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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hiraeth

  1. Great idea! Thank you so much!
  2. I haven't had my WLS yet (I get sleeved on Thursday). But I'm already feeling somewhat awkward for what is in store. It's going to be awkward when I meet new people as someone who is thin, and eventually tell them that I once used to be over 200 pounds (my max weight was 255). I'm dreading that moment. But, I'm more excited about losing the weight and getting my life back than anything.
  3. @@Djmohr I just read your weight ticker and saw that you went past your goal! Congrats to you, ma'am! <3
  4. Thank you all so much for your helpful replies. You have all definitely helped me in this! I will take all this advice and add it to what I drink tomorrow. This is totally off subject but, I noticed your avatar picture. Is that your dog? Is it a long-haired Chihuahua? I have one that looks so much like that one. So cute!
  5. Oh, so they measured you. I see. I'm so glad you're losing again. So proud of you! <3 Thanks! This is just from my own scale - I don't have another clinic appt until next week. Hopefully I'll find out then that I'm mostly losing fat, not muscle. (My clothing fits the same so I know I'm not building muscle. Hoping to maintain what I've got, though.) It's highly unlikely that you are losing muscle since you are taking in so much Protein. I bet it's fat. Good job and good luck! <3
  6. Oh, so they measured you. I see. I'm so glad you're losing again. So proud of you! <3
  7. The above poster that you replied to is only giving you a reason why you might not be losing enough weight. Not all doctors are 100% right. You asked us why you're having a stall, and taking in so many calories might be the reason. 1200 calories was the amount of calories I would have to take in to lose weight WITHOUT the gastric sleeve. That's to keep me from starving since my stomach is big. The point of having the sleeve is to shrink your stomach in order to be able to handle a low calorie diet (i.e. 500-800 calories). Most gastric sleeves are performed in a way that only allows you to hold a 4 oz meal. If you feel that your dietician is doing the right thing, then go for it. But remember, you asked us why you're having a stall. We are giving our opinion.
  8. Hiraeth

    Day 5 of Pre-OP Liquid Diet

    Good luck! You will do great! My surgery is Thursday. I'm so excited.
  9. Hiraeth

    Day 5 of Pre-OP Liquid Diet

    You go girl!! I'm just ending my pre-op diet. I'm a shorty too! I noticed I am breathing better since I've lost 15lbs since I started with the POD. My doctor allowed me to have one small meal a day with two shakes so I didn't feel to bad. AND yes, the whole peeing every 30 mins is annoying! But as everyone else has said on here it's all means to an end. I'm really happy for you and I hope all goes well. Keep us posted! That's awesome! Congrats on losing 15 pounds! Haha, glad I'm not the only one who lives in the bathroom. XD I will definitely keep you all posted! Is your surgery today? Haha, I know right! My pee is now constantly clear. It's like I'm peeing Water. XD
  10. That's the amount my NUT "prescribed" for me based on my exercise level (which is high). I checked in after surgery and she says to keep doing exactly what I'm doing and by three months they are "pretty sure" I'll see weight loss. But I know most people lose at their highest rate in the first month after surgery. The fact that I've slowed so much already scares me a lot. The fact that you're feeling actual hunger is odd. Your stomach should be re-designed to only hold a 4 oz meal. Just keep doing what your NUT says. Some people have longer stalls than others. Let us know how things go. <3
  11. I was also going to say that 1200 calories a day seems like a bit much, especially this soon. Ask your doctor if cutting some of those calories would be a good idea.
  12. I've heard that the sleeve is much less complicated than bypass. Though, I don't know what kind of insurance you have. Some insurances won't cover the sleeve, and will only cover the bypass; not sure why. I would definitely try for the surgery again. 475 pounds is extremely worrying and very detrimental to your health. I'm 249 pounds right now, and even I am risking a lot by being this big. You should never feel ashamed. I think that anyone who can get to your size must have a thyroid problem. In my opinion, it seems impossible to be that size by just eating alone. Something isn't right with the body when it allows itself to get to that size. So, it isn't your fault. I see now where you said you are going to see another surgeon. I am so happy about that! Please keep us updated. <3
  13. I think this is just a normal stall. I think your body is trying to figure out what is going on. I've heard of people who weren't losing weight right off, and then BAM! ...weeks later, they were dropping the weight. Everyone is different. When you say hungry, do you mean craving, or do you mean hunger pangs in your stomach?
  14. So far, everything is fine. I don't have a headache, and my stomach isn't hurting as bad as I expected. I am hungry and yes, I do have cravings, but they're manageable. Is this a good sign? Or do the hunger pangs usually come later; like on day 2 and 3? I'm trying to remain positive, but I'm still worried that maybe the hunger pangs will sneak up on me, lol. >_< I've heard many people say that day 1 and 2 are the worst, and that by day 5, the hunger usually completely goes away. This is what I've had so far: Breakfast - 1 Muscle Milk Protein shake (20g protein, 130 calories), 1 Light & Fit Yogurt (70 calories) lunch - 1 Muscle Milk Protein Shake, 1 Light & Fit Yogurt, 1 cup of Cream of chicken Soup (Diluted with Water and spit out the chicken, lol. ) dinner - I haven't had dinner yet, but I plan on drinking another Muscle Milk with a yogurt, and maybe some chicken broth. I may go to bed early so I can avoid the cravings, haha. Good thing I don't get burnt out on things in just a week. So, drinking Muscle Milk and yogurt will be pretty easy, especially since they taste amazing. I've love to hear your experiences. Thank goodness I only have to do this for 1 week. EDIT: I swallowed a few very tiny pieces of chicken when I was eating my cream of chicken soup. Is this ok? Next time I will strain the soup.
  15. Hiraeth

    Day 1 of pre-OP liquid diet

    I've had 3-4 shakes per day and I've already lost 6 pounds. This is my 5th day. I was tempted, too. I actually had a nightmare 2 nights ago that I cheated and was eating a Little Debbie Zebra cake, lmao! I was so devastated. Then I woke up feeling so relieved, hahaha. XD
  16. Hiraeth

    Need Advice/Help Please

    This doesn't seem normal. You are not getting in enough food. This can be dangerous. If he doesn't care, find someone who does. You need to find a way to get food in. Please find another doctor who can help you.
  17. Hiraeth

    Day 1 of pre-OP liquid diet

    Yeah, I'm not sure why they only required me to do this for 1 week. How are you doing on yours?
  18. Hiraeth

    No desire to eat

    It is a phase. You will probably feel like this for a few more weeks. You just had your stomach sized to only hold a 4 oz meal. So of course eating will seem like a chore. As for protein, have you tried protein shakes? They're pretty good depending on which ones you drink. When they perform the gastric sleeve, they cut out a big portion of your stomach that produces ghrelin. Ghrelin is known as the "hungry hormone". That's why most people get this surgery; so they don't crave as much. You will be ok. If this lasts for more than a few more weeks, consult your doctor.
  19. Hiraeth

    Will it get better

    It will definitely pass. Everyone is made differently. Your body isn't handling sugar well, so it reacted badly. Please don't regret this! You are only just over 2 weeks post-OP. This is normal. Hang in there!
  20. Hiraeth

    Getting in the pool?

    It's because of bacteria mostly. Even with chlorine, there is still a chance of having bacteria in a pool. I was so impatient after my breast reduction because I love to swim. I had to wait at least 6 weeks before I was able to get in. But, my incisions were bigger than laparoscopic ones. So you should be fine to get in in about a week or 2. Just make sure your wounds are completely healed of holes.
  21. Hiraeth

    Give up on goal weight?

    Have you tried working out? I know that people who have had stalls have gotten a personal trainer to help them shed extra pounds. But it does seem that your body is happy where it is. You're very tall for a woman, so 160's is a great weight.
  22. Hiraeth

    Surgery Day

    It could be a combination of both. My stomach is crazy with this liquid diet. And every time I get nervous, it's even worse. You will do great! <3
  23. Hiraeth

    Day 3 of Pre-OP liquid diet.

    I think maybe I did, lol! It's already about 20 minutes until day 5 and I can honestly say that this is not as hard as I expected. I'm not much of a snacker, anyway. So maybe that's why it was easy? XD I did get a slight headache last night, but I think a lot of that was because I didn't drink enough Water. But other than that, it was a piece of cake! (Cake was a bad word, lmao! >_>)
  24. I'm still doing fine. I'm not miserable like I expected. I am hungry, but it's tolerable. Am I doing something wrong? I'm eating pure liquids and getting at least 60g of protein every day. Could it be that I'm just lucky? Or could it be that the worst has yet to come? >_<
  25. Hiraeth

    Aug 1st my sleeve day

    Congrats! My surgery is on Thursday. I'm very excited! I was worried the most about the liquid diet before the surgery. But I'm already almost on day 5 and it's been pretty easy for me. I guess I got lucky. XD Now, I am worried I will feel nauseous after surgery. I hate feeling that way. :/ I'm also very worried about the gas pains. I had my gallbladder removed a few months ago and the gas pain I felt in my right arm was AWFUL. Walking truly does help. So if you're starting to feel pain, get up and walk. The pain will go away almost immediately. I wasn't able to sleep even at an inclined angle for the first 2 nights. I had to sleep at a 90 degree angle. It seems miserable, but I was so doped up on pain meds that I fell asleep pretty easily, haha. After 3 days, the pain should be gone. It's unlikely that you will stay in the hospital for only 1 day. Most people stay 2-3 days. But who knows, your doctor may let you go home in 1 day depending on how well you do. Also, good luck! You will do great! Please keep us updated!

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