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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to GTO315 in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    I'm officially sleeved! I had my surgery on 7/19 and all seemed to have gone well. I wasn't in too much pain that first day, but the following day when they took away my Happy Button a/k/a morphine, some pain kicked in. I would walk a few laps from my room to the nurses station only to get a little nauseous and headed back to my room. Could not sleep well at night since I had a 97-year old roommate with a hip fracture and alzheimer's that snored ALL night. The clear diet they gave in the hospital was not working, so I just drank the Water. I came home yesterday and am trying my best to get the liquids down. Does anyone else hear a gurgling in their throats as the liquids settle in the stomach?
  2. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to belle4a in July 26ers   
    im down 8 ponds. im more nervous than excited. im really hungry!!! i want to eat. i keep looking before and after pics to be more motivated. just took my before poc this and i keep telling its going to get better. i cant wait till the month is over.
    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App
  3. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to ChaCha77 in July 26ers   
    I doubt you are actually feeling hungry as long as you are getting your Protein from the diet. If you are anything like me, you are just tired of being on the diet and missing real food. The closer I get, the more I think about real food. Don't cave, you are too close! Good luck.
  4. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Bufflehead in Worried. Woke up sick   
    At worst your surgery would be postponed, not canceled.
    I think if God wanted you to not have surgery, She would send a more definitive message, possibly killing your surgeon in a wreck on the way to the hospital, or magically erecting a giant neon flashing DON'T HAVE SURGERY OR YOU WILL DIE @@kgarrettsatx sign in front of your house.
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to KristenLe in Worried. Woke up sick   
    @@kgarrettsatx My allergies are particularly bad this morning. Hopefully that's all it is but I would take Airborne and Vit C until surgery. Feel better!
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    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from KristenLe in Worried. Woke up sick   
    Thanks AvaFern. Just loaded up on dayquil severe cold and flu. Says it will help all symptoms im having so bottoms up!!! U made me feel better!! THANK U.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from deekel8 in July 26ers   
    Im freaking out and overwhelmed and excited all at the same time. Lol. Cant wait to prepare this weekend. 3 more days!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to AvaFern in Worried. Woke up sick   
    I got sick before surgery too. As long as you can breathe while you are sleeping, you're fine for surgery. You can't have a super junked up airway because when you wake up from surgery you're still groggy and you need to be able to breathe without consciously coughing to clear your airway, since you aren't conscious enough to do so. A sore throat without blockage isn't that big of a deal and all of the antibiotics they give you will clear it up.
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to higher in Ok I have to ask...are things going too well? Am I overdoing it?   
    Just checking back in. So great to read that many others had an easy and uneventful recovery. My update? A couple of days after I posted this I got slammed with fatigue. I had been out and about, working, running errands, socializing, and all of a sudden - BOOM. I could hardly be bothered to brush my teeth for about two days straight. It was all I could do to remember to drink my Water and Protein. I was also woken up in the middle of the night with a painful charley horse which (after I called my surgeon freaking out about blood clots) I realized was a result of getting too few electrolytes so I added in some Powerade zero and smart Water.< /p>
    So the fatigue did get to me eventually, like many said it might. At least I had been warned!
    No problems since then and my energy is wayyy back up. I've been in the gym and have been taking long walks at night - mostly to play Pokemon go, but walking nonetheless.
    At the end of this week I'll be traveling for about 10 days, for one day of work and the rest for leisure. I'll be in a city with an altitude of over 7,000 feet above sea level so will try too hard not to push myself but to also take advantage of exploring a new city on foot. Trying to convince myself I won't be ready to climb an ancient pyramid at just 3 weeks post op, even though I really want to try
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    kgarrettsatx reacted to roguegambit in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    2 days post op. I was also allowed to drink Water a couple of hours after surgery which I was very grateful for.
    Left the hospital today. Was getting woken every 6 hours to check vitals and take pain meds.
    I'm still pretty bloated from the IV.
    Pain is annoying when getting out of bed, but otherwise not bad at all.
    liquids are going down fine, haven't tried solids yet.... that's a few days away.
    Still have on compression leggings.
    My pupils are very dilated. Not sure if it's from the drugs in my system, or from accidentally touching the anti-nausea patch behind my ear, then my eyes. Hopefully not the latter.
    Wishing you all a good experience.
  11. Like
    kgarrettsatx got a reaction from LoseItKacy in 10 Months Post Op Update   
    You look AMAZING. this got me super excited. So proud of you.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to mrz.mott in Surgery Day!   
    Everything went well. I'm up and awake every now and then. Getting up and walking isn't my best friend. I just want to sleep.< /p>
  13. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to mrz.mott in Surgery Day!   
    I'm sitting here waiting for the surgeon. Today is the day.
    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to LoseItKacy in 10 Months Post Op Update   
    I do lots of stuff and I think that helps.
    I like weight lifting. I use a lot of free weights and not the machines.
    I run, swim, and use the stair stepper (not all in one day of course).
    I usually start with 10-15 minutes of cardio, then lift for awhile, and then end with 10-20 more minutes of a different type of cardio (it's usually the stair stepper).
    I haven't lifted weights as much as I use to because I've been training for a half marathon.
    But I also do yoga and I've done a few spin classes too.
    The perks of living in the mountains is the outdoors are pretty much another gym. I love hiking.
    But thank you so much for all the compliments and support. I seriously appreciate it. It's been a long journey so far and I've realized that the journey never really ends. I will always be a work in progress and I will always be battling obesity, even if the scale says I'm a healthy weight.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to LoseItKacy in 10 Months Post Op Update   
    I did have a fat % check at my 6 month post op. They said I was pretty much allowed to get to 130 but they would rather me not get lower than 135. I'm 5'6 so I'm not super tall. I'm trying to find the sheet they gave me with my fat %. It was on the higher end of normal which is why I want to lose 10 more. I think it will give me a bit of a cushion and with as much as I run I think 10 pounds might make it a little easier. They said I technically don't have to lose more because I'm athletic and have a normal BMI but I just think I will feel better if I shed a little more. At least under 150, I'm not too worried about the number tho. I've been going off what feels good.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to LoseItKacy in 10 Months Post Op Update   
    So I was really active on Bariatric Pal as a pre op and immediately following.
    But now I'm 10 months out and I figured it was time for an update.
    My HW: 257
    Surgery Weight: 235
    Current Weight: 155
    Goal: 135-145
    I hit the 100 pound loss mark at around 6 months and I've maintained it since. This has been a terrible long stall but I workout a lot and I think my body is really happy at 155 even though I would like to lose at least 10 more.
    Since my surgery I've gone rock climbing. I went from a 27 minute mile to a 7:30. I am currently training for a half marathon on September 11th! Which is 15 days before my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF MY SURGERY!!
    So that is a HUGE goal that I want to accomplish. If I could lose the 10 pounds by then that would be cool to but I'm not going to go crazy over it.
    I moved from Minnesota to Montana. I started a pre med program. I want to be a bariatric surgeon one day
    I do have a restriction problem. A couple months ago they had to stretch the opening of my stomach a little bit because it was so small that food was getting painfully stuck. But I was told that I could have to have the procedure done a few times because scar tissue doesn't like to stretch. I can tell I'm due for it again because eating with a bra on hurts and I can feel food get backed up after a few bites.
    I'm extremely happy with my choice and my new life. My skin is doing amazing. I won't need skin surgery. I've lost over a foot and a half around my waist. 18 inches from around my hips, 10 from around each thigh, and went from bra size 42DDD to a 34B or C.
    I was a 3x in tops, 24 in pants.
    I am now a small on top and 3/4 in pants. It's pretty crazy how different my life is in just 9 months.
    Best decision I've ever made. I hope everyone else is doing well! I've missed you all!!!               
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to remdawg in Post op complications   
    Gina- sending warm wishes to you from Florida.☀️ I am 3 weeks out & now have infection where they removed my drain. Praying there won't be complications. I hope you get the support you need! Luckily I had my gallbladder out last year. It was a quick and easy surgery & made me feel so much better. It helped relieve abdominal cramping and pain. I complain about paying deductibles but can't imagine how you have to cope with National health care. If we all send good thoughts and wishes hopefully you will get the help that you need! Just know- you are not alone. We all feel your pain. Keep the faith
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Chrysalis77 in 365 days to a new me   
    DAY 2
    19 days Pre-op
    CW: 351
    Good news this morning! I am 6 lbs down after one day of shakes and 120 oz of Water. Thank goodness the unexpected Water weight left as quickly as it came.
    Today is still hard to be on liquids. I walked a bit on the treadmill, but I am pooped right now and I really want a cheeseburger. I always crave meat when I am on shakes.
    Technically I can have 300 calories of lean meat and veggies everyday, but I have found it easier to go hard or go home. I typically don't do well with wiggle room. We will see. I have a couple of client dinners next week and I will probably have to compromise for those.
    Anywho. Another day closer. I cannot wait to get this show on the road!
  19. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to SwampBillies in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    @@donya4859 What time is your surgery tomorrow? I have to be there at 6:00 am for surgery at 7:30. My husband will drop me off then he has to take our grandson for his driving test and he has a doctor appointment at 12:30 then he will come back to the hospital. I hope to be all sleeved and hopefully not too sick or in too much pain by then.
  20. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to ReddGypsy in CALLING ALL JULY 2016 SLEEVERS   
    So? I have one week left on pre-op nutrition plan. I put on this "Pink Cupcake" lotion today which smells delicious. I want to eat myself.
    I feel like Woody Woodpecker in Pantry Panic...Woody is starving and delusional, having a staring contest with the ghost of "Starvation ...
    That is all
  21. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Tina Marie Pecchillo in July 26   
    I cheated today :/ had a slice of pizza and I feel gross and my stomach hurts. Definitely wasn't worth it, but it did taste so good. I've only got 4 more days and then I have to do an all clear liquid diet on monday.
    I was doing ok, but still have that hungry feeling. And I don't think I'm hydrating enough.
  22. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Tina Marie Pecchillo in July 26   
    Had my pre surgery stuff done today as well. Although the tech doing my X-ray had no clue what she was doing. I'm also on the 26th!
  23. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to Rocshae in July 26ers   
    Great advice! We are so close it's just a little bit longer and we will be so much healthier for it!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to deekel8 in July 26ers   
    Good job on cutting caffeine! So glad EKG was good. Nice you got to see your room! I've never even been inside the hospital Im going to so have no idea what Im getting into, lol Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    kgarrettsatx reacted to deekel8 in July 26ers   
    Ok, so here's the pep talk I give myself when I smell something good and am tempted to cheat on liquid diet. Maybe it'll help someone else.
    "Hang in there! You are sooo close. When you smell something good, get up and brush your teeth. Or smell something peppermint, lemon or whatever scent you like. Drink a bunch of things to get through it, whether its mint tea, Vitamin Water Zero, broth, etc. You can do it! Remember you will be able to eat things you love again in a couple of months, just in normal portions"
    Sent from my VS990 using the BariatricPal App

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