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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Armygalbonnie

  1. I can't believe it's time. Prayer warriors please say prayers for me today. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Armygalbonnie

    Will I be broken forever?

    @KristenLe When did you lose 24 lbs?!?!? Last time I looked, it said 4 lbs. You are doing GREAT!
  3. Armygalbonnie

    I thought I had more time! (Kinda long)

    Does it help to know that clothes manufacturers are making larger clothes with a smaller size now? Women are so caught up on the size they buy (myself included). When a woman buys a smaller size she is usually happy. When we are happy, we buy more clothes and spend more money. Embrace your new body and much improved health.
  4. SURGERY TOMORROW. Check in 0900. Now I'm nervous!!!

    1. OKCPirate


      As were we all. God Speed.


    2. okiegirl1980
  5. Armygalbonnie

    Sleeved yesterday!

    Congratulations! Keep up the great work! I'll meet you on the loser's bench on Tuesday. I hope it all goes well for me too.
  6. Armygalbonnie

    Insurance exclusion

    I'm sure your Dr.'s insurance department can give you more information, but it does sound like your plan doesn't cover the surgery.
  7. Armygalbonnie

    3 Month Diet

    I have Tricare Prime and they didn't have any set restrictions like that. My surgeon has hers but not Tricare. I bet these are your surgeon's requirements and you definitely have to follow those. I've lost 25 lbs so far, and my surgery is Tuesday.
  8. Armygalbonnie

    Any November 1st sleevers?

    @@show1980 I feel the same way. I need to pick up a few things at the store this weekend and then I'm ready!!!! Starting to get nervous but not anxious. We definitely need to keep in touch during our recovery. I'll friend you!
  9. Armygalbonnie

    One Week Post Op

    That's awesome! Congratulation. So happy you are feeling well. I know you had a rough start. I know you said you are down to 266. Have you lost since surgery or is that from the pre-surgery diet? I will join you on that loser's bench next Tuesday.
  10. Armygalbonnie

    Amazed at being qualified

    At this point, I want to lose about 70 more lbs. I was approved with a BMI of 35. Why 6 weeks? I am only taking off 2 weeks, which is what my surgeon suggested? I am up-and-down at work, all day long. Most people on here take 2-3 weeks for a sleeve. I told people I am having hernia repair, others have said gallbladder. However, I did tell my boss the truth. You could always say female surgery. That usually keeps people from asking more personal questions. I've lost 25 lbs before surgery, so everybody already knows I'm working hard at changing my eating habits. I'm sure you will go on a pre-surgery diet, as well, so this will help with that part of your concern. I will be starting my pureed diet when I go back to work, but I will just eat alone through the pureed stage so I don't have to answer any questions. You could tell co-workers you need to rest during your lunch break and eat in your office or car. Just a few suggestions.
  11. You look AMAZING! I hope I follow in your foot steps. Surgery next Tuesday EEK
  12. Armygalbonnie


    I was just approved in 1 day, for surgery!!! Love Tricare Prime - South! I go next week for my pre-op class and get my surgery date. I will be having surgery within the next 4 weeks. I had an EGD on Friday, where I had to have my CO2 checked and an EKG. I have an irregular heartbeat and my body doesn't eliminate CO2 like it is supposed to. Two more reasons why I need this weight off for GOOD! I'm so stinkin excited I just can't stand it! WHOO HOO!!!!!
  13. Armygalbonnie

    Has anyone cheated ?

    I'm allowed greek yogurt (no chunks) and bariatric or sugar free pudding with a scoop of Protein, during my full liquid stage.
  14. Armygalbonnie

    Called my insurance today

    To me, it doesn't sound like your weight is the issue with your current FWB. He is the issue! He's making it clear that he doesn't want a committed relationship. After just getting out of a 25 year marriage, he probably wants to sow his oats. Unfortunately, every time he wants to do something with you, it gives you false hope about something more. It doesn't sound like he is bothered by your weight, but your self-esteem from the extra weight probably has you thinking you don't deserve better. But guess what? YOU DO! You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you, as much as you want to be with him. My recommendation: Concentrate on you! As you go through his weight loss process, you need support and like-minded, caring people on your side. Take care of yourself first and the right man will come along. Once you are smiling from the inside out, you will be unstoppable. I wish you the best of luck in everything!
  15. Armygalbonnie

    For those in a dreaded stall...

    WOW, you've done great!! You should be very proud of yourself.
  16. Armygalbonnie

    Did I make a mistake?

    My surgery is next Tuesday, and today is the first day I've really started feeling nervous I HATE being nauseated!!! Do the anti-nausea meds not work? I pray you start feeling better really soon. I know right now you feel down, but I hear all the hope you have for your life and future. You got this!
  17. Armygalbonnie

    For those in a dreaded stall...

    Did those 30 lbs include what you lost before the surgery or just since the surgery?
  18. Armygalbonnie

    Tricare Insurance

    I'm Tricare Prime and had to go off post too. Fort Sill stopped surgeries on Sept 30th. It's been a smooth process. I've spent less than $200 out-of-pocket. My surgeon required 3 visits with a NUT, psych eval, physical therapy eval and 1 support group visit. I started most of the visits on August 1st. I have surgery next Tuesday.
  19. I won't ever go back to it. I still crave DC and I probably will for a long time. Without changing anything else, when I quit DC, I lost 10 lbs, immediately. I believe the artificial sweeteners increased my joint pain and cravings for sugar. I also know someone who had the procedure who drinks coke every day, and she's gained 2/3 of her weight back. She has other bad habits too, but it contributes. I just don't want to set my self up for failure. My surgeon says "NO", and I want to do everything the right way. It's a personal decision to drink carbonated beverages, just not mine.
  20. I bet they weren't looking at you, and if they were, they were probably thinking, "Good for her." Believe me, if they were looking at you, they will be the first ones to tell you how great you are looking when the weight starts falling off. People can be mean but I honestly feel like when they are at the gym, they are more concerned about how they look. Please don't let your new journey be hampered by what you think others might be thinking. Their opinion doesn't count. Walk into that gym, hold your head up high and start exercising. All the sweating is helping you melt fat. The heavy breathing will lessen as you get more fit. You will start to see many NSVs and you are going to rock that new body!!!
  21. Armygalbonnie

    I cheated on optifast diet

    @pb1961 I like the new name you gave porkchopexpress. lol
  22. Armygalbonnie

    Sleeve with tricare

    I have Tricare Prime. As long as you are 40 BMI or greater, or 35 with 2 co-morbidities (that's me), you're good. Tricare didn't have any weight loss surgery requirements; However, my surgeon did. I had 3 visits with a dietician, 1 per month. I had to attend a support group, get a psych eval, EGD and physical therapy consult. I started the process July 22nd and my surgery is Nov 1st. Basically it has been a 3 month process. Tricare won't pay for the nutrition visits, but paid everything else, minus my co-pays. I've spent about $200 out-of-pocket, not to include the special Vitamins and Meal Replacement shakes. I feel like it's been a pretty smooth process. It's been a good time for learning and changing my eating habits. When my final paperwork was sent to Tricare for approval, it only took 1 day to get my acceptance. Good luck with everything!
  23. Armygalbonnie

    Nov 1st

    Surgery in 2 weeks and I start my pre op diet tomorrow. 11 days of high Protein, like I've been doing. I will have only 3 days of liquids. I'm super excited but nervous too!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Armygalbonnie

    Start of my journey!

    Hi Everyone!!! I am in the initial stages of my weight loss journey. I'm scared, yet excited! My weight has been an issue since I was a small child. I can remember starting Weight Watchers for the first time, when I was in the 5th grade. Even though I've always had "a beautiful face", my weight seems to be what people have judged me by. I've accomplished a lot in my life, but yet my weight has kept me from being everything I can be. It's time for change. Back in 2002, when I was 39 years old, I joined Weight Watchers (again). This time it stuck and I lost about 110 lbs. I worked really hard at it and the only way I could lose the weight and maintain it was to workout 5-6X a week, for about 2 hours a time. In 2003, I made a huge change in my life and joined the Army! Who joins the Army at 40??? I'm now convinced I was having a mid-life crisis and instead of buying a convertible and getting my hair cut, I joined the Army. All joking aside, it was the best decision I have ever made! I love(d) the Army! I was serving my Country and providing a service to my brothers and sisters-in-arms. I am a Dr. of Audiology, and I knew the #1 and #2 disabilities from the global war on terrorism, was hearing loss and ringing in the ears. I wanted to serve my Country. I was very proud of myself. Here I was this girl who always had a weight problem, but now I was fit enough to be in the Army. I felt very accomplished. I had convinced myself that I would NEVER return to being an obese person and I actually kept off the weight until 2012. In 2012, I returned from a combat tour to Afghanistan. While in the "sandbox", I was hurt in a vehicle accident. I injured both shoulders, my left hip and back. When I came back to the good ol' USA, I was sent to a wounded warrior unit. I spent the next 2 1/2 years getting "fixed". During these 2 1/2 years, I had 5 orthopedic surgeries, received care for PTSD and was diagnosed to have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. Between no longer being able to workout, being placed on an anti-depressant and taking large amounts of steroids, I quickly gained 50 lbs. I started a downward spiral. My commitment to myself to never return to being obese, was shattered. I am the only one to blame. Even though I have numerous anchors in my body from surgery, I still deal with pain every day. This weight is only making it worse. This is what brought me to the decision that I need bariatric surgery. I was medically retired from the Army, but I still receive all my benefits. My Army doctor has been very supportive in my desire for surgery. With his blessings and referral, I am now on my way! I'm very thankful I found this site, and I look forward to posting my progress and cheering on my new friends! Thank you everyone for just being you! Bonnie (Army MAJ retired)
  25. Armygalbonnie

    Purée Foods

    Look at the website the World According to Eggface. She has some great recipes! I also found more recipes on Pinterest too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
