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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Armygalbonnie

  1. You sure it's not acid? Acid makes me feel super hungry and causes my stomach to growl too.
  2. I took more than I needed. I took my toiletries and used all of them. I was allowed a shower the day after surgery and I washed my hair. I wasn't up to even blow drying my hair or styling it (so unlike me ). Also, on shower day, I was able to put on my own PJs. I also used my cell phone charger but I never got on my phone. Due to nausea, I wasn't up to getting on this site, FB or even check my emails. My husband used my phone to contact family and friends. I took make-up but didn't put it on. Mainly, I slept, walked and tried to get in fluids. I used chap stick 1X.
  3. My dad is the worst! He always comments on people's weight. "The sweet girl at McDonalds who fixes my coffee every day is such a hard worker, but she sure is a big girl." "All your brother ever does is think about eating. I think it's an obsession. He really needs to lose about 100 lbs." No telling what he says about me!!!! That's why I didn't even tell him that I was having surgery. I've heard about my weight issues my entire life from him, and I'm in my 50's. He's very prejudice about overweight people. However, I do remember when he had a huge belly and looked 9 months pregnant. Of course he never saw himself that way. My all time least favorite, backhanded compliment: "She has such a pretty face."
  4. Armygalbonnie


    "Embrace the stall", "It's not a sprint, it's a marathon", "slow and steady wins the race", BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!! No mental preparation helps when the stall hits. UGH!
  5. Armygalbonnie


    I just made the entire meal for 15 people and didn't get to eat any of it. So what. I would rather have a lifetime of good health, than 1 meal of overindulgence. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. So you've lost 55 lbs in 3 weeks and you're calling it a plateau? I really think you have unrealistic expectations and that can set yourself up for failure. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Armygalbonnie

    This is Us -- possible spoilers

    My guess is she is having the surgery and they have written it into the storyline.
  8. Armygalbonnie

    Drinking sprite

    With my surgeon, carbonated beverages are never allowed again. I have 3 rows of staples and a very small stomach. No room for fizz.
  9. Armygalbonnie


    Oh I didn't drink that much a few days out of surgery. You do need to try and to at least get 20 oz a day. One oz at a time. Try 1 oz every fifteen minutes.
  10. Armygalbonnie

    This is Us -- possible spoilers

    I read in an article last week, where her contract said she has to lose weight. Now that's demanding and stressful!
  11. Armygalbonnie


    My liquid goal is 64 oz. I could include Water, decaf tea, yogurt, Meal Replacement shakes/pudding, sugar free pudding and sf popcycles. This new after surgery working toward liquid goals first then worry about Protein.
  12. Armygalbonnie

    From WLS to WWF

    I bet you will do fine. Just listen to your body. Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy those babies. They are what life is all about.
  13. Armygalbonnie

    Week 4 Post Op: Thanksgiving Food

    @sunnydeeliteful Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy every morsel.
  14. Armygalbonnie


    Have you tried different temperatures? I couldn't tolerate cold Water but I could take small sips of warm decaf tea.
  15. Armygalbonnie

    6 months out lost only 30 pounds

    Are you measuring your food and following your dietary guidelines? Are you getting adequate Protein and hydration? How about exercise? I learned a long time ago that BLTs will get you in trouble. That's bite, licks and tastes. I suggest you write down EVERYTHING you put in your mouth and be honest with yourself.
  16. Armygalbonnie


    80% of your stomach will be removed and their is trauma. It is secured with 3 rows of staples. The area that is sore is where the stomach was removed and there is a very deep internal stitch.
  17. Armygalbonnie

    Week 4 Post Op: Thanksgiving Food

    I plan on pureeing 2 oz of turkey with chicken broth. I actually did it with chicken tonight and it was delicious. I tolerated it well and it was as smooth as yogurt. I won't do mashed potatoes because they are not on my plan. I may try and puree a little bit of green bean casserole since I can have the green Beans and cream soup.
  18. Armygalbonnie


    The incisions don't hurt but I do hurt inside, below the lowest right incision. As my activity level increases, I am getting more frequent and sharp pains. Sometimes it feels like someone is cinching up a corset. I also get spasms in that area. I am 3 weeks post op. The pain has been the worse the past 2 days. I walk often and I'm on my feet at work about 50% of the time. It's just part of the healing. It's tolerable but uncomfortable.
  19. Armygalbonnie

    Bypass or sleeve?

    The sleeve removes the ghrelin hormone so it helps control hunger too. I do have GERD but I had to have the sleeve because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I take steroids. You can't take steroids with RNY, due to risk of ulcers.
  20. Armygalbonnie

    A. Bite one week out

    What phase are you on? I'm 3 weeks out and I'm on pureed foods. My first 2 weeks after surgery I could only have liquids. There is no way I was willing to jeopardize my health or my success by not following my Dr's orders to a "T". Now if your Dr. says you can have pureed foods 1 week out, then you're good. However, my pureed diet doesn't consist of carbs. Again, everybody's plans are different. You need to check with your weight loss team and abide by their rules.
  21. Armygalbonnie

    Bypass or sleeve?

    I know 3 people who have gained all of their weight back with bypass. They never changed their eating habits, primarily stuffing themselves with junk food. For either of the procedures to be successful, you have to totally change your lifestyle. You will never be able to eat like a skinny person. The surgery is just a tool. Of course you will lose weight, but if you return to your old habits, you will gain the weight back regardless of which surgery you choose. For me, my surgeon decided I was a better candidate for the sleeve.
  22. Armygalbonnie

    Need advice

    I feel like I will be considered a slow loser but I stared at a lower BMI, so I kind of expect it. If I lose 3 lbs a week, I'll be happy. My surgery was 3 weeks ago today, and I've lost 14 lbs. However, before surgery I lost 27 so I'm at a total of 41. Sorry I don't understand what a stone is. The NO GO foods on my plan are bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn and peas. I can have whole grain carbs 2-3X a week MAX. Maybe things will lighten up when I get to maintenance, but for right now, this is how it is. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
  23. Armygalbonnie

    Hungry of pureed - WTF

    I am on a PPI and taking liquid Carafate, as well. I spoke to one of the nurses at my clinic, and she said I need to add another serving of pureed food to my daily intake. Also, she said once I start on soft foods in 9 more days, my hunger will subside. I'm sure acid is a big part of it but I feel like I'm starving. Good thing I have strong will power right now.
  24. I've been on pureed foods since last Thursday. I easily tolerate 1/2 c of pureed 2X a day, plus 2 Meal Replacement shakes. My problem is that I feel like I'm starving. I don't feel any kind of restriction. About an hour or so after eating/drinking an MR shake, my stomach grumbles and I feel hunger pangs. It's not acid or GERD. I need some insight. Will my hunger settle down once I am on more solid foods or am I doomed to always feel hungry? BTW, I am getting in my liquids and Protein. Hopefully I still don't have the ghrelin hormone and I'll always feel this hunger. Veterans, did any of you have these same issue early on? I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow. Thank you!!
  25. I tell friends and family this reason, as to why I'm not eating much. "When I woke up this morning, it seems like everything I eat and drink is going out one end or the other!" EWWWW! The usually stops the questions.

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