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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Shrinkinqtpi

  1. Hurrying up to wait. I met all of the requirements established when I started the process of getting approval for bypass and the insurance company moved the target. Wish me luck as I submit complaints and request clarification.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 1Day1Life4Now


      keep the faith. The insurance companies torture us before hand but they eventually come around.

    3. 1Day1Life4Now


      keep the faith. The insurance companies torture us before hand but they eventually come around.

    4. Shrinkinqtpi


      Thank you everyone. Thursday next week should shed some light on the next steps whenever they get to start. I have faith and am gaining peace by the moment. It is awesome having compatriots here for support and kind words of wisdom.

  2. I am approved! August 3rd is my day!!! YAY!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shrinkinqtpi


      "BrookeM07" Sorry, you have had to wait so long :(


    3. Shrinkinqtpi


      "BrookeM07" Sorry, you have had to wait so long :(


    4. BrookeM07


      Well now that I have my date... even if a bit later than yours, we will have to keep in touch!

  3. Feeling sassy and perky in my first ever Victoria's Secret Bra! Lovin' the NSV!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. highfunctioningfatman


      First off, congratulations on your new bra! I order them for my sweetie off eBay quite a bit. Always look for new with tags. Second, I used to drive school bus and I see that you are a saint and have more strength than Popeye in a spinach field on amphetamines. I mean a middle school teacher. My hat is off to you.

    3. Djmohr


      Congratulations! I remember having that NSV. The fact that i could buy bras in a store designed for everyone but a plus size. Now i love shopping....it doesnt matter if it is bras, panties, clothing, shoes......i could go on and on.....

    4. KristenLe


      I can't even imagine! That's awesome!!! Congrats!

  4. I just called my surgeon's office to get the reference number so I can gently urge the insurance company to take care of me. My reassessment was 7 days ago and they have not submitted my paperwork to the insurance company yet... AHHHHH!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shrinkinqtpi


      They have everything needed to make the decision... just have not gotten to it yet. They said they would contact the surgeon first then me. Breathing through the small details... They also said that they would probably contact me by the end of next week which is much sooner than the doctor's office said. I feel better having called :D

    3. BrookeM07


      Any update?

    4. Shrinkinqtpi


      I called again today and they said they've received 17 pages of documents from my surgeon's office. The insurance company said that I should know something within 15 calendar days from their late receipt of my paperwork... by June 14, 2016 at the latest. What should have taken 2 weeks maximum is taking 3.5 + weekends. As a teacher. recovery is getting suspiciously close to the start of school. My husband keeps saying God is protecting me from something. So I have been trying to feel blessed.

  5. Paperwork is submitted and waiting on AETNA now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1Day1Life4Now
    3. 1Day1Life4Now
    4. ProudGrammy


      now the fun begins! LOL, be patient, hope you get the good word sooner than later -fingers, toes and nose crossed!! kathy

  6. Today has been tough. It is the 6th day of the preop liquid shakes. My stomach has been rumbling and my choices have been right. One moment at a time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Djmohr


      Keep your eye on the prize and take one single day or hour at a time. YOu can do this!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      You can do this!! Stay busy and occupied with something, especially with your hands. It will be worth it all once you get to the other side of surgery.

    4. Shrinkinqtpi


      It is better now. I added water to my routine (drinking enough to be renamed a waterfall) and did not give-in to temptations which are always abundant. Lost a bit more weight and feel better in control. Thank y'all for your support!

  7. I called the insurance company and they still haven't assigned a nurse to my case for surgery approval after more than 2 weeks. They suggested the doctor's office call. Soooo, I called the doctor's office! They are going to call on Monday to request my case is expedited. Still in limbo - but there is potential action on the horizon!

    1. Valentina


      Keep calling. "The squeaky hinge get the grease".

    2. Djmohr


      Yup, don't stop calling. You have to be your own advocate and make sure that people are doing their job. Plus, if you bug them enough they just want to get rid of you.

      Good luck!

    3. Shrinkinqtpi


      Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Feeling patiently impatient waiting for the insurance company to make a decision. It has been two work weeks since my reassessment and the insurance company has not assigned a nurse to my case yet. Breathing. Distracting myself. And learning more every day about the process. Hopefully, there will be an answer soon.

    1. OKCPirate


      I saw this: https://wlsappeals.com/meet-our-team/ It might be a help to you good luck

    2. Shrinkinqtpi


      Thank you. I called again and the insurance representative (nice lady) suggested that I have the doctor's office call. She said they would on Monday and try to expedite. Progress...? I hope so!

  9. I am 5 days away from my reclassification appointment. It is a great time to rejoin active levels of participation in life. Do I have concerns? YES! I also have an amazing support group who will love me through my good, bad and hangry phases of weightloss.

  10. My kiddo is coming back into town. Sent him to family so I could have surgery while he is away.... still waiting on insurance company to approve. Looks like all hands will be on deck during recovery. Hurry up and wait some more.

  11. Surgery has left me unable to process cholesterol. As a result, I am eating as my NUT has suggested... the rainbow and happily losing weight as expected. Low iron at this point is my only concern based on blood tests. It is new living on occasional fish and primarily cheese and veggies. Loving the changes though!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
