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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by WhtWdUGive620

  1. You are a beautiful lady. Just keep following the plan.
    Try just elininating starchy carbs, they make you crave things. Stick to grilled/baked meats and cooked veggies. When I worked, I had to have a 3 o'clock Protein break - a string cheese and an apple, or a handful of almonds, or a couple ounces of tuna salad. And a short brisk walk.
    For liquid diet, it's tough but you can do it. Sam's choice Bone Broth and Premier Protein shakes, both at Walmart. I also like Jay Robb Dreamsicle packets. Good luck.
    Just post on here when you need to vent or fid a friend.

    Thanks for the info on where to get the bone broth!

    Sent from my LG-H740 using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. When I was going through my pre-op classes, one of the things they discussed over and over, was the regret you may feel after having the surgery. I went through this for over a month! I'm 14 months out and I know that this was the best decision of my life now! I couldn't have said it better than Torri, you can pretty much eat whatever you want, but now I'm very diligent about limiting those cheat days as she mentioned. You've been given another chance, take advantage of it, you'll be fine, you got this girl!

    Sent from my LG-H740 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I totally get what you mean, but some of us, like me, have a hard time sharing their personal information when it comes to the surgery. A lot of people judge. I do understand and agree that he is not being honest. But what can you do about this? What should you do about this? Probably nothing. If you have a real problem, I would send them a little note if it really bothers you, but please don't let it get into your skin. Good luck on your journey!

    Sent from my LG-H740 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I began my journey about the same time you did in October 2015 with my classes, and then 6-7-16 with my sleep. Started at 361 and as of June 2017, 230. I've been stuck for a month and I have had the same exact thoughts as you, about being afraid of reaching my goal, and the self-sabotaging started. I actually have gained about 5 pounds. After reading your story, you have been a total inspiration, getting back on track today. Thank you for your honesty and thank you for the inspiration! I'm wishing you well on the next part of your journey and thank you again from the bottom of my heart

    Sent from my LG-H740 using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. Thankfully, I have not heard any smart ass remarks. That's the reason I chose not to share my journey with very many people outside those that I truly, truly trust. Sad that I felt I had to keep this from people because of that reason, to protect myself from those who feel the need to judge me. It's been a year, and thankfully, I'm more comfortable and can share it a little more as time goes by.

    Sent from my LG-H740 using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. I didn't have much problem before the surgery but it's funny that Army gal Bonnie mentioned Crystal Light, that's what started making it worse. I guess because I didn't realize Crystal Light had so much caffeine in it. I haven't been drinking it and it's a little better. I take famotidine but I'm now down to only taking it once a week maybe once every two weeks, I'm eight months out from the sleeve.

    Sent from my LG-H740 using the BariatricPal App

  7. Patience.

    All you need do is type in the word "stall" on here and you will see

    what we have all gone through. OK, maybe there are a tiny handful

    of those that did not stall as most of us have, but trust me, it gets

    SO much better!

    Give your body time to figure out what's going on, it's still reeling and

    trying not to let go of anything, it's also still swollen and trying to heal!

    I was there, exactly where you are now, I cried and cried and when I was

    done crying, I read and read and spoke to

    many on here. Many here helped me through and the stall and subsequent

    stalls were so much easier to deal with.

    I am now 7 months out and down by 110 and extremely grateful, not

    only for the surgery, but for those on here that give great advice and

    are here to support and help us through each and every step.

    Patience. Strength. Perseverance!

  8. Everytime I see a post like this, regarding very little weight loss in the beginning, it takes me back to my post op week 2. Once I got on here and started reading all the posts about people stalling, it really helped me through! Give yourself some time, it truly truly is worth it! Please don't get frustrated, just stick to it and you'll do a great job. This was definitely the best decision of my life, though I didn't feel that way the first month. I'm post-op 7 months and I've lost 110 pounds and have truly had a lot of my questions answered on these posts!!! If you have any other questions, remember to ask your doctor or nutritionist but sometimes getting on here and reading from people who went through it will really help! The stall is real, get rid of the scale and you'll be fine.

    Sent from my LG-H740 using the BariatricPal App

  9. I couldn't have said it better than a lot of these people who've already gone through the surgery.

    I was three weeks away from turning 60 when I had mine, I think that if I had had the option sooner I might have been able to go for it but had never had Insurance until about two years ago. The sagging skin, well I'll have to deal with that but it's better than having to deal with the old way of unhealthy eating! I've never had any health problems, thankfully, but the comfort of knowing that I'm doing something about my weight loss after so many years has been the most rewarding part of it all. I too have not told a lot of people about it because I really just don't want to hear their opinions, so I keep it to my immediate family and three very close friends, that's it. I went three years of losing weight 20 year 35 they are even at the age of 50 I lost 50 to 75 pounds, but it's the keeping it off that's the hardest part, as you already know. You will make your choice and you will be the best person to make that choice but it's fantastic you're on here talking to other people about it and just getting more information before you make that huge life-changing choice! Good luck on your journey, you're one smart, beautiful lady and happy New Year everyone!

    Sent from my LG-H740 using the BariatricPal App

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