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Posts posted by magoosmom

  1. Hey everyone! It's been a whirlwind couple of months but I just started Christmas break (woohoo!).

    I had my 6-month follow-up this last Tuesday and I was officially down 80 pounds! I had 137 I wanted to lose overall, so I will take it. I did think I'd be a little higher but I had the worst stall for a long time. I kept bouncing between a few pounds and it wasn't budging.

    Now it's moving again. I'm still struggling to get into a routine with exercise. I enjoy it more now, but establishing routines has always been difficult for me. So I'm taking full advantage of my time off and hitting the gym every chance I can get.

    I'm also finding it hard to get in the water--and I really think that's why I stalled so bad. Between waiting to eat and teaching all day, I forget. I downloaded a reminder app and that has helped some, but I still need to work on it. I need a new cup/bottle that will keep it cold. I often grab Water, drink a few sips, set it down and it gets warm.

    Overall though, I feel good and I'm not overly tempted by anything. If I want something indulgent once in a while, I have a bite or two and then I'm good. Mainly I stick to the diet.

    How's everyone else doing?

  2. Just checking in with everyone! How's the last month been?

    I'm still losing but I have totally been slacking on exercise. My results so far: SW 297 and current weight (according to MY scale...in my nightgown...barefoot...and usually in the morning on an empty stomach rofl) I am about 228. So nearly 70 since surgery on June 21! I am pretty happy with that.

    food wise I tolerate most everything except eggs. I tend to eat nuts, cheese, or meat for a snack. lunch is either leftovers from dinner (which lasts so many days!) or a lean cuisine where I pick out all the meat and eat it and then eat a few veggies and maybe a noodle or two.

    My birthday was yesterday (level up! Lol 41 is going to be a great year!) and I didn't want cake at all. I thought I would want cheesecake but I craved pumpkin pie instead. It was delicious and a tiny slice was all I needed/wanted. I also find that I rarely eat red meat now. I just don't want it. I eat fish more now when eating out and mainly chicken at home.

    I'm in bare bones mode with my closet. I have just enough outfits for work for a week. Nothing else fits. I tried on a skirt yesterday to try to dress up for work for a change and it was way too loose. It's a good thing but also a problem as I need clothes which means I need money!

    Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and progressing! I still stall occasionally but this has been a good month. I'm planning on getting back to exercising tomorrow. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. @@susie66 That's awesome!

    I had my official 3 month checkup Monday and I was down 55 pounds! Very happy with that! Starting weight was 297 and I was at 241.7 on the doc's scale.

    I've been struggling to get the exercise in. Very overwhelmed with work stuff right now--lots to do and litte time or energy.

    I am really having trouble with my energy level lately. I am in bed and asleep by 10 p.m. which is early for me and last night I crashed at 8 p.m.!!! I'm not sure what's going on.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  4. For me, I was still hungry after. I am 2.5 months out and I still will get hungry occasionally. However, the first few weeks compared to hunger now were definitely my head thinking I should be hungry. It didn't feel that way at the time...it felt like real hunger. Plus when I was on liquids and purees, I think the stomach emptying sooner adds to that feeling. Now on solid foods, I don't experience it much at all. In fact, I'm usually feeling very full.

    Now, I do still get hungry but as AMJK79 said, it isn't as intense as before, and it's absolutely not as frequent as it was before. Pre-surgery, I was hungry every few hours. If I waited past that, I was miserably hungry--headache, almost nauseous, etc.

    Now I get hungry at times but it's bearable and I can get past it if I stay busy. Other days, I almost forget to eat. Literally. I am still in awe that I can be that person that forgets to eat. What?? I have to remind myself to eat. If I don't eat for 5-6 hours, though, I am going to be pretty hungry by the time I sit down to a plate. The best part of that is that it takes so little to make that feeling of hunger go away. Ten bites, and I am done and good for another 4 hours or more.

    So it should get better with time and progression in your diet. I don't think hunger goes all the way away for everyone. But I think it becomes so much more manageable than before. Pre-surgery hunger basically ruled me. Now I rule it. :)

  5. Thanks so much to everyone for the thoughtful discussion on this. It definitely helped remind me that very little sugar is the goal, especially in weight loss mode. I think I saw quinoa and Peanut Butter and Protein and forgot that LOL.

    I know that some people can lose weight eating carbs and I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that all carbs aren't bad, but it's hard after a lifetime of having carbs wreak havoc. I think, like others said, that for my body to do its best, I am going to need to avoid them as much as possible while in weight loss mode. I don't mean completely, but I do think that limiting them (and not having them as main part of Breakfast, etc.) is crucial for my body type. I already know I'm super sensitive to them, so why risk it?

    I do agree that having carbs can jumpstart a stall...not a lot and definitely not the bad carbs but I have had that happen in the past.

    I didn't see a negative effect on weight loss. I broke a longish stall last week and my weight is still dropping this week, so yay for that. But I do feel like I was hungrier after eating the oatmeal than I would have been eating something else. That alone should be the signal I need that this is not for me.

    Maybe when I reach my goal, I will feel like I can try it in limited amounts, but for now I am heeding your excellent advice and sticking to Protein and no/low sugar.

  6. I have such complicated feelings about all carbs--bad and good. I get really confused by the advice out there to the point where I get scared to even eat any. I talked to the nutrionist (I am not a big fan of her personality but she seems to know what she's talking about) the last visit and told her I was scared of adding any in. She said I should aim for around 75 grams a day and that I needed them for energy.

    And I get that. I really do understand the concept of carbs. But my personal experience hasn't been great. I would say I've been pre-diabetic most of my life even at a healthy weight. I always had bad reactions to sugary foods, especially if eaten in the morning. As a teen I would weigh 150, eat a poptart (didn't know better back then), and have a hypoglycemic episode.

    That turned into diabetes after carrying so much extra weight for so long and while I learned to eat better, ANY carbs could have the potential to spike my blood sugar. I started avoiding carbs in the mornings altogether.

    Now that I'm 2.5 months out from surgery, my diet plan includes all kinds of things including oatmeal. I have read many opinions on carbs over the years. Low-carb--only eat a few to stay in ketosis. South Beach--avoid high-glycemic foods. Then it was ok, you can have carbs but make sure they aren't refined sugars/processed. Whole grain works best, etc.

    So here I am trying to decide what my body can handle carb-wise. And I just don't know what to do. oatmeal is on my plan. I can't stand the Quaker low sugar version (blech). But I saw that Think Thin had a coupon out for a higher Protein oatmeal. So I gave it a try and I really liked it. But is that okay overall? Or too many carbs? Or are the carbs ok, since it's whole grain and going to be digested/released more slowly?

    I just want to know how to go about handling carbs with my new body. I've been off insulin and all diabetic medication since the surgery and I would really REALLY like to stay that way. It runs in my family and I did the surgery specifically to get this all under control.

    Here is the info on the oatmeal (I don't eat the whole container. Maybe 3/4?)

    Ingredients: Whole grain blend (rolled oats, steel cut oats, red quinoa), isolated soy Protein, dried cane sugar, peanut drops (sugar, palm kernel oil, peanut flour, nonfat dry milk powder, salt, soy lecithin), peanuts, chicory root Fiber, honey powder (malformation,honey), peanut flour, sea salt.


    Calories 200 Sodium 220 mg Total Fat 5 g Potassium 0 mg Saturated 2 g Total Carbs 31 g Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 5 g Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 9 g Trans 0 g Protein 10 g Cholesterol 0 mg

  7. I'm about 2.5 months out and 50 pounds down. I had to buy pants and a couple of dresses for work right away and I'm making those work. I haven't bought new blouses until now because I've just dealt with it. But now they are getting baggy enough to be indecent. So I am shopping this weekend for a few things. I am trying to just keep a weeks worth of clothes in the closet for now. My nightgowns are ridiculously big but I am just dealing with it for now.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Ugh. Feel like banging my head against a wall. These stalls are brutal. I am losing weight in the craziest way lately. Last month, I stalled around 260. I couldn't get past that number. I figured it was the coughing, then I thought well it was time of the month, and then I just didn't know. I *finally* broke past 260 and the next ten pounds just flew off in less than a week. No joke.

    So now I've been stuck between 247-250 for getting close to two weeks again. I'm trying not to lose my mind with it, but geez! I've been working out, tracking food/water/protein, and nothing. It's time of month again and I'm hoping that means as soon as that's done, the weight will come off. I actually celebrated a little when the scale reluctantly went down to 246...only to sit there. Really???

    I know, be patient, etc. I just can't figure out why it's going like this. Super long stalls followed by really fast weight loss. So strange.

    My clothes are looser, so I know it's somehow coming off and not reflecting on the scale.

  9. I'm 9 or 10 weeks out. Every so often, I will eat something and immediately my stomach starts making all these really funny sounds. Like nonstop for a long while. I just had some Soup for lunch, but I was eating the meat first. I was trying to get the carrots and peas in as well but had to stop bc my stomach was going nuts.

    I'm not nauseous or anything...its just constantly burbling. I am really glad no one is around to hear it.

    Anyone else have this happen?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I feel like Tylenol is a wimp period. It never helps me

    It's fine for a headache but the kind of cramps I was dealing with, I might as well have been taking a sugar pill. My heating pad and I bonded that week. I was off for the summer (teacher) and I am dreading the next one with school in session now. One more month and ibuprofen will be my salvation again lol

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. I was told it wouldn't hit until the three month mark or later. My friend had her surgery March 1 and she's been dealing with it. I am just 2 months out and no sign yet, but I wasn't expecting anything to happen for another month. Fingers crossed. I know they say it will grow back eventually but my sister and mom both have very thinning hair and I get nervous

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. Ours had a standard plan for each patient but it's definitely different from the ones I have seen here. In some ways, it was more lenient, especially pre-op. We had low carb for ten days, followed by three days of liquids, and one clear.

    But in other ways it's more strict. I am not supposed to have beef or pork until 2 months out. No idea why but I know many of you can have it. My coworker who had it at the same clinic was given the go ahead to drink at 6 weeks. I didn't ask and she didn't say (not tempted and not missing it). But I can't take ibuprofen until three months out and there are a few other things that will still be restricted even after most foods are ok.

    Overall I trust my plan. I don't think anything was advanced too soon. Sometimes I will start a little early on adding a food if it's close to the date to start anyway and I am feeling good. Haven't had a problem that way.

    I figure each plan is the nutritionist's and doctor's opinions on how to best do it and that's going to vary based on each clinic.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Stalls suck! My scale has been my friend this past week. Broke 260 finally last weekend and then yesterday it showed 249! Again, this is in a nightgown without shoes lol. It's been crazy how fast it dropped this week. So when that stall breaks, be ready to celebrate!

    I didn't get a chance to eat bfast yesterday bc I was heading out with my mom and aunt. They stopped at a Starbucks and I ordered a bacon Gouda egg sandwich. Took the bread off and ate the egg. Such a bad decision. Miserable the whole time. No eggs for me! I just don't tolerate them. Maybe later on but it isn't something I crave at all, so I am ok if I never can eat them like that.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. Ummmm i meant 257, can't believe I just put 10lbs back on in the last post it's so weird to be in the 50's I guess I'm having trouble remembering how much i weigh!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App

    Same here! I have been dropping like crazy this week. Took me forever to get past 260 and now I'm like 253 after just a few day (in pajamas lol no shoes)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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