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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Armygalbonnie

  1. Armygalbonnie

    Pessimistic Psychologist

    I would definitely talk with your surgeon, who is the subject-matter-expert. Your surgeon knows what is best for you.
  2. Armygalbonnie

    The over 40 crowd

    LET'S SEE SOME PICS!!! Excellent job. Can't wait to join you on the other side.
  3. I would question the anti-inflammatory part. I have rheumatoid arthritis. My surgeon said "NO" to RNY but "YES" to VSG, so I am able to take steroids.
  4. Armygalbonnie


    Caffeine-free anytime. With my program, caffeine never again
  5. I would definitely get a sleep study done to see if you have sleep apnea. It is a co-morbidity. I have Tricare Prime. I never saw where PCOS was listed. I encourage you to visit the surgeon. Remember, don't stand tall when they measure your height. The shorter you are, the greater the BMI at your weight. lol Good luck with everything!
  6. My NUT told me I will need a Protein drink through the weight loss process, up until maintenance. As we've read on here though, everyone's program is different.
  7. Armygalbonnie

    What is an NUT?

    I've learned some other abbreviations along the way. CW = current weight, SW = surgery weight, HW = highest weight, NSV = non-scale victories (like smaller clothes size). Hope this helps.
  8. Armygalbonnie

    Tricare Insurance

    That's awesome news!!! Thank you for sharing this info with me. I'm getting so close.
  9. Armygalbonnie

    Would I be a candidate?

    I'm a low BMI too. 35.6. I have sleep apnea and that is an acceptable co-morbidity. My only problem is I can't lose any more weight before surgery, or I will be disqualified on the spot. I can't go below 35. I have Tricare Prime South for insurance.
  10. Armygalbonnie

    Tricare Insurance

    How fast did it approve for Tricare Prime South. I finish everything needed this Friday. I'm anticipating a November surgery date.
  11. Armygalbonnie


    There's a lot of things I can't do on my phone, where I have to be on the computer.
  12. Armygalbonnie

    Concern about Eating Junk

    I did see her second post. Is a hack where companies take a word out of your post and try to advertise/sell their products?
  13. Armygalbonnie

    Straw = pain

    My NUT told me no more caffeine, straws or gum after surgery. It still amazes me how all programs are different.
  14. Armygalbonnie

    Concern about Eating Junk

    @@Babbs What do you mean by "hacks"?
  15. Armygalbonnie

    Pre op appt weigh in?

    Oh (I misunderstood), in that case, I know I've heard of several people doing "food funerals". I think it would be ok to have a final farewell, as long as you don't think it will cause you to fall completely off the wagon. I know with me, sometimes I cheat and then I beat myself up over it so much that I feel like a failure. It's hard for me to get control again. I hope what ever decision you make, you are successful and your surgery goes well. Good luck with everything!
  16. Armygalbonnie

    Concern about Eating Junk

    As my NUT said, a chocolate chip cookie will still smell and taste like a chocolate chip cookie. You need to detox your body of the refined sugars and carbs. I did it cold turkey. My motivation has been high so I've been very successful. I will have to work at it the rest of my life, so I don't fall back into those bad habits. I know for me, one bite is too much. Sweets are a read light food for me and I have to stay away from them. When the urge hits, find a hobby. Find several different hobbies. When I was thin for 10 years, I was an exercise junkie. I switched one addiction for another. When I got hurt in Afghanistan, where I couldn't workout like I used to, I gained the weight back. I didn't have another hobby to fall back on. Now when I want something sweet, I drink a protein shake, drink Crystal Light, go for a walk, play with my grandkids/dogs, read a magazine or book, or look at future clothes online. I also go to bed early. I have control right now and I want to keep it this way.
  17. Armygalbonnie

    Pre op appt weigh in?

    I will be weighed on surgery day. Also, I don't know about your preop diet, but many are on liquids only for a few to several days before surgery, to help shrink the liver and for a safer surgery. I definitely wouldn't take a chance. This is a good time for you to prove you can follow the program and do the right thing.
  18. Armygalbonnie

    Chest x Ray

    Chest X-rays are often done before someone is given anesthesia during surgery. They want to make sure your lungs are clear.
  19. Armygalbonnie


    WOW! You are AWESOME! What an inspiration you are. Great job!
  20. Armygalbonnie

    Pork sausage

    @hova1980. Do you not have a NUT at your Dr's office, who you can consult with regarding your protein/caloric needs? Did they not provide you with a diet to follow?
  21. Armygalbonnie


    I haven't had the sleeve surgery yet (next month). However, I do recommend you get the sleeve done. It will permanently reduce your stomach size and remove the ghrelin hormone that triggers hunger. When I went to my support group, there were several people there going for lap band revision to sleeve. I wish you the best of luck! I think it's very promising that you know your weaknesses and what works for you.
  22. Armygalbonnie

    sex drive, and depression

    Anti-depressants are the biggest culprit in cutting out the libido. I was on them for 3 years, and I was totally sexually dysfunctional. I hate to say my sex drive has not returned since quitting them. I'm also post menopausal so that contributes. I pray for you the best. I would definitely tell your Dr what is going on. A change in meds may help tremendously.
  23. Armygalbonnie

    What's Good

    Yummy on the vanilla protein with instant coffee. Mine will have to be decaf as my Dr doesn't allow any caffeine. I can't wait to try it. My Dr also isn't keen on the vitamin patches, because she says there isn't enough research on them. Isn't it crazy how all the Docs are so different?
  24. Armygalbonnie

    Starting BMI or ending?

    My BMI is 35.7 and I have comorbidities. I can NOT lose anymore weight, right up to the day of surgery. If I do, I will be sent home with no surgery. Crazy, huh? Fat girl here isn't allowed to lose any more weight before November surgery.
  25. Armygalbonnie

    Is tis true...

    My surgeon only uses drains for people who are having revisions. I won't be getting a drain! YESSSS!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
