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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tapshoes

  1. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What??:bored: I guess I am missing something.......
  2. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    YooHoo?!?!?! No postings since my post of yesterday morning? I guess everyone is busy. Take a few minutes ladies and post an update! Although I didn't get to the Y yesterday, I walked at lunch (30 min), walked home from work (35 min), and then spent 2 hours in the garden weeding, raking, hoeing and puttering. That counts, rights? My eating was minimal - not by choice or design, rather I got 'stuck' and then couldn't eat the rest of the night. But Im ok today!!!
  3. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    VROOM VROOM - Ebony is rarin' to go today! Great attitude; you go get 'em!
  4. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Morning my fellow VVs! And a bright sunny warm one it is - YAHOO!! Yesterday I didn't go to the Y - so I made myself walk twice the distance I usually do so at least I got some exercise. Today - I overslept (which NEVER happens to me) and so missed it again. I will have to make up for it somehow...I just don't like going after a day at work - I just want to go home, get into my comfie clothes and go into the garden. I hope everyone is doing well - one day at a time, VVs. We are stronger than our cravings, we want to be more comfortable in bathing suits this summer, and we are SO WORTH IT!!! Hi Lori - you are so correct in what you said to Jamie. Absolutely 'spot on'!! And yes, the support isn't just to reach the goal but to maintain it! We all know that the band isn't magical and even WHEN we reach our goals, we will still need to be vigilant - because smart people like us know how to eat AROUND the band! Support will be ongoing. Hi Ezma. Keep up the good work...and yes, avoid the scale if it is something that would affect your determination or mood. Add in some cardio...see how good I am about knowing what to do?!?!? Too bad I just can't do it myself!!! I am also going to start the process of looking for a Plastic Surgeon. Although I don't have a lot of hanging skin giving me rashes or anything, I do have some jiggly skin and 'the girls' are soon going to meet my toes, so I'd like them hoisted up. Im not at goal, but I figure it will take a while to meet a number of PS's and have the consults etc, and then and only then will I make a final decision...am I too old? Can I afford it? Will it really make me feel better about my body? etc. Have a great day...and for those lurking, come on and post! We miss ALL the VVs.
  5. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fingers and toes crossed for you, Beth! That's great Lu. AS long as you, DH, and the doc are happy! I have to think that 115 pounds on someone 5'1" would look different than on someone like me at 5'5"... so why oh why does my doc thinks thats a good weight for me??? How did the botox go? Me too!! :tt2: :lol: ZIINNNGGGGG!!!!!! Well, for me, it would not be a good goal - because I was obese then!! This is the first time in my adult life that I am thin..well, not thin, but not fat. Thin is the goal, but I still think the 115-122 range would be skeletal for me! Oh no Beth...now I have this mental image... That's great Mac! 116... Beth - Do NOT let your mother bring you down...you have proven repeatedly you can do (and not just 'do' but excel) at whatever you put your mind to. Put your mother on ignore! I think Glou can offer some pointers on that! What she said!! Morning all! Another late morning for me - what the hell is wrong with me? I had to do twice the walking yesterday to make up for not hitting the Y in the morning, and now I missed it again...
  6. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    [quote name=luluc;1256411 slim' date=' we are the same height. just can't imagine being 110lbs - my surgeon told me i would do well to get to 140lbs. he state his experience was woman 35+ have a hard time getting to the lower end of the recommended BMI scale. at first this pissed me off - he had no idea that i would workout hard/eat well and beat the odds. frankly, he's right. it's a struggle to stay below 130lbs IF i want to eat / drink what i want - and that is how i want to live. if me being 10lbs over what i should be - so be it. . I am 5'5"...my doc gave me a range of 115-122...and I just CANNOT see it happening! I keep trying, but have been doing the '3 pound bounce' for a few months. I think I would LOVE to be 122, but it isn't looking likely. Enjoy the trips...assuming a job offer doesn't ground you! I am terrible at guessing weights...from your pic BBK, I would have guessed a much lower weight. Regardless of weight, you look good. And you're right, if you feel good, that's the main thing! Yep...that's what I think too!! But you can always say, thank you for the offer; I would like a few days to think about it/discuss it with DH...and then happily go on vacation knowing you will accept a job offer you when you return!!
  7. tapshoes

    Am I too old??

    [quote name=justmel1957;1255597.I say if you can afford it' date=' and want it, go for it..........age is only a number and the emotional lift you will get is priceless. Look at it this way, now that you are thin, life is really just now beginning, so make the most of it! .[/quote] Thanks justme....I know is just an age (most of the time). Sometimes though I just need to remind myself of it... Hi Josie - I am a 'lurker' on your thread, and have read it several times whenever I find myself waffling over this. You have been one of the 'inspirations' I have had. I think I shall just start the searching and interviewing process as a first step....who knows what may come of that process. It's not like I will meet a surgeon one day and have surgery the next....
  8. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean; I swear after a bad eating day that I can see my belly enlarge. I know it is only in my head, but that makes it so much worse because then I berate myself...which of course doesn't help at all! If I had a set of scales I think I would be truly a nut-case....because those numbers would drive me crazy! So, I will rely on the scales at the doc's, and just try to do better each day. Hi Lori! Sounds like you had a good time in the garden - as did the critters! I too spent all sunday outside playing in the dirt - and have the mosquito bites, scrapes, bruises, and farmer tan lines to prove it! And as each evening this week is supposed to be good, I hope to get more done every day! I know what you mean about Father's Day - I too miss my Dad (I was really close to him), and it just reminds me of the loss. As for the band - I would hold off on the fill until AFTER your vacation. How much does he put in at your fills? I'm down to .25 cc for fills now, and if/when I get another it will be (according to the clinic) even less than that. Jamie - Well take the good from the doc's message and try to ignore the rest. And yes, keep posting here and let us help (to whatever way we can). Morning all! It is a bright sunny warm day here - the walk to work this morning was certainly sweat producing - which isn't necessarily the best way to be arriving at work!! Oh well I can't help that. Take care, keep posting, keep swimming (even if it is UPstream!)
  9. tapshoes

    Last person to post WINS!

    Hi LilMiss! Where have you been hiding???
  10. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Nope, don't even like looking at them from afar...but, I know they are all part of the balance of nature so I won't hurt one, but I'd prefer that any of them stay off my property. Ain't gonna happen, I know, but I can dream... There is just something SO wrong in the world of economics. By my reckoning, you should be platinum! Belated birthday greetings Lu!!! See??? That's just stupid!!! Yep. Doc gave me a goal range...and frankly at my age, I just don't think I can get to it. I think of it as a 'young persons' weight. I am struggling to get to it, and may just stay where I am....but then again, maybe not. I keep trying, but the difference between my doc's upper acceptable limit, and my weight is still about 15 pounds. Newfs are a water dog bred for the far north....I just cannot imagine them in a southern climate. I've seen them in ice water and romping in the snow...and loving it! I'd love to have one, but not only do I not have the room, the ocean, the time for one, I really think I'm in too warm a climate...yes, even me!! Hey, BBK is back!! YEAH!!!!! And yes, I too wonder where that doc got the number?? Exactly! Yep, big drooling water dogs....love em, just love 'em!! Where are you going? :smile2::lol: Morning all! I think I am caught up. I am sitting at home in my housecoat - haven't gone to the Y and by now should be at work. I just gotta get my rear in gear. But I was restless last night, so sleep when it finally came kept me in bed until 630 - ACKK!!! Now to get my coffee, hit the shower and walk to work...catch you all later!
  11. tapshoes

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    What she said!! YAY Tina!
  12. tapshoes

    Am I too old??

    Thanks - I think! That's my point though; maybe I am pushing my luck having surgery. So far in the MANY surgeries I have had to date, I have never had a hitch - maybe this would be THE time. Whew - to know that someone else my age is thinking of it does me some good....I hate to feel I am alone. But the $$$$ - it is alot, and could be a significant payment on the house, or a fabulous vacation, or or or..... Thanks Corliss. Let me know how you do. My arms could certainly USE the surgery, but even if I go ahead with surgery, the arms are just going to remain 'flapping in the breeze'...tt and/or bl is all I am thinking of now.
  13. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fanny - Perhaps as it was your first day, they were just sort of sussing out your knowledge etc., and the 'good stuff' will evolve with time. I hope so anyway. As for your house - What are people thinking? Why don't they get their funding limit established BEFORE they go shopping instead of screwing around with people's lives?!? I'd be so angry if that happened to me! And a snake...as a pet???? My skin is crawling just to think of it. I wouldn't hurt one (unless it was going to attack me), but I would prefer not to know they are around, not to see them in MY garden....what if I had accidently cut it with a spade, or touched it when planting things........oh ick ick ick!!!!!!
  14. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Morning everyone! Finally yesterday the sun shone and the temp was high (well, high for here anyway)! DH and I spent hours outside digging, weeding, planting, mowing, transplanting etc....MY kind of weekend!! Now back to work - even though it is supposed to be hot and sunny all week... It's all in our mindset Angie...I do the same thing. Well, not the 5K running thing - LOL! But I will pick out clothing that's too big because it is habit, and ordering T-shirts that I could swim in!! Some day I will get used to not being an XL or XXL! Hi Shiny! How was the party? Of course you will see 187 again - never say never! I too get tired of the struggle - chew chew chew, only SMALL amounts, etc. But I sure as heck wouldn't change it for being fat! Oh but to be able to sit down with a big amount of a fav food and just eat it all with no worries of PBing or weighing or calculating how much exercise I will need to do to work it off would be so nice - for that moment! Stop the sweets Ezma! You enjoyed them, but let them go now for a while. They are so easily consumed but the lingering cravings are deadly and persistent. Enjoy a 'sweet free' week! WOW! That is just so wonderful - incomprehensible to me, but wonderful! Hi Jamie! I am sorry to hear that your doctor 'lectured' you...nothing like being supportive, is there? Be strong despite him! As for your grieving - it is your process that YOU have to go through, and screw everyone else! Even those who have had the misfortune to share the horrible experience of losing a child cannot know EXACTLY how you feel. And as for 'being over it'...you never forget. Ever. The pain is never gone; sometimes it is dulled but it never just goes away. I am sorry for your anguish.
  15. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    P.S. I really don't like snakes! Saw the first one in my garden yesterday...and it slithered under the house....which just gives me the heebie-jeebies!
  16. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! It is forecast to be a hot (for here) sunny week...too bad I have to work. I'd much prefer to spend the time outside playing in the dirt - oh well. DH and I managed to spend hours yesterday outside - I planted some trees, moved rocks, weeded. I made a new garden bed on the side of the house (just a small one to start - the length of the house and about 3 feet wide, but I'll build on it over time) while DH mowed, trimmed, planted a few more seedlings, and generally puttered. Today I'm a little burned on the back of the neck, scratched, and mosquito bitten - kinda rough around the edges! I will never make a hand model with my short nails and callouses, scrapes, blisters and freckles. Oh, but the fun I had!!!:w00t::w00t: Love the image...and yes, I'm sure you were entertaining! :lol: Good luck! So are we!! G4E - Hope things go well with the doc. Keep us posted. And now, time to get ready for the day. Have a good one!
  17. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Happy Fathers Day! Lulu - you had interesting vows to say the least. I LOVE surprises, and really really really wanted one for the my 50th, but that didn't happen! Oh well, there is always 60, and a few more years to HINT to DH Heartfire- Sounds like a fun day was had by all! and yes rescuing dogs is always the way to go! Re Ebony - did she say she was going on vacation after last week? That's ringing a bell, but I could be mis-remembering! Mac - great to see you back posting. Beth - I've never tried rollerblading either - and perhaps I won't! 'K guys, gotta get back to the newspaper before I go outside and play.
  18. tapshoes

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Because the weather is so crappy (:thumbup::biggrin:), in between laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, ironing, and other misc. Saturday chores, DH and I have watched: About Schmidt (4.0), and Anatomy of a murder (a B&W oldie with Jimmy Stewart) (3.5)...and the day's not over yet.........I really wish I could be outside digging holdes, planting trees, ripping out weeds, planting perennials, trimming.....
  19. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning everyone. A dreary day so playing in the dirt is not an option (at least this morning).:tongue: Ebony...????? Heartfire - let us know what happens with the dog. Lulu - great news on the matching Re dogs: love 'em all - big, small, long hair, short, drooling (and Newf's drool...alot)....whatever breed or look, I love dogs. Oh, and cats too.
  20. tapshoes

    Am I too old??

    Thanks Mimi - it's nice to know I'm not the only person in my fifties thinking of this...and I wouldn't have given it a seocond thought were I in my 30's! Thanks Kelly...you know, I never used to think of age, and truly in most things I don't, but for some reason it is on my mind as it relates to PS. I have been investigating the types of TT (and Dr Shulman's thread has been a blessing), and breast lifts....but then every time I see the post op pics I take a deep breath and seriously reconsider. I mean, post any of my many surgeries, I have never recoiled from the look (even after my hysterectomy), but seeing in particular the tt pics I get the heebie-jeebies! Thanks for your thoughts; I'd love to hear from more ladies...
  21. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Lulu - 830 am and 96???? I cannot imagine it.... but I would like to experience it!! We may get to 80 by high noon, but that's it until maybe August. Then we may get to 85 - a veritable heat wave!
  22. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fanny - I checked out the Aussie slang, and much of it is the same as that of my Irish/English ancestors. In fact, most of it...it would be the accent that would be different.
  23. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Happy Friday morning everyone!! And thank heavens it is Friday! It has been a long week - trying to catch up on work, getting back to a good relationship with my band, fitting in exercise....whew! I have managed to 'get out there' and do the exercise 3 out of the last 4 days. Just gotta get out there again today and then I've done my targeted quota. I am hoping the weather is great this weekend so I can spend time in the garden - but so far the weather gods are not smiling on my plans! How is everyone else doing? Weekend plans? Take care.
  24. tapshoes

    I've been away because...

    Hi Blessed I cannot say that I know your struggles as I do not. I am glad to hear though that you are rebuilding your life in safety and that you and your sons are removed from that situation. Safety first... there is a reason that motto exists!! And it is wonderful that you are still losing weight through all of this stress and turmoil...you are obviously a very strong woman. You are quite correct in that it is better to have 2 happy homes rather than 1 home that is not...a happy home is healthier for everyone - you and the boys. As for the ex...stay firm in your resolve. Do not let his ploys undermine you or what you must do to be in a healthy happy place in body and soul. Although the circumstances are not good, welcome back.The VV's are here to help you.
  25. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! Come the raw prawn - never heard of the expression. G4E - glad to know you have some 'bridge funding'..something to carry you over. Plain - Don't think I'll watch the TV show...what IS the attraction of 'reality' shows? AS for Facebook, well if no one knows my real name etc, then it would still be this group of people as others won't know me. So, in essence, it would be the same people as here...another forum to chat with the same people?? Well except I could catch up with those that have gone awol like LJM, Donna etc Re houses: I take ages to finally purchase a home (I've done it lots moving as I do every 5 years or so)...and I NEVER go back to see what the next owners have done. I did it once and was heartbroken, so now, if I I go back to a place where I used to live for a visit, I make a point to avoid the sight of a previous home. But I still buy houses 'with potential' - doing renovations is part of the ownership thrill and fun for me Lu: hope you or another friend are a compatible match. And PJTP - It's Friday...yahoo!!!

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