...yay! :scared2:

    Hi Ebony - not the way to lose weight, though. I really hope Jillian loosens a bit for you.

    Enjoy to dinner tonight, and be prepared for the jaws to drop as they see the 'melting Ebony'. It takes courage to decide to tell people, just be prepared for the range of responses from "WOW Tell me about it", to the 'You did what? Don't you know you have ruined your body', etc...

    Have a great time - forget work and relax!! HUGS.

  6. (looking around nervously)Hi. Um, my name is um, slim. I figure I have been gone long enough to have to reintroduce myself when I come by. How are you all doing?

    Hi Slim!! **Tap bounces excitedly and waves both arms and grins broadly**

    It is soooo good to 'see' you; now we need all the news!

  7. Hi JB.

    It was a real mystery to me too - until I checked with my doc. And for some reason, I did tighten after months of being with the same fill level. So, some was taken out, and I could resume my normal eating routine - all foods, but in moderation.

    Then of course I went on vacation, completely abandoned the rules, and gained 7 pounds. So, it is back to the routine a slight refill - not as much as before though.

    Get an unfill; your eating process concerns me!

    Good luck.

  8. I'm in shock.....

    I went outside and there was snow. :scared2::scared2:

    Snow. It is too early for me to get back into the snow shovelling routine. Not in mid-October! November, yes k. I don't like it, but I acept it, but NOT IN OCTOBER!!!.:wink2::eek::w00t:

    Ok you may now resume normal operations.........

    Happy Friday!

  9. Good morning all, and Happy Friday!!!

    SLG - Your trip sounded marvelous; hope you took some great pics! And as for your weight gain - you should be so proud of yourself!

    SHM - Congrats on the house! Now, I can focus all my good wishes on the promotion....

    So, where is everyone else? How are you doing? If you are 'lurking', could I entice you to post even just once a month - I miss my VVs.

    And now for todays news bulletin - it snowed last night!!! ARGHH I don't have the garden winterized yet.....:scared2:

  10. I can eat anything...and have been able to throughout my entire banded journey. I may be able to eat only small portions of bread for example, but I still can. The only times I couldn't it was because I was too tight - which at the time I thought was great for faster weight loss, silly me! I much prefer to eat normal foods, but smaller portions, even if it meant I achieved goal later than others.

    So, breads - ok, if chewed well. Any type - toasted or not.

    meat - bring it on!

    Salads - I love them all.

    As for the restaurant question, although I rarely ate out during the weight loss period (too afraid I'd overeat or PB or something - silly me), I do eat out more now. I NEVER have an entree - my meal is the appetizer, and even with that I usually bring home 1/2 of it. However, any resaurant should be willing to oblige a customer on replacing a salad with more veggies - whether you are banded or not! They are providing a service you are paying for.

    Good luck....

  11. After almost 2 years, I can tell you that yes, sometimes I experience physical discomfort when I don't follow the rules. Unlike other posters though, I can eat anything - including breads - but only small portions. If I eat too fast (first bite syndrome) or eat too much, I have a constant dull pain in my chest. Now, I am usually given a 'warning' - for me my nose will start to run, and that means 'stop now you fool or you'll be sorry!'. If however I ignore this, thats when I get the pain. I RARELY PB or slime, but have the pain that takes 15-20 minutes to pass.:scared2:

    There is no food that I cannot eat - it is only the volume issues that I have.

  12. Hi Suz1.

    The Protein drinks are for me, a 'breakfast' but only if I don't have my real one. I never used the Protein Drinks you buy though, I thought they tasted vile! I just bought unflavored Protein poweder and would make a smoothie in the mornings with it - it was like having a milkshake - and that I could do!!!:scared2: (Blend a scoop of the powder, with some ice, some fruit, some fruit yogurt, maybe a tablespoon of cream cheese, and there you go). The combination of protein drinks plus meals will really increase your calorie intake, so unless you are really low in your calories, I would not do this.

    As a previous poster mentioned, you are in the place known as bandster hell - hungry, wanting to chew, but not yet able to. DO NOT push this phase, get through it (without chewing off your arm or someone's head) and then you will start the fill process. It won't happen 'all of a sudden'; it may take multiple fills over time. But with each fill it should get a little easier to be satisfied.

    Good luck

  13. Jessica,

    First CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss you have achieved - that is fabulous!!!

    Many bandsters go through what you are struggling with - you have lost weight, have more to go, but just don't want to have to think about it every day. It is difficult to keep up the momentum and always think about what you are eating, how you are eating, and (my personal bug-a-boo) doing the exercise.

    You need to focus on the end goal now - not on how far you have come, but what you want to be. And then back to the basics...is it time for a fill to help curb the appetite? time to change up the exercise routine for variety? Time to treat yourself to something to inspire you to continue? Time to experiment with new foods?

    You have the willpower and strength of mind, you just need to take a deep breath and plunge back into the routine focussing on the end result.

    You have done wonderful so far, you CAN do this!

  14. I agree...missing everyone not here at the moment...:scared2:

    I wish we could attract some of the 'veteran' PJTP-ers back, and recruit a few more like minded...maybe over time...

    Ebony sorry to hear that Jillian is still putting your stomach through a rough time; push the fluids, and try to relax this weekend.

    *waves* Hi all... well Box Mountain is slowly diminishing but still a long way to go. The pantry is quite literally THREE times the size of my previous one, which was packed up to the gills, so it's been wonderful being able to fit everything in with room to spare. I don't like the kitchen cupboards though - the doors are too narrow and they go back way too far, so hard to get stuff into/out of and easy to lose things in the back. I'm loving the size and space of everything else, from the bedroom to the laundry linen closet, it feels like everything has tripled in size :w00t:

    And did I mention I have horses over the road? HORSES!!! I won't get over that thrill for a very long time :eek:

    HORSES!! Whoo hoo. Better than snakes in my opinion!!!

    It's a wonderful feeling to have that much room, isn't it? Your kitchen reno will make it perfect, but you can wait and take the time to design just the perfect one now.

    . This weekend, we have decided to be lazy! We are going to a movie, and gonna sleep in. I am so excited it is pathetic!!!

    Sleep in.....what's that????

  15. OK - Speech over - back to the real stuff....

    Heart - you are not having good vehicle karma; I'm with you, don't travel tonight just in case.

    Ebony - How are you doing today?

    Slim? Sick? Kat? Fanny? KC? Suzy? CC?....

    Come back, come back...and bring a friend or two!

  16. I

    I’ve not been doing much more so my report is not all that interesting. I’ve just been eating like normal as I’m not trying to lose anymore. I’ll just let myself float up and down this 5 Lbs. I want to do my maintain thing which I seem to be a pro at.

    If in just eating normal you can stay within your 5 pound margin, then that is a great accomplishment. My eating just like normal means more than 5 pounds...my recent holiday proved that. I must always be vigilant....which can be tiring, but is essential!

    I'm frustrated. My weight is back up a few pounds. :mad: I just can't seem to curb the sugar demon. I have to, though. Getting fat again is not an option!

    I am at the point that I like to almost pretend that I never had a problem. I like to forget about the fat me. That's dangerous, because I have to learn from my past, not put it out of my mind.

    Still don't have a house to move to. Hubby interviewed for his promotion yesterday so we'll see if that comes through.


    Hey Shiny - glad to see you posting; sorry about the plateau and the no-house situation. I relly hope your hubby's interview pays off!

    I know exactly what you mean about not forgetting the past - doomed to repeat it, if I do! So, although I really don't like to be constantly self-monitoring, I do have to.

    I’m going to start journaling my approach to getting revised, so look out for it! When It’s ready I’ll post a link in my signature line and you all can peek in on it, and of course all feedback is welcome too. J

    I will pay attention to your journally Diva. although I am (knock on wood) not having any problems, and don't forsee a need to change my band, I am interested to know about your process - and mostly I just want to make sure we stay in touch. I really feel we are starting to lose our VV connections, and I miss that.

    It seems like with the band you still have to put a lot of effort. I mean it has helped me a lot, I never would've been able to cut my portions the way I have. I guess any WLS takes some effort, it just seems more so with LAP-BAND®. I talked it over with my husband, he feels I shouldn't do revision unless I actually have a problem with the band :sneaky:, which I haven't yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I haven't had problems, but I'm tired of having to work at it so damn hard! :thumbup: Just please always keep us posted on your progress.

    I'm doing pretty darn terrible. You know everything they tell us not to do? No sweets, no fast food, no sodas, bread, and get lots of exercise? Well I've been doing the opposite of all of those. i so totally hate myself right now and am having such a rotten time getting back on track.

    My next move is to find a new therapist that specializes in weight loss/food addiction. By the way, not weighung myself didn't work. :frown:

    Hey Jul! Glad to see you back! Sorry to hear about your struggles - it's almost like you are reporting on my life! I too have not been doing my exercise....and although my eating is better, it is not true bandster style.

    I have to say, my doc only restricted sodas - not bread etc like your doc. I enjoy bread - but as with anything else only in small portions. I'm glad my doc didn't say the no bread/no rice rules or else I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had the surgery. I have rice or Pasta or bread everyday - good fibre in those!

    As for exercise though...........................................

    Hope to hear from some other VVs. Miss you all.

  17. Don't think I'm ignoring anybody, or that anybody has body odor, or anything like that. That was my official check-in, tap!

    Glad to hear you are alive and well. Still waiting for the Tug pic.

    There is ALWAYS way more stuff than you think!! "Stuff" is worse than bunny rabbits at multiplying!!!

    DH built DD a new bed yesterday and she's loving it. She likes our bed and it's b/c of the sheets. She always talks about how good it feels! So now she has her own!

    'Stuff' is worse than wire coat hangers in the closet at multiplying...I move on average every 3 years, and still I throw out/donate stuff - and wonder where it all came from. It doesn't help that DH is a packrat....'Don't throw out that broken plastic lid; we may need it some day"...ARGHH!! I'm all for reduce, reuse, recycle, but sometimes it just isn't worth it!!!

    Wow....he's quite the handyman!

    Aren't all men? Isn't that their role?

    Morning everyone! I'm late this morning as I've been preparing for a broadcast Im doing this afternoon. I love public speaking (yet another way Im a freak of nature), but doing a national live broadcast while sitting by myself in a small room isn't the same thing. I like the energy of a crowd, and gauge my presentation based on the audience body language etc. This way I have NO way of knowing if they are 'getting' what Im saying or not....oh well. As they won't send me across the country to do many individual presentations, a single broadcast it is....

    Wish me luck; will chat later.....

  18. Well the move went pretty smoothly considering how much stuff I have!!

    We're both aching all over and I have a MOUNTAIN of unpacking to do but we're in, the old house has been cleaned throughout and the doors locked and I've waved goodbye...

    I'll post some pics of Box Mountain soon...

    YAY Fanny! Lots of weight off your shoulders too, I bet!

    Lots of pics, please.

  19. Hello!! Not feeling much in the mood to post lately....I have been missing everyone though.

    Got an interview for a part-time job at Target on Friday. It's not much, but any extra $$ helps out!!

    Suzy - sorry you aren't feeling up to par...there's a lot of that going around! Good luck at the job interview!

    have no illusions about whether or not there WILL be fallout, just WHEN it will occur. We're at a busy time right now, so it's just wait and see.

    got a form letter from the local place where I interviewed and where my DH works. They are "continuing the process" with another applicant. I wasn't chosen for either position.

    Oh Ebony, I am so sorry. I really had held out hopes for you in either position. It is so easy for me to say don't give in to the despair...but that doesn't help at all. Just know that I DO believe that THE job for you is out there, if you can just get to that point!

    Keep strong!

    per your random post Tap - homemade Soup rocks - have been loving a middle eastern style lentil soup myself as of late.

    KC - come back, come back!!!!!

    Middle eastern lentil soup - hmm...recipe?

    It is different. I keep posting b/c I've discovered that I need too even tho everything has changed so much.

    Ain't that the truth!?

    I couldn't work at Target. I'd owe them money even after being paid! :)


    Missed ya, girlfriend!!


  20. Hi everyone. I just thought I would pop in to say hi. Thinigs have been strange on the home front.

    I really feel out of touch with everyone (including myself).

    HI (Tap waves excitedly across the ether)

    Anything you want to talk or vent about? You can PM me if that is preferable....

    Otherwise, take care. Thinking of you.

  21. Morning all!

    Time to do a roll-call, and see who is still around...problem is, I would likely miss someone by accident and then I'd feel bad. So, all PJTP (round 2), pop in and give us an update! And bring a friend (if they are of a similar mindset).

    Has anyone heard from/been in contact with G4E recently? If someone is talking with her, please give her my best wishes.

    Heart - i hear you about the rain...echos of my last summer! Although raining here still, it isn't the torrential rains of last week, and we are getting the occasional break.

    Fanny - hope things are going well in your cleaning/move.

    Ebony - hope you hear something soon!

    Gotta get moving...

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