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Everything posted by tapshoes

  1. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I just HAVE to check in before I go to bed at night - you guys do all sorts of posting during the day and it takes a while to catch up the next day. To recap: G4E - Yay! some definitive action with relief. (although a head traction kit sounds a little weird to me). As long as you can get some relief - that's the main thing! Lulu - 100+ in June??? You're right, some of us are not used to that temp - EVER! However, I'd love to experience it...I think! Heartfire - I love fresh herbs...but beware! Chives are very invasive and will take over quickly. And because they spread by seed as well as root, they will infiltrate everywhere. I know this from experience. Now I grow them in a containter kept on the deck and am vigilant in breaking off the seed heads. Plain - Welcome back. Beth - sending positive thoughts re the interview. OK - now I have to do some more work but will check in before I leave.
  2. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hey LilMIss...the absent mindedness is a real devil, isn't it? It is just SO easy to completely ignore what your hand and mouth are doing. Remember: weight loss and inches loss are not the same - so if people are noticing, maybe it is an inches lost phenomenon. Don't get anxious about the pounds lost (or not lost) next week. Just keep on keepin on!! MMMMM - I love fresh tomatoes too! My tomato plants are growing but no sign of the tomatoes yet - it is still early. I'm hoping I get to have some and not have to share with the deer, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs etc.... Having other people notice thechanges is a great inspiration, isn't it? Keep it up, watch your iintake. [quote name=Ezma;1267561Having a bit of a grumpy morning here. I gained 1.5 pounds. While I know I wasn't perfect' date=' I still took in a low enough amount that I should have lost weight. Oh well, I learned this before and just have t accept that it's real - I must take in a much lower amount of calories to lose weight. I'm just proud that I haven't given up. But I'm re-focusing and am determine to lose 8 pounds before my doctor's appointment. I know it sounds like a lot in a week but if I get really strict and eat like I should be eating, it should drop off really fast. [/quote] I know you must be disappointed Ezma; don't starve yourself to meet a scale goal though. Just be a little more vigilant in watching what you eat, and keep up the exercise! I am really slacking in my exercise; I'm still doing it, but im not striving to increase the amount at all; just keep at status quo. I KNOW I should be increasing the amount/duration/variety but I just really hate doing it. The walking to/from work is habit, and playing in the dirt is fun, but other stuff is just a pain in the proverbial! As Lori/Rhap would say, just keep swimming!!!! OK, where are the rest of the VVs?
  3. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi Everyone. I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. I spent time playing in the dirt until the freakin rain started again....then I ws forced to do regular housework etc. That's just so wrong in the summer!!! Now to catch up.... Beth - glad to hear you and the dog were both unscathed! Good luck on the interview. SMS - Sorry to hear aobut your coworkers attitude. It seems somewhat bizarre to me, but as long as you and the man are good, then ignore the others. Why on earth would your coworkers have anything to say to your boss? Mac - you conquered it? Yay! Ebony - Sounds like you are having a good vacation...you deserve it. Fanny - thanks for the pics! Such beautiful exotic (to me) birds. G4E - sorry about the birthday party. Has no one ever heard of MANNERS? :tongue_smilie::cursing: If you are invited somewhere and cannot attend, you advise the person in advance...far in advance. Your poor GS! I wish that someone could do something about your pain... RE get-together...it looks like June is the month most have identified. That may be a little problematic for me, but I won't know until the date is set. I would really like to meet you all so lets try to nail down a date. OK everyone, time to start posting for the day.......
  4. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend doing things with friends and family and not eating too much. I spent some time playing in the dirt, but other than that didn't do anything really new or exciting. Just the usual stuff...but that suits me just fine! My eating was mostly good...a few slips, but compared to pre-banding they were nothing! I had a sugar-fee fat-freecreamsicle (well, more than 1 actually:blushing:) but still, that was the worst of it! Now to catch up.. Yes RSG you have missed a lot....but you can catch up, and get back to posting!! Make that part of your routine just as being aware of every mouthful you eat. I certainly am sending good vibes for marcie's presentation. What an excellent suggestion, Ezma! How are things going with you? You seem to be getting in your walking every day and that's good. Hi Shiny ! I wondered where you were! Running a 5k in the rain - now that is dedication! It has been unseasonably wet and cold where I live too...where is the summer heat and sunshine???? How wonderful that you are meeting Jaime and StLouis....say a big hello to them! WOW - 10K runs...I repeat, I think you are nuts! :tongue_smilie: Next you will be doing marathons! Deep fried jelly-beans?? I cannot imagine them! Sorry to hear that you are struggling, but you definately have the right attitude...you can do this. We can do this!!
  5. tapshoes

    Last person to post WINS!

    While everyone else recovers from the holiday, Tapshoes steals the trophy..
  6. tapshoes

    Little known facts about you??

    1. Were You Named After Anyone? No 2. When was the Last time You Cried? Can't remember 3. Do You like Your Handwriting? Yes 4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? EWWW!!!! 5. Do You have Kids? Step children. 6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? Hell yes! 7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? Is that a trick question??? 8. Do You still have Your Tonsils? Nope. 9. Would You Bungee Jump? No. 10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? mueslix - but eaten dry. 11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? Nope 12. Do You think You are Strong? Yes. 13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? I don't like ice cream 14. What is the First thing You notice about People? Their nails. 15, Red or Pink? Red 16. What is The thing You like the least about Yourself? The sagging girls. 17. Who do You Miss the Most? My dad 18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? I'm not 19. What was the Last thing You Ate? A handful of mueslix 20, What are You listening to now? My stomach growling! 21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be? Fire engine red 22. Favorite Smells? Coffee; vanilla; tide detergent; fresh baked bread; gingerbread 23. Favorite Sports to Watch? There is NO sport that is worth watching. 24. Hair Color? Yes. 25. Do You Wear Contacts? Nope 26. Favorite Food? Cheese. Any kind. 27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? If I have to chose between these, I'll take scary - but I prefer mysteries or sci-fi. 28. Last Movie You saw? Frost-Nixon 29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing? Blue housecoat 30. Summer or Winter? SUMMER!!!!! 31. Favorite Dessert? Don't have a sweet tooth - cheese! 32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? Ireland 33, Where would You like to Travel Next? Australia 34. What Book are Reading now? A compilation of short stories called Thriller. 35, Where were You Born? in a hospital 36. Big Band or Rap? Big band 37. Interesting Fact about Me? I am the last born of my generation in my extended family. 38. What did You Watch on Televison Last Night? Didn't. 39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Stones of course! 40. Do You have a Special Talent? Nope
  7. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Morning all! I had an unexpected business trip so I was away from the computer, and therefore LBT and the VVs, so let me get caught up.... I agree 1000%! I love to see the VVs - all of them. Come onguys, post and let us know you are all alive and well! Lori - of course we will miss you; don't you dare abandon us! And I am pleased that you are maintaining your weight...someday all of us will be there! Of that, I am positive! You have a fabulous vacation, enjoy that new found health, indulge in the occasional icecream, take a few hikes, and have fun! Yes indeed - Lil Miss - the head stuff is the most difficult! I KNOW I shouldn't have evening snacks, I KNOW IT KNOW IT KNOW IT, but still, I do. I keep trying, though. And YAY on the 3 pounds! I'm glad you think the goal my doc set is low...I was really beginning to think I was out of touch with reality! But honestly, att my age (and yes, I think age is a factor), I think the weight is too low. Yeah - What she said!!! I know that the weather affects my mood, and the stress doesn't help. It's another rainy day here too - summer is a LONG time coming this year, and the constant rain or drizzle and cool temperatures just isn't helping me feel upbeat and positive. yes the eating while not being really aware of what you are doing is such a danger. Yeah you for being strong. You can do it. We can do it! Have a wonderful safe 4th of July everyone - whether partying in a costco parking lot:blink:, in a park or your backyard!!
  8. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning All! I had an unexpected business trip yesterday... travelling by train is just so civilized! Lots of legroom, and lots of coffee! (I got to travel first class....whoo hoo - one advantage of a late booking!). So although I spent in total about 6 hours on the train, I got to read a book, have a sleep, prepare for the meeting, and have (in the evening return) as much alcohol as I wanted - wine before dinner, wine with dinner, aperitif after dinnner.... So to catch up on the news: Ebony - Have a great vacation? Beth - How many gallons of vinegar have you gone through? Slim - $135 per person for a reunion?? Man, you'd really have to love your relatives to pay that!! Brandy - 'travel whore'? Or I would SO love to be able to be one....love to travel, but the money is an issue. She - YAY!! Can't wait to meet you! Fanny - Wish we could meet you, but I understand the priorities. We'll have a drink for you! Lu et al - yes we need to choose a date soon. Between vacation request deadlines, and figuring out the budget to afford a trip, we need lots of prep time! Have a safe wonderful memorable 4th of July all!!
  9. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Glou - 260 calories for 1 cookie? Hope it was a memorable cookie!!
  10. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    G4E - Maybe those neighbors are Canadian and started celebrating Canada Day - my Canadian relatives and friends in the US do. Then they just continue on to the 4th of July ....double the fun!! And yes, wouldn't a PJTP party be fun...who wants to host that event?? Food bill would be small, but the liquor bill....:lol: No fear of heights for me, but then again, if I was 3000' in the air, and the plane door opened and someone said 'jump'...I don't know. I hope I could, I would like to, but the reality might be different.... g4e - one thng at a time. First get your medical issues resolved, then the weight, and then the fear of heights... I have heard that for your first jump you are with someone, so maybe that would solve your issue. So, at this PJTP get -together that someone will plan, perhaps a skydiving event could be incorporated and Lulu, you, I and others will have a grand old time leaping into thin air from moving planes at high altitudes.... Hi Grey...8 dogs; you and Lulu are a pair! I'm all for rescues, but 8 dogs would be too much...even if I were to get another dog which I won't. No NO NO!!! For me it is swings...I can climb on roofs, climb up ladders etc but I cannot get on a swing. Well...I can sit on it, but it better not move - I get seasick! And I don't do roller-coasters...are you mad? They are terrifying!!!:scared2: LIne up starts behind me!!! YAY Beth! Sending good vibes your way... Maybe I need to try that...one bite and quit. It will be a challenge as self-control is not my middle name! HI Brandy! How can you forget us????? What she said! I'm with Slim...facebook is not in my future.
  11. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Ezma! I couldn't do the whole pre-op/post-op stuff again...I think that would too radical for me. On those times when I get really pissed at myself and promise to 'follow the rules more faithfully', I have found using the little half-cup plastic containers helps. I measure the food and put it into the containers - this way, I can't over-eat...the portion size is controlled. When I make my lunch, I pop in my container of whatever (chicken salad is my recent addiction), another container of grapes, another container of yogurt. It looks like a lot of containers (which somehow my little brain interprets as a lot of food), and I can't over-eat cause I don't have it available. At dinner time, I have even given up using the salad plate - it still allowed me to 'pile on' the food. So, I eat from my containers...pretty? no. But functional. Now if i could just beat the night-time cravings............:ohmy: Welcome back RSG!!! We really have been missing our VVs...we will try to help you get 'back in the groove' but it seems like you are doing good. Now, get on that treadmill.... Fabulous achievements in your courses - 4.0 - Whoo hoo!! Tell Marci we are sending good interview vibes/wishes her way. How would you feel about moving to SA? Do you have friends/family there? Have you been doing art? Seen good movies? Read good books (other than textbooks)? You're breaking my heart, Angie.:ohmy: I love shrubs - not saying I would have ONLY shrubs, but they do have an appeal to me - and I use the 'non-coloring/flowering' ones as counterpoints to those that do. A few evergreens bracketing a lush bed of bulbs and perennials....beautiful. And lots of shrubs have flowers too...are you keeping those? Hi LilMIss...the fact that the inches are dropping is good - I know it doesn't show on a scale, but I bet it shows on your body, and how your clothes fit, etc. I would agree with your strategy - up the exercise and stay the course...don't give in to your frustration. It's great to see you back posting too! OK - a few more VVs need to check in (and I love for a few more of our lost ones to re-appear). It's a dreary day here - not a great beginning to July, but as I'm inside I guess it doesn't matter too much! I am going to try again to make this month a 'snack free in the evening' month...for about the 100th time, it seems! I just haven't been able to go a month...willpower is not my middle name!:sad: I am close to my goal (not the docs target weight though) and really want to make it. So, a snack free month might just get me there (I hope). There was a discussion (here or another thread, I can't remember) of doc's goals versus personal goals...oddly many people's docs set 'high' goals, and the person wanted to get lower. My doc set a goal for me that I think would make me a walking skeleton.:crying::ohmy: I don't know if I could do it, or maintain it, or even if at my age I should try for it but then again, maybe I am being too easy on myself. What do you guys think? I'm 5' 5" with big bones (my thumb and middle finger do not meet when wrapped around my wrist - and there is no fat there!), and my doc has set a goal of 115-122... And to my Canadian family and friends...Happy Canada Day!!
  12. tapshoes

    What are your hobbies?

    For the spring, summer and fall - it is gardening! I love playing in the dirt - and I mean all aspects of it - weeding, ripping up sods, transporting truckloads of soil by wheelbarrow, designing gardens, uprooting and repositioning plants/shrubs/trees, etc. Hard physical labour that has my hands calloused, my skin bruised and scraped, my nails a mess, knees permanently stained with dirt...just love it! Other things - reading...reading reading reading. I average 2 or 3 books a week (well written literate thrillers or mysteries, but almost anything except romance, westerns and self-help). Baking - I can spend hours in the kitchen baking. And really, being banded hasn't changed that at all - I still enjoy it. I just give the baked goods away. Needlework of all sorts - xstitch, hand quilting, knitting, crochet, crewel, needlepoint etc. I used to be 'into' photography - decades ago, but gave that up. Now I'm lucky to take a picture of anything once a month! But no interior design for me - I look at mags and see rooms that just have a nice atmosphere/appeal to me, but have no idea how to recreate it, so I admit my rooms are just 'blah'...nothing special or artistic because I just don't know how to pull it together. I don't have that 'eye' for decorating...sigh.
  13. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! Lulu- it's a deal - if ever I get to Texas, we can go jump out of an airplane! I'm hoping to go hot air ballooning this summer with my mother but finding an operator who agrees to take a frail elderly woman with a bad cardiac history and using a cane or walker up is a challenge. Dogs - love 'em. Hate irresponsible owners. Beth, your sister's family dog is one bite away from tragedy and/or bankruptcy. Either way it will be a tragedy for a pet that has not been raised properly. One alpha being in a household, and it should NEVER be the dog! Heartfire - EEKS! Vehicle repairs on a cc - ouch! Well, I suppose I should get to the stuff Im paid to do...oh, and to my Canadian friends and family - Happy Canada Day.
  14. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I would LOVE to go sky-diving, but under no circumstances would I try bungee jumping....No one wants to go sky-diving with me, and what fun would it be to do this all by myself? Maybe I will do it as a 'finally made goal' reward. Or my 60th birthday...whichever comes first! Glad you had a good birthday! Thanks Ebony! I tried customer service...no luck. The contents indicate the age of the locket, as does the locket itself...they don't make them like that anymore. The inscription is really worn. Been there, Glou. Windows (more than single pane) - extra. Locks on the doors - extra. Cupboard handles - extra. And so on and so on. Although the builder suggested budgeting 15% for extras, in fact it worked out to (in my case) 40%...and then of course, my relationship tanked, I had to sell the house...oh well. I LOVED it when I had it, and I just think back now that I was fortunate I was able to own it for the 13 years I did; some people never get that experience. But that's exactly how I think - and it makes perfect sense!!! :thumbup: You only want to use a paintbrush?!?! There are times during our renovations that I considered serious bodily harm...and I was using a sledgehammer at the time!! G4E...It does suck having to pay the fee. Screwing with your health though costs a lot more in the long run. Perhaps there is some financial assistance capabilities? Ditto!! Good for you Beth! You would think so, wouldn't you?
  15. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Yes indeed, I can relate!! The only difference this time is that there was NOTHING at this place when we moved here (nothing except weeds and rocks), so it was truly starting from scratch. It will take a LONG time to get this place 'up to snuff'. Ezma - you found 4 cookies...not 4 dozen! Cookies are a 'normal' part of life...remember we are NOT on a diet, we are aiming to live normal lives! So yes, although it would be better not to have had the cookies, it isn't in itself bad that you had 4 cookies. Cut yourself some slack! Interior design is NOT my thing...I look at magazines sometimes and say "my, isn't that nice." but have no knowledge on how to 'create my space'. That sounds like a wonderful vacation, and the fact that you could have ice-cream and eat out and NOT gain is fabulous!! YAY!!!!:cursing::w00t: But don't mention ice-cream...someone here has a weakness for it!!! Morning all! It is a dreary day here - so it isn't too bad working then! It did however make a soggy walk to work this morning...and my hair is just a little dishevelled! I have been working on not snacking at night, but last night i lapsed...I had about 2 handfuls of raisins and (my demon) nuts - EACH! Oh well, try again today. Hope everyone is doing good.....
  16. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It really is sad...and the locket and its contents are undeniably valuable. I cannot just throw them out, I cannot sell them, and I can't return them. So they sit on my dresser and I fret about rightful ownership, inheritance, and family history. You know, life must be a lot less worrisome to those who don't care about other people, their feelings, their values and their possessions!:tongue2:
  17. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    WOW! You guys got into some serious discussions yesterday afternoon/evening. I think that Kat beautifuly described the tightrope that our partners gingerly walk. I think we all can reflect on those comments and see some of our experiences. Thanks Kat. G4E - I am so sorry to hear of your continuing pains. I think an ER visit when you are in the midst of the pain would be more likely to generate action. Visiting after the fact or something is (in my experience) more likely to result in them giving you prescriptions and sending you away. Mac - Glad you got your bag back. Funny/weird story - I received a COACH bag as a gift. When I opened it, I found a locket inside. Obviously then, this bag was returned by someone to the store, and the store then resold it. (Maybe there is another explanation, but I can't think of it). Anyway, I tried calling and emailing COACH to explain the situation as I really think whoever lost the locket is probably upset - it is obviously old and has something in it that the owner would want. No one at COACH cared . In fact, it was suggested that I wanted a 'new' bag (I don't, the bag is unmarked and beautiful) or that I was 'fishing for a reward' (I'm not, Im trying to return something to its rightful owner). So short of putting a little notice in every newspaper in the state of California (and I don't even KNOW all the newspapers, OR that the previous owner lived in California) I have NO other ideas. Does anyone??? Morning all!
  18. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sounds like a story there.....
  19. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    How can it be annoying to be happy? Share ...tell us everything. We love to celebrate our fellow VVs good times!! Besides, some of us live vicariously through others!!
  20. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    HI Melissa...I know the "poundage bounce"...up/down/up/down..I've been doing that for several months now. And as I had a fill which has had minimal impact, I think I am just where my body wants to be. Angie - but it's only June! What is it going to be like in July and August?!?!? Better watch it and keep to early morning runs! YEAH Jaime. That's great! I'm very happy for you.... Now THAT'S the attitude Ezma! You can do it! And as for some of our long-lost VVs...glad you sent some PMs. I've tried and tried so much so that I felt I was becoming a stalker/nag! Let's hope we can get some of our long lost VVs back! OK ladies, it is Monday. I hope your weekends were good. I spent lots of time in the garden (which is always fun), and some time (and money) in a garden store or two...that's fun too! DH and I created a triangle shaped bed (20' X 15') in one corner of the yard...and what a challenge - digging out weeds with roots to China, and tree root remnants, turning sod, bringing in wheelbarrows full of new earth, turning in compost, etc. We only planted a few new things - the garden needs a lot, but small steps. Just like weight loss...small steps. In 10 -15 years, this yard will be beautiful...right now it is a weedy rocky slope with one or two oasis (oasises? oasi?) of landscaped gardens. I just plan to add on to each bed a little every year, and build a few new beds every year....that's a lot of shovelling in my future! Gotta grab another coffee, then get my rear in gear...catch you later!
  21. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! So many posts since Friday afternoon...to recap: Ebony - That is FABULOUS!!! Yeah you!! Lulu - love your idea of a 'swamp cooler'. Sadly, I did not have the ingredients on hand to try...but I will! Fanny - beautiful video. Thanks for sharing Mac - Sorry about your Talbot's bag. And 'setting boundaries with parents'? Heck, my parents were not that interested in my life; we are not a close family. No anger, hostility, resentment...just not close. Beth - an all you can eat restaurant (in fact, any restaurant) holds no appeal for me. As 1 cup of food is the max I can eat, and nothing is ever served in small portions, and there are only so many meals of leftovers I want, DH and I don't eat at restaurants (business trips for me aside). Besides we both like to cook, so why eat out? SMS - great to see you again...if only for a brief post! Tramps and lushes - gotta love LBT Pot - Am I the only person who has never tried it? Honest. Don't think I will try now... Job hunters - may you know something about your interviews SOON. Don't these HR people know that you each have an entourage of supporters waiting to hear? OK - that's it. I spent most of Sat and about 3 hours Sun playing in the dirt - that's a great weekend! DH and i built, dug, turned sod, transported earth, filled with good soil,etc a corner bed about 20'X15' with a curved front. Next step...find the plantings for it. Then, on to the next one...in 10 years, this yard will be beautiful. But until then, one garden spot at a time... Time for another coffee.
  22. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think I would have to see it in action to appreciate it!
  23. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Kat - what is a swamp cooler? PJTP - How much money do I REALLY need to retire????
  24. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning all! WAY too many posts to quote and respond, so doing a Lu approach: MJ and Farrah - yes, sad. But Ryan's proposal - he had been asking her many times for years -it wasn't a 'new' thing. Botox - too afraid...it is after all something toxic injected into you AND its near the eyes...I don't do eyes! Tatoo eyeliner - see above! Fanny - repeat afterme: it will improve, it will improve Glou - your wedding so do it your way (now of course I'm humming the tune) Ebony - glad the neck is better Kat - sorry about the death; the oneceremony sounded quite interesting. And nope, not getting old at all! G4E - Congrats on the scale victory! heartfire - sorry about the truck woes. Did I miss anyone/any event? If so, mea culpa. We've had a beautiful sunny hot week, and now that the weekend is almost here, they are calling for rain..........I'm gonna hold m my breath, and stomp my feet, and pummel the floor with my hands...I WANT SUNSHINE...I have gardening to do!!
  25. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Morning Ezma. I too would love to know the secret to STOP the evening munchies. You would think it would be during the day when I would stumbe as I work in a tower with a restaurant court and EVERY single co-worker goes to buy lunch and the odors permeate the offices , AND there is always a birthday or 'no occasion' reason for candies, baked goods etc. But I have no troubleresisting at work, but after supper...watch out!! Lori, I like the dentist...just sit back, open wide and I get so relaxed I just fall asleep! And as the for the cravings, if nuts didn't call my name CONSTANTLY, I too could be a single-digit sized person. I can't imagine it... As for the garden...me too, me too! apparently though it is supposed to rain here on Sunday...sure, we have had a week of sunny weather, and now that the weekend is coming, at least one day gets rain - BAH!!! :lol: Seriously though - be careful running outside in the heat - heat exhaustion dehydration - not good. I can't believe it either - he was younger than me, and it just seems wrong. No one younger than me should die...and no one my age should die, and no one older than me but younger than my mother should die. And my mother shouldn't die. And older than my mother...they should live too because they have so much to teach everyone younger than themselves. Morning all! Thank heavens it is Friday - YAHOO!! I hope everyone gets some exercise this weekend, enjoys time with friends and family, and of course, eats properly. Take care!

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