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Everything posted by tapshoes

  1. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You guys have no idea how excited DH is at this harebrained plan; honestly, he was checking out the prices of used camper vans and trailers last night! I of course am the witch...dear, what about our mortgage and this house? May be great for the short term, but there's no retirement benefits, etc What about the cats? Thanks for the recipe; I am overflowing with oregano, so oregano bouquets for everyone! Hey, if your DH is an engineer, doesn't he like to do repairs/renovations around the ranch? Every engineer I have ever known, regardless of specialty loves to putter and fix. Hmmm.....lentils. I love lentil soups, lentil stews, baked lentils..... I'm puzzling on how a remote got put away with laundry. Tap scratches her head in puzzlement?? MMMmmmm - sounds good. PM me the recip please. Tap vigorously scratches head in bewilderment....:tt2: :tt2::tt2::lol: KC - Sadie is a cutie. Lu - Red is also a cutie...I do admire his restraint in not trying to climb the tree to get at whatever he's staring at, or trying to rip branches from the tree. Every lab I've known or owned has had something for branches... Still haven't seen the new HP but am anxious to. Walking - that's ok. Jogging - another one is going to be lost to the 'dark side'...I just don't get it! Here's hoping this week brings that new job offer! Beth, I am so sorry to hear about your trip and the situation with DH. Your plan for future visits to friends is good. But now the priority is your marriage. Take the time to process the situation and your feelings; verify the situation; and talk with DH. sounds like a good time was had; that's the main thing. Morning all! I'm late heading out the door - and not for lack of sleep, just laziness, and the lure of PJTP! :tongue2:Catch you all later.
  2. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Recipe request...Lulu/KC/any other cooks out there... About the only thing my garden is overflowing in this summer is oregano. Anyone have a handy dandy recipe that uses pounds of oregano? There is only so many sauces etc I make in advance...
  3. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, what she said!!!
  4. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sick, you need to visit KC; apparently she knows where the men are! Do not visit her at the hospital though - the local rumble knives and gun club membership is NOT the type you need to meet.
  5. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    DH read some of the posts. His suggestion: we buy a camper van, and from Oct-April we travel in the lower/southern states. We set up a clean sweep/home repair service booking appointments in advance. Then we travel to your homes, you let us park in your driveway, plug in for services, and feed us, and we do the work. If it's a place where only one of our services is required, the other gets time off, but really, how likely is it that someone would want a cleaning service but not also have a need for a handyman to paint a room, or rewire a room, or install new kitchen cabinets, or fix a toilet, etc? There's potential here....
  6. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Bibliophile interest Another find - it's not so much the book (although I've not heard of it so it joins the stack by my bed for reading) - on the flyleaf it states: Because of the shortage of regular book cloth under war-time rationing, this book is bound in a sturdy paper fabric especially designed for this purpose. Now how interesting is that?!? It's up there with my bottle that says "Made in occupied Japan". Another one: on the inside cover is handwritten: Whoever reads this book, please return it to H.R. McDougall December 1915. Now I have no idea who the McDougall's are/were (none in our family tree), but I feel part of history holding this book. I know, I'm weird. Oh oh - don't you just love the old books that had glossy photo's? I've just found a book on travels in south america published in 1917 and it has these wonderful photos of Chaco natives, and the world's largest rocking stone in Argentina and so many more. Lulu - you would love these! Perhaps I should bequeath them to you!
  7. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ladies, ladies....perhaps we can come to some kind of arrangement; DH and I will travel around from place to place doing periodic purging, cleaning and organizing of selected homes. DH is a great handyman (electrical engineer by education) and can't stand to do nothing; he loves doing renovations, repairs. Any odd jobs from wiring lamps to remodelling kitchens, he'd be happy. No Lu I didn't see RKO 281, but shall add it to the list. So, while I was inside puttering (and muttering), my brother arrived with multiple HUGE plastic tote boxes from our Aunt. For reasons unknown to the family she is giving away most of her things, and she is deciding who gets what. I got books...lots of books. I really don't have a big need for latin primers circa 1930, but I LOVED finding an original hardcover Bobsey Twins book. Her tastes are certainly eclectic: from latin books, russian poetry, mysteries, to Colin Powell autobio, to the chicken soup series (which I don't like). I'm taking a wee break from sorting them as the dust is starting to get to me - I found one presented to her in 1939 for public speaking. Lovely handwriting they had - and with fountain pens... Some (many) will be taken to the local used book store, others will be stored away (and my relatives can figure out what to do with them after Im dead) - after I've read them all, of course. Even the Bobbsey Twins! Gotta grab some lunch, then back to sorting books. BOOKS UPDATE: Tours for South Dakota; watergate transcripts; modern espionage; a first edition of Heidi; and the history of golf balls....what a collection in this box!!
  8. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    P.S. Lulu - thought of you when I was doing things yesterday. I put on Citizen Cane to watch as I washing baseboards and touching up paint...
  9. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :tongue2: You have no idea how tempting that sounds...AND you have heat and sunshine and dogs...my idea of heaven or retirement!! Slim - not uninterrupted - my mother called to ask DH how to do something on her computer...she called long after we were asleep. She's in her late 80's and forgets things like TIME, so she was blissfully unaware that it was WAY too late to be phoning anyone! After DH walked her through her problem, he then went immediately back to sleep. Me, I was awake then for a few hours, and went back to be bed at 4. But I am hopeful that tonight my normal pattern will resume...
  10. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Morning everyone! Once again, RAIN today. It's easy to be a weatherman/ meterologist here - rain, followed by rain, with a chance of rain...every fricken day! :tongue2::mad: This is unheard of here, and there are a lot of really cranky people around! So, I guess more inside stuff today...but I don't want to do it....stamping my foot. I WANT TO BE OUTSIDE! krtork - As heartfire said, maybe the step-daughter is maturing, and trying to build bridges. Slim - as I've mentioned before, if I could make the money I make at my job, I WOULD clean for a living, and garden (weeding, hauling soil, turning compost, etc), and organize things. I love to make lists, and sort things, and there's nothing like the satisfaction of getting someplace clean! Sadly, DH doesn't share this passion of mine (he thinks I'm nuts), and although not a dirty person, he loves his clutter... I long ago gave up trying to keep the study neat and I keep his closet door shut - as much as these things grieve me! So, what shall I do today????
  11. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Nekid happy dance would be dangerous - flopping gals could give me a black eye! Instead I did vacuuming, washed baseboards, sorted all the DVDs alphabetically and color coded the cases (and no, I'm not OCD, I'm neat), and did some touch up painting of a few places where walls were nicked, baked a lovely chicken dish for supper, and just generally puttered. There is always some housework to do - always. I know exactly that feeling - moving from pull-ups to buttons and zips! Great NSV!! It is good! And as for weeding, I wish I could! I love playing in the dirt! Sadly more thunderstorms have kept me inside AGAIN!!!:biggrin::cursing::tongue2::cursing: Absolutely - he who cooks, shops. Sounds good - sitting by the pool, having a drink or two and being fanned by the spouse. Isn't that how life is supposed to be? OH. Well, that takes some of the fun out of it! Massage - never had one, not going to either. Can't bear the thought of it. Weeding and mowing though sound a lot more fun! Oh G4E - that's so funny! :mad: Sick - Feel free to fly me to Atlanta anytime...now, or in the long cold winter months when shoveling snow is the usual past-time! Just watched a fabulous movie - 5 minutes of heaven. Great, but unless you are very good with real Irish accents, you won't enjoy it much! They're second nature to me, so I really enjoyed it, but DH - not so much. Have a great evening all.
  12. tapshoes

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Watched a fabulous movie tonight...5 Minutes of Heaven. Warning: unless you are really good with Irish accents, you will have difficulty understanding it.
  13. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Yeah, Lori's here! I've never had a garage sale but I know many people who have, as well as many who spend their holidays and weekends seeking them out. Both parties agree that the better organized you are the better the sale will be (from clothing on hangers sorted by sizes, to well laid out stuff (not boxes of stuff), good street signage to get the people in, and articles clearly priced and having lots of change on hand. The other thing - if the sale starts at 9 people will start arriving at 8 to get a bargain- getting there while you are trying to set up and offering ridiculously low prices because the sellers are too anxious. If you are anything like me, you can collect a LOT of stuff in 18 years! I move every 3-5 years and I know that each time I move "I think where did all this stuff come from? I didn't move here with it??? " Have a great weekend everyone!!
  14. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :thumbup: :crying: Welcome! See rule posted above! Now that's just not nice - here we are suffering the coolest and wettest summer on record, and you're boasting of hot temps! Send them this way! WHOO HOO!!! I finally slept. I went from 9pm last night until 830 this morning - unheard of for me, but absolutely fan-freakin-tastic!!!! Thanks for all your wishes! Now, if only I could go out and play in the dirt. But NOOOOOO, I've gotta stay inside and do stuff because it's raining again/still!! Morning all!
  15. tapshoes

    Last person to post WINS!

    How sweet of you to announce my return Barb. Thank you. Thank you all very much.
  16. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You know I'll be here, Slim.
  17. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hi everyone! Nope, not sleeping. Worked today, came home early thinking maybe I could sleep. Just started to drift off, and the phone rang....so I've remained up, watched some TV, had some hot soup, had some wine, and soon an OTC sleeping aid. If these don't work, someone, please club me! Kat - if your parts are ancient and you're in your 40s, as I am in my 50's, I guess mine are ... what's older than ancient??? Prehistoric? Thankfully, my parts (and DH's) are too stupid to know they are too old....but exercise does keep them young! Oh, and re: people can be idiots...yep. A bridge game?? A night like KC's - can we arrange a field trip? TPG - Transponders? Is that what the young people are calling them these days? G4E - It shocked me the first time I visited my sis in California, asked for tea and got iced tea. To those of us in cooler climates, tea is assumed to be hot unless you specify otherwise! Is it bedtime yet?
  18. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    In my experience people don't read manuals so I'd leave the 'dummy' in just to see if anyone notices! Then again, I am twisted. That's it? No pics? No details? Nothing? Ya gotta give us more than that!
  19. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Angie - How many miles in a half-marathon?
  20. tapshoes

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    Life of Brian 'slightly' sacreligious??? I just love MP, and LoB is a fav. One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
  21. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Thanks Slim; sorry to hear about your gums. Caffeine, I need more caffeine.
  22. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It''s now 445am; might just as well have my shower and head to work. I will be toast by noon. Then I will walk home, and be wired again........arghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. tapshoes

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Friday morning, 2am Crazy (looking) woman is posting notes on PJTP and talking to her cats. Occasionally, she rises and staggers through the house, plops in front of the TV and flicks channels. She is thankful that her stomach is so sick she cannot eat although she does open the fridge in her rambles and looks at a block of cheese. Sleep deprivation is not a pretty thing. Sleep, sleep, perchance to dream.
  24. tapshoes

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    CKK - Glad to hear you are feeling better. If your body is saying 'this is it', then by all means respect it. I don't think we are meant to fight our bodies ALL the time. Maybe for periods during plateaus, but not constantly. So, embrace your size 8, eat healthy and live well. Thanks Ezma. I've counted flocks of sheep and have done everything except ask DH to knock me on the head and knock me out! ANd here it is Friday morning and I'm still up. I can barely walk, but I'm wide awake. I hate this.:cursing: Glad to hear you are recommitting - make every mouthful count! Hi JUl. Yes, LilMIss did give some great advice; listen to your body and don't be swayed by the scales or other posters. OK all I'm going to try to go to sleep - AGAIN!!! Have a great night/evening/day - whatever!
  25. tapshoes

    Let's Talk Movie Review

    You LOVED knowing? Oh dear heavens! Well, it makes you unique as you are the first person I've heard of who liked it. Tonights movies were: I remember Mama - 4 Arabesque - 1 and just for the fun of it, I watched Life of Brian...Blessed are the cheesemakers! Some of the movies previously referenced are OLD B&W which may explain why you don't know them. The more new ones I watch, the more I prefer the oldies...

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