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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Hiraeth

  1. Hiraeth

    The Dreaded Stall

    You are so right! I am starving myself, but not on purpose. I lost 2 more pounds since my small stall, but only because I ate more! That's crazy! Thanks so much for your response! I'm trying so hard to get in all my fluids and Protein, but it's not easy because, even before my sleeve, I only ate a lot at night. I barely ever ate in the morning or for lunch. I guess I have more habits to break than I thought. >_<
  2. Hiraeth

    Questions For Surgeon

    I asked my surgeon everything that I wanted to ask. That's strange that he recommends the bypass. I know of people who were over 500 pounds who were successful with the sleeve.
  3. Hiraeth

    Completely Undecided.

    I chose the sleeve because there is no dumping syndrome and I don't want my intestines to be messed with. Plus, it has safer statistics. Also, I heard the bypass is usually recommended for people who are over 300 pounds.
  4. Hiraeth

    Lost a Friend This Weekend

    I am so sorry about your friend. I really hate that happened. But I am proud of you for losing the weight. Now you are healthier and that's so great. Honestly, it sounds like your other friend is against it because he's either scared, or he doesn't want to make changes because eating is what makes him happy. I don't know your friend enough to tell you whether or not you should talk to him. He seems very stubborn and unwilling to make any changes.
  5. Hiraeth


    I had my sleeve done on August 4th of this year, and I'm already having cravings for real food. I guess I figured that since I'm not much of a snacker, the cravings wouldn't come back for a while. I am not feeling physical hunger, only mental hunger. Since physical hunger is the growling, cramping pain in the stomach, and mental hunger is actual appetite cravings. I know that this surgery is a tool and not necessarily a fix. Right now I'm craving pizza and Ramen noodles, lol. I've never been much of a sweet eater, unless I'm in the mood for something sweet. I've always been a pasta, pizza, cheese, and bread eater. It is easier to ignore these cravings since I don't feel actual hunger in my stomach. But, while I'm not hungry, I also don't feel full or satisfied. Is there a possibility that since I'm still on the liquid diet that maybe I'm having these cravings because I'm not allowed to eat real food yet? Please share your opinions and experiences!
  6. Hiraeth


    Not sure if you're talking to me or kelliev2015, but I lost 9 pounds on my 1 week pre-op diet. Then I gained 8 back because of all the IV fluids. Then I lost 17 pounds since 8/4. I'm doing really well. You might be swollen because of the fluids, too. Thank you so much everyone for your replies. They all help! <3
  7. I had my surgery done August 4th. The day after my surgery, I was doing looking for a pair of shorts to put on. My hospital gown was awkward and sometimes it wouldn't cover my backside all the way. Well, I wasn't wearing pants or underwear while I was trying to find my shorts. I was turned around with my butt flashing, right as my male surgeon walked into the room. I was so embarrassed! But he didn't act shocked or anything. I guess he's used to seeing butts? Haha!
  8. Hiraeth


    Thank you SO much for your response! You have really helped me with my worries on this. I figured that once I was able to eat something more solid than pure liquid, I'd feel satisfied again. Again, thanks so much! <3
  9. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    Only if you don't bring them back at stupid times......like early on. Now.........id rather have a handful of chicken breast chunks !!!! I hope I get that way. I tend to snack like a toddler, lol.
  10. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    @@Dub You mentioned that you had a huge craving for Cheez-Itz back when you were overweight. I see that you've managed to avoid them this long. Does self discipline get easier as the time goes by?
  11. Hiraeth

    Dealing with Rejection

    You are so welcome! When I saw your profile pic, I was like WOAH! I was shocked to know he did that to such a beautiful woman. He really messed up. I know you are still craving companionship. After my breakup, I really wanted it, too. But I knew I needed to learn to love myself before I tried to love anyone else. It wasn't easy, but each day, I got stronger. Now I know what I need and don't need in a relationship. I know exactly what I won't settle for. Keep us updated, and please let us know if you're having bad moments and just need someone to talk to. lol thank you...I haven't accepted the fact that I am a smart and beautiful woman. I was already broken when I met my ex-husband, and I didn't think he would ever take my issues and use them against me in the way he did. I know in due time I will learn to love myself. I just hope it's sometime soon lol. No dating for me until I realize my self worth. Controlling men are attracted to women who are not confident. They prey on women like that. Because that means they can control you and make you feel like dirt. Men like him do that to boost their ego and make themselves feel better about how truly insecure they're feeling. I'm going to add you. If you need anything or just someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to message me.
  12. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    Yeah, some doctors go by calories instead of carbs. And some go by both. When doctors go by one or the other, it's usually because they either think one is more important to limit, or they just don't want to overwhelm you.
  13. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    The dark cheddar ones taste kinda like bland goldfish crackers. The white cheddar ones are completely different. If I could only get a hold of the darker cheddar ones, I'd never eat another Cheez-It. My sister loves the darker cheddar ones. They smell kinda good when she's eating them, but once I taste it, I can definitely tell it's processed.
  14. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    I second you on that hastag #TeamCheese. Girl, cheese is my ultimate weakness. I could drink cheese dip right now, lol! Thank goodness the cheese sticks at the store have at least 6g of Protein in each of them. They will definitely help me with my cheese addiction.
  15. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    Omg I don't know why but your question is so cute to me. XD No, they're more like cheesy crackers. The regular ones (darker cheddar) aren't that good, in my opinion. The white cheddar ones and mozzarella ones are the absolute best! You should definitely buy a small pack from a vending machine and try them. I heard they even have a tiny amount of protein. Makes for a great little snack.
  16. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    I love you for this! I love goldfish! I'm so excited to learn that I'll be able to eat them in the future! I seriously have the appetite of a 4-year-old, lmao! You'll be able to have whatever you want one day. Anything at all. It's all about getting through the weight loss phases and leveling off at maintenance living. Eat wisely and closely monitor your weight. Have a normal way of eating that supports a healthy weight and a gameplan for swift corrective action that keeps you there. At a loved one's birthday party and want some cake?........sure. Eat cake everyday?.........I don't think so....not unless one can carve out the time to offset it with heaps of cardio or other..... That's great! Before I became obese, I was always ranging from 120-145 pounds. I would always eat small portions of food. But then my allergies got really bad. And when I say bad, I mean I could not smell or breathe out of my nose. So, they put me on a DexPak (dexamethasone) which is an oral steroid. I gained 50 pounds in less than 3 months and I couldn't believe it. Since I ate so much while on steroids, my stomach stretched. When the stomach stretched, it never goes bad to normal. So even after I got off the steroids, I still ate so much in order to fill the empty space that was caused by overeating in the first place (which made me gain another 50 pounds). I feel like this surgery is letting me start over on a clean slate. Now I can go back to eating my "snacks" at small portions and exercise like I used to.
  17. Hiraeth

    1500 calories?

    Woah, that many calories is a lot, in my opinion. When I did a calorie diet before this surgery, I was only allowed to eat between 1200-1400 calories a day. So that doesn't sound right, especially if you're eating enough protein. This sleeve is designed to only allow you to eat about 500-800 calories a day. Maybe you need to consult with another nutritionist. 28 pounds already? That is fantastic! That's almost a pound a day! People who only do regular diets are lucky to lose 2 pounds a week. So good for you!
  18. Hiraeth

    ZOOOMMG Approved

    Congratulations! You will do great! 226 isn't even that big, so I'm willing to bet you will be below 200 by the 2nd month post-OP. How exciting! Please let us know how it goes!
  19. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    I love you for this! I love goldfish! I'm so excited to learn that I'll be able to eat them in the future! I seriously have the appetite of a 4-year-old, lmao!
  20. Hiraeth

    Cheese itz?

    Girl, I was thinking this 2 days ago! I saw Cheeze-Itz in my sister's pantry and was wondering if I could have some once I'm able to eat real food again. I love the white cheddar ones. UGH! I miss them, lol! I guess it's ok if you eat them in small portions. I used to eat half a box at a time. o_o
  21. Hiraeth


    I really hope so. I kinda expected that I wouldn't be craving real food for a while since they cut out a huge portion of my stomach. But I live around people who love to eat, so I guess it's a bit harder than I thought. I am still on shakes and Soup. Good luck on your surgery! Keep us updated on how things go! Well, it's definitely hard to silence the head hunger, but it's easier since the physical hunger is gone. I feel like maybe sometimes I'm feeling hungry in my stomach, but it's not strong enough for me to actually label it as that. I hope I'll be able to eat some of the things I enjoy, but in MUCH smaller portions. Like, I used to eat 4 pieces of pizza at a time. Maybe in the future it would be ok to eat half a piece, as long as I incorporate something healthy with it? I definitely won't be going back through drive-thrus anymore. I never really liked them anyway. They were just quick.
  22. Hiraeth

    Dealing with Rejection

    Those people are really pitiful. I think your ex has manipulated them into believing anything he says. People tend to believe the person they are related to. I know it may seem like the world is against you, but remember that those people are fools. Maybe one day, they will realize it.
  23. Hiraeth

    Dealing with Rejection

    You are so welcome! When I saw your profile pic, I was like WOAH! I was shocked to know he did that to such a beautiful woman. He really messed up. I know you are still craving companionship. After my breakup, I really wanted it, too. But I knew I needed to learn to love myself before I tried to love anyone else. It wasn't easy, but each day, I got stronger. Now I know what I need and don't need in a relationship. I know exactly what I won't settle for. Keep us updated, and please let us know if you're having bad moments and just need someone to talk to.
  24. Today is my first day back on full liquids. I have to say, this tomato soup is amazing. It's like a high quality steak to me, lol! :D

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      haha yeah that is the good thing about start over with food, you can learn to appreciate the simple things and their delicious tastes, cause everything is delicious after basically nothing.

    2. Hiraeth


      So true! I am now learning to appreciate the foods that I barely gave a chance to in the past, lol. :)

    3. Djmohr


      It is funny thinking back through that. That first taste of tomato soup (which i used to hate!) tasted like it should cost a million dollars! It gets even better.

      For me, cooked carrots with a tiny smudge of butter, salt and better were like gold to me!

  25. Hiraeth

    Dealing with Rejection

    I am so sorry that you went through all of that. Your ex-husband is nothing but a selfish, insecure, poor excuse of a man. He only cares about himself. You are beautiful. And I mean that. I just looked at your profile picture and WOW! Your teeth are so pretty, your skin complexion is amazing, and you have high cheek bones. You have very attractive qualities. I'm shocked that he was so stupid to let you go. He probably knew deep down that you deserved better. He probably thought you would reject him, so he gave up because he has too much pride to embarrass himself. In my opinion, I still think it's too soon to start dating again. And I'm only saying this because it would be too soon for me. I think you may need to take a little more time to heal before you try again. But, if you think you are ready, then go for it! I know what it's like to crave companionship. Try to understand that not all men are like your ex. There is someone out there who is looking to find his Queen, and I think you are the perfect person. Try slowly to put yourself out there and really get to know a man. Don't settle for small talk. Make sure he wants to know about you, instead of only talking about himself. If he only talks about himself, then that is a bad sign that he is self-centered. He has to want to know about you in order to be interested.

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