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Posts posted by Chrysalis77

  1. DAY 49

    29 days post op

    I survived the dreaded three week stall without stalling... But I certainly have slowed down. Went from losing a pound a day to about a little less than half a pound a day. Less than I was losing. More than I would be losing before surgery. What I am curious to know is if this is the new normal or if it will pick up again.... Or slow down more. UGH! My control freakishness needs to know!

    Looking forward to my one month appt tomorrow and hopefully clearance to eat fresh fruit, nuts, seeds etc. oh and salad! I'd love a salad. I am certainly not able to eat enough to get all my Protein and non Protein foods in yet, but I'd love to have an option.

    A troubling item on the horizon- a few days ago I started feeling a twinge on my right side under my rib cage. At first I thought I pulled something, but now I am wondering if it might be my gall bladder. I am taking medication to prevent stones but I wonder if there is some inflammation or something. I will mention it at tomorrow's appt. if it I my gall bladder and they have to take it, then I want them to take it this year since I already met all my insurance maximums.

    Stay tuned for an update post appt.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. DAY 42

    22 days post-op

    HW: 371

    SW: 335

    CW: 313

    So it has been a week since I last wrote. Going back to work has certainly cut into my free time lol. Today is my second totally pain free day. I wasn't in much pain before, but there would be some pulling, twinges, soreness. The past couple of days I have been pretty much normal. Even when I sneeze.

    My energy level is still low. The chewable Vitamins have been a no-go, so I am sure that is why. And I have been short on my Water requirements so I have no one to blame but me. Waiting for the transdermal Vitamin Patches I ordered to arrive and everyday I fight to get as much Water in as possible. Oddly enough it is the only liquid that still hangs up as it is going down- even with flavor drops.

    Now on to the good stuff. I am shrinking before my very eyes! It is crazy. And wonderful and exciting! My clothes are falling off. My face is slimming down. I can get in things I haven't worn in years- if ever. It is just mind-blowing how quickly this is working. I am trying to enjoy every day, every pound and not think about the slow down that I am sure is around the corner. I just want to cruise into the 200's. I have a whole wardrobe of clothes I can wear when I get safely over that milestone. Ah well. I can only control my inputs. I can't control how fast or slow I lose. So I will take my blessings and be thankful! post-294837-14707092317655_thumb.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Day 34

    14 days post-op

    I think I have finally turned a corner. Two good days in a row. Went shopping for several hours with my family. Got a little dizzy and dehydrated but I made it! I am also starting to see a difference. Face is getting slimmer. The swelling in my belly has gone down and I can wear a couple of items of clothing I haven't been able to wear in awhile. Very encouraging!

    Tomorrow I get to start a two week stint on soft foods which is exciting. Although I just discovered Premiere Protein shakes- which I love- so I know they will continue to be a staple.

    All in all, feeling good, looking better and ready to go back to work tomorrow ( but only because I am taking it slow and working from home )

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. A four pound fluctuation is probably just Water weight- have you had a lot of carbs or salt lately? TOM? I would go super low carb ( less than 50) and low sodium for the next couple days- maybe even take a diurex OTC if you feel comfortable with that. Exercise enough to sweat it out. Wear your lightest clothes to the weigh in and if it is early enough in the day, don't eat or drink before. You should lose those couple of pounds

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Alot of the foods i do have have some salt in them, ive been craving pickles and those are chalk ful of sodium. I take a Water pill but its almost as if i have to double up so it can properly do its job

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App

    no need to double up. Just stay on top of the recommended doses. It will take a day or so to kick in.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. A four pound fluctuation is probably just Water weight- have you had a lot of carbs or salt lately? TOM? I would go super low carb ( less than 50) and low sodium for the next couple days- maybe even take a diurex OTC if you feel comfortable with that. Exercise enough to sweat it out. Wear your lightest clothes to the weigh in and if it is early enough in the day, don't eat or drink before. You should lose those couple of pounds

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Day 32

    11 Days post-op

    Today was the first day I really missed food. It is Friday and Friday at my house is date night. My Hubby and I usually do dinner and a movie at the theatre near our house. I LOVE movie popcorn. I love the wings and margaritas. It was a ritual for us.

    So last Friday was no big deal. I had just gotten home from the hospital and was still in pain. But today... Today I am up and about like normal. And Hubs wanted to go to the movies. I had such a sadness come over me. Regret. Resentment. Even if we went it wouldn't be the same. And for a few minutes I was angry that I had made this decision.

    I told my husband how upset I was. And because he is the best ever, he just listened. Then he pulled out some Soup. Made sure me and the kids were fed and after everyone had dinner he pulled me aside and suggested a later show. I agreed and we went on our date- after dinner and it was great. I was so full from my 2 oz of Soup (????!!!?!) that I didn't spend too much time missing our ritual. Halfway through the show I tried to picture a plate of wings in front of me and I knew I couldn't have eaten any if I Wanted too.

    And that is how I survived my first social outing ;-)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Wow we are so similar. I just had the surgery on 7/26 and now recovering at home. My hospital stay was pretty positive and I too work in corporate and have 3 beautiful boys. I am the busy responsible mom and wife and often times take on too much and not enough time for me to work through my own issues. So this is truly life changing for me. Take one day at a time and do your best to improve your health and your well being. Just my thoughts and what I have committed to sticking to.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    welcome to the losers bench! How are you feeling? Are your boys taking good care of you?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. DAY 31

    10 Days post-op

    HW: 371

    SW: 335

    CW: 324

    Good and bad report today. First the bad- last night I mistake head hunger for real hunger and boy did I pay the price! It was about 2 hours after my last meal and I felt "hungry." Now mind you, I haven't been truly hungry (not like before) since I had the surgery, but last night I felt like I needed to eat. I figured since it had been a couple hours since I last had something I would go ahead and eat. BIG MISTAKE. Not only was my Protein shake unnecessary, I also drank it way too fast. I immediately felt sick. Started heaving and spitting up foamies. Cramping and hot flashes. I was miserable! Definitely not something I was to repeat that is for sure.

    Now for the good- had my first NSV today! Several months ago I bought two pairs of comfy 3X pants from Walmart. The first pair- made out of sweat pant material- barely fit. The second pair-which were flannel- didn't fit at all. I was so disappointed. But today I decided to try them again and low and behold.... They fit. I am writing this update in my "new" soft lounge pants :-)

    Oh! And I can drink without chest pain. So that is another positive!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Good luck to everyone having surgery today! I still can't believe it's been a week already. Feeling great, no pain, just a little soreness at my incisions. Haven't thrown up anything yet and on mushies which I am tolerating well so far! How's everyone else doing?

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    Hi there! I was same day as you. Also doing very well. Swallowing so much easier, slept on side yesterday, also started mushies today, have not yet thrown up! Sounds like we're both doing pretty well.

    The one thing is that I will probably miss my liquid target today. Given the no drinking before and after eating I fell behind on my first day of mushies. Will try harder tomorrow!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    oh what I wouldn't give to be able to sleep on my side!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. DAY 29

    8 days post-op (my count has been off)

    Puttering along on the road to recovery. Still taking meds but now only twice a day. I got up showered, detangled my hair and put on real clothes today. By the time I was finished with all that I was exhausted! Time for a nap :-) But I did leave the house today and hit up the grocery store. Got lots of yummy sounding stuff for the pureed and soft phases - unfortunately when it comes time to eat I don't actually want them. I live somewhere between no appetite and head hunger. Fortunately the lack of appetite is the more frequent state.

    Tomorrow is my dr. Appointment and when I will officially state my post op weight loss. Of course I have been weighing everyday- it has been a habit for years and one I am finding hard to break especially now. I already know my loss isn't in the WOW range, but I have lost and for that I am very grateful.

    I fear that my previous 100# liquid diet experience may mean that I will lose more slowly this time. I had been mentally "planning" to lose at the same rate that I lost before but after reading about some people's band to sleeve revisions on here I know it might not work out that way. So now I am actively trying to remove the timeline aspect of my goal setting. Which is really hard. One, because I am such a control freak, two, because I am such a planner and three, because I like to visualize in order to motivate. And visualizations are always better if you are very specific. Oh yeah and I am impatient lol. Oh well. I know all I can control are inputs. The outputs are in God's hands. So I will just sit here and continue to sip...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. DAY 27

    7 days post op

    Today was better than yesterday- once again I feel like I am making progress. I got dressed and went to church this morning with my family. Sipping is a little less painful. Still have to take pain / nausea meds every 8 hours if I am going to be up and around and comfortable. Still took a three hour nap in the middle of the day. I am so incredibly grateful I am able to take another week off work. Even though I have a desk job I still feel like I am operating at about 60% mentally and physically. I also have to be very focused on getting in my fluids. I feel like I would get sucked into my job, look up and not have eaten or drunk anything in hours.

    I am a little surprised at how weak I have been. I pride myself on being resilient but this has definitely been one of the most challenging weeks in my life. As long as a have a success story this time next year it will all have been worth it!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. DAY 26

    6 days post op

    Day 6 kicked my butt! After a couple of days feeling better I seemed to regress a little today. First of all I was exhausted and slept most of the day way. Then in a foolish attempt to start weening off meds, I tried to go 10 hours without taking anything for pain, nausea, muscle spasms etc. About 9 hours in I was hurting pretty bad. I was scared something serious might be wrong (like a leak). So I threw the kitchen sink at it- pain meds, gas X, zofran, took a half mile walk, hot shower, heating pad. Feeling better now so at least I know it was self inflicted. I guess I am not ready to fly solo yet.

    Worst part is between the sleeping and the pain/nausea I fell way behind on my fluids. I did well with Protein but not nearly enough total Fluid. Le sigh. Tomorrow is a new day

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Day 25

    5 days post-op

    Today was better than yesterday. Probably due to getting 10 hours of sleep in my own bed last night. Working on my fluids- 40 oz and 53 grams of Protein so far. I am sooooo relieved I still like Protein shakes. That has made it much easier to get my nutrition in.

    I also started "exercising" again today. And by "exercising" I mean walking on the treadmill at .5 miles per hour, clutching the side rails for 10 mins. I was clearly careful not to over do it, but I thought it important mentally that I stay on top of the exercise habit I have worked so hard to create. I read that once you skip as little as one week of workouts, it may take up to 6 months to get back in the habit again. No way! I plan to make the most of my honeymoon period. So even if I have to crawl on the treadmill for 5 mins, I will keep up with a dedicated exercise time.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. I have asked several nutritionist why people gain the weight back. The two most frequent answers are around developing a diet full of slider foods- and not exercising. I think- this is not what they said, but my own interpretation- is that people lose weight and don't fully appreciate how many fewer calories they need at the smaller weight. Their metabolism may only support 1200 calories a day but they are eating 1500- and not exercising. The good news is that unless you willfully ignore the gain and actively reject a healthy lifestyle then you probably will not ever hit your high weight again. You just have to monitor and be honest with yourself and your choices. You will do great!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  15. Day 24

    4 days post-op

    I finally got to come home today. We finally found a cocktail that kept the pain and nausea at bay - which made my blood pressure come down. Taking a shower was amazing. Laying in my own bed- phenomenal. I do kind of miss the relative peace and quiet of hospital though. Having a toddler around is the opposite of calm. My husband is doing a great job of occupying him, but he wants mommy mommy mommy.

    I did well on my fluids today. Not up to the recommended 48 oz but more than yesterday and I did get 50 grams of Protein. I will try again tomorrow. I created a little check box calendar to help me track my progress (and because I love checking things off lol).

    All in all, today was much better than yesterday and hopefully tomorrow will be even better!

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  16. DAY 23

    3 days post op

    Still in the hospital but I made it. Thankfully. The past couple of days have been rough. As much as I tried to prepare, I really didn't think it would be as hard as it has been. The pain has been more than I anticipated (I've had two c-sections). The nausea hits me without warning. The pain meds keep me so drowsy I can't get my fluids in. I have been as mess. But things are looking up- they have me on two rotating pain meds, auto nausea meds which has allowed me to work on my fluids and walk around. So as rough as it has been- I am optimistic for the future. Just keep sipping. Just keep sipping. Sipping sipping

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
