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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Armygalbonnie

  1. Armygalbonnie

    Diet After Surgery

    Well, that diet is completely different and contradictory to 99% of the programs I've seen on this site. But....... I'm not your Dr. and that's not my call. Carbs are not my friend and I would never be able to lose weight on that diet. I truly hope it works for you and I wish you the best.
  2. Armygalbonnie

    1 month 14 days

    I'm 5 weeks out and I've lost 20 lbs, but I lost 12 during the 2 pre-op diet, and a total of 47 lbs since starting my journey in August.
  3. My right side hurt up until 5 weeks post op, with long walking or light exercise. I had surgery Nov 1st and it's only been this week that I haven't had the pain. I started back where my binder when I walk on the treadmill and it's really help. Good luck with everything.
  4. Armygalbonnie

    My first rant

    @theantichick I have RA, as well. 5 weeks post-op and I haven't had any of my RA meds since 6 weeks pre-surgery. Except for my right thumb causing me pain and grief, I actually feel great! The almost 50 lbs gone has worked wonders!
  5. An extended comment to what Heidikat sad about gallstones. The most common predictors for gallstones are the 3 F's: fat, forty, female. You meet all 3. It's just a matter of time before you will need your gallbladder taken out. With obesity, your risk for heart disease is very high, not to mention more cancer risks, HTN, diabetes, high cholesterol and joint damage. To me, taking Vitamins and changing my whole perspective on food and nutrition, WAY out weigh all the health risks of obesity. Good luck in your decision making. I didn't tell my father I was having the surgery done because this is exactly how he would have acted. I know your father's comments are out of concern, mine would have been because my dad is judgmental against obese people.
  6. Armygalbonnie

    Chewing gum

    My surgeon says never. All docs are different on their beliefs though.
  7. Armygalbonnie

    When can I drink from a straw

    My Dr says absolutely not, and I'm not one to break rules. Lol I would ask your surgeon.
  8. What a GORGEOUS, strong woman you are! Thank you so much for sharing your life story with us. God bless you in your journey!
  9. Armygalbonnie

    How do you define a stall?

    I am 5 weeks out tomorrow. From week 2 until last Thursday, I didn't lose any weight. Since this past Thursday I have lost 5 lbs. I say those 10-14 days of no weight loss was a stall. Now I'm back losing again.
  10. During the pureed stage, I hit a stall for 10 days. I was nervous about starting soft foods this last Thursday. My mentality was more food = more weight. My body no longer thinks it's starving!!! Since Thursday, I've lost 3.5 lbs. Since surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago I've lost 19 lbs. 46 lbs total since starting this journey. I'm liking my new sleeve and I definitely like having food again.
  11. Armygalbonnie

    Broke the STALL - YES!

    I try one new food a day, even though I think I want to try more. I had a poached egg yesterday. I had no problems eating it but it sat really hard in my stomach for about 3 hours. I won't try that again for quite some time. Soft chicken, tuna with a little light mayo, deli turkey rolled up with small amount of hummus in it, string cheese, cottage cheese, steamed squash, green Beans and salmon have all worked well. When I weigh out 2 oz of Protein, I look at it and think, "There's NO WAY this is going to fill me up!" So far, I haven't been able to finish the 2 oz. It's weird. I don't feel full in my stomach like I used to, I can just tell I don't need any more. It's a new sensation. Also, chili didn't sit well with me. I'm still dealing with acid and I think the tomato was too hard on my new stomach. @@2Tuffproc Good luck with this next stage. I'm really enjoying it.
  12. Armygalbonnie

    Family at the hospital

    I'm very thankful my husband was there with me. I had so many lines and wires that were connected to me, that he helped me get up to go to the bathroom and also was beside me every time I walked the halls, which was A LOT.
  13. Walking in a winter ONEDERLAND!!! YAY me!

  14. Armygalbonnie

    Time off

    I took 2 weeks and I needed longer. I'm on my feet about 50% of my job, going up-and-down from my chair all day long. I am 4 weeks out and I still have days where I have a lot of pain at the incision site where my stomach was removed. The pain will be sharp and stabbing. I know it's because I'm up-and-down too much and also doing too much.
  15. Armygalbonnie

    work after sleeve

    I just bought myself a couple of pair of pants at SAMS for $17.00 each and I wear them throughout the week. Also, I wear skirts that can fit many sizes. It can get expensive but nobody will know that you are wearing the same black pants. Tops can be worn much longer as you lose weight. Also, I wear business dress everyday and I have no issue going to a second-hand store during this weight loss period. You will definitely need to have access to fluids during the day so I would lie more heavily on that need.
  16. Armygalbonnie

    Hungry! I week post op

    @Bella2126 It helps coat your stomach. I would drink 10 mil before each meal and at bedtime. I did this for 2 weeks and it helped me get through the high acid content.
  17. Armygalbonnie

    Hungry! I week post op

    When I was feeling that way, it was because of acid. I called my surgeon and she put me on Liquid Carafate for 2 weeks and helped tremendously. Mine was walking me up during the night.
  18. I didn't have a chance for my "last supper". I went to prep class and found out my surgery was in exactly 2 weeks. The next morning I started my 2 week pre-op diet. My Dr. strongly encourages her patients to not have that mentality. I really, really wanted Mexican food 1 more time before surgery but I didn't get it. In the long run I think it helped me because I felt success that entire 3 months I was working toward insurance approval. Good luck with everything. If your insurance is adamant that you don't gain weight before surgery, please watch what you do. I would hate for you to have to start at step 1all over again.
  19. I hope you haven't done damage to your new sleeve and you contacted your surgeon about what you did on Thanksgiving.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one who ate Thanksgiving food 6 days after surgery??? There is probably a reason your stomach is hurting.
  21. Armygalbonnie

    Wheat thins at 5 weeks out?

    I would clear it with your NUT or surgeon. Those crackers are very sharp and have hard edges. At 5 weeks, I would be careful. As we all know, each plan is different. For me, the crackers are a no no.
  22. When I started this process I weighed 242 lbs, with a BMI of 37. During the 3 month supervised diet and 2 week pre-op diet, I lost 27 lbs. I went into surgery on Nov 1st, weighing 215 lbs, with a BMI of 33. I am 4 weeks today and I've lost 15 lbs. I pray I hit 199 tomorrow, so I'm below 200. I have had a stall during these 4 weeks. When you weigh less to start, you will lose slower; However, if you stick to the program, you will see results. I hope to lose 10-15 lbs a month. I have lost over 100 lbs by myself and lost 60+ lbs a couple of times. Problem is I gained it back. My new sleeve will help me for a lifetime, as long as I respect what needs to be done. Good luck with everything! You can do this!
  23. Armygalbonnie

    Protein shakes... yuck.

    I mix 1/2 and 1/2 chocolate and vanilla Premier together. I've also added a small amount of coconut extract and almond extract to the chocolate. It has to be COLD!!! The thing about Premier shakes vs. unflavored Protein, is the Premier has all the essential Vitamins and nutrients that you also need. The unflavored protein is just whey protein and there are no other nutrients or vitamins.
  24. In mid-December, I will be 6 weeks post op. Just found out today that our clinic Christmas party is going to be at a Mexican food restaurant. Mexican food is my favorite! I am highly dedicated to this journey and following my diet. I just need suggestions on what to order. A few co workers know I had surgery, most know I've been dieting. Of course I will stay away from chips and salsa. Although I know I will only be able to eat a small amount, I want to make a healthy choice. My husband already knows I will be bringing him home most of my meal. Should I order a shrimp taco and just eat the insides, no shell? Grilled chicken with a few bites of fajita veggies? I would love to know what you would do. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Armygalbonnie

    Need suggestions.

    Thank you everyone for your WONDERFUL suggestions! Fajita meat and veggies it is. Mrssoupmix - I will be on regular foods by then. I start soft foods this Thursday. I've been on puréed for the past two weeks. I will chew, chew, chew and take my time. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
