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Everything posted by tapshoes

  1. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :thumbup::laugh::eek: And don't forget, she's a great cook too!!
  2. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    YAY! BBK is back! Keep posting - even if only once a day (unlike those of use who are addicted and post a zillion times). Absolutely! YAY for NSVs. That's a great idea! Pain in the proverbial to do it, but an excellent approach to non-confrontational validation! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! Hence, why I won't go there! That and too much information is asked for so that it could possibly identify me. HELLO, hello...hello...hellooooo (echo echo) Ohhh, Ricky! Can I PLEASE be in the show? Hi Susan! Nothing like being supportive! :laugh::drool:
  3. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :thumbup: However, one does not have to trawl the boards looking for idiots....they are everywhere. Just sit back, and they will come to you!
  4. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    My insomnia is periodic (maybe 2X/yr) but very hard on my body. Normally I am an "8 hours solid sleep and Im rarin' to go" gal (can't sleep in, don't understand the concept). But when the insomnia strikes, it is very hard on my body. Lasts usually 4 or 5 days, then goes. So I'm working from home today - gives me a chance to sleep if my body decides to do so, without having to traipse all the way home etc. I can just crash if the urge arises. Meanwhile, I am working and taking the opportunity to do some housework too - nothing that requires acuity of thought!
  5. tapshoes

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    I haven't seen HP yet. But soon. I really love the books. My recently watched movies in the past week (stupid crappy weather continues) include: Spellbound - 3.5 Knowing - 2 Roger Dodger - if it were possible to give a negative # I would. 1 Road to Perdition - 3.5 The Corn is Green - 3.5 The Children's Hour - 4 The Bad and the Beautiful - 3.5 In the Electric Mist - 2.5 Frantic - 2 Flash of Genius - 3 And as it is raining today, with forecast of rain for the next 3 days, i guess I will be posting more in the near future...:thumbup:
  6. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Morning everyone. I've been having a rough week - not with food, but insomnia. I get it periodically, and it appears this is the week for me. I've slept perhaps 8 or 9 hours in total since Monday morning 6am...and don't feel too good as a result! I guess I will have to give in and take an OTC remedy - and I hate to give in! Now, how is everyone doing? Shiny - Does your doc have any ideas for shaking things up?Pushing past the plateau? LilMiss and Ezma - hope your holidays are great. Angie - Planning your next run? Jul - How are you doing? Lori - Are you still swimming? CKK - What's your status? Jaime. RSG. Blessed twice. StLouis. - Are you doing ok? And as for the others long lost - I am thinking of you, and hope you have all reached your goals, are healthy, and happy.
  7. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning (I think) Another horrid night - although this time I did manage to stay in bed and get some sleep. It was very interrupted, with lots of tossing and turning, but I managed about 3 hours sleep. Personal space - an essential. Coffee - gotta get chuggin' the caffeine if I hope to make it through the day. For those of FB - please say Hi to the PJTP'ers we have lost: LJM, BBK, Donna, SMS, et al. I miss their posts, but PJTP is all I can handle; I'm not adding another potential addiction.
  8. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Wht she said! Insomnia. I have had maybe 6 hours sleep in total since 530 Monday morning. PJTP is about all I can handle today - even though I am at work. I second that motion. Now of course I'm humming, I second that emotion.....
  9. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    No no no....don't let Plain answer...
  10. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Whoo hoo - a new low. Congrats. Running 8 miles - YAY! Running eight miles. eight. Running. Obviously I have difficulty in comprehending this. Hope your holiday is going well,. and that the renovations are proceeding on schedule so you return to a completed job. Wonder where everyone else is? helloooooooo???????
  11. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Just WAY too much to catch up on...and I haven't gone anywhere! I'm working on about 6 hours sleep since 6am Monday - I'm too tired to think, my head is like cement, I've dark circles under my eyes, and my memory is shot. Glou - I work in a place where the majority of staff are huggers. They hug if you are sad, or if you are angry, or if you are going on vacation, or any provocation. I am not a hugger - outside of my circle of friends and family, and even then in moderation. Anyways, I have expressed this sentiment, nicely, more than once, but to no avail. The head of HR is the chief hugger. They all mean well, i just don't like being manhandled (although they are all women) at work. Your situation sucks. Brithday greetings Beth Ebony - you look FABULOUS. KC - Does it make you despair of the human race? Heart - heat wave...I remember those. Where I am, and with this "summer's" weather, it would be if we hit 80! Slim - yoou could have a posse of PJTP'ers to assist in MIL dealings/removal. G4E - Whatever works, do it. I'm with Lu in the chiro opinion, but hey if it works for you, do it. Mac - Why do you hate your job? Plain - Little Bo-peep, tinsel, STDs,, blowup dolls....yes, a man's perspective is always good That's it; everybody else I can't remember all the stories.
  12. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning everyone - at least I guess it is morning. Insomnia insanity has struck. Went to bed at my normal time, was up less than 2 hours later, finally returned to bed about 630 this morning and am up again now. I am not quite functioning in all gears....:thumbup::sneaky::Yawn: To catch up: KC - where on earth is your hospital - downtown Beirut? Holy crap, does everyone run around with guns and have poor social skills and lack anger management skills? Note to self: do not visit wherever it is KC works.:bored: Lu - glad you got your slight unfill. A scale victory is a distant second to health. Kat - sounds like your trip was a blast! Ebony - respond to each claim with honesty and dispassion. Make any counterclaims clear and include witnesses to any infraction if possible. Fanny - I know your trepidation. DH frequently works on my computer - and it is never without a lot of anxiety on my side and frustration on his. "Trust me; I know what I'm doing"...those words can bring a level of anxiety to my day!
  13. tapshoes

    Last person to post WINS!

    As Lil Miss holds her sides while laughing, Tapshoes takes the trophy and dances around holding the trophy high in the sky. Thank you all. Tip tapping away....
  14. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Excellent advice, LilMIss! The desire to lose weight quickly makes many keep getting fills, but the reality is, too tight from too many fills means exactly the opposite will happen. You will start to gain weight as you consume the 'sinful sliders' - icecream or cakes and other sweets which have an annoying habit of being easy to eat. Jul - as for the question on soda. Nope, I gave it up cold turkey, and haven't looked back in 18 months. I drink a lot of water and my usual coffee, but no soda. The occasional glass of wine too (gotta be honest about that!):smile:
  15. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Way to go, Beth! In no time you will be running a 5K. I will stand and wave as you go by - no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!
  16. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Glad to hear it, Ebony. Take the higher road. You will be the victor. But really hustle to get another position; at what stage are those other positions for which you have been applying? Any follow-up emails to them? Any calls? Hustle, girl, hustle!
  17. tapshoes

    Did we go to the moon?

    Kartman, I love your style!
  18. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Ezma - Your attitude is great. Kepp it up. A trip to California sounds great - poarticularly when your house is undergoing renovations! Who needs that chaos?? Enjoy! EXACTLY!!!! YAY you! Hi Jul. And welcome! We are here to support you - we alll know EXACTLY what you are talking about. We have good days, bad days, plateaus, weight gains, frustrations, and milestones! It's all part of the process, and I find posting here a big help! Keep posting, and we'll give you are words of wisdom/experience. To quote one of our more steadfast memebers: just keep swimming! Lori's back - YEAH!!!! And such a positive message too! Glad you had a great vacation, and those pounds you gained will be gone again - get back in the groove, Lori! Im hoping to take some vacation in September, and sure as shootin' I'll gain a few pounds - so until then I want to be REALLY careful to allow myself some 'wiggle room'. Not that I am losing any weigt; I think I am where I am going to remain (unless I have some plastic surgery). YAY Ezma! Maybe it was just a reaction of being away from stressors - your entire system just took a deep breath and relaxed and somehow this translated into a weight loss. You've had a very rough past few months; maybe your body was holding onto the fat as a defence or something. Who knows. Don't questions it - go with it!!!! Oh CKK - I hope things are ok. Have you gone to the Doc? If yes, what did he/she say? If not, are you planning too? Tell us how you are doing. That is just so FABULOUS LilMiss! The right fill makes all the difference - so glad that you reached this spot, and that you haven't given up on yourself or the band. Small fills and only as required. Not too tight. Talking to the group was probably good for you AND the group. Sometimes we need to hear it from another bandster NOT the doc/nurse/nutritionist. We need to hear it from ourselves (so to speak) to finally hear the message. TOO TIGHT IS NOT GOOD. And of course, starting over is always an option. ALWAYS! This is a lifetime commitment and so we have a lifetime to work with it to be successful. I'm here. I've been feeling sorry for myself or something. Just have had the 'blahs'. The 'why bother to post, no one cares' moodies. I'm over it now. I think. Shiny/RSG/ST Louis/Jaime where are you?????
  19. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony - What a great post! CONGRATULATIONS!!!:thumbup: And keep to your plan for your 'disciplinary' meeting; keep cool, polite, reserved in the meeting. Sign nothing.
  20. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Real butter - absolutely! It's like real mayo - if you are going to have some on occasion, use the real stuff. Wine - forgot about the wine I had last night...there goes my calorie deficit. RATS!
  21. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    KC - glad to hear the lecture went well! The Tru Blood show sounds gruesome... Ebony - My cutlery chest (a beautiful solid oak piece) was a church castoff. A catholic church was moving and they were getting rid of all kinds of things - most of which were of no interest to me, but I did scoop up the cutlery chest, and a church pew (long since gone, as it sat outside at my cabin for years) and a girlfriend got a set of dishes. Car hunting is in my future but I keep holding off on it - I can't afford car payments, and as long as DH can keep my vehicle together, I'll just keep it. YAY you!! Slim - I was really hoping the MIL situation was getting better; sorry to hear about this. That's the best way to cook - throw a little of this, a little of that... I won't laugh at your 'cold' temps, I will however be jealous - if that's your winter, I am SO in the wrong place! And obviously, if planning a trip to Australia, I should make the destination northern... Morning all! I am so late for work that I am debating going in at all....just can't get moving these days.
  22. I'm in my fifties, and depending on the day or my mood, I can argue effectively why having PS would be good or a foolish expenditure for vanity's sake. Having been obese for almost my entire life) there is hanging skin. I do have abdominal tissue hanging, but not enough that it is presenting significant health issues or itching or rashes. It just hangs there. As for my breasts...well, they are soon going to be meeting my toes!!! :sneaky::crying: I would be self-pay for any PS, and therefore I really need to consider the cost of this versus how I might feel after. The psychological benefits versus the time off work, recovery time, any healing issues. Is it pride versus money? Vanity versus mortgage payments, and bills? Would I really get my 'money's worth' having a TT and/or BR at my age? Or should I just be happy that I am healthy, am in better shape than many women my age (at least according to my doc)...and just be content with that? I've had LOTS of surgery in my life (my abdomen should have come with a zipper), and never had any problems, and have always been a quick healer. But is this taking too big a chance? Do you increase your chances of having some incident/complication with more and more surgeries? I know the decision will be mine, but as I said, on any day I think YES and NO. :wink::confused: Your thoughts are welcome (particularly if you are over 50)!
  23. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Catching up... I was really hoping another dimension would give me an alternative life, but rats, apparently not. Speak clearly and be energized - that always makes any speech more memorable and fun. Have a good time tonight too. What size of loafs - mini? And what size of zuc did you use? I used to use the big ones for baking - after splitting in half and discarding seeds) Your side dish sounds wonderful - I must remember the recipe so that IF EVER my garden grows this pseudo-summer, I can try it. Good luck with the goats.... Zuc on its own doesn't really have a taste; it tends to absorb the flavors of things it is with. Sort of like a really mild cucumber.. Both sound really good. I'd throw in some (a lot) of garlic in the first one and probably substitute chickpeas, but the idea is the same. Good luck with that!
  24. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Body weirdness....I woke myself up this morning burping. I've been burping ever since. No pain, no regurgitation, no acid reflux just burping. And some of them are fog-horn room clearing loud. I'm hoping this ends soon - I haven't been able to, or rather I haven't tried to, eat yet today thinking the burping signifies a need to get something out of or relax my stomach - but now I'm hungry. Stupid burping.
  25. tapshoes

    Last person to post WINS!

    Sorry Lil Miss - the RULE is I win. That's it. That's all, folks. Tapshoes wins. Game over.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
