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Posts posted by Lema

  1. Don't feel bad about giving it away. And was probably thinking the way he always has when it comes to getting a Valentine's Day gift for a loved one. It's an innocent mistake that I wouldn't hold against anyone.
    Why are you feeling guilty about giving it away?? You are making a healthy choice by not eating it or keeping it. Some day when you are having a shitty day, you will get up and open it if you keep it around the house. If not, looking at it twice a week will just remind you of how you can't have it and then make you feel guilty the way you feel right now.

    I bought 10 piece chicken wings the other day because I hadn't eaten the entire day and I was starving. I could have had something else but the smell of it was way too overwhelming. As soon as I finished the second piece, I regretted that decision. I was driving and saw one of those homeless guys that walk between the lanes, asking for change. I gave him the entire bag of chicken wings. It felt so good to get rid of that stuff from my car. I have noticed this about myself these days. Whenever I buy unhealthy stuff or end up with pasties/sweets, I hand it over to the next person beside me. I want that stuff out of my reach.

  2. When I was at that point, I was told to walk. I did but not as much as I should have. Now that I look back, with very little effort, I could have lost a lot more than what I lost. As time passes by, the weight loss process slows down and you have to work harder to lose. If I was smart enough, I would have walked whole lot more.

  3. I won't be having a baby in the next two years but it is a fear in the back of my mind.

    I would like to know how much those of you who had a baby after the surgery gained and wether it was too difficult to watch out for your cravings during pregnancy. How much did you gain??

    At this point, I will starve myself to prevent myself from getting to the point where I was before. I know that is not the wisest thing to say but I will not let it happen again. My fear is that during pregnancy, preventing myself from keeping a healthy diet in fear of gaining massively, might hurt my baby. Which clearly no body wants...

    I am ranting..

  4. I am not ashamed of what I have done but I don't wear it on my sleeve either. You eating healthy should be enough of an answer to them in the beginning and later on, when you have known them enough, you can tell them.
    If you treat this procedure as awkward and something to be judged for, people will judge you but if you take it as just another fact of life, they will do the same.
    I wouldn't hide it from anyone unless I had good reason to but I wouldn't tell them in the beginning and scare them off with it.
    In the beginning, tell them you are on a diet. When you know that they are going to be a part of your life for longer than a couple of months, share your experience. Tell them all they need to know.

  5. They say you can't stretch it if you over eat once or twice but if you are making a habit of it. Also, how far along are you?? There is always the risk of dumping syndrome and or forcing your stitches open.

    Also, if you really really like something, put it aside and eat it later. Remind yourself that it will still be there later. Eating it in an hour or two is far better than depriving yourself or eating it all at once.

  6. It's only 15 pounds. I gained 6 pounds 7 months later. Find your information package from before when you had the surgery and read it all over again. It reminds us of what small thins we shouldn't be doing which we forget over time. I knew what i had done wrong and how to get back on track. You can do it too.
    Just refresh your mind with that information and treat your body as if it were going through the entire procedure again. I am sure you will lose the weight.

  7. Watch a couple of my 600lb life episodes. I am obsessed with that show. I went to the store to buy a healthy snack the other day and roamed around the store for 45 minutes.
    I walked out with a pack of green tea instead. In my previous life, I would have chugged down three bottles of soda with out a single care in the world, on my walk in the store.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Hey everybody,

    So I have a little situation that I would like some ideas on..
    I am 9 months out and 13 pounds away from my goal weight. I am getting married next month and thought having two months to lose that would be enough time, however, I haven't lost any weight in over a month.
    I am still doing 90grams of Protein and 1200 calories of food per day and walking 10 000 steps a day. I don't have time for gym right now. I have two jobs and i am going to school.
    If you were in my place, would you increase your calories or try to decrease it?? I was thinking of changing it to 800 or 1000 but research suggests that my body will go in starvation mode. I don't want to take that risk right now.

    What do I do??

    I went to Mexico for my surgery so I can't just call my doctor or seek advice from a nutritionist.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I used to get crazy hungry on that stage. I would take no sugar added apple sauce and mix it with diluted apple juice and that helped sometimes.

    I am 9 months out and I snack on 100 calories very very low sugar added soft tofu. It's filling and not at harmful as other Desserts. I wish I had discovered this when I was in my purée phase.

    It's 150 grams so you can make three Desserts from it. I don't eat it all at once.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. In your group, I am sure at least one person knows about your surgery if not all. I share my meal with that person or make sure to get something super small. Also, every outing doesn't have to end up with a meal anymore. AND, it's not a sin to leave food in your plate if you are full.

    If it's a special occasion and I feel like I don't have that person that I can share my meal with or too many people are around, I eat very very slow. Others will be having their Desserts while I am still munching on my meal. But, I am almost one year post op and I only have 15 more pounds to lose so I don't suggest this last part to others.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. When I am not happy about a service somewhere, I simply don't go there anymore. If you chose to speak to someone about it and figured that instead of the situation getting better, it was getting worse, you should have saved yourself your sanity and just left and never went back again.

    I don't get mad in public and when I do, it is not a wise idea to open my mouth unless doing so fixes the problem.

    What is more important?? Sanity or three dollars??

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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