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Posts posted by tapshoes

  1. It seems we just went through a busy period...I know I still am in the middle of one! :eek: Saturday's activities were fun...gosh, I felt like 'Rocky Horror' lasted forever!

    Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I'd seen it when I was younger and more easily impressed. Loved Tim Curry's "Sweet Transvestite", but the rest of it I could take or leave.

    The audience participation was hilarious. Half the audience (me included) had never seen it, the other half knew the dialogue by heart (including when to throw things at the screen).

    Anyway, DH and I dropped DD off at home after the movie and off we went to a local bar - had great fun! I did upload pics to FB, but will post some here once I get home - they are on my laptop.

    Yes indeed RHPS is a cult classic - and if you were indoctrinated with seeing it when it was first out and a mere youngster, it is part of your life. Costumes and audience participation are expected...it is the one movie that loses something seeing it at home on the TV - you NEED to have the Water pistols, the recitations of lines, the singing and dancing etc to really appreciate it!

    Really want to see the pics!

    I'm SO glad to see you, G4E! :eek::wub::wub:


    I saw Rocky Horror numerous times when I was younger, and I am so sorry about the over-zealous fan with the Water pistol. I WANT to see Good hair, but I can't find it playing anywhere near here. It is really ticking me off.:thumbup: One of my best friends and I were planning on seeing it.:thumbup:

    hmmm, haven't even heard of 'Good Hair'...

    I love RHPS!!!! First time I saw it was in my early 20's. So fun! Now. I've never seen it at a theater but have heard the stories. Not sure I would go b/c of that.

    Had my gyno appt today. Off the depo and re-starting BC pills. He also put me on prozac to see if it would help w/my Migraines and mood swings during PMS. Kinda weird feelin' about that. He'll do a full hysterectomy if needed but it will be at a later date.

    New furnace being installed tomorrow. Looking forward to that. Well, having a furnace again, not the bill! Work and woodcutting on the agenda for the rest of the week.

    But Heart, it is BECAUSE of the audience participation one goes to RHPS!!!

    Hope the new drug regime works. For different reasons, I had a hysterectomy, but I gotta say, I haven't missed the PMS stuff! (For that matter, neither does DH)

    OK people, am I caught up now???

  2. Ran 2.63 miles this morning

    WOW! Yay, Ebony!

    hi guys best halloween ever..

    i didnt even eat to much candy ..

    new pic..



    (((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I finally found everyone! I am fine. I get my port put in tomorrow and start chemo on Wed or Thurs. I will know when I talk to the Dr. Tues. I got my wig Fri. Things are moving fast now. If I would just hear back from Disability I would be better.

    I am so mad at my self. Since I got unfilled I have gained almost 12 lbs! I know I am eating junk and my nerves are crazy, but man I need to get myself back into control!

    G4E - Don't stress over the weight gain - you have a few other things going on in your life to worry about that. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Hugs and best wishes.

    Have a gynp appt. tomorrow. Hoping to get some answers and some relief and a plan of action or something. We'll see what happens.

    Feeling better.

    Glad to hear that! Good luck at the Docs.

  3. Tug is so dark that he needs to be photographed w/ a real camera, and I'm not so good with my wife's. I'll talk her into some snaps and post.

    I'm traing to learn echocardiograms.....it's pretty cool, but I'm still learning the politics (lots of people wanted / applied for this job, so I'm the source of much envy and bitterness.....but somebody had to get chosen) of the job. The cool thing is that echo / respiratory / sleep medicine all fall under the umbrella of the same department, so I already know all the folks involved.

    yes indeed, pics of Tug, please. And learning echos...another skill set is always a good thing.

    Guess I will be saying my mantra a lot "I love my job, I love my Life" LOL!!!!!!! They were all telling me to breath today at work, maybe I will try it of course a drink works better!

    I'll drink a toast to that!

    Ummm, yep, breathing is kinda important. Blue isn't usually a good skin color unless you're related to a Smurf! And a drink ALWAYS helps! LOL!

    Sunday I'd made a pumpkin cake for dessert w/the IL's here for dinner. We hardly ate any of it. It took my 9x13 casserole dish so it was big. I took that w/us tonight so the boys could eat it and get it out of my house. I would have had to toss it otherwise. They get a sweet treat and I don't have to eat it, look at it, or throw it away later!

    Hee hee - smurf! I haven't thought of them in a long time!

    I used to do that all the time - take leftovers to work and let the hordes feast. But now that I work in a small office with weight conscious females, and one health/exercise nazi, I give them to my brother to feed his garbage-gut kids!

    Halloween Eve fun tonight - DH and I are going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight at a local theatre. :thumbup: The group putting it on is a nonprofit, and it's a good cause. We are dressing up, though not as characters from the movie. will try to post pics later.I have a 'sexy demoness' costume - red leather-like bustier, skirt so short it's dangerous, thigh-high black boots...it's gonna be an interesting night! :thumbup:

    Thinking about extending my distance and running a 10k in the spring, which means I have to train all winter...probably indoors mostly.

    I LOVE the RHPS...I love the audience participation too!

    Your costumes sound interesting - gotta see the pics!

    A 10K??? How/where do you get the interest in running? Please tell me. Everyone else seems to get hooked on it...I wish I could, but it just seems like work to me...

    Still have my cold and feeling awful. Yuck!

    Monday I have an appt w/my Gyno. Hoping to get some answers from him. Been having "female" problems w/my cycle.

    I'll await the next installment to see how you are doing - better I hope!

  4. Part 2...

    I admit it, I haven't been here as much as before, and you're right, I do need "study breaks" - heck, I need "work breaks" too!

    I love the PJTP thread...was sorry to see the old one go, but I'm determined to stay for this one. So even if you don't see me posting every day, I'm still here and I'm not giving up *Ebony stamps foot*

    Work breaks and study breaks...that's what PJTP and Facebook are for. And yes, I've gone to the 'dark side', and am still trying to figure things out there.

    Plain - love the new pic in your avatar! You're a cutie pie!:wub:

    Now Ebony, I can just see Plain swelling with pride ....um, I mean getting a big head, I mean....oh, forget it!:eek:

    Well so today the state agency who regulates us show up for a review. SURPRISE! So it is drop everything accommodate all their needs and get absolutely nothing else done. Have I told you all how I so love surprises (NOT)! Anyway be glad when they move on but then I will have a big report to fix! !

    I love surprises! Surprise parties, surprise acts of kindness. In school I used to love surprise tests...I'm just weird, I guess.

    DD had her little party at school. It was cute to see all of the costumes the kids were wearing.

    Little kids in costumes are so cute...pets are not!

    try having your assistant principal come in for a 5 minute walkthrough and see you are eating ice cream while teaching!!!:thumbup: I made no apologies and continued my lesson on Plymouth. Too bad they didn't have ice cream back then or I could've worked it into the lesson. Dang those Pilgrims and their crappy food.:thumbup:


  5. OK - I'll give it another try....

    Rather than one big multi-quote (although I do believe I am the reigning queen in that regard), I will respond in quotes of 5....starting from my last post...

    I'll never be able to retire. I've already signed up for a corpse / work program to continue working after I'm deceased.

    Where's the sign-up list????

    I'm here. Been sick again. Got a lot of physical stuff going on and it's depressing me. Tired of feeling like crap all the time.

    I'll try to check in more now that Im feeling better. Take care y'all!

    Heart - Hope you are starting to feel better...

    Woke up this morning to snow---over half a foot! My office manager, was rear ended on her way in to work (right about here, imagine my Mom telling me "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all"). I have nothing to say about it tho!

    Weight is hovering at the same spot----my own fault. I know if I want it to change, I have to change something....eat less, move more, SOMETHING! Instead, I keep doing and eating the same, and expecting miracles, and the weight to just drop of its own accord, and it is not happening!!!

    Snow...a dirty word!!!

    Perhaps your mother and mine are related...

    You mean, it doesn't work??? Damn! Guess it is back to the Y for me. ratsnfrackin:cursing::thumbup:

    My question is, why would someone with an obvious crossed eye, become a television reporter?

    I feel so petty, I know I am going to get flamed, and deservedly.....it just makes me feel so bad to not be able to recall a single thing she said.......

    Perhaps she really wants to be a producer or something, but has to work her way up. OR, perhaps she figures that will be the 'mark of distinction' that gets her noticed and advances her quickly - her trademark, her claim to fame. Or perhaps she is related to the owner and he/she is independently wealthy and doesn't really care if people are paying attention. Or...

    I see your Sound of Music and raise you a: "Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!" Come back, Tap!

    Tee hee - Now I'm singing that....and am very tempted to wear heavy black eyeliner, a top hat and speak vit a germun akzend.:eek::thumbup:

  6. Morning ladies!

    Well, I managed a total bandster day yesterday - exercise, lots of Water (never a problem for me), portion controlled, no snacks........am I done yet???

    At the Y again this morning - wish I could say that I missed it, or that it feels good to be back there or something, but nope, I'm just going because I HAVE to. But Im there!

    Hope you are all doing well - and for the missing VV's, come on, post a note. Tell us what's happening...RSG; Mom, Jul, Lori, CC, KJC, etc..........................

  7. Men can be oblivious...

    Perhaps, if he has noticed at all, he doesn't know what to say fearing that whatever he says it will be misconstrued. For example, if he says, 'You lost weight, you look good', the response could be - what, I didn't look good to you before?

    And in my opinion, if you see someone every day, you tend not to notice the changes as much as if you see someone only once a month or a year.

    Whatever the reason, if you want him to comment, ask him what he thinks of the emerging new you.

  8. Morning all!

    I hope everyone had a good (safe) Halloween, and did not gorge yourself on sweets. We had 2 kids come to the door - that's one more than last year!!

    I am back to the Y this morning - still not wanting to go, but DH and I are now in a competition for % weight loss from now until Feb. 1. So, if nothing else I will be good because I MUST WIN!! (Not that Im competitive or anything....)

    Sorry I'm not posting more regularly. I know I need to make it along with my exercise a priority in the morning. I'm been crazy busy with this house but thankfully it should be all done by the first half of next week. Tap, sounds like you're doing much better now. I remember you used to exercise like crazy and were so consistant at it. .

    Good morning Ezma! I hope your house is ready to go - and now you can step back from the repair stuff and take time to exercise and post here....

    I have fallen off the exercise wagon! Help!

    I will get back to it. I refuse to get out of shape just because I'm pregnant.

    As far as eating goes, I'm just eating what sounds good. More often than not it's simple carbs, unfortunately. I will get better on that as well, once I'm feeling better.

    This is going to drive me crazy, watching my weight go up. If it gets too hard, we'll just hide the scale again. That's my favorite technique.

    We are moving in 2 weeks and I haven't got a single box packed. I'm not worried. It's getting to be old hat almost.

    Hey Shiny - you are allowed a LITTLE slack in the exercise and eating regimes while you are adjusting to the pregnancy. However, not too much, or for too long! However, perhaps you can use the pregnancy to get others to pack for you and get you moved ....

    Okay, me and the computer aren't getting along this morning. I've deleted this paragraph 3 times already. I give up.

    Don't you just hate it when the computer eats your posts, or hiccups and posts it twice, or disconnects you for no reason.....

    Have I mentioned that Im not fond of computers??

    heres my halloween pic


    WOW SMS - you look fabulous!! (It's typed in green because I am so envious....

    You look absolutely amazing! How proud you must be to have beaten this beast. Gives me hope that one day I too can get there. Congrats!


    hate to give you false hope..i must admit i hAD candy FOR BREAKFAST AND SODA ..


    Yes, your TT still looks good...next year perhaps for me. Maybe.

  9. So where have all the movie reviewers gone???

    I am just getting back into seeing some - note they aren't NEW, but they are new to me! So using our trust 1-5 scale in which 1 is 'I would rather gouge out my eyes with hot pokers then be forced to sit through that crap again' and 5 is 'now THAT'S a movie - good story, good acting, good directing....more of these are needed to wash the stench of the millions of BAD movies'....

    Surrogates - 2

    District 9 - 2.5

    Across the Hall - 1

    Half-blood prince - 2

  10. Thanks for posting FAnny,

    I guess PJTP really has come to the end of the line though.

    So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye,

    Adieu, adieu...

    At least I'm leaving singing. Take care everyone. Be good to yourselves. Don't get your knickers in a knot over things that really won't matter in the grand scheme of things. I am glad to have 'met' you all in my LBT time.

    I wish you all health and happiness.

    R.I.P. PJTP

  11. I strongly suggest that you check that you are not too tight...if you are, as weird as it seems, you lose less weight, and the longer it persists the more swelling and potential damage to your stomach is done.

    If it is confirmed that you are NOT too tight, then assess whether the episodes are related to a particular food or group of foods. For myself, there is no food that I cannot eat (in moderation)...if I had to start eliminating foods, I would be somewhat concerned.

  12. The technician was breaching ethical protocols in several ways:

    asking why you were having the procedure;

    debating with you on the merits of your decisions;

    this is a professional ethics and behavior issue and I strongly encourage you to document (unemotionally) your experience and report it to both the organization AND the licencing body for the profession.

    The technician is not qualified to give medical opinion; not allowed to disuss treatment options; should not be discussing her family member's (breach of their privacy)...

    Document and report.

  13. Even though I didn’t feel good I STILL did my workout! I usually use not feeling good as an excuse to skip out, but not this time. It might have only been 20 minutes and 30 minutes calisthenics but still, I did it!!

    How do you feel? How is your health? I mean, maybe your body IS done.

    The things my nutritionist really pointed out is that I need to substitute more Snacks for fruit.

    She also said no more liquid supplements, like Protein drinks.

    Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend, but congrats on getting some exercise! As for me, I have to go to the Y today and either clean out my locker as I haven't gone in 3 months (after using it faithfully for 18 months) OR resign for another year and use it....Im still debating............

    As for my food intake - much better yesterday; I indulged in one scoop (I really can't say tablesppon - I'd guess 3) of Peanut Butter last night. But overall much better than previously.

    Today is another battle..........

    As for my body deciding this is THE weight - well my weight is certainly something I haven't seen since an early teen, but the doc says, nope. 10 more pounds. I think if I had PS, my flabby gut would remove a few pounds alone, but that is far in my future (if at all).

    Your nutrionist sounds like she really is going to work WITH you - that's great. My food selection is broad, I love my fuits, drink my Water, and only use protein drinks if I am too tight in the morning, but need to have a breakfast later. I make it up and take it to work with me.

    Going to post what I ate yesterday in the hopes that I'll embarrass myself so much that I get back to healthy eating. I started out wrong by not eating breakfast. For lunch I had grilled chicken, two Tomato slices and a small order of onion rings with catsup. (half good/half bad). And for the grand finale (cringing with shame here), I had two, count them, two M&M McFlurries and 4 servings of cheese puffs. That's a whopping 1900 calories for dinner that wasn't even dinner. Then I was craving something foodlike so I had a couple small slices of pork tenderloin for snack.< /p>

    Okay, now I'm asking myself how I can do that kind of thing to myself and swearing to be better today. Please, please pray it sticks with me thru the day.

    Hi Ezma, Sending 'food police' thoughts your way - I'll be watching you!!!!:cursing:

  14. was starting to get a little panicky over the 3/4's of a million debt I'm in with 3 mortgages... eek! But all is rosy again in my world :cursing:

    a little panicky???? Man oh man, I'd have been committed by now - you are a strong woman!

    Does this mean that you will re-start your blog? Yes, I would read it, and miss the daily/weekly updates....

    Perhaps I live vicariously through all of my LBT PJTP pals, and without your posts, I have no life????

  15. Hi everyone!

    Fanny - I didn't realize you had returned to your old job; I missed that news somewhere. It is good to feel missed, and welcomed back, isn't it?

    Kat - but you posted your profile pic, so there must be a way (says she who is non-technical). I really want to see the stockings, or close ups of one or two.

    I miss my morning chats with Slim. sigh...

    Going to the Y today and either recommit to going there faithfully (which I did for 18 months) or clean out my locker as I've been paying the fee without going for 3 months...time to make a decision!

    Gloomy Tuesday - cold and raining (at least it isn't snowing!).

    Spent a few hours looking for a new job yesterday...between the economy, my requirement for a job too be something I haven't done before, and the fact that I'm in my 50's, the opportunities are few and far between. But I HAVE to leave where I am; I am the proverbial round peg getting mighty bruised and beaten as they try to force me into the square corporate hole. Of course the fact that one friend sent me an email yesterday telling me it was the first monday of the last 5 weeks she would work before retiring just depressed me. I am no where close to being able to afford to retire....and now my friends and previous co-workers are counting down. Between marital break-up, bad investments, and my habit of moving every 3 years...I will be lucky to retire before I'm dead!! :cursing::cursing::scared2:


  16. PJTP - I am soooo sore today! Saturday I took a class at the gym wearing MBT fitness shoes. I was skeptical that they would do anything but good golly Miss Molly! I am still sore two days later and it wasnt much of a workout I thought! Just stretches, walking, lunges etc. I barely broke a sweat!! Now I must have these shoes to wear everyday! lol

    I also ran yesterday - C25K week 2 day 1. I did pretty well - good in the beginning - struggled a little in the middle and recovered at the end. I am determined to look as hot as possible for my daughters wedding June 19 2010.

    Hi CC - Tap waves wildly and yells at the top of her lungs!!

    Another one running - what IS it about you guys??? Running? By choice. Enjoying it???? The shoes sound worth the money - but I suppose I would have to do my part and actually DO something - they won't just do it all themselves, will they???

    Glad to see you back posting....

  17. Lots of reading and studying - my classes are different that way this time. I've got to stay on top of them or I'll get seriously behind!

    They saw the latest movie in the "Saw" franchise, I saw "Law Abiding Citizen" which I thought was excellent.

    Back to running this morning and my hip feels fine - want to get the last 20 pounds off so I can get to "Maintenance Mode".

    I can understand paying attention to the school stuff, but you need 'play time' too! I can't imagine seeing the Saw - ick. And I'm not too sure about the Law Abiding Citizen either - my DSDs tell me that I won't like it, too graphic, gratuitous violence, etc.

    I wish I could get back to doing something, but so far, my ass just won't move!

    Only 20 pounds to go Ebony - that's fabulous!:wink2::thumbup:

  18. [ I had 2 new grandsons to add this year, and the stockings take many, many hours to complete--lots of sewing, and sequins and beads.....but I MUST get it done! So I have begun!

    I'd love to see a pic, Kat. I have my first grandchild, and although I have done stockings for my nephews and niece, DH and others etc, the DSD doesn't appreciate homemade, and doesn't want one done by any of the relatives. So, my idea is torpedoed...

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